

单词 向巴平措

External sources (not reviewed)

迎促进正的国家政策和保障在职男 进一
It welcomed the national policy
[...] for equity and justice and further measures to guarantee equality between men and women at work.
随着南亚区域合作联盟的新 提供最惠国贸易地位,南亚的贸易前景得到了改善。
The prospects for trade in South Asia
[...] had improved with newinitiatives of the South Asian [...]
Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) and the awarding of most favoured nation trading status to India by Pakistan.
2006 年 5 月 17 日,根据秘书长第三个半年期报告 (S/2006/248),安全理事会通过了第 1680(2006)号决议,再次吁请充分执行第
[...] 照黎巴嫩全国对话达成的协议所提出的请求做出积极反应,划定两国之间的共同 边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区加以划定,并建立正式的外交关系和 派驻代表,指出这维护主权、领土完整和政治独立以及改善两 国关系方面,将出的重大一步,从而为该区域的稳定作出积极贡献,并 敦促双方进一步进行双边对话,为此目的作出努力。
On 17 May 2006, in response to the third semi-annual report of the Secretary-General (S/2006/248), the Security Council adopted resolution 1680 (2006), in which it reiterated its call for the full implementation of the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border was uncertain or disputed, and to establish full
diplomatic relations
[...] and representation, notingthatsuchmeasures wouldconstitute a significant steptowards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial [...]
integrity and political
independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing positively to stability in the region, and urged both parties to make efforts through further bilateral dialogue to that end.
图瓦卢尽管没有对全球变暖有过任何规模的推动, 这一分布在广大海域的小幅员岛屿国家只有非常狭窄的经济基础,下定决心 要实施绿色增长续发展和实现经济、社会和环境目标的正途径。
Despite not having contributed to global warming on any scale, Tuvalu, a small island State stretched over a vast oceanic area with a very narrow economic base, was
committed to
[...] implementing greengrowth initiativesasa wayof moving towards sustainable development and finding the right balance between economic, [...]
social and environmental objectives.
据报 道,胡锦向巴 提出建议,即,苏丹需要一支高效 的维和部队来重建达尔富尔地区
Reportedly, Hu Jintao advisedal-Bashir that an efficient peacekeepingforce was required to restorepeace in Darfur.
(e) 在联合国及其有关组织维持阿拉伯势头,激活有关在战时保护平民和保 护生活在军事占领下各项国际协定,目的是促进人道主义工作 向巴坦人民提供卫生方面的援助,并努力解除以色列对加沙地带的围困。
(e) To maintain the Arab momentum in the United Nations and its relevant organizations for activating international agreements
relating to the
[...] protection of civiliansin time of war and living under military occupation, with the aim of facilitating humanitarian work and providingthe Palestinianpeoplewith [...]
health assistance; and
to work for the lifting of the siege that had been imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种诸如大的海洋保护区——基 菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area inKiribati,the largest marine protected area inthe Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
联合国应在实面做出切实努力,除其他外,在现有资源 范围内业国家的代表提供现有的与旅行相关的福利,时限要适合相关国 家的发展情况。
The United Nations should make
[...] concrete efforts in the implementation of smooth transition measuresby extending to a graduated country, inter alia, within [...]
existing resources,
the existing travel-related benefits to delegates for a period appropriate to the development situation of the country.
大会在第 63/248 号决议第四节第 12 段中请秘书长加紧努力解决同一节第 10
[...] 段所述问题,特别是大会第六十二届会议期间第五委员会续会第二期会议审议的 文件所遇到的问题,包括召开为研究此事成立的工作队会议,提出有关维持 的临时报告,通过会议委员会 2009 年组织会报告为解决 该问题举行的协商和采取的行动的结果,以便第五委员会续会第二期会议审议该 报告,并通过会议委员会向大会第六十四届会议提出全面报告。
In section IV, paragraph 12, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to enhance his efforts to address the problem cited in paragraph 10 of the same section, particularly as experienced with documentation considered at the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee during the sixtysecond session of the General Assembly, including convening the task force formed to study the matter, to provide an
interim report on
[...] documentation concerning peacekeeping financing, to report on the results of those consultations and actions taken to solve the problem to the General Assembly, through the Committee [...]
on Conferences at
its organizational session for 2009, in order for the Fifth Committee to consider the report at its second resumed session, and to provide a comprehensive report to the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session through the Committee on Conferences.
因此,尼加拉瓜将继续支持所有以相关联合国决 议为基础、有助于我们在中东实现公正与持久别是有助于最终建立自由、主权和独坦国
Accordingly, Nicaragua will continue to support all measures, based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, that will
help us to achieve a
[...] just and lasting peaceinthe Middle East and, in particular, to ultimately establish a free, sovereign and independent State of Palestine.
为 了缓和汇率波动和升值问题,特别是在实际汇率达到历史低形下,一些 国家采取了包括准备金累积在内 (阿 根廷西哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、 危地马拉、墨西哥和秘鲁),设法减少资本流入(巴西采取了征税和限制等手段, 这增加了固定收益证券外国投资的金融交易税,这一税率首先增加到 [...]
4%,后来在 10 月份增加到 6%),增加资金流出(智利和秘鲁提高了对外国的退休基金投资的 总限额)。
To moderate exchange-rate volatility and appreciation, especially in situations of historically low
effective rates of
[...] exchange, some countries deployedmeasures that included reserve accumulation (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, [...]
Mexico and Peru)
and sought to stem capital inflows (by means of taxes and restrictions in Brazil, which increased the financial transaction tax on foreign investment in fixed-income instruments — first to 4% and then, in October, to 6%) and increased outflows (Chile and Peru raised the overall limit on pension fund investments abroad).
欣见 1993 年 10 月 1 日在华盛顿特区召开的支持中东所取得的成果、 协调对巴勒斯坦人提供国际援助特设联络委员会的设立和担任该委员会秘书处 的世界银行正在开展的工作、协商小组的设立、各次后续会议和 向巴坦人 民提供援助而设立的各种国际机制
Welcoming the results of the Conference to
[...] Support Middle EastPeace,convened in Washington, D.C., on 1 October 1993, the establishment of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for the Coordination of the International Assistance to Palestinians and the work being done by the World Bank as its secretariat and the establishment of the Consultative Group, as well as all follow-up meetings and international mechanisms established to provide assistanceto the Palestinianpeople
(四 ) 是否知悉,各专营巴士公司就巴士的空调系统出现故障时应采取 的应向巴 机所发出的指引为何?
(d) it knows the guidelines issued by respective franchised bus companies
to their bus-drivers concerning
[...] the contingencymeasures to be taken when [...]
the air-conditioning system in the bus fails?
评价结果将于 2009 年 6 月在维也 约》各合作伙伴介绍,将举行非正式协商会议,确定在当前计划的 2009 年 12 月结束日期之后本的重点事项。
The results of the
[...] evaluation will be presentedto ParisPact partners in June 2009 in Vienna and informal consultations will take place to define priorities for this initiative inthe future, beyond [...]
the current planned end date of December 2009.
两性平等专员接受人们的申诉,就可能的歧视案件提供看法,分析立法对男 女社会处境的影响,向共和国政府、政府机构、地方当局及其机构提出立法修正 建议,就涉及《两性平等法》执行情况的各种问国政府、政府机构及地 方政府机构提供咨询意见和信息,采 进两(第16 节)。
The Gender Equality Commissioner accepts applications from persons and provides opinions concerning possible cases of discrimination, analyses the effect of legislation on the situation of men and women in society, makes proposals to the Government of the Republic, government agencies, local authorities and their agencies for
amendments to legislation, advises and informsthe Government of the Republic, government agencies and local
[...] government agencies on issues relating to the implementation of the Gender Equality Act, and takes measures to promote gender equality (§ 16).
关于维和行动经费筹措问题的提案草案,我愿通 知大会,除了题为“联合国中东维持 经费的合国驻时部队经费的筹措”的议程 项目 158(b)之外,委员会未经表决即通过了所有提案 [...]
With regard to the draft proposals on the financing of peacekeeping operations, I would like to inform the General Assembly that, with the exception of agenda
item 158 (b), entitled
[...] “Financing of the United Nations peacekeepingforcesin the Middle East: Financing [...]
of the United Nations
Interim Force in Lebanon”, all the draft proposals were adopted by the Committee without a vote.
他们建议,应采本地球员得以多参 加职业赛事;加强对职业球员的支援,让他们维持较理想的生活赛及杯赛中胜出的球队颁发更多奖金;以及对表现 杰出的球员给予充分嘉许。
They suggested that measuresshould betaken to enhance the participation of local players in professional matches; strengthen the support for professional players [...]
to enable them to sustain
a more descent living; award more incentive bonus to the winning teams in league and cup matches; and give due recognition to the achievement of outstanding players.
应以一致的方式对军火禁运、旅行限制、飞行禁令和金融制裁等所有向措 出人道主义豁免和其他豁免,并按照确的程序加以审议。
Humanitarian and other exemptions should be made
available in a consistent
[...] manner to all targeted measuressuch asarms embargoes, travel restrictions, aviation bans and financial sanctions, and considered in accordance with fair and clearprocedures.
鉴于人权与和平教育对加强和平文化,增进和谐关系,保障非暴力文化以 及儿童和广大社会中的性是至关重要的,因此委员会建议缔约国迅速采 取具,确中的所有儿童提供人权教育,特别是,并对教 师和其他专业人员开展培训,以便通过冲突解决和同行调解培训来帮助学生解决 冲突。
Considering that human rights and peace education are essential to enhance a culture of peace and promote harmonious relationships which guarantee
the culture of
[...] non-violence and gender equality among children and the larger society, the Committee recommends that the State party take prompt and concretemeasures to ensurethe provision of human rights education and, in particular, peace education, for [...]
all children in school
and train teachers and other professionals to help students to resolve conflict through conflict-resolution and peer-mediation training.
2012年5月26日,武装恐怖团体从瓦尚(Warsha h)斯纳扎(Nazhah) 和哈达拉(Hadarah)区发射了六枚迫击炮弹,造成 巴平Jeanette Mikha'il 身亡,在该袭击中还打伤了其他平民。
On 26 May 2012, armed terrorist groups fired six mortar shells
from the Warshah quarter into the Nazhah
[...] and Hadarah quarters of Homs, killing Jeanette Mikha'il, a civilianwho was mute, and wounding other civilians in that attack.
她还重申巴勒斯 坦对巴勒斯坦人民权利司的感谢,感谢它支持委员 会的工作方案,包括举行有助于对话和寻求要国际会议,感谢它执行向巴坦权力机构 工作人员的年度培训方案。
She also reaffirmed Palestine’s appreciation to the Division for Palestinian Rights for its support of the Committee’s programme of work, including the organization of important international conferences that contributed
to the dialogue and
[...] the searchforpeace and the conduct of the annual training programme for staff ofthe PalestinianAuthority.
在这方面,鉴于局势不断加 剧向巴供国际保护是一个极其重要的问题,在暴力继续升级并造 [...]
In this regard, and given the ongoing
escalation, the provision of international
[...] protectionto Palestinian civilians is an issue of [...]
crucial importance that should be seriously
considered, supported and facilitated before the violence escalates any further, with all its grave consequences.
为了建设列伸出了它的 手,但以色列的反应一直是加强定居点活动,并且 冻结向巴勒斯坦转移巴勒斯坦人的税收,这显然是 惩罚其加入教科文组织。
Palestine had extended its hand to Israel in an effort to buildpeace,yet Israel’s response [...]
had been to increase settlement
activity and freeze the transfer of Palestinian tax revenues in apparent punishment for its UNESCO membership.
教育方案向巴坦难民儿童和青年提供学习机会,传授知识、技能和经 验,其质量、标准和规范与东道国当局在联合国各项原则总框架内所提供的知识、 技能和经验保持一致。
The education
[...] programme will provide Palestine refugee children and youth with learning opportunities, knowledge,skills and experience [...]
that are consistent
in quality, standards and norms with those offered by the host authorities within the overall framework of the principles of the United Nations.
安理会回顾,可以对那些从事或支持从事威胁索马里全或 稳定的行为,包括威胁《吉布提协议》或政治进程或以武力威胁过渡联邦机 构或非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团),违反军火禁运,或阻碍在索马 里运送人道主义援助物资或阻碍获得这些援助的人实施 向措
It recalls that targeted measures can be imposed on those that engage in or provide support for acts that threatenthe peace, securityor stability of Somalia, including acts that threaten the Djibouti Agreement or the political process or threaten the TFIs or African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) by force, violate [...]
the arms embargo,
or obstruct the delivery of or access to humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
委员会建议缔约国采取立法和其 以确保保存关于被收养儿童出身情 况的资料,尤其是关于生身父母身份的资料,以及病史,并确保在适当年龄和成 长平向告知收养事实并使其能获得这方面的资料。
The Committee recommends that the State
party undertake
[...] legislative and other measuresto ensurethe preservation of information on the origin of adopted children, in particular information concerning the identity of the biological parents, as well as medical history, and ensure that children are informedabout [...]
the fact of their adoption
and have access to such information at the appropriate age and level of development.
基于这些原则,尼加拉瓜没有制定任何影响古巴兄弟人民和政府的经济、商业 和金融权利的法律,也没有实施任何限制与因为这违反第 64/6 号 决议的宗旨。
In accordance with these principles, Nicaragua has not enacted any laws affecting the economic, commercial or financial rights of the fraternal people and Government
of Cuba, and has not
[...] implemented any measures that might impose restrictions on trade with Cuba, sincethis [...]
would contravene the purposes
of General Assembly resolution 64/6.
萨尔瓦多共和国一贯遵守《联合国宪章》所述原则与宗旨和国际法,报告从 未颁布实施有治外效力的法律 损害 国的主权、古巴管辖的实体 或个人的合法利益以及贸易和航行自由。
The Republic of El Salvador, which has always been committed to the principles and purposes enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and to international law, reports that it has
[...] promulgated or applied laws or measuresthe extraterritorial [...]
effects of which would affect the sovereignty of the Republicof Cuba, the legitimate interests of entities
or persons under its jurisdiction and the freedom of trade and navigation.




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