单词 | 听来 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 听来 —ring (true)less common: sound as if (i.e. to give the listener an impression) • hear from somewhere • sound (old, foreign, exciting, right etc) Examples:听起来 v—sound v 听起来—sound like 听起来似乎... v—sound v See also:听—allow • obey • a can (loanword from English "tin") • classifier for cans of beverages, such as soda or beer • (literary pronunciation, still advocated in Taiwan) rule
满足您对耳机的所有要求以无线方式 接 听来 电 、 聆 听 音 乐 和享受美妙的声音。 jabra.cn | Everything on your headset [...] wish list Take calls, listen to music and enjoy [...]fantastic sound, all without the wires. jabra.com |
一旦在耳机上听到拨号音,便可以按耳机上的“接听/结束”按钮 接 听来 电 ; 再按一次可结束通话。 jabra.cn | As soon as the dial tone signal can be heard in the headset, you can answer the call by pressing the ”answer/end” button on the headset; by pressing again the call is ended. jabra.com |
这句话听来令人 毛骨悚然,它概括了这种犯罪令 人发指的罪恶性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | In all its horror, that sentence encapsulates the particularly heinous nature of this type of crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
倾听来自内 部的声音:少数民族成员的话》,和平 与冲突研究中心,引用如前。 crisisgroup.org | Listening to Voices from [...] Inside: Ethnic People Speak, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, op. cit. crisisgroup.org |
生命专线服务(Lifeline)由训练有素的志愿者电话顾问负责,每周7天每天24小时随时准备 接 听来 自 澳 大利亚各地的求助电话。 australiachina.com.au | Lifeline service is staffed by trained volunteer telephone counselors who are ready to take calls 24-hour a day, any day of the week, from anywhere in Australia. australiachina.com.au |
除 Skype 视频通话外,LifeSize Passport 还可以拨打 Skype 音频呼叫,以及接听来自世 界各地的电话呼叫。 lifesize.com | In addition to Skype video calling, LifeSize Passport is able to place Skype audio calls to and receive them from telephones around the world. lifesize.com |
在现代化主义意识形态的推动下,不少人把第三产业看作最先进的产业 (Fourastié 1949;亦见黄宗智 2009,2008b 的讨论),并希望把中国表达得比其 实际更高度现代化。兴许是出于如此的意愿,统计局最近采用了一 些 听来 十 分 现代 化的统计指标,诸如“信息传输”、“文化体育和娱乐业”、“科学研究”、“金 融和保险业”、 “租赁和商务服务业”、“计算机服务和软件业”等等,或有意 或无意地促使人们忽视占服务业人数最多的小贩、摊贩、保姆、服务员、街道清洁 员、社区保安等等农民工。 lishiyushehui.cn | Driven by the ideology of modernizationism, the notion that the tertiary sector represents the most advanced economic development (Fourastié, 1949; cf. the discussion in Huang, 2009, and Huang Zongzhi, 2008b), and the wish to represent China as a more modern economy than it really is, the NSB has been fronting the most modernsounding groups of the service sector, such as “Information Transmissions,” “Computer Service and Software,” “Finance and Insurance,” “Leasing and Business Services,” “Scientific Research,” “Culture, Sports, and Entertainment,” and so on, downplaying in effect the much larger numbers of migrant peddlers, domestics, restaurant help, street cleaners, residential community guards, and other such migrant workers (nongmingong) who are also grouped under the service sector. lishiyushehui.cn |
按下 Accept(接听)键 或左侧选择键接听来 电。 sonimtech.com | To receive a call, press the Accept key OR press Left Selection key. sonimtech.com |
许多执法机构利用DPI系统来进行司法监视和 监 听 , 来 在 犯 罪调查中搜集证据,帮助预防恐怖行为。 emulex.com | Many law enforcement agencies use DPI systems to implement lawful surveillance and intercept programs to gather evidence in criminal investigations and help prevent terrorism. emulex.com |
如果我们的愿望能够实现,我们 将保持我们在人权问题上的一贯立场,同时也以透 明和公平的方式倾听来自各 方的信息、观点和立 场。 daccess-ods.un.org | If we achieve our aspiration, we will maintain a dedicated position on human rights while also being receptive to information, arguments and positions from all sides, in a transparent and equitable manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,您还可以选择世服宏图专业的前台接待人员按您设定的个性化商务留言帮您 接 听来 电。 servcorp.com.cn | Through Find Me Follow Me you can forward your calls to any numbers specified, including mobiles and landlines. servcorp.com.cn |
收听来自世 界各地的数百家网络广播电台的节目 。 bsplayer.com | Listen to hundreds of different [...] online radio stations from around the world. bsplayer.com |
即使这些问题听来 似乎 很明显,或我们已知道他们已从别人口 中知道了一些情况,提出这些问题是极为重 要的。 thewpca.org | This is very important even if it seems obvious to us, or even if we know they have already been told something by someone else. thewpca.org |
最后,你还可以在其中选择苏拉或Ayaa t s 来 聆 听 , 倾 听来 自 古 兰经的圣音。 salaat-time.cn.uptodown.com | Finally, you can listen to the Quran from a selection [...] of Suras and Ayaats. salaat-time.en.uptodown.com |
线控上备有麦克风及通话按钮,方便使耳机 接 听来 电 和 操控音乐/影片播放。 tunewear.com | The rhinestones accentuate the earphones while the matching aluminum designs on the earphones and remote control give TUNESONIC CRYSTAL with Mic & Control great aesthetic appeal. tunewear.com |
一些国家不能解决自己国内的腐败和管理不善 问题,任其公司肆意挥霍浪费数万亿美元,让一个可 骗取 500 亿美元的强盗投资者消失的无影无踪(这一 数额超过整个加勒比共同体次区域一年预算开支的 [...] 总额),但却正是这些国家提出家长式解决危机方案, 让我们听来不无讽刺意味。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note the irony of hearing these paternalistic prescriptions from the same countries that are unable to stem corruption and mismanagement within their own borders, where corporations recklessly squander trillions of dollars and a single buccaneer investor can make $50 billion — an amount [...] greater than the combined annual budget expenditures of the entire Caribbean Community [...] subregion — disappear into thin air. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个爱吹牛的人说:“我是从街上 听来 的。 chinesestoryonline.com | Confucius commented on this story, saying: " [...] It is immoral to listen to gossip in the [...]road and spread it. chinesestoryonline.com |
从美国的一个监狱到芬兰的一所废弃核电站,再到朝鲜的一家牛仔裤加工厂,本届纪录片邀您 倾 听来 自 北 欧的对世界问题和人类发展的思考之声。 norway.org.cn | From a jail cell in America to a nuclear waste plant in Finland to a blue jeans factory in North Korea, the films investigate some of the most pressing and personal of global issues from an array of Nordic voices. norway.cn |
简洁的插带设计,配备「快速提取」装置,让你轻易地将手机从皮套中取出, 接 听来 电 或 检查电邮均轻松容易。 tunewear.com | By pulling the slider, smartphones can be easily removed from the pouch for quickly accessing phone calls or emails. tunewear.com |
通过修改Java开始命令行方式的VM参数,用户可使任意Java应用程序 监 听来 自 的 JProfiler GUI的连接。 software.evget.com | By modifying the VM parameters of the java start command you can get any [...] Java application to listen for a connection [...]from the JProfiler GUI. software.evget.com |
听来深奥 的技术,但您只需全身心体验即可领略其奥妙之处。 bang-olufsen.com | It may sound very technical, but you’ll find that the proof is in the experience. bang-olufsen.com |
他给出了已处理的审理和定罪的比例明细,并解释 说,目前正在五个辖区进行审理并已定下了 未 来听 证会的日期。 daccess-ods.un.org | Giving a breakdown of the proportion of trials and convictions handed [...] down, he explained that trials were currently under way in five jurisdictions, and [...] future dates had been set for hearings. daccess-ods.un.org |
我发现这个崇高的音乐来听听,这 就是为什么爱玩,但我不能还认为分区上因为我还没有它。 zh.cantorion.org | I find this [...] sublime music to listen to, this is why [...]I'd love to play it, but I cannot yet give an opinion on the partition because I do not yet have it. cantorion.org |
他们本身的故障不一定是他们的心在基督一性,但他们不会停 下 来听 1 0 0 主 教的chalcedon六,向教宗,和整个西方教会。 mb-soft.com | Their fault in itself was not necessarily that they [...] were Monophysites at heart, but that they [...] would not stop to listen to the six hundred [...]bishops of Chalcedon, to the pope, and to the entire Western Church. mb-soft.com |
当重放开始后,您才能用重放控制按钮或者书签控制按 钮 来听 这 个 片段。 livescribe.com | After starting playback, you can then use the playback or [...] bookmark controls to listen to that session. livescribe.com |
平板用户亦经常 使用其平板电脑来听音乐 ,在线出版商协会于2012年6 月在美 国的调查发现,51% 的 平 板 用 户 用 其 听 [...] 音 乐 ,而 只 有42% 的用户 用来阅读书籍。 ifpi.org | Tablet owners also use their devices heavily to listen to music, with [...] a US study for the Online Publishers Association in [...]June 2012 finding 51 per cent used them to listen to music, compared with 42 per cent who used them to read books. ifpi.org |
因此带着极大的兴趣与会者接下来听 取 了 其他人的演讲,比如,来自中国的罗松,在德克萨斯工作了五 年,将德克萨斯的病患社会安全保障系统与中国比较得出的结论;来自秘鲁的Martha Villar Lopez教授所 作的报告;来自喀麦隆的Saa博士,主管喀麦隆卫生部档案,所作的问题分析。 traditionsdavenir.info | So it was with the greatest interest that the participants followed the presentations of Dr Luo Song, comparing the social security cover of the patient in Texas, where he has been practicing for five years, with China, his native country; of Prof. Martha Villar Lopez of Peru; and of the analysis of the problem in Cameroon by Dr Saa, in charge of this dossier at the Ministry of Health24. traditionsdavenir.info |
正因为如此,我们始终乐意听取这些国家本身的 意见,例如通过若泽·路易斯·古特雷斯副总理(他 所代表的国家现在担任“g-7+”集团主席和建设和平 及国家建设国际对话共同主席)今天的发 言 来听 取这 些国家的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is why we are always happy to hear from the countries themselves, for example through today’s statement by Deputy Prime Minister José Luís Guterres, whose country now chairs the Group of Seven Plus and co-chairs the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管伊斯兰国家组织认为,在整个审查进 [...] 程中所提出的许多问题不属于已经商定的范围,但伊斯兰国家组织在整个进程中 都一直愿意以建设性的和开放的精神 来听 取 和讨论所有提议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In spite of the fact that, in the OIC’s view, many of the issues raised throughout the process fell outside [...] what had been agreed upon, the OIC had [...] always been ready to listen to and discuss [...]all proposals with a constructive and open [...]spirit throughout the process. daccess-ods.un.org |