美商传威总裁兼首席执行官Ali Khatibzadeh博士表示:“对于环隆科技在高性 能U-HD1080S视频信号转换器中选择使用我们的产品,我们感到非常高兴。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are extremely pleased to have been selected by Universal Microelectronics Co for the high-performance U-HD1080S video switch," said Dr. Ali Khatibzadeh, president and CEO of TranSwitch(C). tipschina.gov.cn |
在 E.N.A.P.,U.N.A.M.金属雕塑工作坊、建构摄影、图像中心和墨西哥城艺术家独立中心木刻工作坊学习。 shanghaibiennale.org | Studied in Metal Sculpture Workshop, E.N.A.P., U.N.A.M., Constructed Photography, Centro de la imagen, and Wood carving workshop, Centro Artesanal Independencia, Mexico City, Mexico. shanghaibiennale.org |
用户也可以建立定期 的S.M.A.R.T状态检查, 当S.M.A.R.T过期时发 布通知信息。 highpoint-tech.cn | You can also setup periodical S.M.A.R.T. status checks that send notification messages when S.M.A.R. T. thresholds are exceeded. highpoint-tech.cn |
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或 B,S灭火器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2;U--A类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设有室内消火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱乐放映游艺和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。 jyxf.com | (1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment and large shopping malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0. jyxf.com |
作为世界第三大当代艺术拍卖行 ,Phill ip’s de Pury & Company拍卖行2009年7月至2010年6月的当代艺术拍卖收入达4800万欧元 ,其试图与佳士 得拍卖行和苏富比拍卖行展开竞争 ,这将该公司的注意力引向市场中两个波 动最为剧烈的细分市场—“新兴”艺术和超级当代艺术 。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The world’s third auction house for Contemporary art sales with revenue from this segment of €48m ( July 2009 - June 2010 ),Phillip’s de Pury & Company’s quest to compete with Christie’s and Sotheby’s has led the firm to focus on “emerging” art and ultra-Contemporary art, the market’s two most volatile sub-segments. imgpublic.artprice.com |
Bulleti n 100S/104SIEC 安全接触器和 700S安全控制继电器提供高达 85A的机械连接正导向触点,现代安全应用项目的反馈电路中需要这些触点。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Bulletin 100S/104S IEC Safety Contactors and 700S Safety Control Relays provide mechanically linked, [...]positively-guided contacts [...]up to 85 A which are required in feedback circuits for modern safety applications. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
西 澳 大 利 亚 州 法 律 改 革 委 员 会 ( L a w R e f o r m C o m m i s s i o n o f W e s t e rnA u str a l i a ) —— 配 偶 在 刑 事 诉 讼 中 的 作 证 资 格 及 可 强 制 性 报 告 书 [...]( 1 9 7 7 年 ) 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Law Reform Commission of Western Australia : - Report on Competence and Compellability of Spouses to give Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (1977). hkreform.gov.hk |
此次ACS推出的众多参展产品中包括了两款NFC读写器,一款为A CR122U(符合ISO/IEC 18092标准的连机非接触式智能卡读写器,可支持Mifare卡、符合ISO 14443标准 的A类和B类卡以及全部四种类型的NFC标签),另一款为AC R1251U(符合CCID标准的NFC读写器,支持卡片读写操作、卡模拟和P2P通信)。 acs.com.hk | Among products that ACS will be exhibiting is [...] the ACR1 22U NFC reader, an ISO/IEC 18092–compliant PC-linked contactless card reader/writer that supports Mifare cards, ISO 14443 A and B cards, and all four types of NFC tags and the AC R1251U,a CCID-compliantNFC Reader [...]that supports card [...]read/write operations, card emulation and P2P communication. acs.com.hk |
按钮打 开S.M.A.R.T状态/设 置窗口。 highpoint-tech.cn | button to display the S.M.A.R.T status/settings window. highpoint-tech.cn |
通过电压互感 器U10(端子 +HT 和 -HT )同时进行必要的电压测量。 highvolt.de | The simultaneously necessary voltage measurement occurs via the U10 voltage transformer (on the +HT and –HT terminals). highvolt.de |
在圣玛尔塔大街18号 的S.I.A.M工艺美术协会,开办了第一个时尚学校,旨在一个培养合格人才、符合时装系统的需求并在多方面配合不断变化发展的时尚学校。 cameramoda.it | In the headquarters of S.I.A.M. Società di Incoraggiamento di Arti e Mestieri (Association for Encouraging Arts and Craftsmanship) located in Via Santa Marta 18, Milano, the first Italian Fashion School just started, with the aim to train talents qualified and instructed to satisfy the fashion system, now complicated and in continuous evolution. cameramoda.it |
1 8 5 3 年 证 据 修 订 法( 亦 称 B rougham勋爵 法 案 )接 纳 了 上 述 建 议 , 规 定 夫 妻 有 资 格 及 可 受 强 制 在 民 事 诉 讼 中 作 证 ; 该 法 例 第 3 条 规 定 : ‚ 丈 夫 不 可 受 强 制 透 露 妻 子 在 婚 後 向 他 所 作 的 任 何 通 讯 , 而 妻 子 亦 不 可 受 强 制 透 露 丈 夫 在 婚 後 向 她 所 作 的 任 何 通 讯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | made competent and compellable in civil proceedings, by the Evidence Amendment Act 1853 (also called Lord Brougham's Act); it was provided in s.3 that "No husband shall be compellable to disclose any communication made to him by his wife during the marriage, and no wife shall be compellable to disclose communication made to her by her husband during the marriage". hkreform.gov.hk |
美国密苏里州圣路易斯(2010年2月25日) — Emerson(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)位于圣路易斯技术领先、高能效的全球数据中心获得了两项环境责任领域殊荣:美国绿色建筑委员会( theU.S.Green Building Council)颁发的能源与环境建筑认证系统(LEED®)金牌认证,及美国可持续建筑行业委员会(the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council)颁发的 2009 年度 Beyond Green™ 高性能建筑奖。 emerson.com | ST. LOUIS, Feb. 25, 2010 – Emerson’s (NYSE: EMR) state-of-the-art, energy-efficient Global Data Center in St. Louis has earned two high-profile industry recognitions for environmental responsibility: LEED® Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council and a 2009 Beyond Green™ High-Performance Building Award from the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council. emerson.com |
订购 配件包 15U933以修理单个分配阀。 gww.graco.com | Order Kit 15U933 to repair a single dispense valve. gww.graco.com |
此外,冯博士担任中银香港(控股)有限公司(香港联交所上市公司)、Koc Hol dingA.S.(伊斯坦堡证券交易所上市公司)、中国的宝钢集团有限公司及中国石油化工集团公司独立非执行董事。 corporate.chowtaifook.com | In addition, Dr. Fung is an independent non-executive director of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited (a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange), Koc Holding A.S. (a company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange), Baosteel Group Corporation and China Petrochemical Corporation in the PRC. corporate.chowtaifook.com |
对于带有其它端接 的U系列阀 、要 指 定 用 特 殊 清 洁 和 包 装 来 处 理时、在阀订购号上添加 -SC11。 swagelok.com | To order special cleaning and packaging for U series valves with other end connections, add -SC11 to the valve ordering number. swagelok.com |
依莎集团是“西方水泥贸易公司”(CEMENTOS OCCIDENTA LES,S.A.)的创始人和控股股东之一,该公司成立于2002年,在西班牙拥有2条产能为70万吨/年的水泥磨机生产线(设在马德里和费落尔),公司正计划筹建在卡塔赫纳的第3条生产线。 excem.com | Excem is one of the founders and controlling shareholders of CEMENTOS OCCIDENTALES, S.A. This company was s etup in2002, owns 2 cement grinding mills in Spain (located in Madrid and Ferrol) with a production capacity of 700,000 MT of Cement / Year each, and intends to build a third one in Cartagena. excem.com |
於 2000 年 2 月 22 日,经修订 的草图获行政长官会同行政会议通过,并於 2000 年 3 月 3 日在宪报刊登,成为中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲 图编 号S/H24/2。 devb.gov.hk | On 22 February 2000, the amended draft OZP incorporating this option was approved by the Chief Executive in Council and gazetted as Central District (Extension) OZP No. S/H24/2 on 3 March 2000. devb.gov.hk |
( u)本期及递延税项(续) 当有合法可强制执行之权利将本期税项资产抵销本期税项负债,及当递延所得税资产及负债涉及同一税务机构 对该应课税实体或不同应课税实体徵收之所得税,且无意以净额基准清算结余时,递延所得税资产及负债将予对 销。 wingtaiproperties.com | Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is no intention to settle the balances on a net basis. wingtaiproperties.com |
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 面值总额20%之股份,以及於截至下列时间(以最早者为准)止期间内任何时间,将相当於 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内 :(a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束时;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。 centron.com.hk | Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders. centron.com.hk |
( u)凡董事会不同意委员会对甄选、委任、辞任或罢免外聘核數师事宜 的意見,委员会应在《企业管治报告》中列载委员会阐述其建议的 声明,以及董事会持不同意見的原因 slogp.com | (u) where the Board disagrees with the Committee’s view on the selection, appointment, resignation or dismissal of the External Auditors, the Committee should include in the Corporate Governance Report a statement explaining Committee’s recommendation and the reasons why the Board has taken a different view slogp.com |
游戏滑鼠的解析度在FPS游戏中是非常重要,玩家为了射击上的需求常常在急转身的动作上就需要高灵敏度的支援,容易躲过被敌人击毙的机会, M873U可以让完家随时更改滑鼠的解析度范围在2,000dpi ~500dpi之间,滑鼠的滚轮前後方各设计按键达到切换的任务(在萤幕的右下方可清楚的见到目前的解析度),所以玩家在不同游戏场景中可以进行不同的解析度调整来适合自己的需求。 btc.com.tw | In the hugely popular FPS (First Person Shooter) games, the resolution and agility of the mouse plays a very important role because it is often necessary to make precise and rapid movements when avoiding an enemy or when staging a counterattack, etc. Because the optimal resolution is highly dependant on the mission at hand, the M873U is equipped with easily adjustable resolution buttons on either side of the scroll wheel that allow gamers to change the mouse resolution at any time during game play between 2,000dpi, 1000dpi and 500dpi. btc.com.tw |
本公告所述证券概无 及不会根据一九三三年美国证券法(经修订)(「美国证券法」)或任何其他司法权区之证券法 登记,除根据美国证券法之登记规定获豁免或属不受美国证券法所规限的交易外,概不可在美国 境内(定义見美国证券 法S规例)发售或出售。 citictel.com | The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction, and may not be offered or sold within the United States (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. citictel.com |
( s)为本公司所收购的任何权利或物业付款,及不论以现金付款或透过配发本公 司股份、债权证或其他证券向任何人士或公司支付以全部或部份缴足或以其 他方式列账的酬金。 bdhk.com.hk | (s) To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company, and to remunerate any person or company whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares, debentures or other securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise. bdhk.com.hk |