单词 | 吏胥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吏胥—minor officialSee also:吏—minor government official or functionary (old) 胥—surname Xu assist 胥n—storen
选择的地点胥视商业的性质而定,如零售 smeinfo.com.my | The location you choose will depend on the nature of your business, for example: retail, manufacturing, or professional services. smeinfo.com.my |
伍子胥,名员,字子胥,是春秋末期吴国大夫、军事家。 chinesestoryonline.com | Wu Zi Xu was a famous military general of the state Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period in China. chinesestoryonline.com |
在韩非子的眼中,理想的国家应该是斯巴达式王国,在这样的国家里面只有三种人是必要的:农夫、士兵和官吏。 chinesestoryonline.com | In the eyes of Han Fei Zi, an ideal state [...] should be a sparta-styled kingdom in which only three kinds [...] of persons were necessary, farmers, soldiersand officials. chinesestoryonline.com |
其他语言则在特别要求下提供,但胥视是否 有会说其他语言的职员而定。 kidzania.com.my | However, other language support can be provided on special request and availability. kidzania.com.my |
伍子胥说:“楚王确实正在抓我。 chinesestoryonline.com | Wu Zi Xu saidto the leader:" [...] Do you know why the king wants me? chinesestoryonline.com |
根据该法,作为司法部的机构,成立了一个在监狱 服刑事宜理事会;负责组织和开展研究,提供方法指导,准备采取在监狱服刑和 为提高官吏专业 资格开设课程的规范条例。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is charged with organizing and conducting research, providing methodological instructions, preparing normative acts in connection with serving jail sentences and organizing courses for improving professional qualifications of officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
伍子胥的报复心非常重,在率领吴国军队攻下楚国首都后,听说楚平王已死,就把楚平王的坟墓撬开,用钢鞭鞭尸三百,伍子胥由此也成为了中国历史上鞭尸的第一人。 chinesestoryonline.com | The last surviving tomb builder (the rest were supposedly killed after the tomb's construction so the location would remain a secret) reached out to WuZi Xu and revealed to him that the tomb was at the bottom of a lake. chinesestoryonline.com |
虽然表面上不那么轰轰烈烈,却能把一个郡治理得井井有条,因此,朝廷把他从东海太守调到朝廷当主爵都尉--一种主管地方吏任免的官职。 chinesestoryonline.com | As a doer, he hated paying lip service and always focused on actual effects, thus every prefecture he had governed enjoyed order and prosperity, due to which [...] the Emperor Wu transferred him, as the officer [...] in chargeof the appointment and [...]dismissal of the magistrates, to the central government. chinesestoryonline.com |
伍子胥的逃亡很艰辛,多次险些被抓到,又多次侥幸逃脱。 chinesestoryonline.com | Wu Zi Xu hoped to flee to the state of Wu. chinesestoryonline.com |
限制性贸易体制、贪官污吏和贪 求利润的商 人也使饥饿的人无法得到粮食。 daccess-ods.un.org | Restrictive trade [...] regimes, corrupt officials andprofit-hungry [...]merchants can also prevent food from getting to hungry people. daccess-ods.un.org |
南非史德兰博胥大学中国研究中心主任 Sven Grimm也是中国对非洲投资的专家,他表示:“在不久的未来,我们会看到中国人遭遇更多绑架或其他危险的情况。 amccsm.org | Sven Grimm, director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa's Stellenbosch University and an expert on China's investment in Africa, has said, "We will see more incidences of kidnapping or other dangerous situations for Chinese in the nearer future. amccsm.org |
真正的权力掌握在国家官吏手中。 norway.org.cn | The real power lay in the hands of the state officials. norway.or.kr |
由于从哥本哈根管理挪威已经不再可能,一个由高级官吏组成的政府委员会被任命来执行这项任务。 norway.org.cn | As Norway could no longer be administered from Copenhagen, a government commission of senior officials was appointed to carry out this task. norway.or.kr |
工作的制表工作室,手手与众议院Bunter,每款手表的颜色和装饰图案一看阅兵,每一个指定的数量和通过的,崇高的颜色,通过材料等珍珠,蓝宝石水晶玻璃,堇青石,石榴子石的官吏,沙弗来石,红宝石,黄水晶,蓝宝石或rhodolites漆和石头一样... zh.horloger-paris.com | The watchmaking workshops, hand in hand with the House Bunter, worked the color and decorative motifs of each watch by reference to a look of parade, each designated by a number and passage, sublime colors through materials such the pearl, sapphire crystal, lacquer and stones like iolite, garnet mandarins, tsavorite, rubies, citrines, sapphires or rhodolites ... en.horloger-paris.com |
周兴和来俊臣,是当时酷吏的代表,成千上万的人冤死在他们手下。 chinesestoryonline.com | Zhou Xing and Lai Jun Cheng were the two most typical representative of [...] oppressive officials ofWu Ze Tian's [...]administration. chinesestoryonline.com |
一天,跟随耶稣的人、就是那些税吏和罪人围在他身边听他讲道:“你们中间,谁有一百只羊失去一只,……或是一个妇人有十块钱,若失落一块,……。 conversation.lausanne.org | One day Jesus’ [...] companions, the tax collectors and sinners, [...]crowd around him to listen: “Suppose one of you has a hundred [...]sheep and loses one of them… Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one…” (Luke 15). conversation.lausanne.org |
阿尔图斯·奥利维 埃(Artus d’Olivier),莱奥尼昂和卡巴拿领主,大力扩展了“萨勒-莱奥尼昂”的面 积,甚至引起了宣称有权享有奥利维尔的波尔多市政官吏的担心。 chateau-olivier.com | Artus d’Olivier, the lord of Léognan and Cabanac, extended “la Salle-Léognan” considerably, so much so that the Jurats of Bordeaux became concerned about it and claimed that they had rights over the Olivier estate. chateau-olivier.com |