单词 | 含硫量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 含硫量 adjective —sulphur content adj含硫量 noun —power company nSee also:含硫 n—sulfur n 硫 n—sulphur n • sulfur n 含量 n—content n • concentration n 含量—quantity contained
此外,既然歐盟 V 期柴油含硫量如此低,污染程度亦這麼低,我希望當 局可積極考慮放寬現行條例,容許環保柴油私家車入口,讓車主有更多選 擇。 legco.gov.hk | Given the extremely low sulphur content of Euro V [...] diesel and the extremely low level of pollution produced, I hope the authorities [...]can actively consider relaxing the existing legislation to permit the importation of green diesel private cars to offer more choices to vehicle owners. legco.gov.hk |
香港的 柴油來自東南亞的 煉 油 廠 , 而 這些廠房尚未設有 生產超低含硫 量 柴油的設備。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong gets its diesel oil from refineries in South-east Asia, which have yet to be equipped to produce it. legco.gov.hk |
但是,現時歐盟 V 期柴油含硫量是 0.001%,與超低硫柴油 0.005%的含 硫量比較,低了五倍,簡單來說,0.005%便相等於歐盟 IV 期標準。 legco.gov.hk | But it should be [...] noted that the sulphur content of Euro V diesel is 0.001%, which is five times lower than the 0.005% of ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD). legco.gov.hk |
不過,小型廠號的東主 [...] 或經營者的情況則有別,譬如要他們支付更多費用以改為採 用 含硫量 較 低的燃料,他們有 部份㆟可能被逼停業。 legco.gov.hk | But the small factory owners or operators are in a different situation, for some of [...] them may be driven out of business if, for example, they have to spend more money in [...] order to switch to low-sulphur fuels. legco.gov.hk |
我動議通過議程所印載,以我名義提出的議案,把 現時超低含硫量柴油 (超低硫柴油)的優惠稅率( 即每公升 1.11 元 )有效期延長至 2008 年 12 月 31 日,以落實政府較早 時宣佈的建議。 legco.gov.hk | I move that the motion under my name, as [...] printed on the Agenda, be passed [...] to extend the existing concessionary duty rate of $1.11 per litre for ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) [...]to 31 December 2008, with [...]a view to implementing the proposal announced earlier by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
在整 體 國家能 源 計 劃 中 是 有分配 [...] 的,清 潔 能 源 可以採用再生 能 源 , 也可以在設 備 方面採取一些清 [...] 潔 的生產 科技;第 二,限 制 燃 料 含硫量;第 三 , 減 少 燃煤及 燃油發 電廠的 [...]排 放量; 第 四 , 控 制工業鍋爐及工藝過程中的 排 放 量 ; 第 [...]五 , 減 少 油漆揮發 性 及 有 機 化 合 物的排 放量; 最 後 , 減 少 機 動 汽 車 尾 氣 污 染 。 legco.gov.hk | Clean energy resources include renewable energy resources and as far as equipment is concerned, clean production [...] technologies can be adopted; secondly, [...] the control on the sulphur contents of fuels; [...]thirdly, a reduction on emissions from [...]coal-fired and oil-fired power plants; fourthly, the control on emissions from industrial boilers and industrial processes; fifthly, the reduction of emission of VOC from paints, and finally, the reduction of exhaust emissions from motor vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 催化器對車輛引擎的 性能( 例如引擎馬力和 燃料消 耗 量 ) 的 影 響 可 謂 微 不足道 ; 以 及 (e) 市面上已有合適 [...] 的催化器,適 用於須往返內地的車輛,這類 車輛可能 會使用含硫量較本港標準為高 的柴油。 legco.gov.hk | (e) suitable catalysts are available in the market for use on vehicles that are used [...] to travel into the Mainland and be filled up with motor diesel [...] that has a higher sulphur content than that [...]in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
其 组 织 均 匀 、细 小 及 含 硫 量 低 ,确 保 其 经过光蚀刻花处理后的优异效果。 assab-china.com | Its high level of [...] homogeneity and low sulphur content ensure [...]accurate and consistent pattern reproduction. assab-china.com |
單仲偕議員: 主席,政府可否告知本會,在過去 5 個財政年度,每年分 別有多少升的飛機燃油、輕質柴油、含鉛汽油、無鉛汽油及超 低 含硫量 柴油 被課稅、它們分別帶來多少稅收及佔該年度的碳氫油稅收總額的百分比? legco.gov.hk | MR SIN CHUNG-KAI (in Chinese): President, will the Government inform this Council of the respective litres of aircraft spirit, light diesel oil, leaded [...] petrol, unleaded [...] petrol and ultra low sulphur diesel for which duty was paid in each of the past five financial years, and the respective amounts of revenue [...]so generated as well as [...]their percentages in the total hydrocarbon oil duty received in that year? legco.gov.hk |
就 此 ,立法會亦於2004年 11月 3日通過一項議案,促請政府盡 快 檢 討現時超低含硫量柴油 的稅率,以紓緩高 昂 的 超低含硫量柴油價 格對受影響行業帶 來的困 苦,特 別 是受最 沉重打擊的運輸 業,同 時, 當局亦 須 確保超低含硫量柴油的最 終 使 用 者 能真正 受 惠 於 稅率的減 免。 legco.gov.hk | In this respect, the Council also passed a motion on 3 November 2004 urging the Government to [...] expeditiously review the [...] current rate of duty on ULSD with a view to easing the hardship caused by the high cost of ULSD to the affected industries, especially the transport industry which is the hardest hit, and to ensure that end-users of ULSD can really benefit [...]from any reduction of the duty rate. legco.gov.hk |
這間電力公司已承認它 所使用的 普通煤, 含硫量 是 高於 1%, 但 政 府卻只說它所使用的 煤 , 含硫量是 低於 1%。 legco.gov.hk | The power company has [...] admitted that the sulphur content of the common coal that it has been using is higher than 1%, but the Government said that the sulphur content of coal used by the company [...]is below 1%. legco.gov.hk |
他又澄 清,適合往 返 內 地的車輛使 用的催 化 器 , 在價格 [...] 上未必一 定 較 為 昂貴,但在設 計 上 卻 有不同 ,以 針 對 這類車輛所 使 用的較 高 含硫量 柴 油 。 legco.gov.hk | He also clarified that the catalysts which were suitable for use on vehicles travelling into the Mainland were [...] not necessarily more expensive but were of a different design to [...] cater for a higher sulphur content in the motor diesel. legco.gov.hk |
按照上 述 [...] 計劃,我們已經與歐盟同步收緊新登記車輛的廢氣排放 標準,按超低 含硫量柴油的標準制定車用 柴油的標準,完成為鼓勵柴 [...] 油的士 車主改用石油氣的士 而推行的資助計劃,提高排放過量黑煙車 輛的定額罰 款,以及強制規定車主必須為歐盟前期輕型柴油車輛安裝 排放消減裝置。 legco.gov.hk | Under the programme, we have tightened the emission requirements for newly registered vehicles in step with the European Union, [...] mandated ultra-low sulphur diesel as the standard [...]for motor diesel, completed an incentive [...]programme to encourage diesel taxi owners to replace their vehicles with liquefied petroleum gas ones, increased the fixed penalty on smoky vehicles and mandated the installation of emission reduction devices for pre-Euro diesel light vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
8407 2M的组织均匀、细小及低的含硫量,确 保其经过光蚀刻花处理后能产生优良的纹 理效果。 assab-china.com | 8407 2M is particularly suitable for texturing by the photo-etching method. assab-china.com |
有關超低含硫量柴油用於工業上的建議,亦不失為一個好的方法,但即 使在新的立法要求加強標準後海港內船隻亦只須達到 4%的含硫量,而現在說 的理想含硫量卻是 0.05%。 legco.gov.hk | The proposal [...] of using ultra low sulphur diesel for industrial processes is a good suggestion, but even if the new legislation is in force and a more stringent standard adopted, a 4% sulphur content will be taken as law-compliant for the vessels in the harbour, while the ideal sulphur content we are talking [...]about is 0.05%. legco.gov.hk |
在地面形式的"灰尘",它是作为一个在硬盘作为加工助剂等橡胶制品的填料使用,并减少在硬质橡胶的硫化 ( 含硫量 高 ) 部分产生热的可能性。 elastoproxy.com | In ground form as “dust,” it is used as a filler in other hard rubber articles as a [...] process aid and to reduce the possibility of thermal [...] generated in the vulcanization of hard rubber [...](high sulfur) parts. elastoproxy.com |
有關香港註冊船隻所用燃料的環保標準,在國際海事組識《防污公約附件 VI》於 2008 年 [...] 6 月實施後,所有不論在香港及其他地方註冊的遠洋船隻, 均須使用含硫量不高於 4.5%的燃料。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the environmental standard of the fuel used by Hong Kong registered vessels, following the implementation of the International Maritime Organization's MARPOL Annex VI in June 2008, all [...] ocean-going vessels, whether registered in Hong Kong or not, are [...] required to use fuel with sulphur content not exceeding 4.5%. legco.gov.hk |
E S R 是 炼 钢 过 程 中 一 种 附 加 的 [...] 工 艺 流 程 ,可 以 确 保 获 得含硫量(0.003%max),非金属夹杂物含量低的纯净钢材. assab-china.com | The ESR process is an additional step [...] during the steelmaking, which ensures very [...] clean steel with low sulphur content (0.003% max.) [...]and non-metallic inclusions. assab-china.com |
因此, 我 們 希望 規劃環境地政局能 夠 參考運輸界 提 出 的 各 [...] 項 建 議,包括降低入 口 柴 油 的 含 硫 量、收緊 新 車 的 排 放 黑 煙 標準, [...]以及提 升 車 房 技 工 在 維 修 汽 車 方 面 的 水 準 等 , 並 [...]在 完 成 檢 討 後 ,提出 積極有效的 建 議,以改善 空 氣 質 素 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore we hope that the Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau will consider the various [...] proposals of the transport industry, [...] including lowering the sulphur content in imported [...]diesel fuel, tightening the emission [...]control standards on new vehicles, raising the standard of mechanics in automobile servicing, and come up with positive and effective recommendations after the conclusion of the related review so as to improve air quality. legco.gov.hk |
用于海运的重油通常含硫量较高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Heavy fuel oil used in maritime [...] shipping often contains high levels of sulphur. daccess-ods.un.org |
梁劉柔芬議員: [...] 主席,《2008年空氣污染管制(燃料限制)(修訂)規 例》(第 311章,附屬法例I)規定,工商業工序只能使 用 含硫量 以 重 量計 不超過0.005%的超低硫柴油。 legco.gov.hk | MRS SOPHIE LEUNG (in Chinese): President, the Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) (Amendment) Regulation 2008 (Cap. 311 [...] sub. leg. I) provides that [...] only ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) with a sulphur content of not [...]more than 0.005% by weight [...]may be used in industrial and commercial processes. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我亦曾就 [...] 着這個問題徵詢汽車製造商和專業同事的意見,得悉即使歐盟 IV 期柴油車 輛使用一些沒那麼清潔的柴油(即 含硫量 較 高 ),也不會對機件構成損害。 legco.gov.hk | However, I have also sought the advice of vehicle manufacturers and professional colleagues on this issue and learnt that even if Euro IV diesel [...] vehicles use diesel that is not so clean, that is, [...] diesel with a higher sulphur content, it will not [...]cause damage to the parts. legco.gov.hk |
維 修 技術水 準未能 提高,培訓機 械 工 仍未全 面 , [...] 詳細的 維 修 技術資料未 到 手 , 超低含 硫 量 柴 油 仍未能 使用, 微 粒 過 濾 [...]器 未 能 夠 安 裝 , 柴 油 催 化 器 現 在 還 在 試 驗 階 段 , [...]一 切 一 切 的 配 套 設施還未落實 , 重 罰 車 主 是否公平呢 ? legco.gov.hk | When vehicle maintenance standards are not upgraded, when mechanics do not get enough training, when detailed [...] technical information is not available, when [...] diesel with ultra low sulphur content is not yet [...]in use, filters for particulates [...]are not yet installed, catalysts for diesel engines is still in an experimental stage, when all these matching facilities are not yet in place, would it be fair to penalize vehicle owners heavily? legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,特首在施政綱領中亦提到,會進一步把歐盟 V 期車用柴油的 燃油稅減至每公升 0.56 元,以鼓勵本地市場盡早供應這種 含硫量 較 超 低硫 柴油少八成的更環保燃油,並計劃在 2009 年把歐盟 IV 期的標準 ― 對不 起,應為歐盟 V 期的標準 ― 訂為本地供應車用柴油的法定規格,與歐盟 同步。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, the Chief Executive has also mentioned in the policy agenda that the duty rate for Euro V diesel will be further reduced to $0.56 per litre to encourage early supply of this more environmentally-friendly fuel with 80% less sulphur content than ULSD on the local market. legco.gov.hk |
珠 三角在這 方 面 的 標 準 與 我 們 的 不同, 因為他們的經濟發展沒 有 我們的 好 ,例如 我們所用的 柴 油含硫 量 非 常低, 內 地 按其經濟環境所用的 柴 油含硫 量 非 常 之高, 我當然亦明 白 其 中 的 情 況 , 但我也 希望廣東省能與 我們的政府 盡 量合作, 不 然 的 話 , 他們的 車 輛 所 噴 出 的 廢 氣 一 旦 吹 來 香 港 ,則我們的 柴 油 質量無論是 怎 樣 的 好 , 其實也 是 無 補於事的。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, we understand the background, however, we also hope that Guangdong Province can co-operate with our Government as far as possible, if not, when the fumes spewed by their motor vehicles are blown to Hong Kong, it is useless no matter how good the quality of our diesel is. legco.gov.hk |
世伟洛克超高纯和化学清洗卡套管接头是使用 316L 不锈钢 制造的;含硫量被控 制在 0.005 至 0.012 %(无 缝)和 0.005 至 0.017 %(焊接)以保证可靠、一致的轨道焊接。 swagelok.com.cn | Swagelok UHP and chemically cleaned tubular fittings are manufactured from 316L stainless steel; controlled sulfur levels of 0.005 to 0.012 % (seamless) and 0.005 to 0.017 % (welded) promote reliable, consistent orbital welding. swagelok.com.cn |
建议场所使用含硫量较低 和含杂质较少的燃料, 如 含硫量 0 . 5 %或 以下的柴油、汽 油、液化石油气或液化天然气等,以减低锅炉或火炉烟囱排出黑烟和微粒的可能性。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | In order to reduce the impact to the environment, appropriate use of environmentally friendly fuels, such as liquefied petroleum [...] gas (LPG), natural [...] gas, diesel and gasoline of which the sulphur content is lower than 0.5%, is highly [...]recommended to reduce [...]the possibility of discharging dark smoke and tiny particles through the oven and stove exhausts. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
2010 年 10 月海洋环境保护委员会第六十一次会议通过 [...] 了一套新的准则,用于监测全球船用残余燃料油的平 均 含硫量 , 以 便扩大监测方 案,涵盖经修订的《73/78 防污公约》关于减少船舶氧化硫、氧化氮和微粒物质 [...]排放量的附件六开列的各种石油燃料。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-first session, in October 2010, the Marine Environment Protection Committee adopted a new [...] set of guidelines for monitoring the [...] worldwide average sulphur content of residual fuel [...]oils supplied for use on-board ships, [...]in order to expand the monitoring programme to all petroleum fuel types covered by revised MARPOL 73/78 annex VI, on reduction in emissions of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter from ships.79 daccess-ods.un.org |
目前市场上的某些疫苗,比如建议 较大的孩子(≥7岁)和成人使用的Td,也明确说明 不 含硫 柳 汞或 仅 含 微 量。 zeromercury.org | Some vaccines such as Td, which is indicated for older children (> 7 [...] years of age) and adults, are also now available in formulations that [...] are free of thimerosal or contain only trace amounts. zeromercury.org |
重金屬含量少,無殘硫量。 npc.com.tw | Trace sulfur content, less heavy metal contain npc.com.tw |