单词 | 吐口 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吐口 —spitfig. spit out (a request, an agreement etc)Examples:口吐毒焰—speak angrily to sb. [idiom.] • lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames See also:吐—spit • vomit • throw up 吐 v—say v • put v 口 n—mouth n
其實 , 市 [...] 政 總 署有否因為該節目 的 觀 眾吐口水而主 動 提 出起訴呢 ? legco.gov.hk | Did the Urban Services Department take the initiative to prosecute [...] the spectators there for spitting? legco.gov.hk |
至於吐口水 或投擲石 塊等情況, 這 些 人理論 上 可 能是觸犯了有關侵犯人 [...] 身罪或 保安的條 例 。 legco.gov.hk | A person who spits or stones another [...] may be guilty of an offence against the person or in breach of security laws theoretically. legco.gov.hk |
不過, 正 如 何議員剛 [...] 才 說 , 那裏是有 很 多 人 吐口水, 觸犯了 《 公眾 生及市 [...]政條例》。 legco.gov.hk | But as the Honourable Albert HO said [...] many people there spat, in breach of [...]the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
主 治 溼 滯 脾 胃 、 心 腹 脹 [...] 痛 、 不 思 飲 食 、 反 胃 噯 氣 、 噁 心 嘔 吐 、 口 苦 氣 短 、 肢 體 沉 重 、 怠 惰 嗜 臥 、 霍 [...]亂 吐 瀉 、 苔 白 膩 而 厚 、 脈 緩 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Dampness stagnation in the spleen and stomach resulting in distending pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, loss of [...] appetite, gastric upset and [...] belching, nausea and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, shortness of [...]breath, heaviness feeling [...]of the body and limbs, lassitude, somnolence, vomiting and diarrhea due to cholera, with thick greasy and white fur on the tongue and moderate pulse. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
(一 ) 過去兩年, 有多少名講者在該節目的 論壇舉行 之前、進行 期間及 [...] 之後遇到不禮貌對待,例如遭人 毆打、投擲石 塊 及 吐口水等;當 中警方曾 進 行 調查及提出起訴的 [...]個案分別有多少宗,以 及 每 宗 起 訴個案的 結果為何 ; 及 legco.gov.hk | (a) the number of speakers who were treated impolitely before, during and after the City [...] Forum programme sessions, such as being [...] punched, stoned and spat upon, in the past [...]two years; and the number of such incidents [...]investigated and that which resulted in prosecutions by the police, as well as the result of each case prosecuted; and legco.gov.hk |
因為我要“撐”港台,為的是抗議政府 對港台的打壓,也要為已經成為弱勢社羣的港 台 吐 一 口 烏 氣。 legco.gov.hk | With these remarks, President, I support the motion because I am "in support of" RTHK, in order to protest against the Government's crackdown on RTHK, as well as to unburden the bitterness for RTHK that has turned into the underprivileged. legco.gov.hk |
可以說,香港港口的吞 吐量在 去年能保持 2 260 萬櫃這水平,在某程度上,是有賴我們的轉口貨運 [...] 量增加才可達到的。 legco.gov.hk | That the port throughput in Hong Kong could [...] be maintained at the level of 22.6 million TEUs last year is, to a certain extent, [...]attributed to the increase in transhipment cargo in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
如使用者使用方法不正確 [...] 或不衞生,例如使用飲水器飲水時,口部接觸飲水器的噴 水 口或 吐痰於 飲水機內都會即時令飲水機受到污染。 legco.gov.hk | If a user does not use the drinking fountain in a proper or hygienic way, such as letting his/her mouth touch the mouthpiece [...] of the drinking fountain when drinking [...] water from it or spitting into the fountain, [...]the fountain will be contaminated instantly. legco.gov.hk |
至於深圳市的港口,其吞吐量亦 增加得 十分凌厲,如果按其現時的增長速度來看,我想再過三數年,深圳市也會超 越香港。 legco.gov.hk | From its present rate of growth, I can say that it may also surpass Hong Kong in a matter of several years. legco.gov.hk |
(h) 为使用船只数据远程识别和跟踪,西非和中非各国应建立全国远程识别 和跟踪数据中心,或利用其他数据中心来实施《国际海上人命安全公约》的各项 规定和《国际海上搜寻救助公约》规定的义务;告知海事组织将使用哪个数据中 心;根据当前港口吞吐量分析港口国 进 行跟踪的费用;考虑在关键地区划分监测 区块,以利于沿岸国作跟踪 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) In order to use long-range identification and tracking of ships data, West and Central African States should establish a national long-range identification and tracking data centre or utilize other data centres to meet the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea regulatory requirements and the Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue obligations; inform IMO of which data centre will be used; analyse the cost of port State tracking based on current port traffic; and consider creating custom polygons in critical areas for coastal State tracking daccess-ods.un.org |
政府現正考慮進行另㆒項研究,檢討 港 口 及 機場 吞 吐 量 的 預期增長對日後環境的 影響。 legco.gov.hk | Another study is currently being [...] considered by the Government to review the environmental implications of the [...] projected increase in port and airport throughput. legco.gov.hk |
对其在巴西与ArcelorMittal公司共同拥有的铁矿石港口基础设施的不断建设,将是公司在完成其确立的拥有最低200万吨铁矿石 吞 吐 量 , 并随着 港 口 规 模 扩大 吞 吐 量 不断提高的目标过程中,实现的一个重要里程碑。 tipschina.gov.cn | The continued development of its iron ore port facility in Brazil, jointly owned by ArcelorMittal, will be a significant milestone in advancing that goal with [...] Adriana having access to a minimum of 2 million [...] tonnes of iron ore capacity that will grow as the Port develops in size. tipschina.gov.cn |
另外,ArcelorMittal公司将拥有港口计划 吞 吐 能 力 80%的份额,余下的20%吞吐能力归由公司所有。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, ArcelorMittal will own [...] 80% of the proposed port capacity while the [...]remaining 20% will be retained by the Company. tipschina.gov.cn |
根據多份統計資料,全球10大貨櫃吞 吐 量 的 港 口 中 亞 洲佔了8個,按名次分別為新加坡、上海、香港、深圳、釜山、廣州、寧波-舟山港及青島;上海及珠江三角洲("珠三角")(即深圳及廣州)在2008年的綜合貨櫃吞吐量較2003年分別躍升148%及142%,但香港則只上升20%。 legco.gov.hk | The consolidated container throughput of Shanghai and that of the Pearl River Delta ("PRD") (i.e. Shenzhen and Guangzhou) soared by 148% and 142% respectively in 2008 as compared to those in 2003, while that of Hong Kong rose by 20% only. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 員工應採取標準的預防措施,把所有人體的分泌 物(如血液、排泄物、唾液、痰涎、 嘔 吐 物 及傷 口的分 泌物)視為具有潛在的傳染性,並按照不 同情況採取適當及相關的保護措施。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) Staff should adopt standard precaution and regard all kinds of secretions of human [...] body like blood, excreta, [...] saliva, sputum, vomitus or secretions from wounds as potentially [...]infectious, and adopt appropriate [...]and relevant protective measures in different situations. legco.gov.hk |
至於劉健儀議員所說的香港港口吞吐 量 排 名,以現時的成本結構 來說,我們已不是單單追求吞吐量的數目。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the point made by Ms Miriam LAU about Hong Kong's ranking [...] amongst container ports of the world, throughput [...]is no longer our only indicator. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 一條雙程雙線分隔主幹路會經粉嶺公路連接 新 口 岸 與 吐 露 港 公路,而吐露港 公路/粉嶺公路也會因應交通需求而進行改善工程。 devb.gov.hk | (e) A dual 2-lane trunk road will [...] connect the new BCP with Tolo Highway via Fanling Highway, whilst Tolo Highway/Fanling [...]Highway will also [...]be improved to cater for the traffic demand. devb.gov.hk |
據報道,預期今年深圳港口的吞吐量 將 達到2 400萬 個貨櫃,逼近本港的今年預期的2 500萬個。 legco.gov.hk | It is reported that the throughput at the Shenzhen Port is expected to reach 24 million TEUs, fast approaching the 25 million TEUs projected for Hong Kong this year. legco.gov.hk |
溃疡会引起各种症状抑或根本没有症状,但是最常见的溃疡症状包括:疼痛或不适、肿胀、进食少量食物后即有饱腹感、缺少 胃 口 、 恶 心或 呕 吐 , 或 者是粪便颜色变深。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Ulcers can cause a variety of symptoms or no symptoms at all, but the most common ulcer symptoms include: pain or discomfort, [...] bloating, feeling full after eating a small amount of food, [...] lack of appetite, nausea or vomiting, or a dark stool color. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
於 2005 年,經香港處理的國際轉口 貨運達 420 萬標準櫃,佔本港港口吞吐量的 18.5%。 legco.gov.hk | In 2005, 4.2 million TEUs were handled in Hong Kong in respect of ocean to ocean transhipment, accounting for 18.5% of the port throughput in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
我認為不是的,只不過他們沒有這種 生意識,而且這些陋習已 [...] 經數十年,一時之間還改不過來;有些則是錯誤的理解,例如他們以為只要 將口水吐在街 邊的水渠內便不會犯法;另一些是因為他們身上根本沒有袋紙 [...] 巾的習慣,臨時臨急又往哪裏找一張紙巾出來呢? legco.gov.hk | This is only because they do not have such sanitary awareness and since they have acquired these bad habits for several decades, it is very hard for them to change overnight; and some people may have certain misunderstandings, [...] for example, they assume that it is [...] not an offence to spit into roadside sewers; and others [...]have done so because they are [...]not in the habit of carrying tissues around, then where could they go and find a piece of tissue when they need to spit? legco.gov.hk |
公司将保留余下的20%港口股权,一直到 港 口 的 年 吞 吐 量 达 到2000万吨时都拥有优先认购权。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Company will retain the remaining 20% of the Port with pre-emptive rights until the Port reaches a capacity of 20Mtpa. tipschina.gov.cn |
因 應 粵 港日益 繁忙的 跨 境 交 通 ,運輸局正 落 實 [...] 一 系 列 短 期 措 施 , 以增 加 現有鐵 路 和道路 口 岸 的 客 貨吞吐量 。 legco.gov.hk | To cater for the increasingly heavy demand for cross-boundary traffic between Guangdong and Hong Kong, the Transport Bureau is implementing a series of [...] immediate measures aiming at expanding the passenger and freight handling [...] capacity of existing rail and road crossings. legco.gov.hk |
基於發展新貨櫃碼 頭需時,當局在進行選址可行性研究的同時,亦會密切監察 香港港口貨櫃吞吐量的 變化,從而落實最終須推出新泊位的 時間。 legco.gov.hk | As the development of a new container terminal requires long lead time, in the course of the study, the Administration will in parallel monitor the changes in Hong Kong cargo throughput, with a view to working out the optimal timing for providing the new berths. legco.gov.hk |
1-2.13 喷口 - 吐珠筒中效果喷发所通过的 管道。 afsl.org | 1-2.13 Throat - The barrel of a Roman Candle through which the effects pass. afsl.org |
台灣方 面 的 數 字 則 顯示, 自 高雄境外 航 運 中 心 在 1997 年 4 月開通以來 , 來往廈 門 、 福 州 和 高雄港 口 的 貨 運 吞吐量 , 以 實 櫃 計 算 , 由 1997 年 4 月至 12 月 的 98 600 個標準貨 櫃 單 位 , 增 加至 1999 年 全 年的 256 200 個標 準 貨 櫃 單 位 。 legco.gov.hk | Figures from the Taiwan authorities also reveal that since the offshore transport centre in Kaohsiung commenced operation in April 1997, the cargo throughput in respect of trade between Kaohsiung and Xiamen, Fuzhou has increased from 98 600 laden TEUs between April and December in 1997 to 256 200 laden TEUs in 1999. legco.gov.hk |
联科行动将采取若干特派团支助举措:包括实施一项新技术,以增加卫星网 络吞吐量,并减少使用的卫星调制解调器数量;为联科行动人员安全制定一项综 合安全管理制度;建立一个中央人员数据库,更好地管理人员流动;引进环保废 水处理系统;根据科特迪瓦环境法规,将粪便收集和处理外包给一个私人承包商; 在智器(移动电话,全球定位系统导航器)上安装互动地图,以及在没有银行设施 的地方,利用银行服务提供现金每月为在该地区的人员发放津贴,而不是用联科 行动的工具运送。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI will implement a number of mission support initiatives, including the implementation of a new technology to increase the throughput on the satellite network and reduce the number of satellite modems in use; the development of an integrated security management system for the security of the Operation’s personnel; the creation of a central repository of personnel data for better management of personnel movement; the introduction of an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system; the outsourcing of the collection and disposal of septic waste to a private contractor in accordance with the environmental regulations of Côte d’Ivoire; the deployment of interactive maps on smart devices (mobile phones, Global Positioning System navigators); and the use of banking services to deliver cash for the payment of monthly allowances to personnel in the regions where there are no banking facilities, instead of its transport by UNOCI means. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於去年在吐露港 展開的鋪設天然 氣管道工程可能曾翻起海床沉積的有毒重金屬,而且漁農自然護理署(“漁 [...] 護署”)去年的化驗結果顯示,該區的貝類樣本的重金屬鎘濃度超出《食物 攙雜(金屬雜質含量)規例》(香港法例第 132 章附屬法例 V)就食物所訂 [...] 的有關准許濃度一倍以上,養魚戶因此要求環境保護署(“環保署")抽取 工程附近海床下面 2 至 3 米的泥土樣本作化驗,但該署以資源不足和缺乏有 關的鑽挖設備及技術人員為理由而予以拒絕。 legco.gov.hk | As the laying of natural [...] gas pipelines in Tolo Harbour last year [...]might have stirred up the toxic heavy metals deposited [...]in the seabed, and the test results of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) last year indicated that the concentration of cadmium, a heavy metal, in shell fish samples collected from such area was more than twice the permitted concentration specified for food in the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. V), the fish farmers requested the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to take soil samples for testing from two to three metres beneath the seabed near the works site. legco.gov.hk |
并发用户容量主要受限于调度信令和业务信道资源,在多小区模 拟加载环境下,采用 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同时在线,且下行吞吐量均保持在 100kbps 以上,上行吞吐量均保持 在 50kbps 以上。 tdia.cn | Concurrent user capacity is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation loading environment, by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and special time slot allocation of 10:2:2, each cell can support 200 terminals to be on-line at the same time, with downlink throughput being kept above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps. tdia.cn |