

单词 吓得发抖

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历届政府所采取的反叛乱战略将军事行动和社区 吓 与 发 展 工 作结合起来,结果毫无成效并常常 得 其 反
The counter-insurgency strategies used by successive governments
have combined
[...] military operations and intimidation of communities with development work, yielding few results [...]
and often proving counter-productive.
移除前导零有时可能会导致显示的 发 生 令 人不快抖动,因为它们更改了数字的数目,如果值位于字段中间,则更为如 此。
Removing them can sometimes
[...] cause values on a display to show unpleasant jitter as they change [...]
their number of digits, particularly
if the value is centered within a field.
与此同时,他们还必须不顾反叛分子给全国 各地人民不发起的暴力和进行的 吓 , 赢 得 阿 富汗 人民的信任。
At the same time, they will need to gain the confidence of the Afghan
people, despite
[...] the persistent violence and intimidation campaign by the insurgents against [...]
communities across the country.
那些我也不明白,其實到現在我也不 知道他算是得好,還算是得不好 ,被人“ 吓 罵 吓 、 讚 罵 吓 ” 的
In fact, I do not quite understand it. Even now, I still cannot tell whether he should be regarded as a good performer or the opposite, for his performance has drawn both criticisms and praises.
从扫描仪卸下防尘盖时,如 果防尘盖上积有灰尘,请小心卸下防尘盖,然后在远离扫描仪的地方 将灰抖落。
When removing the dust cover from the scanner, if the dust
cover has accumulated dust, carefully remove
[...] the dust cover and shake it free of dust in a location [...]
away from the scanner.
然而,有时候父母或许想知道自己孩子正在经受的是否不只是寻常的“紧张 发抖 ”。
However, there are times when parents may wonder whether their child may be experiencing more than just the usual “butterflies in the stomach.
必须作出协调一致的努力,在国家一级建立法治,维持法治,以及按照国际人权 规范和准则,确保追究对儿童犯下罪行的人的责任,只有这样才 发 挥 关键 的吓 阻作用。
Concerted effort must be made in establishing and maintaining the rule of law at the national level, as well as ensuring that perpetrators of crimes against children are held accountable in a manner consistent with international human rights norms and standards, as this has a critical deterrent effect.
该国政府告知工作组,根据民事补偿规定,Munir Said Thalib 先生的遗孀 领取了赔偿金,并发现恐吓或报 复受害者家庭的事件。
The Government informed the Working Group that under civil remedies Mr. Munir Said Thalib’s wife
received an indemnity and that it is not aware of
[...] any incidents of intimidation or reprisal against [...]
the victim’s family.
如果在按快门按钮时抖动照相机,静⽌图像可能会因照相 抖 动⽽ 变得不清晰。
If you move the camera when pressing the shutter release button, the still image might
[...] not come out clearly due to camera shake.
(f) 工作人员不得扰乱或以其他方式妨碍本组织的任何会议或其他正式活 动,包括与内部司法系统有关的活动,也 得 威 胁、 恐 吓 或 以 其他方式从事任何企 图直接或间接妨碍其他工作人员执行公务的能力的行为。
(f) Staff members shall not disrupt or otherwise interfere with any meeting or other official activity of the Organization, including activity in connection with the
administration of justice system, nor shall staff
[...] members threaten, intimidate or otherwise engage [...]
in any conduct intended, directly
or indirectly, to interfere with the ability of other staff members to discharge their official functions.
所以 ─ 他們是這樣說的,我不知道林瑞麟局長現在是否害 得 發 抖 , 原 來這樣安排 我們與外國人見面也是有問題的。
Therefore ― That was what they said, and I wonder if Secretary Stephen LAM will be scared to death knowing that making such arrangements for us to meet with foreigners would fetch troubles.
ADI公司的高增益限幅放大器具有低功耗、高灵敏度和 抖 动 得 特 性
ADI’s high gain limiting amps feature: low power; excellent
[...] sensitivity and jitter performance.
政府在為防範禽流感制訂種種政策時,對本地活家禽業一直窮追猛打和 軟硬兼施,希望可以取締這個行業,把業界迫得“有氣 得抖 ”。
When the Government devises various policies to prevent the outbreak of avian flu, it has been targeting and oppressing the local live poultry trades and various measures are taken in the hope that the trades would be outlawed.
例如,2010 年 10 月,由于伊拉克 伊斯兰国组织对“圣母救赎教堂”的袭击,据报道,巴格达的许多学校,常常与
[...] 其教会共用场地,由于害怕伊拉克伊斯兰国组织或另外的叛乱团体为 吓 社 区而 发动类似的袭击,停课数周。
For example, in October 2010, as a result of the attack by ISI against Our Lady of Salvation Church, it was reported that many schools in Baghdad, often sharing the same grounds as their churches, cancelled classes for several
weeks out of fear of a similar attack taking place by ISI or another insurgent
[...] group intending to terrorize the community.
Gorgon(高哥,三姊妹女妖)之一的Medusa(美杜莎)原本是一位有着一头美丽 发 的 美 少女,深得天神宙斯的兄弟海神普西顿的宠爱,但却因此遭到普西顿正妃的嫉妒,被变成一位有着一丛蛇团头发、猪牙般的牙齿、青铜色的手及可飞行的黄金翅膀的丑陋少女,所有的人只要看她一眼就 吓得 立 刻 变成石头,但她却是三姊妹中唯一没有不死之身的一位。
Gorgon (high-brother, three sisters female demon), one of Medusa (Medusa) was originally a hair with a beautiful girl, won
the brother of Zeus Poseidon Dempsey
[...] Benton's favor, but so has been universal Sidon is Princess of jealousy, was turned into a group with a bunch of snake hair, pig tooth-like teeth, bronze hands and golden wings can fly ugly girl, all who see her will immediately become scared into stone, but she is the only three sisters, a body that does not die.
2009 年,通过宣传小册子和电子邮件针对人权维护者、社会和社区领袖以 及边缘化群体成发出的恐吓及死 亡威胁增加。
In 2009, there was an increase in intimidation and death threats through pamphlets and e-mail against human rights defenders, social and community leaders, as well as members of marginalized groups.
安理会 3
[...] 月辩论阿富汗问题(见 S/PV.6497)以 来,安全局势出现了一些令人担忧 发 展 , 特别是吓和有目标的暗杀活动更加猖獗。
Since the Council’s debate on Afghanistan in March (see S/PV.6497), we have seen some
worrying security developments, especially the increased
[...] momentum of the campaign of intimidation and targeted assassinations.
李卓人議員:主席女士,今 年 施 政 報告的一個重要信 息 , 就是休 養 生 息 , 但 很 奇 怪 , 坊 間 對此的反 應 頗 為 受 落 , 大 家 好 像 鬆 了一口 氣 , 覺得董建 華 終 於得 “ 早 抖 ”的道 理。
MR LEE CHEUK-YAN (in Cantonese): Madam President, a very important message carried by the policy address this year is "to take a respite and build up its strength".
2010 年 3 月发生了炸弹吓,之 后成立了一个由皇家警察部队、消防部、人 力资源部、首席部长办公室和灾害管理协调机构代表组成的委员会,以研究领土 [...]
Following a bomb scare in March 2010, a committee comprising [...]
representatives from the Royal Montserrat Police Force, the
Fire Department, the Human Resources Department, the Office of the Chief Minister and the Disaster Management Coordination Agency was established to look at the territorial Government’s plans for evacuating and securing the headquarters in the event of a security emergency.
一些妇女和女童 试图逃离冲突地区,但被猛虎组织强行剪短 发 , 吓 阻 她们逃跑,因为他们知道, 短发妇女会被斯里兰卡军队怀疑为猛虎组织干部,很可能会与其他国内流离失所 者受到不同的待遇。
Some women and girls trying to flee the conflict areas had their hair forcibly cut by LTTE as a deterrent to fleeing, knowing that women with short hair would be suspected by the Sri Lankan Army of being LTTE cadres and would likely be treated differently from other internally displaced persons.
讨论必须意在使广大公众放心,政府和反对派正 在齐心协力营造气氛,确保在选择期间不 发 生 任吓事件,每个公民都能在不担心会遭到报复的情况 [...]
The discussions must be designed to reassure the general public that both the Government and the opposition are working together in
creating an atmosphere for the elections
[...] that is free from any intimidation and in which each [...]
citizen can make his or her own choice without fear of retribution.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架 得 不 到 承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设发展作出积极贡得不 到 承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
因為多位學者也研究過,當人們曾經參與正規的博彩,即 使是 1 萬元可以回扣 10%,他們也會得“賭吓,賭吓,不 夠癮”,而外圍 賭博看見馬會的做法後,也會採用其他的方法來吸引賭注。
On the other hand, after seeing what the HKJC has done, the illegal bookmakers will adopt some other methods to attract people to place bets with them.
得注意 的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy [...]
and technical support to strategic planning.
仍须把特殊和差别待遇列为多边贸易体制的一 个组成部分,以便使得发展中 国家,尤其是经济上 处于最弱势地位的国家能够履行其承诺,并方便其 融入世界贸易。
Special and differential treatment must remain an integral part of the multilateral trading system in order to enable developing countries, in particular the most economically vulnerable, to fulfil their commitments and facilitate their integration in world trade.




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