单词 | 启发式 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 式n—typen stylen 式—pattern
流量管理可以在 TCP/IP 层减少垃圾邮件的散布,而连线管理 使用启发式技术在连线层拦截不请自来的电子邮件,而且可以在使用者管理 [...] 层防御攻击。 symanteccloud.com | Traffic management slows down spam at the [...] TCP/IP layer, while connection [...] management uses heuristics to block unsolicited email at [...]the connection layer and prevent [...]attacks at the user management layer. symanteccloud.com |
skeptic 采用启发式技术协助判断要求的网页流量是否包含恶意程式码的任何元件。 symanteccloud.com | Skepticemploys heuristictechnologies to [...] help determine if the requested Web traffic contains any components of malicious code. symanteccloud.com |
这种部分 受威尼斯模式启发的新政府体制,设置掌握行政强权的终身职总督,由其管辖官僚系统与顾 问团队。 spinola.it | This new system of government, partly inspired by the Venetianmodel,establishes a strong executive doge who serves for life and presides over a bureaucracy and advisory bodies. spinola.it |
超级跑车的进化,往往在於极细微的地方 — 除引擎进化、减轻车体等主要方式外,利用气流改善行车表现是法拉利从多年的F1经验中获得的启发。 think-silly.com | Apart from engine development and overall weight, achieving improved performance with air ventilation is an insight Ferrari gained through its F1 experience. think-silly.com |
我们诚挚的邀请您加入Oris [...] Facebook社群,和其他的Oris粉丝与监赏家分享您的热情与想法,以任何形式传达Oris带给你的满足与启发。oris.ch | We invite you to join Oris’ Facebook community, to interact with other [...] followers and connoisseurs of Oris watches. To share your passion and [...] thoughts with us in any shape and form that inspiresyou. oris.ch |
一个针对年青人,集社交、娱乐、消费、教育於一身的「POPCON 普及民意平台」,已於2011年2月23日,即财政司司长曾俊华发表财政预算案当日,正式启动,迄今已经录得点击接近五千次,当中「青少年财政预算论坛专页」由香港小童群益会与香港大学民意研究计划(民研计划)合作策划。 hkupop.hku.hk | It carries a "Budget Forum for Youths" run by the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong, and the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA). hkupop.hku.hk |
为了侦测新的「零时差」威胁,网页安全云端服务使用内建在专属防护层的预测式启发技术(称为 skeptic)。 symanteccloud.com | In order to detect new, ‘zero hour’ threats, Web Security.cloud [...] uses predictive heuristictechnologies built [...]into a proprietary defense layer called Skeptic. symanteccloud.com |
在P1410的色彩强化模式中,你可以选择保留红色、蓝色或绿色,而将照片中的其他颜色变成黑白,以便突显拍摄重点,传达深入内心的意象,以一抹色彩启发黑白世界。 benq.com.tw | In the Color Accent Mode, you can select the color red, blue or green to reveal in the photo so that everything else is desaturated into black and white. benq.com |
我们诚挚的邀请您加入Oris Facebook社群,和其他的Oris粉丝与监赏家分享您的热情与想法,以任何形式传达Oris文化、潜水、飞行及赛车四大系列带给你的满足与启发。 oris.ch | We invite you to join Oris’ Facebook community, to interact with other fans and connoisseurs of Oris watches to share your passion [...] and thoughts [...] with us in any shape and form that inspires you and indulge in the Oris worldsof Culture, Diving, Aviation [...]and Motor sports. oris.ch |
港灯於二零一零年七月正式启用一个具商业规模的太阳能发电系统,该系统为目前全港最大的太阳能发电系统,亦是香港第一个大规模采用非晶硅薄膜光伏板的系统。 hkelectric.com | In July 2010, HK Electric commissioned a commercial-scale solar power system, which is the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, and also the first large scale project applying the amorphous silicon thin film photovoltaic (TFPV) panels in the territory. hkelectric.com |
根据教师持份者问卷显示,超过 80%教师表示於课堂上经常向学生提问不同层次 的问题,约 90%学生表示老师的问题具启发性,能帮助他们思考。 hktawts.edu.hk | The teacher and stakeholder questionnaire has indicated that over 80% of the teachers have often raised questions of different levels to students in class, and about 90% of the students [...] believed the teachers’ [...] questions were enlightening and could help them understanding the conceptsmentionedin the [...]lectures. hktawts.edu.hk |
部分技术,工程师们一定的启发知识,施工过程中的潜水腕表GST深十年年前,但测量的压力,采取了新的途径水。 zh.horloger-paris.com | As part of the technical, engineers [...] have certainlyinspired knowledge gathered [...]during the construction of the diving watch [...]GST Deep One exactly ten years ago, but by taking up new avenues for measuring the pressure in the water. en.horloger-paris.com |
(B) 在公司法与公司细则与新股有关的条文的规限下,本公司所有未发行股 份(包括因增加股本而设立的任何新股份)须由董事控制。董事可按彼 等唯一及全权酌情认为属适当的条款及条件以及时间向其认为属适当 [...] 的人士发售、配发、授予购股权或以其他方式处置该等股份,惟该等股 份不得以折让方式发行。wuling.com.hk | (B) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Bye-Laws relating to new shares, all unissued shares in the Company including any new shares created upon an increase of capital shall be under the control of the Directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on such terms and conditions and at such times as [...] the Directors shall in their sole and absolute discretion think fit, but so that [...] no shares shall be issuedata discount. wuling.com.hk |
无线与3G科技让宽频网路不只存在於办公室,更进入广阔世界,也启发众多前所未见的科技与服务,包括上述各种社会媒体工具。 thisbigcity.net | Wi-Fi and 3G technologies have taken broadband out of our offices and into the wider world, and have already inspired a wealth of technologies and services that never existed before, including many of the social media features mentioned above. thisbigcity.net |
於有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其他法律程序的审讯或聆讯中,根据 [...] 本细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一名持有人记录於登记册,作出催缴的决议正式记 录於会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式发给被起诉的成员,即属证明被起诉成员名称的足够证据; [...]且毋须证明作出催缴的董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债 具决定性的证据。 cre8ir.com | On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly [...] recorded in the minute book, and that notice of [...] such call wasduly given to the Member [...]sued, in pursuance of these Bye-laws; and [...]it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt. cre8ir.com |
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利之人士,本公司可藉预付邮资之信 [...] 函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故者代表或破产者受托 [...] 人之称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利之人士,本公司可把通知寄交声称如上所述享有权利 之人士就此目的所提供之地址(如有),或(直至获提供地址前)藉如无发生该身故、精 神紊乱或破产时原来之方式发出通知。 dejinresources.com | (2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the [...] notice in any manner in [...] which the same might havebeen given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcyhad not occurred. dejinresources.com |
各出席者均认为,这次研讨会对他们的业务有极大的启发性,而且他们亦十分有兴趣知道Servcorp与Bloomberg能怎样帮助他们开展为其企业有效地分配资源的旅程。 servcorp.com.hk | The attendees reckoned that this seminar definitely provided great inspiration and are interested to know what can Bloomberg and Servcorp provide to help them begin with their resources optimizing journey. servcorp.com.hk |
硬碟机将 1.5 TB 容量浓缩於四张碟片上,其快速的 Serial ATA 3 GB/秒介面更提供领先业界的持续资料传输速率,最高可达 120 MB/秒,让快速开机、应用程式启动与档案存取更加无往不利。 seagate.com | The drive packs 1.5TB on just four platters and its fast Serial ATA 3Gb/second interface delivers an industry-leading sustained data rate of up to 120MB/second for fast boot, application startup and file access. seagate.com |
当您处於 「面板进 纸」模式,且扫瞄应用程式启动扫瞄机时,将会显示操作员等待讯息, 并且扫瞄机将进入操作员控制面板上所显示的已暂停状态。 graphics.kodak.com | When you are in Panel Feedmode and the scanning application starts the scanner, the Operator Wait message will be displayed and the scanner will go into the Paused state which is indicated on the operator control panel. graphics.kodak.com |
(b) 於 有 关 期 间 届 满 时 , 据 本 公 司 所 知 , 本 公 司 於 有 关 期 间 内 任 何 时 间 并 无 接 获 任 何 有 关 该 股 东 ( 即 该 等 股 份 的 持 有 人 或 因 身 故 、 破 产 或 因 法 律 的 施 行 而 拥 有 该 等 股 份 的 人 士 ) 存 在 的 消 息 ; 及 (c) 倘 股 份 上 市 所 在 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 的 规 管 规 则 有 [...] 此 规 定 , 本 公 司 按 照 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 规 则 [...] 的 规 定 於 报 章 上 以 广 告方式 发出通告 , 表 示 有 意 出 售 该 [...]等 股 份 , 且 自 刊 登 广 告 之 日 起 计 三 (3) 个 月 [...]或 指 定 证 券 交 易 所 允 许 的 较 短 期 间 已 届 满 。 golikmetal.com | (b) so far as it is aware at the end of the relevant period, the Company has not at any time during the relevant period received any indication of the existence of the Member who is the holder of such shares or of a person entitled to such shares by death, bankruptcy or operation of law; and (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock [...] Exchange to be made of its intention to sell [...] such shares in themanner required bythe Designated [...]Stock Exchange, and a period [...]of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. golikmetal.com |
(c) 会议通知可通过口头形式、书面形式、或以电话、传真或电邮按照委员会 [...] 成员不时通知公司秘书的号码和地址致委员会成员本人, 或以委员会成员 不时议定的方式发出予委员会各成员,惟在讨論个别委员会成员的薪酬方 [...]案或福利时,该委员会成员不应在场。 slogp.com | (c) Notice shall be given to each Committee member in person orally or in writing or by telephone or by facsimile transmission or email at numbers or addresses from time to time notified to the secretary [...] of the Company by such Committee [...] member or in suchothermanner as theCommittee members [...]may from time to time determine, [...]provided that a Committee member shall not be in attendance when his/her own remuneration package or benefits are being discussed. slogp.com |