单词 | 吏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吏—minor government official or functionary (old)Examples:吏治—achievement in office style of governing (of minor official) 吏胥—minor official 吏部—Ministry of Appointments in Imperial China
在韩非子的眼中,理想的国家应该是斯巴达式王国,在这样的国家里面只有三种人是必要的:农夫、士兵和官吏。 chinesestoryonline.com | In the eyes of Han Fei Zi, an ideal state [...] should be a sparta-styled kingdom in which only three kinds [...] of persons were necessary, farmers, soldiersand officials. chinesestoryonline.com |
虽然表面上不那么轰轰烈烈,却能把一个郡治理得井井有条,因此,朝廷把他从东海太守调到朝廷当主爵都尉--一种主管地方吏任免的官职。 chinesestoryonline.com | As a doer, he hated paying lip service and always focused on actual effects, thus every prefecture he had governed enjoyed order and prosperity, due to which [...] the Emperor Wu transferred him, as the officer [...] in chargeof the appointment and [...]dismissal of the magistrates, to the central government. chinesestoryonline.com |
根据该法,作为司法部的机构,成立了一个在监狱 服刑事宜理事会;负责组织和开展研究,提供方法指导,准备采取在监狱服刑和 为提高官吏专业资格开设课程的规范条例。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is charged with organizing and conducting research, providing methodological instructions, preparing normative acts in connection with serving jail sentences and organizing courses for improving professional qualifications of officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
真正的权力掌握在国家官吏手中。 norway.org.cn | The real power lay in the hands of the state officials. norway.or.kr |
在攻克霍邑后要论功行赏,军吏们对这些以奴仆身份士兵,能不能和良家子弟享受相同的待遇而犹豫不决。 chinesestoryonline.com | When it was time to award, however, most of his generals and officers objected to giving the same rewards to the new soldiers for the reason of their humble birth. chinesestoryonline.com |
59 秘书长还指出,实施 这些行为的人是警方 调查人员和被派到拘留中心担任狱吏的共和国卫队的成 员。 daccess-ods.un.org | 59 The Secretary-General added that perpetrators are police investigators and elements of the Republican Guard assigned to detention centres as prison wardens. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于从哥本哈根管理挪威已经不再可能,一个由高级官吏组成的政府委员会被任命来执行这项任务。 norway.org.cn | As Norway could no longer be administered from Copenhagen, a government commission of senior officials was appointed to carry out this task. norway.or.kr |
一天,跟随耶稣的人、就是那些税吏和罪人围在他身边听他讲道:“你们中间,谁有一百只羊失去一只,……或是一个妇人有十块钱,若失落一块,……。 conversation.lausanne.org | One day Jesus’ [...] companions, the tax collectors and sinners, [...]crowd around him to listen: “Suppose one of you has a hundred [...]sheep and loses one of them… Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one…” (Luke 15). conversation.lausanne.org |
周兴和来俊臣,是当时酷吏的代表,成千上万的人冤死在他们手下。 chinesestoryonline.com | Zhou Xing and Lai Jun Cheng were the two most typical representative of [...] oppressive officials ofWu Ze Tian's [...]administration. chinesestoryonline.com |
在议会中,代表负责行政事务的高级官吏与代表农民和激进分子的议员之间的对立逐渐升级。 norway.org.cn | In the Storting antagonism gradually arose between the representatives of the senior officials who attended to administration, and the delegates for the farmers and the radicals. norway.or.kr |
挪威东南部的木材零售商一致提出建立挪威国家银行的要求,同时支持高级官吏有关成立一所挪威大学的建议。 norway.org.cn | The timber retailers of southeast Norway submitted a unified demand for a national Norwegian bank, and at the same time supported the demands of senior officialsfor a Norwegian university. norway.or.kr |
执达吏发觉被 告 并 无 足 够 资 产 , 可 将 被 告 拘 捕 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In the absence of sufficient property found by the bailiff, the accused may be arrested. hkreform.gov.hk |
阿尔图斯·奥利维 埃(Artus d’Olivier),莱奥尼昂和卡巴拿领主,大力扩展了“萨勒-莱奥尼昂”的面 积,甚至引起了宣称有权享有奥利维尔的波尔多市政官吏的担心。 chateau-olivier.com | Artus d’Olivier, the lord of Léognan and Cabanac, extended “la Salle-Léognan” considerably, so much so that the Jurats of Bordeaux became concerned about it and claimed that they had rights over the Olivier estate. chateau-olivier.com |
这种情况对挪威总体而言是有益的,有些官吏开始理解挪威人的观点。 norway.org.cn | By and large Norway profited from this, as some state officials began to comprehend Norwegian standpoints. norway.or.kr |
这不 仅是不任命贪官污吏的问题,尽管反贪将是该工作的 一个重要部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is not only a question of not appointing corrupt officials, although anti-corruption will be an important part of the effort. daccess-ods.un.org |
一天,几个当涂县老百姓因为不满县里的贪官污吏,就联名写了状子,控告县衙里的主簿等人营私舞弊、贪污受贿的种种不法行为。 chinesestoryonline.com | They submitted a report which described very clearly how the severalty took bribes and perverted the law to Wang Lu, asking him to severely punish the severalty. chinesestoryonline.com |
巧色玉髓;掏膛不整齐而彻底,平敛底、突出平底圈足,一面利用暗色材质浮雕一官吏骑骆驼,右手拿着一枝香橼,下面有一只狗獾跟着走,上边有太阳或月亮 e-yaji.com | Chalcedony; well but slightly irregularly hollowed with a recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; a natural darker plane in the stone edited on one side to create a midday scene of some kind of official seated on the back of a camel and holding a fruiting branch, with a racoon dog on the ground beside him, the sun above e-yaji.com |