

单词 听天由命

See also:


Mandate of Heaven
one's life span

天命 n

fate n

External sources (not reviewed)

We were resigned and left it to fate.
对生活没有其他更好的承诺,唯有无声的绝望 听天 由命,除 了艰难度日,不知道该期待什么。
With nothing to look forward to, he resigned with mute desperation to a life of living from hand to mouth.
[...] 奇的是,为支持和平协议所成立的维和特派团很快就听天由命。
Not unsurprisingly, therefore, peacekeeping missions established in support of peace agreements can
[...] quickly become hostages to fortune.
目前,政府更新工作准证的审批条件不够透明,公司在申请续约时非常被动,好像只能 听天由命 ”。
Currently, the work pass renewal criteria is not transparent enough, and companies are relegated to being passive and resigned.
[...] 供援助,确保人员安全上岸及接待和其他服务,难民署为此深感鼓舞;然而海上 救援制度仍存在漏洞,刻板的官僚划界做法造成人员被弃之不顾、不得 听天由 命。
UNHCR is encouraged by measures taken by Governments to receive and provide assistance for boats carrying people and ensure safe disembarkation, reception
and other care, yet gaps in rescue-at-sea regimes have left persons
[...] abandoned to their fate by bureaucratic linedrawing.
它是一汪活水,近乎于人的情感,引导人最基本的常识和立场;从实用的角度从事漆艺,有时你可以设想为自己在从事着一种具体的心安理得的劳作,有 听天由命 的 宿 命色彩;而这又那么容易给人以另外“形而上”的启示,由于它的层出不穷的变化天性,又总能返回自身初始状态,并且仅仅意味着它自己。
And this can very easily become a
[...] “metaphysical” enlightenment, because it is the nature [...]
of paint that it goes through endless
changes, and yet can always return to its own primitive state, where it means nothing other than itself.
[...] 洲船只有能力施救,但它们却对行将沉没的载有逃离近来北非事件的移徙者和寻 求庇护者的船只弃之不管,任 听天由命 , 欢 迎欧洲委员会
Calls for a comprehensive inquiry by countries of destination into the very troubling allegations that sinking vessels carrying migrants and asylum-seekers fleeing the recent events in North Africa were abandoned to their fate despite the ability
of European ships in the vicinity
[...] to rescue them, and welcomes the call made by the Council [...]
of Europe in this regard on 9 May 2011
然而,在实 践中他们遇到一些问题,如侵害他们的权利、缺乏劳动合同、在劳动合同中规定
[...] 试用期,但在合同结束后不被留用,对劳动中的危险没有任何其他形式的保护; 劳动者生病有听天由命。
In practice, however, they are faced with violations of their rights; employment without a contract; the inclusion of a trial period in the employment contract, at the end of which they are
dismissed; the performance of risky jobs without any kind of protection; or being
[...] left to their own fate in the case of illness.
有 一个国家的国内安全部队可因各种 由 使 用 火器,包括 听命 行 政 当局”和“保 卫自己的阵地”。
In one country, firearms may be used
[...] for a variety of reasons by the Internal Security Forces, including “at the behest [...]
of the administrative authority”
and “to defend their positions.
当然,对Tsarukyan进行报道有犯禁忌,但我们有足够 由 , 不 仅因为他很富有,也因为他一手控制了光头党,使 听命 于 他
Indeed, there is something of a
taboo on writing
[...] about Tsarukyan, and with good reason: not only is he rich, but also he controls an army of obedient skinheads.
在本报告所述期间,委员会举行了一次正式会议 和三次非正式磋商;在此期间,委员会通过了暂行工 作准则;批准了一项给所有会员国的普通照会,提醒 其在 2011年6月26日前向委员会提出报告,介绍执
[...] 员会的个人和实体旅行禁令和(或)冻结资产清单上 的条目更新;会见了新命的专 家小组 听 取 了 由国 际 刑警组织的情况通报;讨论一个会员国援引第 1973(2011)号决议第 [...]
4 段提交的通知(S/2011/402); 听取了秘书处人道主义事务协调厅的情况通报;讨论
了委员会的待处理事项,主 要是指认提案以及会员国 要求就有关冻结资产提供指导的请求。
During the period under review, the Committee held one formal meeting and three informal consultations, during which it adopted provisional guidelines for the conduct of its work; approved a note verbale to all Member States reminding them to report to the Committee by 26 June 2011 on the implementation of the arms embargo, the travel ban and the assets freeze; approved an update to an entry on the Committee’s list of individuals and entities subject to the travel
ban and/or assets freeze; met with
[...] the newly appointed Panel of Experts; heard a briefing by INTERPOL; [...]
discussed a notification
submitted by a Member State (S/2011/402) invoking paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011); heard a briefing by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat; and discussed outstanding matters before the Committee, mainly designation proposals and requests for guidance from Member States in relation to the assets freeze.
2003 年 4 月 17 日对法国、美国和英国电视广播进行的天 24 小时严格听统计结果 表明由教科文组织制作提供的关于伊拉克文化遗产的电视新闻在这一天里共播出了 68 [...]
次,其中,法国有 10 个不同频道播出了 35 次,英国播出了 6 次,美国由 18 个频道播出了 27 次。
A rigorous monitoring of television broadcasts in France, the United States and Great Britain over [...]
24 hours on 17 April 2003 revealed that UNESCO-generated information
on Iraqi cultural heritage, spawned 68 separate television sequences during that day including 35 on 10 different channels in France, six in the United Kingdom and 27 on 18 channels in the United States.
我們一直好像天由命似的 ,待法院作出裁決 後,大家才知道人口政策要往何處去。
It seems that we have been
[...] resigning ourselves to fate and must wait [...]
for the Court to hand down a judgment before knowing
the way forward for the population policy.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上命” , 由 美 国 国家航空 天 局 ( 美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界以外的行星保护:空间研委 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
第 79 号法第 10 节规定,驱逐令所针对的任何人可在接到依照第 8⑷节发出 的驱逐令副本后 14 天内向 高级法院提出申请,要求以他是公民或是豁免人士的由命令搁 置驱逐令;如果申请中能证明有关人士为公民或豁免人士,高级法院 就应搁置驱逐令,并指示释放申请人。
Section 10 of Act No. 79 provides that any person in respect of whom an
expulsion order has been
[...] made may, within 14 days of the service of a copy of the expulsion order under section 8(4), apply to the High Court for an order that the expulsion order be set aside on the ground that he is a citizen [...]
or an exempted person;
and if it be proved on that application that the person is a citizen or an exempted person, the High Court shall set aside the expulsion order, as the case may be, and direct that the applicant be set at liberty.
有关汇报还指出,克伦民主佛教军正在积极进行 招募,以招由 6 800 名士兵组成听命于缅甸陆军的边防部队,据称这是缅甸 政府和一些非国家武装团体的商定计划的一部分。
The reports also indicated that DKBA was actively recruiting in order to meet the
quota of 6,800 soldiers to
[...] form border guards under the command of the Tatmadaw Kyi as part [...]
of a plan allegedly agreed by
the Myanmar Government and some non-State armed groups.
听证会应包 括一次简短的开幕全体会议,然后连续举行四 听 证 会, 每 天 两 次 ,上午 10 时 至下午 1 时和下午 3 时至下午 6 时。每次会议由来自 具有经济及社会理事会咨 商地位的非政府组织、民间社会组织和私营部门的受邀与会者发言并与会员国交 流意见。
The hearings shall consist of a brief opening plenary meeting
followed by four sequential
[...] sessions of the hearings on the basis of two sessions a day, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Each session will consist of presentations [...]
by invited participants
from non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Econ omic and Social Council, civil society organizations and the private sector and an exchange of views with Member States.
[...] 序、在法院与破产管理人之间的合作与沟通法院、外国法院和破产管理人之间的直接沟 通听审协调、由不同 国家管辖的法院 命 单 一 或相同破产管理人以及订立—及批准 (执行)跨国界破产协议的权限”。
Those provisions, which would be appropriately treated by an international convention, relate to access to courts and recognition of foreign proceedings, cooperation and communication among and between courts and insolvency representatives, direct communication between courts, foreign
courts and insolvency
[...] representatives, coordination of hearings, appointment of a single or the same insolvency [...]
by courts of different national jurisdictions, and authority to enter into — and approval/implementation of — cross-border insolvency agreements.
建议在教友培育和信仰的整体生活以及团体活动,重新强调天父为创造者这信条,与天父一起欣赏、珍惜和祝福祂的创造(创1:1-2:3),明确地了 听命 于 天 父 和关心生态环境,是天主教信仰不可或缺的基要部分,在态度和生活实践上,更广阔地把对生命和人格尊严的敬重,也延伸到对其他的受造物,在祈祷和礼仪中,懂得与一切受造物同声赞美天主。
In our prayers and liturgy, we have to know how to praise the Lord with the entire creation.
阿塞娜梦想有天听到自己的 乐曲成为一部电影的配乐。
Athena dreams of one day hearing her compositions [...]
as part of a musical score in a film.
按耳机上的多功能按钮或说出语命 令 “ Answer”( 听 ) 可 接 听 来 电
Press the Multifunction button on
[...] the headset or say the voice command "Answer" to accept an incoming call.
但是,這答案背後的 思維,說穿了便是:先讓“老闆”有機會“搵錢”,至於失業率高企,“打
[...] 工仔女”面對生活朝不保夕、失業無助的境況,便只有 天由命了
However, to put it bluntly, the thinking behind this answer is: we must first let the "bosses" "make money", while the high unemployment
rate and the unemployed and helpless wage earners, who are now in a precarious state, should be
[...] left to the mercy of God!
高温磷酸过滤:用PPS纤维滤布用于高温磷酸的过滤,可避免传统的加强丙纶或涤纶滤布因耐酸性和耐热性差,易老化发硬而破碎的缺点,可将滤布的使用 寿 命由 2 ~ 3 天 提 高到2个月以上,彻底改变了因更换滤布造成停机损失和工人劳动强度大的缺点。
Ù hot phosphoric acid filter: PPS fiber cloth with hot phosphoric acid is used to filter, to avoid the traditional polypropylene or polyester filter cloth to enhance acid resistance and heat resistance because of poor, aging hair hard and
break easily shortcomings can filter
[...] cloth life from 2 to 3 days to 2 months or more, [...]
completely changed the result in downtime
due to replacement of filter cloth and the disadvantage of workers labor-intensive.
正如我们天听到的 以及从外交部长拉苏勒给 秘书长潘基文的信(见 S/2011/118,附件)中看到的那 [...]
样,阿富汗政府越来越强烈地和正当地要求领导治 理、发展和实现和平的努力的所有方面。
As we have heard today and seen in [...]
the letter (see S/2011/118, annex) from Foreign Minister Rassoul to Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon, the Government of Afghanistan is increasingly and legitimately demanding to lead all aspects of governance, development and efforts to achieve peace.
管理規例由發展局局長根據該條例第38條 訂 立,以 修 訂 《建築物(管理)規例》(第 123章,附屬法例A), (a)將有關人士須 於任何適任技術人員的委任出現更改時通知建築事務監督的限 期由14天縮減 至7天,上述有關人士,是指認可人士、註冊結 構工程師、註冊岩土工程師、註冊一般建築承建商、註冊專門 承建商或註冊小型工程承建商;以及(b)規定註冊小型工程承建 商須於經營業務的地址有更改時,通知建築事務監督。
The Administration Regulation, which is made by the Secretary for Development under section 38 of BO, amends the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. A) to (a) reduce the period within which an authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered minor work contractor is required to notify the Building Authority of a change in the appointment of any technically competent person from 14 days to 7 days; and (b) require a registered minor works contractor to notify the Building Authority of a change of business address.
天,议 会在第三轮投票中以 62 票赞成的表决结果,选举新科联盟领 导人贝赫杰特·帕乔利为科索沃总统,并 命由 哈 希 姆·萨奇总理领导的政府。
The following day, the Assembly elected AKR leader Behgjet Pacolli as the President of Kosovo, with 62 votes, in the third round of voting, and appointed a government led [...]
by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi.
(d) 至迟在命专家组后 90 天内向 安理会提交一份关于专家组工作的临时 报告,至迟在专家组任务结束前 [...]
30 天向安理会提交一份附有结论和建议的最后 报告。
(d) To provide to the Council an interim report on
[...] its work no later than 90 days after the Panel’s appointment [...]
and a final report to the
Council no later than 30 days prior to the termination of its mandate with its findings and recommendations.
在特鲁克州,任何人如被发现鼓 励、引起或诱使儿童行为不良,法院 听 审 后 可 命 令 他 做某一件应当为该儿童做 的事,如不按照法院的要求做可能被提起蔑视法庭的诉讼。
In Chuuk, any person who is found to be encouraging, causing or
contributing to delinquency of a child may be
[...] ordered by court after hearing to perform a specific [...]
act which falls within a duty
owed to the child, and failure to perform as required by the court may constitute a basis for contempt of court proceeding.
检查专员认为,将各个信托基金 的资源集中起来,形成资金规模更大、目标更为宽泛的信托基金,建立信托基金 组,以及/或者将专题信托基金用于更广泛的用途,将有助于减少松散程度,进 一步确保所有信托基金更加贴近相关组织的要务和需求,从而使信托基金追随相 关组织,而不听命于捐助方。
The Inspectors are of the opinion that pooling the resources provided for the individual trust funds into bigger trust funds with more general purposes, clustering of trust funds and/or a wider use of thematic trust funds would help reduce fragmentation and better ensure that all the trust funds are closer in line with the respective priorities and needs of the organizations, thereby making them more organization-driven rather than donor-driven.




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