

单词 向阳花

See also:


facing the sun
exposed the sun


sun n

male principle (Taoism)
positive (electric.)

External sources (not reviewed)

勇敢的攀石者可以听到湖面红喉潜鸟的歌声,他牢靠在一根爬山绳上,在 阳 下 努 力 向花 岗 岩墙的高处前进。
Red-throated diver birds can be heard on the lake as the brave climbers, secured by a rope,
[...] make their way up the granite wall at sunset.
选择你所需要种植的植物,栽上 阳花 , 获取太阳以便于种植更多的植物。
Choose the ones
[...] you need, grow sunflowers and use the sun [...]
to earn points to grow more plants.
温暖阳光撒向豪华 的套房和宽敞的甲板。
Warm rays of sunlight illuminate luxurious [...]
suites and broad, spacious decks.
向阳的山腰草甸; 约1100米西北部的新疆(Jeminay县)。
Sunny hillside meadows; ca. 1100 m. NW Xinjiang (Jeminay Xian).
甲)批准與香港上市公司所採用者相稱 花 紅 ;及 (乙向董事 局建議高級行政人員之薪金 。
(a) approve the bonus that is commensurate with the practice in Hong Kong for a listed company; and (b) recommend to the Board the salary of senior executives.
向日葵 的拉丁名字“Helianthos”由希腊语的“helios”( 阳 ) 和 “anthos” 花 ) 组 成,源自于一个希腊神话:年轻的凡人克里缇亚(Clytia)爱上了太阳神,于是一刻不停地凝视着他,最终因爱而亡。
The young mortal Clytia who fell in love with the god Helios, and died from love by constantly watching him.
在 Qatana 市,1 个武装恐怖分子团伙从 Halah 花园向军事警察开火。
In the city of Qatana, an armed terrorist group
[...] opened fire on military police from the Halah gardens.
(C) 倘本公司向任何 股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他分派或 任何其他付款為以有關貨向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言屬不可行花費昂 貴,而當時有關股息或其他分派或其他付款可於董事酌 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示之地址)之貨幣作出派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or made in the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated by the address of such shareholder on the register).
(l) 如私隱專員本可就花旗香港分行違 反 或 被 指稱違 反 《個人資料 (私隱)條例》(第 486 章 )或保障 資 料原則 一事而在緊接指定日期之前根據該條例就花旗香港分 行行使 任何權力 ,則在指定日期當 日並自 指定日期 起
,他可就花旗(香港)行 使 該權力 ;但本條例將花旗 香港分行的業務移轉予和轉歸花旗(香港),以及因預
[...] 期或由於進 行上述移轉及轉歸向花旗(香港)作 出 的 任何資訊披露,並不構成違 [...]
反 花旗香港分行在緊接指 定日期前 所 負 有的任何保密 責任,亦 不構成花旗(香
港 )或花旗香港分行違 反 《個人資料 (私隱)條例》(第 486 章 )或保障 資 料原則。
(l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Citibank (Hong Kong) any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) which he could have immediately prior to the appointed day exercised in respect of Citibank, Hong Kong Branch in respect of a breach or alleged breach by Citibank, Hong Kong Branch of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting in, Citibank (Hong Kong) by this Ordinance of the
undertakings of Citibank, Hong Kong Branch and any
[...] disclosure to Citibank (Hong Kong) of [...]
any information in contemplation or as a
result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which Citibank, Hong Kong Branch is subject immediately prior to the appointed day or to a contravention by Citibank (Hong Kong) or Citibank, Hong Kong Branch of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
花粉热季,暖和阳光明 媚的日子空气中 花 粉 数量一般比较高,晚上的花粉数量通常也会升高。
Pollen levels tend to be higher on warm, sunny days during hay fever season, [...]
and pollen levels often rise in the evening.
Sunny City Park installed the [...]
Bosch LTC matrix, a high-performance video camera for public areas and effective for both indoors and outdoors.
这个温暖的设计象征著芬兰的自然,在寒冷的冬天后 阳 光 照 在 花 田 之 上。
This warm design symbolizes
[...] the Finnish nature, flower fields and sunshine [...]
after a cold winter.
就在最近,以色列拆除了 Hizma 镇的一个加油站和商店,将 Al-Baqa'a 村的 30 德南的农业用地夷为平地,捣毁了灌溉系统,拆毁了 Al-Jihesh 河谷 30 多名巴勒斯坦人栖身的 6 个帐篷房屋,摧毁了东耶路撒冷一处正在修建的住房, 拆毁拜特哈乌拉村的 13 000 平方米巴勒斯坦土地上的石垒梯田并将 100 棵橄榄 树连根拔起,向 Jinba 山村和 Arraba 镇的几个商店店主发出拆迁令,并准备拆 除一所学校、通道公路、帐篷、泥木屋和 阳 能 设施 , 向 在 东 耶路撒冷老城 Alqurma 区的两名巴勒斯坦人家庭发出驱逐通知,并通知他们将财产交给以色列定居者。
In just the recent period, Israel demolished a gas station and shop in the town of Hizma, razed 30 dunums of agricultural land and destroyed the irrigation system in the village of Al-Baqa’a, demolished six residential tents housing over 30 Palestinians in Al-Jihesh valley, demolished a home that had been under construction in East Jerusalem, demolished stone terraces and uprooted 100 olive trees in 13,000 square metres of Palestinian land in the village of Beit Ula, issued demolition orders for a school, access roads, tents, mud huts and solar energy facilities in the Jinba cave village, and to several shop owners in the town of Arraba, and gave eviction notices to two Palestinian families in the Alqurma neighbourhood of the Old City in East Jerusalem, along with notices to hand their properties over to Israeli settlers.
这些别墅各自拥有自己的屋花园和 阳 台 ,以及开阔的海景。
Each unit possesses
[...] their own roof top garden and balcony, and [...]
of course spectacular ocean view.
安全停止装置 向后拉动阴接头的套筒,插阳接头 并 向 前 推 套筒,使 牢固连接。
Safety Stop Pull back sleeve of female fitting, insert male fitting and slide sleeve forward to secure connection.
他的生 态研究揭示了从阳向植物进而向食草动物和食肉动物提供生命力。
His ecological research revealed nutritional dependencies that started with the life force provided by the sun to plants, to plant eaters and to carnivores.
倘出現違反貸款函事項,該銀行可隨時以書面通知形式宣布華潤雪花需於貸款函項下支 付的所有款項及應計利息即時到期及須予償還,而華潤 花 亦 須即 時 向 銀 行 償還有關款 項。
If an event of default under the Facility Letter occurs, the bank may at any time by notice in writing declaring that all sums of moneys granted to CRSB under the Facility
Letter and interest
[...] accrued thereon have become immediately due and payable, and CRSB shall immediately repay the same to the bank.
2-1.12 魔鞭的花向任何方向的飞溅距 离不能超过2米。
2-1.12 Sparks expelled from a Crackling Strip device must not travel more that 2 meters in any direction from the device.
在發現遺失Citibank信用卡後24小時內沒 向花 旗 銀行(香港)有限公司或大來信用証國際(香港)有限公司報告Citibank信用卡的損失。
Loss not reported to the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited or Diners Club International (HK) Limited within 24 hours of discovery of card loss.
由于这种电池极为灵活,因此,可以毫不费力地将其安装在房屋的立面和屋顶上,或者其 向阳 的 表 面上。
Their flexibility means that they can be easily installed on outer walls, roofs and any other surface that is exposed to the sun.
呈现着包罗万象的景观,有美丽的芝加哥河和天际线,有热情洋溢 阳 光 海 岸 花 园 广场和令人流连忘返的河岸,300北拉萨尔是一个为新老商业领袖设立的地址。
Presenting sweeping views of the stunning
Chicago River and skyline, a welcoming
[...] sunlit waterfront garden plaza and an impressive [...]
river frontage, 300 North LaSalle
is an address for both emerging and established business leaders.
澳大利亚建筑的风格从住宅区的设计中可见一斑: 宅区的建筑类似于可在悉尼和墨尔本见到 花 园 式 的、 阳 台 的 住宅。
The Australian influence can be seen through
the design of the apartments which is styled on
[...] the home-and-garden look of the "terrace house" in Sydney [...]
and Melbourne.
阳光城市花园是 江苏省华东地区智能小区安防建设规模化、系统化的标志性项目,对于华东区乃至全国住宅智能化的推广和发展有着重要的示范意义。
Wuxi Sunny City Park is the landmark [...]
project of this effort, both in terms of scale and systematic integration, setting
an example for the Eastern China area and, indeed, the whole country.
在费沙岛,您会发现大自然依季节呈现不同景观——春天 花 铺 地 、夏 阳 光 明 媚、秋天艳丽华美、冬天荒芜苍凉。
On Fraser Island, you’ll find that nature
offers a different exhibition each
[...] season - wild spring flowers, bright summer days, [...]
autumn colours and winter wilderness.
[...] ZERO™系统装在新颖的法拉利F355跑车上,首次亮相,因前后轴装配不同胎面花纹而脱颖而出:前轴为单 向 胎 面 花 纹 和 后轴为非对称胎肩花纹。
In 1994, the P ZERO™ SYSTEM made its debut on the innovative Ferrari F355 and it stood out
because tyres with different tread patterns were fitted
[...] on the two axles: directional to the front and [...]
asymmetric to the rear.
條例草案訂明,將花旗香港分行的業務移轉予和轉歸花旗(香 港
[...] ),以及因預期或由於進行上述移轉及轉歸 向花 旗 (香 港)作出的任 何資訊披露,並不構成違反花旗香港分行在緊接指定日期之前所負有 [...]
(私隱)條例》(第 486章 )或保障資料原則。
The Bill provides that the transfer to and
vesting in Citibank HK of the
[...] undertakings of Citibank HK Branch, and any [...]
disclosure to Citibank HK of any information in
contemplation or as a result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which Citibank HK Branch is subject immediately prior to the appointed day or to a contravention by Citibank HK or Citibank HK Branch of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
新厂将对支持该地区发展发挥重要作用,因此我们希望挑选一家拥有相关经验的自动化厂商,”上海老港废弃物处置有限公司首席工程师 向阳 说 , “ Ovation 的一流控制解决方案已经通过了垃圾发电厂的实践检验,因此艾默生是我们的最佳选择。
The new facility will play an important role in supporting this region’s growth, so we wanted to be sure
we selected an automation vendor
[...] with relevant experience,” said Zhou Xiangyang, [...]
chief engineer, Shanghai Laogang Refuse Incineration Co.




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