








speak and break off, then start again
hold sth.back


fig. complain bitterly

External sources (not reviewed)

收 入 增 加 乃 因总 体 增 长 及 添 置 更 多 货 车 提 供 服 务 令 运 输 能 力 提 高 所 致 。
The increase in revenue is attributable to the general increase in throughput and the increase in hauling capacity as more trucks are added to the service.
转 运 集 装 箱加 主 要 由 於 更 多 来 自 长 江 上 游 的 集 装 箱 在 武 汉 阳 逻 港 进 行 转 运 。
The increase in transshipment container throughput was mainly due to higher level of containers from upstream of the Yangtze River for transshipment at the WIT Port.
利用 TCP 试功 能,以太网服务提供商便可进行测量和验证,以确保向客 户提供的服务支持客户希望的 TCP 信息流性能。
The TCP throughput feature offers Ethernet service providers the capability of measuring and validating that the services offered to their customers support the TCP traffic performance they expect.
The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could contribute to such differences including difficulties in overcoming the network installation and operational challenges relating to any specific customer or geographical area; factors affecting actual product performance in specific deployments, which could result in lower throughput, range, and other performance criteria than achieved in laboratory tests; factors beyond our control such as weather, geographic, governmental, trade and customs, interference, and other third-party issues; specific requirements of a given customer in their specific situations; new or enhanced products introduced by third parties; and difficulties or delays in supplying products with the features, performance, compliances, certifications, cost, price, and other characteristics desired by customers.
Thanks to this solution, the bank can proceed with confidence in the performance and throughput of their system.
联科行动将采取若干特派团支助举措:包括实施一项新技术,以增加卫星网 络并减少使用的卫星调制解调器数量;为联科行动人员安全制定一项综 合安全管理制度;建立一个中央人员数据库,更好地管理人员流动;引进环保废 水处理系统;根据科特迪瓦环境法规,将粪便收集和处理外包给一个私人承包商; 在智器(移动电话,全球定位系统导航器)上安装互动地图,以及在没有银行设施 的地方,利用银行服务提供现金每月为在该地区的人员发放津贴,而不是用联科 行动的工具运送。
UNOCI will implement a number of mission support initiatives, including the implementation of a new technology to increase the throughput on the satellite network and reduce the number of satellite modems in use; the development of an integrated security management system for the security of the Operation’s personnel; the creation of a central repository of personnel data for better management of personnel movement; the introduction of an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system; the outsourcing of the collection and disposal of septic waste to a private contractor in accordance with the environmental regulations of Côte d’Ivoire; the deployment of interactive maps on smart devices (mobile phones, Global Positioning System navigators); and the use of banking services to deliver cash for the payment of monthly allowances to personnel in the regions where there are no banking facilities, instead of its transport by UNOCI means.
(b) 上述工程的接驳道路,除了拟议中的連 公路外,会否再行研究向西 接驳粉嶺绕道及古洞北新发展区?
(b) For the connecting roads in the above project, apart from the
[...] proposed link to ToloHighway, would [...]
the connection in the west to Fanling Bypass
and Kwu Tung North new development area be further studied?
并发用户容量主要受限于调度信令和业务信道资源,在多小区模 拟加载环境下,采用 20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统、2:2 的下行与上行 时隙比例和 10:2:2 的特殊时隙配比,每个小区可支持 200 个终端 同时在线,且下行保持在 100kbps 以上,上行保持 在 50kbps 以上。
Concurrent user capacity is mainly limited by scheduling signaling and traffic channel resources, in multi-cell simulation loading environment, by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and special time slot allocation of 10:2:2, each cell can support 200 terminals to be on-line at the same time, with downlink throughput being kept above 100kbps and uplink throughput above 50kps.
可同时运行10个千兆下一代SONET/SDH分析仪,以及 1 个千兆和10个千兆以太网分析仪,提供IPTV测试功能及T CP估。
Simultaneously runs a 10 gigabit next-generation SONET/SDH analyzer, as well as 1 gigabit and 10 gigabit Ethernet analyzers, delivering IPTV test capabilities and TCP throughput assessment.
When the whole house goes to a fair, Mac and Bloo compete to see who will throw up last on
[...] a ride called theVomit Comet.
(Macasía River)环境重建计画」、协助萨尔瓦多、史瓦
济兰「安全饮用水计画」、在太平洋六友邦推动「台 湾一盏灯计画」、索罗门群岛「全国森林种植发展计 画」、帛琉「污水处理系统改善计画」、海地「整治尖
[...] 沙海滩计画」、宏都拉斯「西部天然灾害防治计画」「废弃物减量计画」及「捐助国际保育计画」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon Islands, Program to Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters in the West in Honduras, Funafuti
Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical
[...] Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations [...]
to international conservation programs.
(e) 一条双程双线分隔主干路会经粉嶺公路連接新口岸公路, 公路/粉嶺公路也会因应交通需求而进行改善工程。
(e) A dual 2-lane trunk road will connect the new
[...] BCP withTolo Highway via Fanling Highway, whilst Tolo Highway/Fanling [...]
Highway will also be
improved to cater for the traffic demand.
(h) 为使用船只数据远程识别和跟踪,西非和中非各国应建立全国远程识别 和跟踪数据中心,或利用其他数据中心来实施《国际海上人命安全公约》的各项 规定和《国际海上搜寻救助公约》规定的义务;告知海事组织将使用哪个数据中 心;根据当前港口析港口国进行跟踪的费用;考虑在关键地区划分监测 区块,以利于沿岸国作跟踪
(h) In order to use long-range identification and tracking of ships data, West and Central African States should establish a national long-range identification and tracking data centre or utilize other data centres to meet the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea regulatory requirements and the Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue obligations; inform IMO of which data centre will be used; analyse the cost of port State tracking based on current port traffic; and consider creating custom polygons in critical areas for coastal State tracking
Marvell PXA1802是业界第一款多模LTE调制解调器芯片组,支持新一代的LTE标准,可实现4级150Mbps的下行链路 及第8版TD-SCDMA HSPA+技术,该器件采用了40 nm技术,并能够在单芯片上集成所有2G、3G和4G移动宽带调制解调器技术,它完全与目前中国的TD-SCDMA网络具有向后兼容性,并支持新一代的TDD/FDD网络。
The industry’s first multimode LTE modem chipset to support next generation LTE standards with Category 4 150Mbps (megabits-per-second) downlink throughput and Release 8 TD-SCDMA HSPA+, Marvell PXA1802 features 40 nanometer (nm) technology and integrates all of 2G, 3G and 4G mobile broadband modem technologies on a single chip, fully backward compatible with current China TD-SCDMA network and supporting the next generation TDD/FDD network.
2-1.4的火药腔体的结构必须保证其 在功能产生时没有烧筒或炸筒现象产生,也没 有插座被炸。
2-1.4 The pyrotechnic chamber in Roman Candles must be constructed in a manner that allows normal functioning in a normal manner without burnout or blowout, including expulsion of any spike.
APOKYN 相关临床研究中的最常见副作用包括:打哈欠;突然不自主的 动作;恶心及/或睡;眩晕;鼻漏;幻视及幻听;手、臂、腿 [...]
The most common side effects seen in clinical studies with APOKYN
were: yawning; sudden uncontrolled
[...] movements; nausea and/orvomiting;sleepiness; dizziness; [...]
runny nose; seeing and hearing
things that are not real; swelling of hands, arms, legs, and feet; increased sweating; flushing; and unusually pale complexion.
已实施三项关于修复和保护中国文化遗址的 大型日本信托基金项目,即“龙门石窟保护维修”项目、“大明宫含元殿保护维修”项目和 “库佛洞保护维修”项目。
Three largesize Japanese FIT projects on restoration and conservation of cultural sites in China have been implemented, namely “Conservation and Restoration of the Longmen Grottoes”, “Protection and Conservation of HanyuanHall of the Daming Palace” and “Conservation and Restoration of Kumtura Thousand Buddha Caves”.
In addition to severe pain just before, during or after menstruation, other symptoms of dysmenorrhea include cramps or pain in the
lower abdomen or lower back, a pulling feeling in the inner thighs,
[...] diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches and [...]
[...] 多重要保障:卓越的可用性,同时操作方便; 低亦有出色的效率;高效的投资,投 [...]
The conveyor modules and subsystems provide users with key assurances: excellent availability whilst
being easy to use; outstanding efficiency
[...] even atlow throughput volumes; efficient [...]
investment with a short period of return
on investment (two to three years); adaptability in the event of change.
Ulcers can cause a variety of symptoms or no symptoms at all, but the most common ulcer symptoms include: pain or discomfort,
bloating, feeling full after eating a small amount of food, lack of
[...] appetite, nausea or vomiting, or adark stool color.
在存取点或客户端增加天线装置能改善传输能力,某些产品利用多天线系统配以多输入多输出 (MIMO) 技术增加资料传送距离。
Adding an antenna to the Access Point (AP) or the client can improve the performance. Some products use multiple antennas with multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) technology to increase data throughout and range.
可是,在下一场活动中,我所 报导的那位候选人指出,他的对手在最新竞选活 动中提出了一个令人置疑的观点,即树二氧化碳是造成美国东部一个山脉出现雾霾的原 因,并因此而对环境政策发表了评论。
At the next event, however, my candidate pointed out that his opponent had opened his current campaign tour with a questionable assertion that carbon dioxide emitted by tree leaves was the cause of haze and smog in an eastern U.S. mountain range, thus igniting a critical discussion of his environmental policies.
这一新标准就是今天我们所了解 的802.11ac无线标准,包括提高现有无线局域网(WLAN)数据标准结构,使无线网络可以提供有线网络的性能。
The new amendment, known as 802.11ac, includes mechanisms to improve the data throughput of the existing Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), enabling wireless networks to offer wired network performance.
Emulex 16GFC适配器可为高度虚拟化数据中心提供行业领先的性能、高得多的每秒输入/输出操作数(IOPS)和两倍于8GFC适配器的数据 ²、云部署所需的更高虚拟机密度以及匹配内核更多而且内存更大的当前及下一代Intel服务器所需的出色性能。
Emulex 16GFC adapters feature industry-leading performance with significantly increased input/output operations per second (IOPS) and twice the data throughput of 8GFC adapters² for highly virtualized data centers, greater VM density required for cloud deployments and the performance needed to match current and next-generation Intel servers with more cores and more memory.
与 英 国 人 相 比 , 香 港 人 的 教 育 程 度 仍 是 较 低 , 没 有 那 麽 清 楚 自 己 的 权 利 , 并 且 对 警 方 存 有 畏 意 , 所 以 会 比 较 容 易 受 到 警 方 施 压 々 事 实 上 , 国 际 司 法 组 织 香 港 分 会 会 员 所 得 的 经 验,尌 是 受 疑 人 往 往 会 以情 可 能 无 人 相 信 而 故 此 不 真 实 作 答 。
This makes them more vulnerable to pressure from the police and indeed the experience of members of JUSTICE has been that suspects will often give untruthful answers because they think that a truthful answer may not be believed.




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