单词 | 含糊其辞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 含糊其辞 —equivocateless common: talk evasively [idiom.] 含含糊糊 —unclearless common: (of actions) vague • (of speech) obscure • ineffectual See also:含糊—vague • obscurity 含糊 n—ambiguity n • vagueness n • ambiguities pl
正如我先前解释的那样,除了认识到 有关这起所谓阴谋的说法含糊其辞, 不 够清晰之外, 尊敬的同事应当注意到,在这里指控被当作了事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to [...] recognizing the vagueness and lack of clarity [...]surrounding the so-called plot, as I explained previously, [...]my colleagues should note that allegations are taken here as facts. daccess-ods.un.org |
要有效执行《宣言》,各国和联合国系统首先应对《宣言》的权利和原则做 出坚定承诺,不含糊其辞地宣 称《宣言》是无强制力的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A starting point for the effective implementation of the Declaration is a firm commitment by States and the [...] United Nations system to its rights and principles [...] that is free from vague assertions that the [...]Declaration is not obligatory. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管查明公司所有者 Sheehan 先生“故意给出含糊其辞甚至 不诚实的答复”,他“故意”提供“伪证”,公司“故意”隐瞒“与其论据相 左”的文件以及“名为 Donegal 的证人提供的证据含糊不清又前后矛盾”,29法 [...] 院仍然裁定 Donegal International 的法律证据充分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite having found that the owner of the company, Mr. Sheehan, was “deliberately evasive and even dishonest”, [...] that he had “deliberately” [...]given “false evidence”, that the company had “deliberately” withheld documents “because they contradicted the case that they were seeking to advance” and that “the evidence from the witnesses called by Donegal (was) vague and inconsistent”,29 the court held that Donegal International had a case in law. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,今天在这里头头是 道,告诉以色列应该为和平做些什么的那些人在告诉 巴勒斯坦人所谓的返回权利不会实现时 却 含糊其辞, 张口结舌,一时语塞。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet all of those who were so vocal today in telling Israel what it has to do for peace mumbled, stuttered and conveniently lost their voices when it came to telling the Palestinians that the so-called right of return was a non-starter. daccess-ods.un.org |
防范小组委员会得出的结论是,《警察和社会治安法》及其司法实践促使 [...] 那些本应致力于尊重人权的机构不得不顺服于一项模棱两可 且 含糊其辞 的 法 规, 或者不得不按照它的规定去解释并执行,最终导致警方滥用职权并且使被捕者时 [...]常面临遭受酷刑和虐待的尴尬处境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee concludes that the Police and Harmonious Social Relations Act and institutional practices have entrenched a recognized and substantiated acceptance, on the part of bodies that ought to be [...] ensuring respect for human rights, of [...] legal norms that are riddled with vagueness and [...]ambiguity, or of a particular interpretation [...]or application of those norms. daccess-ods.un.org |
与 GPA 其他条款一样 ,该条款措辞太过含糊不清,可以有多种不同的解释。 crisisgroup.org | As with other GPA provisions, it is sufficiently ambiguous to allow for varying [...] interpretations. crisisgroup.org |
不过,C/3小组试图核实的几种 预期的结果相当含糊,使 用了诸如“提高 了能力”这样的措辞。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, several of the expected results which the [...] C/3 team tried to verify were rather vague, being formulated using terms such as [...]“capacity strengthened”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不用“ 过于模糊或广泛的措辞表达 ,以便能够确 定 其 确 切 含 义 和 范围”;93 和 daccess-ods.un.org | Not be “couched in terms that are too vague or broad for it to be possible to determine [...] their exact meaning and scope”;93 and daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管《行动纲领》全面阐述了这一问题,但 是 其 措 辞 往 往 含糊 不 清 并缺乏 一个衡量各国取得成就的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even though the Programme of Action deals with that issue [...] comprehensively, its wording is often ambiguous, and a standard [...]for measuring the achievements made by countries is lacking. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组在其结论 和 建议中还讨论了千年发展目标的优点和弱点、经济正义所面临的在体制结构方面 的障碍、对于从人权角度处理贸易和债务问题的抵抗心理、“全球伙伴关系”理 念的含糊不清 、对于从承诺转化为实践缺乏政治连贯性和奖励措施,以及在发展 权方面的国家和国际责任之间求得平衡等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its conclusions and recommendations, the task force further addressed the strengths and weaknesses of the Goals, structural impediments to economic justice, resistance to addressing trade and debt from a human rights perspective, the ambiguity of “global partnership”, [...] the lack of [...]policy coherence and incentives to move from commitment to practice and the necessary balance between national and international responsibilities for the right to development. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,缔约国得出结论,她那些似是而非 , 含糊其 词 的 言词,不可置信,而她所 谓眼下从事政治活动的说法无可信之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party therefore concludes that her [...] testimony, which remains vague and unclear, is [...]implausible and that her claim of current [...]political activity is not credible. daccess-ods.un.org |
於詮釋整份組織章程大綱(特別是本第 3 條)時,當中所訂明或提述的目的、業務 [...] 或權力不會因任何其他目的、業務或權力,或本公司名稱,或兩項或以上目的、業 [...] 務或權力並列的提述或據此作出的推論而受到規限或限制,而倘本條或本組織章程 大綱其他地方有任何含糊之處,其將 可 透過擴大及擴展(而並非限制)本公司的主 體、業務及可行使的權力而解決。 sitoy.com | In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, [...] businesses or powers and that, in [...] the event of any ambiguity in this Clause or elsewhere in [...]this Memorandum of Association, the [...]same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company. sitoy.com |
作为谈判中的一揽子妥协计划,这种 关系在《宣言》中未予明示,但需要以明确和毫 不含 糊的措辞加以重申。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a compromise package in the negotiations, this relationship was not expressed explicitly in the Declaration, but needs to be reaffirmed in clear and unequivocal terms. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些条款规定,“在解释条约时,条约的背景”应当理解为包含 “与条约有关并为缔约所定的任何协定或文书”(第 69 条第 2 款);而“当 事方所订关于条约之解释之任何协定”以及“嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当 事方对条约解释之协定之任何惯例”,应在解释条约时与其“上下文一并考 虑(第 69 条第 3 款);可在“条约之准备工作及缔约之情况下”, 除 其 他外 使用“解释之补充资料”(第 70 条);如果断定缔约方有意使某一措辞 具有 特殊含义,则可赋予这一措辞非同 寻常 的 含 义。 daccess-ods.un.org | These articles provide that the “context of the treaty, for the purposes of its interpretation”, is to be understood as comprising “any agreement or instrument related to the treaty and reached or drawn up in connection with its conclusion” (art. 69, para. 2); that “any agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty” and “any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which clearly establishes the understanding of all the parties regarding its interpretation” are to be taken into account “together with the context” of the treaty for the purposes of its interpretation (art. 69, para. 3); that as “further means of interpretation” recourse may be had, inter alia, to the “preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion” (art. 70); and that a meaning other than its ordinary meaning may be given to a term if it is established conclusively that the parties intended the term to have that special meaning. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于准则 4.2.5 中“义务的性质”、“条约的目的 和宗旨”、以及“保留的内容”等措 辞含糊 不 清 ,保留是否不能适用于条约 的其 他当事方并不确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, because of ambiguous expressions in guideline 4.2.5 such as “nature of the obligations”, “object and purpose of the treaty”, and [...] “content of the reservation”, it [...] is uncertain whether the reservation cannot be applied to other parties of the treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年,宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员说,印度若干邦的宗教皈依问题 法律和议案应重新审议,具体原因在于一些歧视性的条款以 及 含糊 或 宽 泛的措 辞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2009, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief indicated that the laws and bills on religious conversion in several [...] Indian states should be reconsidered, particularly because of [...] discriminatory provisions and vague or broad terminology. daccess-ods.un.org |
第五,就空间发射工具 方面的援助与合作而言,《海牙行为守则》所使用的 措辞很含糊,而且带有限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fifth, the language of the [...] Code of Conduct is vague and restrictive with [...]regard to assistance and cooperation in the area of space-launch vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国尤其应当毫不含糊地公 开谴责所有形式的酷刑做法, 特别是针对警方和监狱管理人员,明确警告任何人如实施这类行为以及煽动、同 意和默许酷刑或其他虐待,将被依法追究对这类行为的个人责任,并依其犯罪严 [...] 重程度受到相应惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should, in particular, publicly and unambiguously condemn practices [...] of torture in all its forms, directing [...]this especially to police and prison staff in positions of command responsibility, accompanied by a clear warning that any person committing such acts, as well as instigating, consenting or acquiescing in torture or other ill-treatment, will be held personally responsible before the law for such acts and subject to penalties proportional to the gravity of their crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
证 人表示,命令含糊的措辞意味着它们可以任意地适用于西岸的任何人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Witnesses [...] indicated that their vague wording means they can [...]be applied arbitrarily to anyone from the West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
准则草案的措辞 力图包含在国 家继承之日对于继承国有效的条约,这是第 15 条具体提到的仅有 的条约,也包含继承国仅是其缔约 国的条约。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft guideline was worded so as to cover treaties in force for the successor State on the date of the succession of States — the only treaties specifically covered in article 15 — as well as treaties to which the successor State was only a contracting State. daccess-ods.un.org |
不知道今天 局長會否 又 含 糊 其 詞 , 還是可以就檢 討 的 範圍及 方 向具體地多作解釋 [...] ,令 我們覺 得 政 府 很 有 誠 意 改 革 區 議會的權 力。 legco.gov.hk | I do not know if the Secretary will resort [...] to giving us some vague response again today, [...]or he will explain in detail the scope [...]and direction of the district administration review to convince this Council that the Government does very sincerely want to reform the functions of the DCs. legco.gov.hk |
據政府 當 局 解釋, 有關的 用 語 取 代 應 不 會 引 起 含 糊 不 清的問題, 因為在 第190 章 有關條文內對中國的提述 ,其隱 含 的 意 義 是 指中國司法管轄區, 而 對香港的提述 所 隱 含 的 意 義 則 是 指香港司法管轄區。 legco.gov.hk | The Bills Committee points out that the substitution of "England" by "the People's Republic of China" in the relevant parts of Cap. 190, which would have the effect that what is in force or accorded in the People's Republic of China would be in force or accorded in Hong Kong, would seem to be inappropriate as Hong Kong is an indivisible part of the People's Republic of China. legco.gov.hk |
研究结果应杜绝含糊其词, 并将向全体工作人员明确通报。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This result must be unambiguous and a clear statement will need to be made to all the staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果我們要終止聘用任何官 [...] 員,議案便應明確指出有關人士的錯失,絕不 能 含糊其 辭 , 否則,本會便是 辜負了巿民的重託,亦會失卻巿民的信心。 legco.gov.hk | If we want to terminate the appointment of any official, the motion must specify [...] what mistakes the official has made and we [...] should never be ambiguous in our accusations. [...]For if not, then we are letting down [...]the people who have placed such an important task on us and we will make them lose their confidence in us. legco.gov.hk |
她要重申, [...] 任何法律文书都应该避免强迫宗教团体接受 措 辞含糊 的 义 务,包括有关登记程序 的义务,并应废止目前在这方面赋予各种政府实体的广泛监督权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | She would like to reiterate that any legislative text should [...] avoid imposing vaguely worded obligations [...]on religious communities, including with [...]regard to registration procedures, and should discontinue the extensive oversight powers currently given to various Government entities in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
由环境部签署的关于 ProAgua 项目的合作合同也存在同类问题,特别是因为该合同被 认为含混其辞,而 且它是由行政管理部门负责人而不是办事处主任签署的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The same applies to the cooperation contract signed with the Ministry of the Environment in connection with the ProAgua project, mainly because it is considered to be unclear and because it was signed by the head of administrative services and not by the Director of the Office. unesdoc.unesco.org |
哥伦比亚指出,它是在以下框架内解释决议第 5 段中所含的措辞的:根据国际法,每一个国家都有在 不影响各国对其民族遗产权利的情况下就它将成为 其缔约国的国际文书作出决定的主权权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Colombia notes that it interprets the language incorporated in paragraph 5 of the resolution in the context of the sovereign rights of each State to decide on the international instruments to which it will become party without affecting the rights of States over their national heritage, pursuant to international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当的战略以打击准军事组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民免受其 实 施 的有组织暴力侵害;并建议安全部队加 强努力,坚定且毫不含糊地预 防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任何牵连,不能对其采取容忍或默许态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence [...] perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations, by [...] implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups daccess-ods.un.org |
92 在打击恐怖主义的同时促进和保护人权及基本自由问题特别报告员强烈建 议,西班牙使其《政党组织法》中措 辞 模 糊 的 规 定与限制言论自由的国际标准相 一致,以避免将其适用于那些与某个恐怖主义组织有着相同的政治取向、但并不 [...] 支持使用暴力手段的政党的任何风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism [...] strongly [...] recommended that Spain bring vaguely formulated provisions in the [...]Organic Law on Political Parties in line with [...]international standards on the limitation of freedom of expression, so as to avoid any risk of applying it to political parties that share the political orientation of a terrorist organization, but do not support the use of violent means.93 37. daccess-ods.un.org |