单词 | 吟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吟—moanhumExamples:喜吟吟adj—happyadj 喜吟吟—joyful 呻吟—groan moan
罗恩接收赫敏,邓布利多的Deluminator,副本的吟游诗人Beedle的故事,和哈利,他曾经陷入了魁地奇比赛的第一个金色飞贼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Ron receives Dumbledore’s Deluminator, Hermione, a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry the first Golden Snitch that he ever caught in a Quidditch match. seekcartoon.com |
尖叫 – 过度的尖叫声,尖叫,呻吟,喋喋不休,哒或爆炸,意味着你的刹车需要严重关注。 hkcarworld.com | SQUEAL – Excessive [...] squeals, screech, groaning, chatter, clatter [...]or bang, means your brakes need serious attention. hkcarworld.com |
Namjoo 因“侮辱伊斯兰圣洁”的罪名被定罪,依据是他涉嫌嘲笑和不 按常规吟唱“古兰经”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Namjoo’s conviction for the crime of “insulting Islamic sanctities” was based on his alleged ridiculing and unconventional singing about the Koran. daccess-ods.un.org |
女人的尖声喊 叫,垂死者的痛苦呻吟,使整个可怕情景几乎难 以想象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The shrieks of the [...] women, andthe groans ofthe dying, [...]rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable. daccess-ods.un.org |
从温柔低吟的旋律,至细腻微妙的踩钹声,从未听到的崭新细节触动您心,才发现自己拥有的音乐原来竟如此地这麽丰富。 bang-olufsen.com | From gentle, underlying melodies to subtle high-hats, your ears will delight in every new detail, reveling in moments you never knew you owned. bang-olufsen.com |
意识到,他没有匹配的重新贝吉塔,吟游船长决定对他使用他的身体切换伎俩。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Realizing that he’s no match for the renewed [...] Vegeta, Captain Ginyu decides to use [...]his body-switching trick on him. seekcartoon.com |
西湖是杭州市的中心所在,数世纪以来,曾有无数文人墨客聚集于此,吟诗作画。 shangri-la.com | As the highlight of the city, it has inspired poets, painters and artists for centuries. shangri-la.com |
蒙古传统音乐马头琴、弹拨儿、呼麦、萨满鼓、吟唱……是Haya音乐的核心,乐团以亲近现代人的“心灵民谣”风格,对世界各地的音乐爱好者具有无可抵挡的吸引力。 yp.mo | It is said that the day Haya is discovered, all hatred will dissolve and love will spread throughout the entire world. yp.mo |
从影片开始时的威尔第《吟游诗人》歌剧场景开始,《SENSO》就展现出极其丰富的歌剧魅力。 gucci.com | From the opening scenes at a performance of Verdi’s Il Trovatore, Senso unfolds with richly operatic intensity. gucci.com |
的确,这个建筑是为Philippe Parreno的一部科幻短片《火星来的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光,水牛在水田里踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天田野上空的太阳,塑料棚与周围的树木被风吹动的诗意画面,以及片尾黑幕时一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过目不忘的迷幻氛围。 alternativearchive.com | Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s architectural sci-fi film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the slowly moving starlight, the footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette pulling hard and submerging into the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light bulbs, the sun above the field during the daytime, the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy and the surrounding trees blown by the wind, and the chantingof an aged man at the end of the film, all contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that was hard to forget after viewing. alternativearchive.com |
这本故事集并不只有一件故事,而是收录了 12 世纪末、13 世纪初的多位文人和吟游诗人创作的多个诗篇,分为 26 个章节。 wdl.org | It is not one story but a collection of 26 chapters composed by several clerks and minstrels around the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th. wdl.org |
有30条:搬家了,抑制、听觉、试探,刺眼,照明,显示通过、接球、扭曲、移到一旁,冲向前,支持,附加、耦合,放手,投掷、跳跃、呻吟,模仿,哭泣,下降,指向,转动,旋转,周围,扔出窗外的东西,超车,重复三次,攀岩,站在旁边。 luxe-immo.com | There are 30 of them: moving away, restraining, hearing, sounding out, dazzling, illuminating, showing through, catching, twisting, moving aside, dashing forward, [...] supporting, attaching, coupling, letting go, [...] throwing, jumping,moaning,imitating, crying, [...]falling, pointing, turning, whirling, [...]surrounding, throwing something out of the window, overtaking, repeating three times, climbing, and standing by. luxe-immo.com |
演出大量使用威尔斯语,也吟唱威尔斯民谣,透过音乐,深刻暗喻了艺术与文化认同的关系。 cn.taipeifestival.org.tw | Buzz Magazine summed it up, saying this is “Theatre that changes the artistic landscape of the country that produced it. eng.taipeifestival.org.tw |
主的圣餐顺序》包括仪式吟唱部分的乐谱,上帝前的大卫王、耶稣复活以及(大卫王和其他音乐家)演奏圣乐的木刻插图。 wdl.org | The Ordnung includes printed music for the sung parts of the liturgy as well as woodcuts of King David before God, the Resurrection of Jesus, and a performance of sacred music (with King David and other musicians). wdl.org |
他的诗写出来平淡无奇;而且提笔吟握好久,依旧写不出一个字来,偶尔灵感来了;诗写出来了,但文句枯涩,内容 [...] 平淡得一无可取。 chinesestoryonline.com | His poems and his essays were both [...] outstanding, and thus he not only won the popularity among all the scholars of his time [...]but also found himself an important position in the history of the Southern Dynasty literature. chinesestoryonline.com |
然後我听到一把如梦境般不着边际的歌声伴着阵阵低沉的电子音乐在吟唱。 think-silly.com | Not long after a dreamy voice was gently released into the air accompanied by somewhat electronic sound. think-silly.com |
在这个广泛音乐领域里的其他重要艺术家还包括“家中呻吟”(Home Groan)和“国际奋斗与HGH(The [...] International Tussle and HGH)”。 norway.org.cn | Other key artists within this broad genre [...] include Home Groan, The International [...]Tussler Society and HGH. norway.cn |
在八月旅行的游客可能会幸运地赶上了令人兴奋的中世纪周(Medieval Week) - 一个热闹的节日,当地人穿上中世纪的服装,手持长矛的骑士,流浪的吟游诗人当然还不能缺少传统美食!岛上崎岖的东海岸有神秘而又奇妙的 “Raukarna”石灰石支柱还有Lummelunda洞穴,而其它布满钟乳石的洞穴又是另一个主要旅游景点。 msccruises.com.cn | The rugged east coast of the island is home to the weird and wonderful craggy 'Raukarna' limestone pillars whilst the Lummelunda Caves, with their fossils, large cave rooms and stalactites are another key tourist attraction. msccruises.com.au |
而喜爱杯中物的食客,更只需另加澳门币100元*,便可无限次享用六款稻菊的精选吟酿,搭配各款新鲜名贵的日式食材。 yp.mo | In addition, sake lovers can enjoy a free flow of six different fine sakes for an additional MOP 100 only. yp.mo |
当他敲起巫鼓,配合名为 “祖伊克” (joik) 的萨米吟唱圣歌,巫师慢慢进入恍惚出神的状态,据说那时他便可以和神灵相通,更可以传达神灵的信息。 visitfinland.com | It was originally used by medicine men as a tool, along with the Sami chant called the joik, to fall into a trance in order to reach a level of communication with the Spirits, whose will was then conveyed to the community. visitfinland.com |
第二年,剧团携《天上掉下个巨人》(Le Géant tombé du ciel)赴勒阿弗尔、加莱海峡、尼姆、南特、巴约讷巡演,之后,又出现在巴塞罗那街头﹔ 《长裙》(Peplum)讲述的是发生在古埃及的故事,曾在法国、欧洲和澳大利亚上演﹔《犀牛》(Le Rhinocéros)在南特和里斯本世博会演出﹔ 2003年,剧团携《看戏优惠,买一送一》, 莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》和莫里哀的《无病呻吟》在法国欧里亚克艺术节期间演出,又用西班牙语在智利的圣地亚哥国际艺术节和阿塔卡马沙漠巡演,之后又去了西班牙的马德里和潘普洛纳。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Two Shows for the Price of One, the company performed Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Molière’s Le Malade Imaginaire on a revolving stage in 2003 at the Aurillac Festival, in Auvergne, and then in Spanish at the Festival Internacional de Teatro at Mil in Chile where a tour took it as far as the Atacama Desert. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
从脚底废墟里会听到微弱的“救命啊”的呻吟声,但是在当时那种如地狱炼狱般的状况下, [...] 我自己也处于一种半疯狂中,对呼救声没有做任何反应,而是一味地往家里赶。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | From the wreckage under my feet I [...] couldhear moaningvoices saying [...]"Help me," but amidst that scene from hell, I had become [...]panicked myself and without helping those crying for help, I just continued towards my home. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
但是,并不是说某一个城市有些地方有当代艺术 的元素就会让我想起艺术。当我看到墨西哥沙漠的 [...] 仙人掌时,我会想到艺术,当我看到一群鸟吟唱着在 沙滩上空飞翔时,我会想到艺术,当我看到我的咖啡 [...]泡沫被我搅成螺旋状时,我会想到艺术,当我听到机 场的广播也看到乘客相交擦肩时,我也会想到艺术。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Still, you do not have to be in a city with contemporary art venues to think of art When I see the cactus in the Mexican desert I think of art, when I see a flock of birds flying in unison over a deserted beach I think of art, when I walk through the [...] desolate inner cities I think of art, when [...] I see thewayfoam curls in my cup [...]of espresso I think of art, when I hear the [...]announcements at an airport and see the choreography with which travelers whirl in different directions I think of art Art is everywhere as long as you open your eyes My favorite city is the one in my mind imgpublic.artprice.com |