单词 | 吐露 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吐露verb—revealvtellv吐露—disclose露露noun—LulunSee also:吐v—putv sayv 吐—spit vomit throw up 露v—revealv showv exposev 露—nectar betray outdoors (not under cover) surname Lu 露n—dewn syrupn gelsn
与 英 国 人 相 比 , 香 港 人 的 教 育 程 度 仍 是 较 低 , 没 有 那 麽 清 楚 自 己 的 权 利 , 并 且 对 警 方 存 有 畏 意 , 所 以 会 比 较 容 易 受 到 警 方 施 压 々 事 实 上 , 国 际 司 法 组 织 香 港 分 会 会 员 所 得 的 经 验,尌 是 受 疑 人 往 往 会 以为吐 露实情可 能 无 人 相 信 而 故 此 不 真 实 作 答 。 hkreform.gov.hk | This makes them more vulnerable to pressure from the police and indeed the experience of members of JUSTICE has been that suspects will often give untruthful answers because they think that a truthful answer may not be believed. hkreform.gov.hk |
有一个传统,在犹太人中的电流,亚当头骨后,被 吐露了他的儿子诺亚闪,及由Melchisedech后,终于被存放在有个地方叫出于这个原因,墓地。 mb-soft.com | There was a tradition current among the Jews that the skull of Adam, after [...] having beenconfided by Noah to his [...]son Shem, and by the latter to Melchisedech, [...]was finally deposited at the place called, for that reason, Golgotha. mb-soft.com |
字里行间吐露了牛 顿的个人情感历程,即从绝望到和平以及宽恕带来的喜悦。 wdl.org | Its words express Newton’s personal journey from despair to peace and joy through the gift of grace. wdl.org |
一个匿名提供消息的人说,市警察局长 Saud Aziz 曾向他吐露,他收到陆军总部打来的电话,指示他下令冲洗犯罪现场。 daccess-ods.un.org | One source, speaking on the basis of anonymity, stated that CPO Saud Aziz had confided in him that he had received a call from Army Headquarters instructing him toorder the hosing down of the crime scene. daccess-ods.un.org |
种贝介类的样本,则每㆔ 个月在香港沿岸海域,包 括 长 洲、吐露港及青山湾附近收集㆒次。 weather.gov.hk | Three types of shellfish samples were collected quarterly at the Hong Kong coastal waters [...] near CheungChau, Tolo Harbour,and Castle [...]Peak Bay. weather.gov.hk |
这项重要的发现指出吐露港的 沉积岩属侏罗纪时代,而并非如学者以往相信的属前寒武纪或古生代。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | This important find indicated that [...] the rocks in the Tolo Channel were of [...]Jurassic age, and not Pre-Cambrian or Early Palaeozoic [...]as believed by earlier workers. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
杀人狂》女角Rosario Dawson合唱的化学作用,成为别具个性的糜烂情歌;结尾曲〈Happiness〉彷佛是灰色大环境下 吐露的曙光,为未来带来新希望。 think-silly.com | The finale track ‘Happiness’ encourages one to peek out from the current grey outlook to hope for the brighter future. think-silly.com |
您可通过社交商务功能为顾客提供广泛的途径,让他们 吐露心声,从而促进销售额增长。 hybris.com | And social commerce capabilities enable you to offer customers a wide range of options for making that voice heard – and driving increased sales. hybris.com |
答覆: 2004 年道路维修的预算开支增加,是用於新建道路及巴士总站的维修,这 [...] 些项目包括旧政务司官邸附近道路交汇处与马料水道路交汇处之间一段 吐露港公路扩阔工程及 8 个新建成的公共交通交汇处。 devb.gov.hk | Reply : The increase in estimated expenditure on highways maintenance in 2004 is for the maintenance of newly [...] completed highways and bus termini, including the [...] widening of the Tolo Highway between [...]Island House interchange and Ma Liu Shui [...]interchange and eight newly completed public transport interchanges. devb.gov.hk |
中文大学校园﹝下称「中大校园」﹞占地137公顷,除了教学大楼之外,环境亦包括河溪、水池、草地、灌木丛、植林区、次生树林等,加上邻近大埔滘自然护理区之林区,面向 吐露港, 校园? greeneducationcuhk.net | The campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as “CU campus”) covers an area of 137 hectares, which, apart from teaching buildings, include rivers, ponds, grasslands, bushes, plantations, secondary forests, etc. Moreover, neighboring the woods of the Tai Po Kau Special Area and facing the Tolo Harbour, the campus has a considerable biodiversity and serves as the ideal location for nature conservation and environmental education. greeneducationcuhk.net |