单词 | 吐蕃王朝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吐蕃王朝—Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century ADSee also:吐蕃—Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD 王朝n—dynastyn Khann Fathn
胡萝卜素、维他命 C 及蕃茄红素便是多存於水果且具抗氧化作用的营养素或植物化 合物。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Carotene, vitamin C and lycopene are the nutrients or phytochemicals with antioxidative effect that contained mostly in fruit. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
美丽的罗迪公园占地90英亩,由15和16世纪强大的赛义德(Sayyids)王朝和罗迪(Lodis)王朝建立。 shangri-la.com | Established between the 15th and 16th centuries by the powerful dynasties of the Sayyids and Lodis, the beautiful gardens occupy 90 acres of land. shangri-la.com |
它独特的文化 遗产由于从公元前四千年起的历代王朝,特别是苏美尔、巴比伦、亚述、阿肯弥尼和阿巴斯等王朝作出的重大贡献而享有盛名。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its unique cultural heritage is distinguished [...] by major contributions from a series of kingdomsfrom the fourth millennium B.C. onwards – notably the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Achaemenids and Abbasids. [...] unesdoc.unesco.org |
在一般性意见交流期间,下列国家的代表发了言:阿尔 及利亚、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、巴西、智利 (代表里约集团)、中国、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、法国、匈牙利(代表欧洲联盟)、印度、 印度尼西亚、印度尼西亚(代表不结盟运动)、伊朗(伊斯兰共和国)、伊拉克、日 本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、列支敦士登、墨西哥、黑山、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、尼 日利亚(代表非洲国家集团)、挪威、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、 塞内加尔、瑞典、瑞士、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 美利坚合众国、委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔共和国)和越南。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representatives of the following countries made statements during the general exchange of views: Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile (on [...] behalf of the Rio [...] Group), China, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea,Ecuador, Egypt, France, Hungary (on behalf of the European Union), India, Indonesia, Indonesia (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Montenegro, Nepal, Nigeria, Nigeria (on behalf of the Group of African States), Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland,UnitedKingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of [...]Tanzania, United States [...]of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam. daccess-ods.un.org |
联科行动将采取若干特派团支助举措:包括实施一项新技术,以增加卫星网 络吞吐量,并减少使用的卫星调制解调器数量;为联科行动人员安全制定一项综 合安全管理制度;建立一个中央人员数据库,更好地管理人员流动;引进环保废 水处理系统;根据科特迪瓦环境法规,将粪便收集和处理外包给一个私人承包商; 在智器(移动电话,全球定位系统导航器)上安装互动地图,以及在没有银行设施 的地方,利用银行服务提供现金每月为在该地区的人员发放津贴,而不是用联科 行动的工具运送。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI will implement a number of mission support initiatives, including the implementation of a new technology to increase the throughput on the satellite network and reduce the number of satellite modems in use; the development of an integrated security management system for the security of the Operation’s personnel; the creation of a central repository of personnel data for better management of personnel movement; the introduction of an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system; the outsourcing of the collection and disposal of septic waste to a private contractor in accordance with the environmental regulations of Côte d’Ivoire; the deployment of interactive maps on smart devices (mobile phones, Global Positioning System navigators); and the use of banking services to deliver cash for the payment of monthly allowances to personnel in the regions where there are no banking facilities, instead of its transport by UNOCI means. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还应当指出,最近的恐怖袭击导致数十人丧生 和几百名手无寸铁的平民受伤,其中包括男人、妇女 和儿童,袭击的目标是从伊拉克各个地区步行前往侯 赛因·本·阿里·本·阿布·塔列布阿訇圣祠的朝圣 者,这个圣地是为了纪念倭马亚王朝时期,于公元 680 年与其家人及信众一起遇害的先知穆罕默德的孙子。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should also point out that the recent terrorist attacks that killed dozens and wounded hundreds of unarmed civilians, including men, women and children, targeted visitors who walk on foot from various regions of Iraq to visit the holy shrine of Imam Hussein bin Ali bin Abu Taleb, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad who was killed along with all of his family and followers in 680 A.D., during the time of the Umayyad Dynasty. daccess-ods.un.org |
该作品的最后是杜士全的诗词,这些诗词与画作上的诗词和谐统一,也是由朱之蕃亲笔所书。 wdl.org | At the end [...] are poems byDu Shiquanthat harmonize [...]with the poems on the paintings; these poems are also in Zhifan's hand. wdl.org |
为wellnigh五百年入侵後,马其顿的帕西经文仍处於分散状态,但只有保存记忆,直至伟大的拜火教的波斯萨珊王朝(公元226-651 )时,文本再次收集,整理,翻译到巴列维,并解释。 mb-soft.com | For wellnigh five hundred years after the Macedonian invasion the Parsee scriptures remained in a scattered condition, much being preserved only by [...] memory, until the great Zoroastrian under [...] the Sassanian dynasty (AD 226-651), [...]when the texts were again collected, codified, [...]translated into Pahlavi, and interpreted. mb-soft.com |
这部书由明朝朱之蕃编撰。 wdl.org | This book was [...] compiled byZhu Zhifan ofthe Ming dynasty. wdl.org |
(b) 至於产品配料的名称( 例如"蕃茄汤")、图片或文字 ( 例如" 加入草莓"),又或有关食品必不可少的配料 [...] (例如"辣豆肉酱"中肉类的比例),则必须列明有关百 分比。 legco.gov.hk | (b) for ingredients which are described by the name of [...] the product (e.g. "tomato soup"), bypictures [...]or by words (e.g. "with strawberries"), [...]or which are essential in characterizing a foodstuff (e.g. % of meat in "Chili con carne"), the percentage must be indicated. legco.gov.hk |
4 此地图支持了对於印度孔雀王朝和笈多王朝的哪个概括性的归纳? nysedregents.org | 7 Base your answer to this question on the graphic organizer below and on your knowledge of social studies. nysedregents.org |
由於去年在吐露港展开的铺设天然 气管道工程可能曾翻起海床沉积的有毒重金属,而且渔农自然护理署(“渔 [...] 护署”)去年的化验结果显示,该区的贝類样本的重金属镉浓度超出《食物 搀杂(金属杂质含量)规例》(香港法例第 132 章附属法例 V)就食物所订 [...]的有关准许浓度一倍以上,养鱼户因此要求环境保护署(“环保署")抽取 工程附近海床下面 2 至 3 米的泥土样本作化验,但该署以资源不足和缺乏有 关的钻挖设备及技术人员为理由而予以拒绝。 legco.gov.hk | As the laying of natural [...] gas pipelinesinTolo Harbour last year [...]might have stirred up the toxic heavy metals deposited [...]in the seabed, and the test results of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) last year indicated that the concentration of cadmium, a heavy metal, in shell fish samples collected from such area was more than twice the permitted concentration specified for food in the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. V), the fish farmers requested the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to take soil samples for testing from two to three metres beneath the seabed near the works site. legco.gov.hk |
其独特 的文化遗产反映了阿契美尼德王朝时期的波斯 、亚历山大大帝时期的希腊、佛教、印度教 和伊斯兰教复杂交会的历史。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its unique cultural heritage reflects a history marked by the complex encounters between AchaemenidPersia,Alexandrian Greece, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. unesdoc.unesco.org |
昂热,安久的古都,是1154年至1399年以来的第二个首都的英国金雀花王朝家族成为英国国王和公爵安茹。 leapfrog-properties.com | Angers, the ancient capital of Anjou, was from [...] 1154 to 1399 the second capital of England [...] sincethe Plantagenet family became kings of England as [...]well as Dukes of Anjou. leapfrog-properties.com |
在这份“便携式地图集”中,de [...] la Feuille 记载了错综复杂的西班牙王位继承战争(1701-14 年),这场战争始于西班牙哈布斯堡国王查尔斯二世的去世,他把西班牙留给了法国波旁王朝国王路易十四的孙子安茹公爵菲利普。 wdl.org | In this “portable atlas,” de la Feuille documented the intricacies of the War of Spanish Succession (1701-14), which began after the Habsburg king of Spain, [...] Charles II, died and left [...] his kingdomto Philip, the Duke of Anjou and the grandson of the French Bourbon king, Louis XIV. wdl.org |
收 入 增 加 乃 因吞吐量的总 体 增 长 及 添 置 更 多 货 车 提 供 服 务 令 运 输 能 力 提 高 所 致 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The increase in revenue is attributable to the general increase in throughput and the increase in hauling capacity as more trucks are added to the service. cigyangtzeports.com |
并发用户容量主要受限于调度信令和业务信道资源,在多小区模 拟加载环境下,采用 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同时在线,且下行吞吐量均保持在 100kbps 以上,上行吞吐量均保持 在 50kbps 以上。 tdia.cn | Concurrent user capacity is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation loading environment, by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and special time slot allocation of 10:2:2, each cell can support 200 terminals to be on-line at the same time, with downlink throughput being kept above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps. tdia.cn |
由 於 722TH 和 723TH 两项 工程计划的路段均属吐露港公路北 段的一部分,在有关地 点 使用与吐露港公路相同 种类、设计和颜 色 的隔音屏障,可视为吐露港公路沿 线 隔音屏障的自然延 展部分。 legco.gov.hk | As the road sections in 722TH and 723TH are [...] part of the Tolo Highway northern section, noise barriers of the same type, make and colour at these locations could therefore be regarded as natural extensions of the noise barriersalong Tolo Highway. legco.gov.hk |
学习社群 学习社群是指一群有共同价值观与目标的成员紧密合 作,积极參与、协作及反思,从而孳生蕃衍新知識,并 创建学习的新方法。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Learning community A learning community refers to a group of people who have shared values and goals, and who work closely together to generate knowledge and create new ways of learning through active participation, collaboration and reflection. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
客人可选鲜牛肉薄片、煎香葱吞拿鱼、烟三文鱼、巴马腿蜜瓜或蕃茄水牛软芝士为前菜,佐以Renato Ratti [...] Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011可谓配搭一流。 yp.mo | Appetizers ranging from Beef Carpaccio with Truffles, Seared Tuna with Chives, Capsicum, Olives and [...] Smoked Salmon, Parma Ham with Melon and [...] Buffalo Mozzarella &Tomato are accompanied [...]by the Renato Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011, a perfect combination. yp.mo |
另外蕃茄含大量茄红素及丰富的维他命C,健康美味,很适合注重健康的女士们。 sfgourmet.com | Tomatowith richLycopene [...] and Vitamin C are good for health conscious ladies. sfgourmet.com |
有耶路撒冷的四个捕获的帐户,记录(1)由希沙克(2)21点16分由非利士人及阿拉伯人统治的约兰(2 CHR王朝在罗波安(王上14:25); );(3),以色列王约阿施,亚玛谢(2国王14:13)的统治时期,;(4)由巴比伦人,当耶路撒冷和尼布甲尼撒(公元前586年)被毁。 mb-soft.com | There are on record the account of four captures of [...] Jerusalem, (1) by Shishakin the reign of Rehoboam (1 Kings14:25); (2) [...]by the Philistines and Arabians in the reign of Jehoram (2 Chr. 21:16); (3) by Joash, the king of Israel, in the reign of Amaziah [...](2 Kings 14:13); and (4) by the Babylonians, when Jerusalem was taken and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (BC 586). mb-soft.com |
举例来说,如果某预 先包装食物的制造商要制造 50 万包薯片,而那些薯片显然未能符合我们现 时“1 [...] 加 7”的标的尺度,但一旦政府所建议的修正案在今天获得通过,那 麽该制造商便可以把该 50 [...] 万包薯片分为 20 种不同的口味,例如蕃茄味、蒜 蓉味、海盐味、胡椒味等,然後每种口味生产 [...]25 000 包,主席,那麽加起 来便是 50 万包。 legco.gov.hk | For example, if a manufacturer of prepackaged food will produce 500 000 packs of potato chips and the potato chips apparently cannot meet the proposed "one plus seven" standard, but if the amendment proposed by the Government is passed today, the manufacturer can [...] produce these 500 000 packs of potato chips in 20 different [...] flavours, such as tomato, garlic, sea salt, [...]pepper, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
不过,它很可能不是仿痕都斯坦玉器的所谓“西蕃作”,因为所称“西蕃作”的器物打磨光亮是比较闪烁的,而本壶呈现治玉传统的琢磨光润,没那麽发亮。 e-yaji.com | It is possible that this bottle was made in the main workshops in response to the emperor’s love of Hindustan jades, since the finish is consistent with the traditional polishing of nephrite, whereas the known wares from the Tibetan workshop tended to have a more glittery finish. e-yaji.com |
各位若要在家里种植蔬菜,就得慎选种类及时机,只要依循「冷先暖後」的简单原则,都市菜园较容易成功,凉季蔬菜都在一年之初种植,通常多为叶菜类,如包心菜或莴苣;暖季蔬菜因为紮根较深,需要较多水分,故在春季中期或後期播种,如胡椒、蕃茄等,过犹不及都难有好收成。 thisbigcity.net | Warm season veggies, known for needing more water because of their deep roots, are to be planted in mid to late spring. thisbigcity.net |
百年来持续不断的研发与创新各式中西式酱汁,深受美食家的喜爱, 由享誉全球的蕃茄酱到全线调味品、酱汁产品,以世界各地成功经验为基础不断的创新,陆续研发出更多适合全球各地的饮食,并积极协助客户业绩的成长。 creation.com.tw | From the renowned Heinz ketchup to the whole line of sauce and condiments, Heinz constantly develops more products which suit customer need around the world to assist and grow with our clients. en.creation.com.tw |
新的纪念性建筑 [...] 物也纷纷兴建,包括纪念伊玛目布哈里和法尔干尼的纪念碑,帖木儿汗和帖木儿王朝博物馆,以及体现东方建筑传统之优雅和现代建筑发展之辉煌的其他许多纪 [...]念性建筑物。 daccess-ods.un.org | New memorial sites have been built, including the Memorial of [...] Remembrance and Commemoration, the Imam [...] al-Bukhari and al-Ferghani sites,the Tamerlane [...]museum and many others, which combine [...]traditional oriental architecture with modern architectural elements and are renowned for their elegance and grandeur. daccess-ods.un.org |
中间凸出部分(参见下图)上的马赛克描绘了由路德维希四世所创建的Ettal 基金会,代表着巴伐利亚王朝时代的宗教和慈善主张;马赛克的每一侧都有 [...] 因戈尔施塔特大学开幕景象和诗人Wolfram von Eschenbach 在瓦尔特城堡 歌唱比赛上取得胜利的场面,代表着巴伐利亚经济和艺术的繁荣。 livesrv.bayern.landtag.de | Thus, the mosaics on the centre risalit (see image below) depict the foundation of Ettal by the German Emperor Ludwig [...] IV, as an example of the piety and charity of [...] the Bavariandynasty,flanked by the [...]opening of the university in Ingolstadt [...]and the victory of the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach at the Sängerkrieg as an example of Bavaria‘s scientific and artistic prowess. livesrv.bayern.landtag.de |
他们与其他人一道在 8 月的大规模审判中受审,后来 于 2009 年 10 月被德黑兰革命法庭定为“与真主为敌”罪,原因是据称他们参与 了一个宣扬在伊朗伊斯兰共和国复辟王朝的团体 Anjoman-e-Padeshahi-e Iran, 以及危害国家安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were among those tried in the mass trials of August and were subsequently convicted ofmohareb by Tehran’s Revolutionary Court in October 2009 for their alleged membership in Anjoman-e-Padeshahie Iran, a group that advocates the restoration of a monarchy in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and of harming national security. daccess-ods.un.org |
就天津港发展及王朝酒业以外之业务,董事会已委聘罗申美谘询顾问有限公司(「罗申 [...] 美」)轮流对本公司及其主要附属公司进行内部监控审核,就 财务监控、运作、合规及风险管理功能等方面之效率进行评 估。 cre8ir.com | For businesses [...] other thanTPD and Dynasty, the Board engaged [...]RSM Nelson Wheeler Consulting Limited (“RSM Nelson Wheeler”) [...]to perform internal audit function to assess the effectiveness of the financial, operational and compliance controls and risk management functions of the Company and its major subsidiaries on a rotation basis. cre8ir.com |