

单词 向上游

See also:


make progress
try to improve oneself

向上 adv

upwards adv
downward adv

上游 n

downstream n


upper echelon
upper reaches (of a river)

External sources (not reviewed)

本公司抱有宏願且閣下之董事會和管理層相信,本公司業務重 向上游 轉 移 的決策將於未來幾年為 股東創造更高價值。
The Company has great aspirations and your Board and management believe that
the decision to shift the focus of the
[...] Company’s business upstream will enhance shareholder [...]
value over the years to come.
答复认为本组织的重点正在缓 向上游 活 动 转移,所以期望在此方向继续走下去, 以便将这些概念化为具体行动。
While a slow
[...] shift towards more upstream activity was recognized, [...]
more effort in this direction was expected in order to translate
these concepts into concrete terms.
一個良好的就業機會不止有合理的薪酬水平,也能給予僱員滿足感、學 習機會向上游動的機會,並且能讓他們自我升值,這些才是良好的就 [...]
A good employment opportunity would not only offer employees a reasonable level of remuneration but
would also offer them a sense of
[...] satisfaction, learning and upward mobility opportunities [...]
and also enable them to add value to themselves.
2009 年实行的审计新做法主要侧重高级战略问题而不是遵守、支持儿童基金向上游方案的全面调整。
A new audit approach introduced in 2009 focuses on high-level strategic
issues rather than compliance, supporting the overall shift in emphasis
[...] of UNICEF towards upstream programme implementation.
[...] 其他伙伴机构相比,更加具有参与性和主人翁精神),教科文组织工作人员和本组织的专业 知识将更多地向上游问题 ,如在全球层面开展政策磋商和提供咨询服务。
New modalities of working and focus: As UNESCO programmes are more in the hands of its Member States (stronger ownership and participation compared with many United Nations counterparts), the
use of UNESCO staff and expertise
[...] will give more on upstream issues through policy consultation [...]
and advisory services at global level.
纺织人纤是远东集团肇基的第一个事业,由纺织织布开始, 向上游 聚 酯 发展,是国内最早也最完整地完成上下游垂直整合的一贯作业纺纤制造商。
We were the first to have completed a full up-and downstream vertical integration in this area at an early date.
他們的美好前程如果僅僅局限於成效未 見的所謂優勢產業中,第一,我不知道他們要等待至何時;第二,這種 做法可能非常不智,因為這樣做只會扼殺年青人在其他行業中的發展潛 力,而且變相是打壓他向上游的空 間。
If their prosperous future is restricted to these so-called industries with competitive edge of which the effectiveness has yet been proven, first of all, I do not know for how long they have to wait, and secondly, such an approach may be very unwise.
所以,我們在推動產業時,一定要有機會給予本地人士學習, 並且讓他們透過不斷進修或在職訓練, 向上游 動 的 機會。
Many people with relatively low educational attainment are thus left with no employment alternatives. Therefore, in promoting industries, we must provide
local people with learning opportunities and
[...] enable them to move upwards through continuous [...]
studies or in-service training.
其實,我也不贊成“80後 ”的人要那麼快便自置樓宇的,我並不覺得 他們有那樣的需要,正如我有時候也覺得,年青人大學畢業後,不應立 即考慮申請公屋,而是應自己付出努力賺錢,先住私人樓宇的板間房, 忍耐一兩年,然後在賺到錢之後 向上游 去。
In fact, I do not agree that the post-80s should acquire their own homes so quickly either. I do not think they have such a need, just as I sometimes think that young people, after graduating from university, should not consider applying for public housing immediately.
當14 500個大學入學指標這個 “金剛圈”不能打破時,香港學生 向上游 , 惟 有好像局長多番所說般, 找一些自資學位或自費進修其他教育課程。
When "the Golden Hoop" of the university admission target of 14 500 cannot be
broken, Hong Kong students who want
[...] to make their way upstream can only do as the [...]
Secretary has repeatedly said, and look
for self-financing degree programmes or take other education courses at their own expenses.
雖 然 如此, 粵 港雙方在 九 十 年代中察覺水 質 有 變 差 的 趨 勢 後,已立刻 開
[...] [...] 始 研究及 推 行改善 水 質 的 方 案,並 已立刻 進行一 系 列 的 措施, 例如在1998 年 9 月 把 東 江 水 的 取 水向 上 游 遷移, 以便在 水 質 較佳的位置取水;在位於 深 圳 水 庫 的生物 硝 化 廠 於 1999 年年初 投 產 後,水 質 已有明顯改善 [...] [...]
; 與 此同 時,更進行深 圳 水 庫 清 淤 工 程 , 把沉積於水 庫 底 的 淤 泥 清 走 , 以減低 淤 泥 影 響 水 庫 水 質 , 縱 使 將來有 需要在 水 庫 較 低 的位置取水 , 亦 可以保 持 穩 定的水 質 。
The desilting works will ensure the stability of the water quality even if water has to be drawn from the lower level of the reservoir in future.
简单地把紫外线净化器放在水路中;从过滤器理想 向上游。
Simply place the UVC clarifier in the water
[...] circuit; ideally upstream from the filter.
為了改善輸港 東 江 水水質,廣 東 省 當 局
[...] 亦 將 供 港 食 水 的 取 水向 上 游 遷 移 , 並 於 1998 年 完 成 [...]
興 建 耗 資三億 多元的 太 原 抽 水 站 。
To improve the quality of Dongjiang water supplied to Hong Kong, the Guangdong Authorities also relocated
the intake point of potable water
[...] supplied to Hong Kong upstream and completed the [...]
construction of Taiyuan Pumping Station
in 1998 at a cost of $300-odd million.
工业 部门同样打算进一步发展初级资源的产业转换,帮助将一些后期加工活动(组装 和包装)逐渐向上游市场
In the same vein, the industrial sector intends to further develop the productive
transformation of primary resources and to
[...] support the gradual move upmarket of some [...]
final processing activities (assembly and packaging).
不管政府是力谷增加就業職位或壓縮失業數 字,如果職位的質素不佳,即quality不佳,這不單指薪酬低,還包括欠 缺滿足感,沒有給予在職人向上游 動 的 機會或令他們得不到有尊嚴的 感覺,或無法令他們有合理的生活水平,便會一如多位同事所指出般, 產生在職貧窮的問題。
It is not only the quantity but also the quality that count. It does not matter whether the Government is making great efforts to boost the number of job positions or suppress the figures on unemployment, if the job positions are of poor quality, that is, if the job positions offer low pay and also fail to offer any satisfaction, chance of upward mobility and sense of dignity to people taking the positions, making it impossible for them to attain a reasonable standard of living, the problem of working poverty would emerge, as pointed out by various Members.
自2008年开始,财富的分配已向上游 离 , 拥有个人高净资产值(不动产达百万美元以上)的人数达到了新高——共有1100万人,总高净资产达42万亿美元(来自Capgemini/RBC数据)。
The distribution of
[...] wealth has shifted upwards since 2008—the number [...]
of high-net-worth individuals (defined as those who have at least $1m in divestible
assets) reached its highest level last year of 11 million people, holding an estimated $42 trillion, according to a report by Capgemini/RBC Wealth Management.
香港經濟發展蓬勃,許多行業都已成熟發展,加上醫藥發達,退休 年齡正不斷延長,高層職位供不應求,年青 向上游 的 機會越來越少, 難度越來越高,一方面令不少在職人士(特別是年青人)透不過氣,感到 很大壓力;另一方面,很多年青人因找不到工作而氣餒,最終造成各種 各樣的社會問題。
There is prosperous economic development in Hong Kong and the development of many industries has become mature, coupled with advanced medicine, the retirement age has constantly been lengthened, thus, the demand for senior positions exceeds supply and there are fewer and fewer opportunities for advancement for the youth, and advancement has become increasingly difficult.
在目前環境下......其實不單在目前環境下,代理主 席,我回想自己由基向上游,最初買第一層樓宇時只須繳付10%首 [...]
Under the existing circumstances …… actually it is not only under the existing
circumstances, Deputy President, recalling my
[...] experience of moving upward from the grass-roots [...]
level, I remember that I only needed
to pay 10% as down payment for the purchase of my first flat, and at that time, it was not possible to repay the mortgage loan in full within 10 years.
为了实向上游工作的战略转变,开发署国家办事处的能力需要得到进一步加强,其手段 是配备实质性问题专家和/或能够方便地和频繁地从总部和区域中心获取这方面 [...]
To realize
[...] strategic shifts to upstream work, the capacity [...]
of UNDP country offices needs to be further strengthened with
experts on substantive issues, and/or have good and frequent access to such expertise from the headquarters and regional centres.
向价值链上游移动 的战略中,有利的环境气候、 可靠而廉价的电力、工业自由区、集聚经济都是一揽子政策中最重要的组成部 分。
In the strategy to move up the value chain, a propitious environmental [...]
climate, reliable and cheap electricity, an industrial
free zone, economies of agglomeration are among the most important components of a policy package.
亚洲购物商城是东南亚地区最大的商城,也是世 上 最 大 的商城之一,共有超过600家店 向游 客 提供各类商品选择。
The largest in Southeast Asia and one of the biggest on the world, the SM Mall of Asia presents visitors with 600 shops and an even greater variety to choose from.
尤 其是,因咨询服务工作被缩减, 上游向 民 勤地表水调水管理制度意见》的编写工作被暂停。
In particular the ‘management guideline for surface water transfer from the upper catchment to Minqin’ has been suspended owing to the cut-back in consultancy advisory services.
应在 A 组份和 B 组份流量上游的供料管路上 安装流体调节器,以保证正确的压力控制并尽量减少泵 [...]
To obtain proper pressure control and minimize pump pulsation, install a fluid regulator on the A and
[...] B supply lines upstream of the meters.
还注意到在 5 个中等收入国家的方案和管
[...] 理安排不合适,无法确保有效支持各种增加资源作用的活动,以 向 有 关 儿童的上游”(在 政策和方案来源一级)工作提供其他形式的支持。
Programme and management arrangements in 5 middle-income countries were also noted to be unsuitable to ensuring effective support for
various resource-leveraging and
[...] other forms of support for ‘upstream’ (at the level of the source [...]
of policies and programmes) work for children.
Plan your visit”标题下登载有关路线指示、 开放时间和入场、安全检查等方面的信息,一个教师之角,一个活动日历栏,有 关联合国修缮情况的最新信息;而“Tours and tickets”标题向游客提供有 关导游和语音导览、上售票 和团体预约等方面的信息。
Plan your visit” features information on directions, hours and admission, security screening, a teacher’s corner, a calendar of events, updated information about United Nations renovations, while “Tours and tickets” provides the visitor with information on guided and audio tours, online ticketing and group reservations, inter alia.
[...] 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作上游需要 澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 [...]
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change,
it became clear that significant work
[...] is needed on the upstream clarification of [...]
basic ethical principles, including but
not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或 上 任 何 類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
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(F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or
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holding that office
or the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
富裕且强大的国家 继续在决定国际关系的性质与向上 发 挥 着过度的影响,包括经济和贸易关 系,以及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺牲发展中国家为代价。
The rich and powerful countries continue to
exercise an inordinate influence in determining
[...] the nature and direction of international [...]
relations, including economic and trade
relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many of which are at the expense of developing countries.
此外,虽然这些 提议包括将一些外勤事务职位改叙为本国员额,还有一个专业员额向下改叙,但
[...] 咨询委员会注意到,大部分提议继续体 向上 改 叙的趋势,其中包括 25 项改叙 [...]
为 P-5 或以上职等的提议。
Furthermore, while the proposals include the nationalization of a number of Field Service positions and the downward reclassification of one Professional post, the Committee notes
that the majority of the proposals continue
[...] to reflect an upward trend, including [...]
25 proposals for reclassification to P-5 level or above.




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