单词 | 后继无人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后继无人 —have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertakingSee also:后继 n—successor n 后人 n—descendants pl • descendant n 继后 adv—later adv • afterwards adv 无后—lack male offspring 后人—later generation
那须楮现在也是制作越前奉书和本美浓纸不可或缺的原料,但由于造纸人的高龄化和低价外国楮的进口,其生产体制的存续也面临 着 后继无人 的 危 机。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | Continuation of the production system of nasukozo, which is indispensable as a material of Echizen thick Japanese [...] paper or genuine Mino paper even today, is a concern due to aging of producers and [...] import of inexpensive foreign-grown kozo. bunkashisan.ne.jp |
最后,我 国再次邀请塞尔维亚和科索沃的领导人 以及科索沃北部的塞族领导人继续进 行对话,并继续 与所有合作伙伴合作,以解决悬而未决的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, my country once again invites the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, as well as the Serbian leaders in northern Kosovo, to continue their dialogue [...] and to continue to cooperate with all of their [...]partners with a view to resolving outstanding issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他影响人权的新情况包括国家安全部的严重违法行为;目前政府和最高法 [...] 院之间的紧张态势,包括在选择总检察长方面的僵局;继哥伦比亚革命武装力量 人民军在本年度上半年释放多名被绑架警察和政治家等 之 后 难 以 再释放更 多人 员;游击队组织继续无视国际人道主 义法并袭击平民;以及因不确定是否举行公 投允许总统乌里韦竞选第三个任期而加剧的政治分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other developments which affected human rights were serious irregularities involving the Department of National Security (DAS); on-going tension between the Government and the Supreme Court, including the impasse in the selection of the Attorney General; difficulties in achieving more releases after the release of, inter alia, various kidnapped policemen and politicians by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of [...] ColombiaPeople’s Army [...] (FARC-EP) in the first half of the year; continued disregard for international humanitarian law by guerrilla [...]groups and their [...]attacks on the civilian population; and the political polarization fuelled by the uncertainty around a possible referendum that could allow President Alvaro Uribe to run for a third term. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 变本加厉地歧视宗教、族裔、语言或其他方面属于少数的人士 , 无 论其 地位是否得到承认,这除其他外包括阿拉伯人、阿泽里人、俾路支人、库尔德人、 基督教徒、犹太人、苏非派人和逊尼派穆斯林以及维护他们权益的人,并在其他 方面侵犯其人权,尤其是利用国营新闻媒体攻击巴哈教徒及其信仰;有越来越多 的迹象表明国家在竭力查找、监视和任意拘留巴哈教徒,不让巴哈教徒上大学和 谋生;继续羁押 7 名于 2008 年 3 月和 5 月被捕并面临严重指控的巴哈教领导 人, 后者未曾充分或及时获得法律代表 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Increasing discrimination and other human rights violations [...] against persons belonging to [...] religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities, recognized or otherwise, including, inter alia, Arabs, Azeris, Baluchis, Kurds, Christians, Jews, Sufis and Sunni Muslims and their defenders, and, in particular, attacks on Baha’is and their faith in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves economically, and the continuing detention of seven Baha’i leaders who were arrested in March and May 2008 and [...]faced with serious [...]charges without adequate or timely access to legal representation daccess-ods.un.org |
对拟议活动的执行似乎在 2010 年之后无法继续进 行,因为到那时氟氯化碳消费量应该为零。 multilateralfund.org | It appears not unlikely that the implementation of proposed [...] activities will continue beyond 2010 when [...]the zero CFC consumption is achieved. multilateralfund.org |
巴勒斯坦平民继续遭受以色列不分青红皂白、过 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙人民无 处 躲 无处藏。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, F-16s, helicopters and other heavy weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert metal explosive [...] bombs, the profound [...] human suffering continues to mount, as the people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果有担保债权人不再对特定类型的设保资产主张担保权,则其必须 将任何直接的受让人或后继人的身 份信息提供给设保人或由设保人指定的第三 方。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the secured creditor no longer claims a security right in the particular type of encumbered asset it must provide [...] identification information of any [...] immediate assignee or successor to the grantor or [...]to a third party designated by the grantor. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如同专家们交谈的许多 人所指出的那样,秘密拘留最令人不 安 的 后 果 是,局势完全任意发展,加上无法 确定秘密拘留的时间,以及个人无法 重 新掌控自己人生的感觉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most disturbing consequence of secret detention is, as many of the experts’ interlocutors pointed out, the complete arbitrariness of the situation, together with the uncertainty about the duration of the secret detention and the feeling that there is no way the individual can regain control of his or her life. daccess-ods.un.org |
小 武器的泛滥增加了个人间暴 力的危险,这种暴力包括冲突 之 后继 续 存 在的家庭暴 力。 un.org | A proliferation of small arms increases the risk of [...] interpersonal violence, including domestic violence, which often continues after the conflict. un.org |
国家继承之后条约 仍对其有效的非新独立国家 的 继 承 国 , 无 权 对 被 继 承 国 未 曾反对的保留提出反对,除非提出反对的期限在国家继承之日前没有结束,而且 反对是在这一期限内提出。 daccess-ods.un.org | A successor State other than a newly independent State in respect of which a treaty continues in force following a succession of States may not formulate an objection to a reservation to which the predecessor State had not objected [...] unless the time period [...]for formulating an objection has not yet expired at the date of the succession of States and the objection is made within that time period. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国代表团 再 次提到 了 列 支敦士 登 提 前 提 交 的书面评论,并强调指 出,对话 并不在人权理事会全体会议上结束 , 而 将 在 今 后 继 续下去 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Referring again to the written comments submitted in advance by Liechtenstein, the delegation [...] stressed that the dialogue [...] did not end at the plenary of the Human Rights Council, and would be continued in the future. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于这些理由以及以往报告提出的理由,有益的做法是考虑授权监察员办公 室后续处理在除名后继续遭 受制裁措施的申诉,并直接将 个 人 和 实 体提出的豁免 请求转交委员会,供其审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | For these reasons and those set out in previous reports, it would be helpful if consideration were given to [...] mandating the Office [...] of the Ombudsperson to follow up on claims of the continued application of sanctions [...]measures despite de-listing [...]and to directly transmit exemption requests from individuals and entities to the Committee for its consideration. daccess-ods.un.org |
这令人鼓舞 ,但值得关切的是,许多重债穷 国在达到完成点之后继续表 现出债务困窘的迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | While this is encouraging, there is concern that a number of post-completion-point HIPCs continue to show signs [...] of debt distress. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,第十届会议主 席和禁雷运动一样,对在与利比亚国家过渡委员会结盟的部队控制的黎波里数周 之后,该城市中存放杀伤人员地雷的大型武器仓库仍 然 无人 守 卫和警戒,表示关 切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the 10MSP President joined the ICBL in expressing concerns about large weapons stores [...] containing [...] anti-personnel mines in Tripoli remaining unguarded and unsecured weeks after forces aligned to Libya’s National [...]Transitional Council seized control. daccess-ods.un.org |
我知道,圆桌会议 2 的与会者提议采取下列行动, 事涉把预防工作在全球铺开的共同责任问题,即,通 过减少吸烟、不健康饮食、不运动和酗酒,防止非传 染病造成的很大一部分负担;采取所有国家都负担得 起的“最划算”的干预措施;考虑到采取行动的各种 场所,特别是学校、工作场所、家庭和社区;通过创 新办法,比如烟酒税收入专款专用而使卫生筹 资 后继 无虞。 daccess-ods.un.org | I understand that participants in round table 2 proposed the following actions related to the shared responsibility to make prevention work worldwide: prevent a major proportion of the NCD burden by reducing exposure to tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol, using “best buys” interventions affordable in all countries; consider various settings for action, particularly schools, workplaces, households and communities; and sustain health financing through innovative approaches such as earmarking revenue from alcohol and tobacco taxes. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于无行为能力或部分 行为能力者,可以由其监护人作为其法定代 理 人 来 继 承 遗产,并帮助其管理财产 (根据《民法典》第 271.4 条,监护人需要获得司法当局或机构的授权,方 可 无保 留地继承遗产或放弃遗产)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It therefore leaves the matter in the hands of the body which pronounced legal incapacity; unless that body states otherwise there is a presumption that it permits the person [...] deprived of capacity to [...] accept the inheritance with the assistance of the curator or, if appropriate, the guardian in his capacity as legal representative of the person concerned and administrator of that person's property (however, under article 271(4) that person is also required to obtain court authorization to accept the inheritance without benefit [...]of inventory or refuse it). daccess-ods.un.org |
引起这些民众集会的真正原因是以色 列 继 续 无 视 国 际决议,持续侵占阿拉伯 人的土 地和权利,回避实现公正和全面和平的所需条件,并且联合国未能履行《宪 章》和有关决议所规定的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The true causes of those popular gatherings are [...] Israel’s continued disregard of international resolutions, its continued usurpation [...]of Arabs’ lands and [...]rights, and its evasion of the requirements of a just and comprehensive peace, as well as the inability of the United Nations to fulfil its responsibility under the Charter and relevant resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 果我们依然如此“我行我素”,人类 社会 将 继 续 为 无 知 而 付出不必要的牺牲。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If we were to continue in this “business as usual” fashion, society would continue to suffer, quite unnecessarily, from ignorance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于没有地方支助就无法继续发 展工作,因此 所有计划和方案都应认可地方人民的 传统和文化, 同时适当关注多样性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since development endeavours without local support were not sustainable, all plans and programmes should recognize [...] the traditions and culture [...]of the local people, with due attention to diversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项受条约禁止或与条约目的和宗旨不符的保留,如果在保 存 人 应 一 缔约国 或一缔约组织请求明确告知其他缔约国或缔约组织 之 后 , 无 缔 约国或缔约组织反 对,应视为允许的保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | A reservation that is prohibited by the treaty or which is incompatible with its object and [...] purpose shall be deemed [...] permissible if no contracting State or contracting organization objects to it after having been expressly informed thereof by [...]the depositary at the [...]request of a contracting State or a contracting organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管新系统尚处于落实的初级阶段,但早已以 迅速处理案件的方式证明了自己,并将随着所 涉 人员 更为熟悉该系统后继续得到改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new system, although still in the initial phase of implementation, had already begun to [...] prove itself with the speedy [...] disposition of cases and would continue to improve as all involved [...]became more familiar with it. daccess-ods.un.org |
新闻部利用传统传 播手段——印刷、电台和电视——以及社群网络和其他新出现的平台等新媒体, 创造性地对材料重新包装和重新确定用途,最大限度地扩大了影响,特别是对青 年人和城市群体的影响,并且继续 向那 些 无 法 或 仅能有限地访问因特网 的 人 群传 送信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Creatively repackaging and repurposing its materials to be accessible through traditional means of communications — print, radio and television — and new media, including social networks and other evolving platforms, the Department has been able to [...] maximize its [...] outreach, especially among the youth and urban groups, and to continue disseminating information to those who have no or very limited [...]access to the Internet. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人遗憾的是,占领国以色列继续无 视 国际社会,无视根据安理会有关决议、 土地换和平原则和以 1967 年以前边界为基础的两国解决方案形成的二十年之久 [...] 的中东和平进程长期框架(也是阿拉伯和平倡议的核心),严重违反国际法,包括 严重违反《日内瓦第四公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, [...] Israel, the occupying Power, continues to ignore the international [...]community, to flout the long-standing parameters [...]of the two-decades-old Middle East peace process — founded upon relevant Security Council resolutions, the landfor-peace principle and the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders, which forms the core of the Arab Peace Initiative — and to grossly violate international law, including perpetration of grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着包括儿童和妇女在内的越来越多 无 辜 巴 勒斯 坦 人继 续 被杀害,随着以色 列继续进行空中轰炸和地面侵略,看不到停火的迹象,国际社会必须竭尽所能迫 使以色列立即停止所有的军事攻击,严格遵守国际法和联合国相关决议,包括 [...] 1949 年 8 月 12 日《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦第四公约》条款规定的占领国的 所有义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | As more innocent Palestinians, including children and women, continue to be killed [...] and with no end in sight as Israel continues [...]with its aerial bombardment and ground invasion, the international community must do all in its power to compel Israel to immediately cease all its military attacks and scrupulously abide by all of its obligations as the occupying Power, under international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, including the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949. daccess-ods.un.org |
11.4 承继人与受让人:本协议对于双方的 承 继人 、 个 人 代 表 和经许可受让人都具有约束力, 并应确保他们的利益,但前提条件是:PEI 或学生在未事先获得另一方书面同意的情形 下均无权让与本协议所规定的相关权利和/或义务。 insworldsch.com | 11.4 Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding upon, and ensure for the benefit of, the successors, personal representatives and permitted assigns of the parties PROVIDED THAT neither the PEI nor the Student shall be entitled to assign its rights and/or [...] obligations under this [...]Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. insworldsch.com |
冲突结束后,无论是 国家行为体还是国际行为体都不得串通一气,让妇女 重扮男子认为可以接受的角色,而是必须确保《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》 等国际人权标 准得到维护,该公约重申妇女充分享有一切公民、政治、经济、社 会和文化权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conflict’s aftermath, neither national nor international actors must be complicit in relegating women to roles deemed acceptable by men, but instead must ensure that international human rights standards are upheld, including the [...] Convention on the [...]Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which reaffirms women’s full entitlement to all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在已登记通知中确定为有担保债权人的人不再是有担保债权人,它就 [...] 必须向在已登记通知中确定为设保人的人提供有关任何受 让 人 或 后继人 的 身 份 识别特征和地址,只要该信息已为有担保债权人所知悉。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the person identified in the registered notice as the secured creditor is no longer the secured creditor, it has to provide to the person identified in a registered notice as [...] the grantor the identifier and address of [...] any assignee or successor, as long as this [...]information is known to the secured creditor. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 如委任人因任何原因停止担任董事,候补董事应因此事实停止担任候补董 事,惟条件是如某董事退任并在让该退任生效的会议上获选再任,他按照 在紧接他退任之前生效的本条规定作出的任何委任,应在他再 任 后继 续有 效,一如他没有退任般。 cr-power.com | (d) An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases [...] for any reason to be [...] a Director provided that if a Director retires and is re-elected by the meeting at which such retirement took effect, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Article which was in force immediately prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after his re-election as if he had not so retired. cr-power.com |