

单词 否极泰来

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2006 年军事政变来, 泰国人民饱受了五年的政治极对立 ,因此大选相 当于对国家执政方式的全民公决。
The campaign was something of a
[...] referendum on how Thais wanted their country – suffering from five years of political polarisation since the 2006 [...]
coup – to be ruled.
60 宪法规定,议会有很大自由来解释 某项条约否 影响泰国领 土或主权权利,并应在收到此类申请 60 天内作出详细研讨。
Four of the most senior foreign ministry officials were named.60 Under
the constitution, parliament has wide
[...] latitude to interpret whether a treaty impacts Thai territory or sovereign rights.
面对一千多名听众来自全世界的科学家、专家、哲学家及负责人士进行了一整 天的对话,对话主要探讨五个问题:“增长 否 有 极 限?
[...] experts, philosophers and leaders from around the world discussed, over the course of that day, before more than 1,000 people, five main issues: “Are there limits to growth?
极少人会否认,来自这 些人的声音可能包含 应对煽动恐怖主义行为的最有力的信息。
Yet, few would dispute that the voices of these individuals can convey perhaps the most compelling messages in response to terrorist incitement.
秘书长认为(同上,第 31 段),除非开始为离职后健康保险负债供资 并用相关资金极投资,否则离职后健康保险福利的年度现金需求将继 续迅猛增长,对来预算 的压力将日益增大。
According to the Secretary-General (ibid., para. 31), unless funding of the after-service health insurance liability
is initiated with the
[...] related funds actively invested, the annual cash requirements for after-service health insurance benefits will continue to increase exponentially, putting an ever-increasing strain on [...]
future budgets.
综上所述,过去几十来取得的成就表明,若要在消除妨碍所有各不同年 龄、不同社会阶层、不同种族和不同民族的男男女女有尊严地共同生活的障碍方 面取得进展,则直接取决于政府和社会 否 能 积 极 地 承 诺保护并增强各项基本 权利。
Taken together, the achievements of the past few decades show that progress in overcoming the obstacles that prevent men and women of all ages, social classes, races and nationalities from living together in dignity depends directly on an active undertaking by the Government and society to protect and promote basic rights.
可是当天午间,格实致电那塔雷加瓦, 表示除非柬埔寨撤军否则泰国不 能同意该方案。
Before lunchtime, however, Kasit had called his Indonesian
[...] counterpart to say Thailand could not agree [...]
until Cambodia withdrew its troops.
他认 为,对一个宗教的批评、 贬 低 、 污辱或 嘲讽是 否 是对信仰者 宗教或信仰自由权利的侵犯的问题只能通过审查 这种行为否消极地影 响到了信仰者的宗教自由的各个方 来 确 定
In his view, the question whether criticism, derogatory comment, insults or ridicule of a religion encroached on the believer’s right to freedom of religion or belief
could only be
[...] determined by examining whether such acts negatively affected the various aspects of religious freedom [...]
of the believer.
阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴巴 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、爱尔 兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马拉维、 来 西 亚 、 马耳他、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、 卡塔尔、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、南非、斯里兰卡、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭和南斯拉夫。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Jamaica, Japan, Libyan
[...] Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United [...]
Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
斯派曼高压电子公司否实施一项 极 计 划 来 减 少 能源的浪费和使用?
Does Spellman High Voltage Electronics have an active program to reduce waste and use of energy?
当前的金融和经济危机预计会对发展中国家的教育发展 来极 为 不 利的影响。
The current financial and economic crisis is expected to have a major negative impact on education development in developing countries.
人居署促进都市规划,以此作为来保 护基础设施并支持对灾害的承受能力的机制,最近经 历了严重洪灾泰国对此积极支持; 泰 国 鼓励人居署 在开展其活动中与其他相关公约的秘书处协调。
Its promotion of urban planning
[...] as a tool to protect infrastructure and promote resilience against disasters was actively supported by her country, which had recently experienced severe flooding; Thailand encouraged [...]
UN-Habitat to coordinate
with other relevant convention secretariats in carrying out its activities.
因此,柬埔寨泰国同意,泰国的 积 极 支 持 下, 柬埔寨将于 2008 年 32 届世界遗产委员会会议上正式提 出将古寺列入世界遗产名录。
Accordingly, Cambodia and Thailand agree that Cambodia will propose [...]
the site for formal inscription on the World Heritage
List at the 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee in 2008 with the active support of Thailand”.
泰国政府在为本研究报告提交的资料中 否 认 20 02/03 年泰国存 在秘密 拘留设施,称国际和地方媒体已经访问了嫌疑地点,没有找到这类设施存在的证 据。
In its submission for the present study, the
[...] Government of Thailand denied the existence of a secret detention facility in Thailand in 2002/03, stating [...]
that international
and local media had visited the suspected places and found no evidence of such a facility.
它注意到民间社会对国家报告的编写所发挥的作用,但也注意到,民间社会否 积极参加了报告起草之后的活动仍不清楚;表示希望更多了解关于 来 与 民 间社 会合作的计划。
It noted that the role of civil society in
[...] the preparation of the national report, as well as whether it had participated actively after the drafting of the report, remained [...]
unclear, and requested
further information about future plans for cooperation with civil society.
泰国, 极端民 族主义的黄衫军借此大做文章,指责由总理 沙马·顺达卫领导的他信的代理政府卖国叛国。
In Thailand, the ultra-nationalist [...]
Yellow Shirts used it to argue that Thaksin’s proxy administration led by Prime Minister
Samak Sundaravej had sold out their motherland and committed treason.
泰太阳能还极承担 科技人才培养工作,与美国斯坦福大学、中国科学院、浙江大学等国内外多所著名高校、研究 所联合培养人才,提供实习和科研基地,自 2010 年来累计培养本科以上学历科技人才 72 人,其中博士 1 人,硕士 18 人。
Astronergy also actively organizes the training of technological talents and jointly cultivates talents with America Stanford University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhejiang University and other domestic and foreign famous universities [...]
and research institutes
and provides base for internship and research.
代表团指出,如果市场全球化和移徙没有与 之相配套的建立在宽容和相互尊重基础上的共同价值体系,那么任何朝向全球化世界的前进只能 是局势紧张的根源,给和平和对话 来极 大 的 风险。
If the globalization of markets and migrations did not go hand-in-hand with a shared system of values based upon reciprocal tolerance and respect, any drive towards a globalized world could only be a source of tension posing significant risks for peace and dialogue.
他们需要考虑管理政策否有必要消极 影响安全,或否能通 过允许和鼓励渔民更安全捕捞的规则实现养护、经济和社 会目标。
They need
[...] to consider whether management policies that negatively affect safety are necessary, or whether conservation, [...]
economic and social
goals can be achieved through regulations that allow and encourage fishers to fish more safely.
关于极端主义的问题,他想知道法官 否 曾 经采 用极端主义或煽极端主义的概念,如果是的话, 又是在何种情况下以何种条件采用的。
On the issue of extremism, he
[...] wished to know whether judges had ever used the concepts of extremism or incitement [...]
to extremism, and if so, in what
cases and in what terms they had done so.
近些来,泰国已 经开始向诸如柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共 和国和缅甸等邻国提供技术援助、培训和奖学金,以增强泰国自身作为一个潜在捐助者的新 [...]
In recent years, Thailand has been providing [...]
its neighbouring countries such as Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar with technical
assistance, training and scholarships, enhancing Thailand’s emerging role as a potential donor itself.
自从核准该项目来,泰国政 府已根据同执行 委员会签订的《协定》减少了甲基溴消费量,2007 [...]
年的消费量比在《议定书》下允许的水 平和《协定》所允许的上限低 24.7 ODP 吨。
Since approval of the project,
[...] the Government of Thailand had reduced methyl [...]
bromide consumption in compliance with its
Agreement with the Executive Committee, consumption in 2007 being 24.7 ODP tonnes below the allowable level under the Protocol and the maximum allowable level in the Agreement.
泰太阳能还极参于 行业协会和技术联盟,是中国光伏产业联盟成员,浙江省光伏产业技术创新战略联盟副理事 [...]
In addition, Astronergy initiatively participates [...]
in industrial association and technical alliance. It is the member of
China PV Industry Alliance, vice chairman company of Zhejiang PV Industry Technical Innovation Strategy Alliance, member of Zhejiang PV Optothermal and Equipment Technical Industry Innovation Alliance and chairman company of Hangzhou PV Industry Association.
但是,正如我先前已经提到过的那样,关键问题 是,这些极事态发展否能够 实际改善武装冲突中 平民的状况,或者即便在规范方面取得进展也只是扩 [...]
大了国际规则与实地现实之间的差距,或者形成了新 的差距,致使人们更加质疑法律的相关性以及安全理 事会所作表态的可信度?
But, as I have asked before,
[...] the key question is whether these positive developments [...]
have actually improved the condition
of civilians in armed conflict, or have normative advances merely widened the gap between international rules and reality on the ground, or created a new gap and called further into question the relevance of the law and the credibility of Security Council pronouncements?
[...] 氯烃淘汰管理计划编制费用时,拿类似活动的过去费用数 来 参 考 是 否 有 用;鉴于收集有 关资料的时间很少,对执行机构为编制各项活动和计划所需费用而提出的申请进行评估的 [...]
A number of issues identified by the implementing agencies and others required resolution, including the validity of using levels of HCFC consumption as an indicator of the level and
complexity of the phase-out effort;
[...] whether past cost data for similar activities [...]
were a useful guide in calculating the
cost of HPMP preparation; the basis on which the requests from the implementing agencies for the cost of preparing activities or plans would be assessed, given the shortage of time for the collection of relevant information; how the activities of lead and cooperating agencies would be coordinated; and how funding levels would be calculated when two or more agencies were working together in one country.




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