

单词 后方

后方 noun ()

posterior n

External sources (not reviewed)

乌拉圭希望对一些建议作出澄清,简要介绍针对许多建议已经采取的行 动,并提供关于后方向的信息。
Uruguay wished to provide clarification on some recommendations, to brief about actions already initiated to respond to many of them, and to provide information on the road ahead.
这些改进依然是基本组 织目标,秘书长关于项目后方向的 各项建议不应忽视这些目标。
These improvements remain essential
organizational goals that should not be neglected in the Secretary-General’s
[...] proposals for the future direction of [...]
the project.
本协定有效期从生效日起,到 2008--2013 年中期战略(34
[...] C/4)结束时终止,须经总 干事提出明确的建议,并经执行局批 后方 可 续 延。
This Agreement is concluded for a period running from its entry into force until the completion of the Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013
(34 C/4) and its renewal requires the explicit recommendation of the
[...] Director-General and approval by the Executive Board.
[...] 同时要切断液压源、气压源和电源,确认液压回路的压 力为后方可进行拆卸作业
Before the machine is disassembled, make sure that the above-mentioned safety measures are
in place, shut off the air of hydraulic source
[...] and power and make sure that no pressure [...]
exists in the hydraulic circuit.
然 而,在这一年到期时,如退约国正处于冲突之
[...] 中,则退约行为需待冲突结束、起码是归还完 文化财后方能生效。
However, if, on the expiry of this period, the denouncing Party is involved in an armed conflict, the denunciation shall not take effect until
the end of hostilities, or until the operations of repatriating cultural property are
[...] completed, whichever is the later.
这项任务要待2012 年底完成基线调后方 能启动。
This task is pending completion of the Baseline Survey in late 2012.
如上文第 A.2 段所述,指定的高级 官员享有给予外交使节的特权和豁免,任何民事诉讼只有在秘书长放弃其特权和 豁后,方可继续进行。
As noted in paragraph A.2 above, designated senior officials have the privileges and immunities of diplo matic envoys and the Secretary -General would have to waive their privileges and immunities before any civil action could continue.
凡经国王任命、受任内阁大臣的 议员,丧失其在议院中的席位,只有当其内阁大臣职务结 后方 可 恢 复其议员任 期。
Any parliamentarian appointed as a minister by the King vacates his seat and resumes his term of office only when his ministerial functions have ended.
[...] 条件是有利于泡沫塑料行业淘汰氟氯化碳,而且符合世界银行与中国商定的业务准则,并 在年度工作计划中说明,而年度工作计划需要执行委员会核 后方 可 执 行。
The related activity still has to fulfil a number of conditions, one being that it leads to CFC phase-out in the foam sector, that it is in line with operational guidelines agreed between the World Bank and
China, and that it is
[...] indicated in an AIP, which in turn needs to be approved by Executive Committee [...]
prior to implementation.
(d) 实施促进重新融合的刑满释后方案 , 以利社会融合和防止重蹈覆 辙;和
(d) Implement post-release programmes [...]
for reintegration, in order to facilitate reintegration into society and prevent recidivism; and
伊拉克常驻联合国代表团向非政府组织委员会成员及经济和社会事务部政 府组织科致意,谨此附上伊拉克 2005 年关于已解散政治实体的第 21 号法律a副 本;并提及 2009 年 11 月 11 日普通照会,谨此进一步告知,“伊拉克妇女总联合 会”没有在伊拉克主管非政府组织的官方部门注册,伊拉克任何组织都必须在该 部门注后方可开展工作。
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York presents its compliments to the members of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations and to the Non-Governmental Organizations Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat and requests that legal measures be taken to end the representation of the “General Federation of Iraqi Women” in official international and regional forums owing to the fact that the Federation is one of the dissolved political entities in accordance with the provisions of Iraqi law No. 21 of 2005.
(a) 如果条约是多边的,则对保留的反对在保留正式致送做出反对国家之日的 12 个后方 可生效;但是,就多边条约而言,在致送保留时尚未加入条约的国家提出的反对,如 [...]
(a) In the case of a plurilateral or multilateral treaty, an objection to a reservation shall not be effective unless it
has been lodged before the expiry of twelve
[...] calendar months from the date when [...]
the reservation was formally communicated to
the objecting State; provided that, in the case of a multilateral treaty, an objection by a State which at the time of such communication was not a party to the treaty shall nevertheless be effective if subsequently lodged when the State executes the act or acts necessary to enable it to become a party to the treaty.
墨西哥联邦海洋法》规定,对专属经济区、自 然保护区和墨西哥国家领水的岛屿、深海海底和底土等平台上进行工程和开发,只 能在有关当局根据《联邦海洋法》及其条例以及墨西哥有效的环境法的规章、规范 和政策,对这些海洋区域的每一区域给予授权、允许或特 后方 可 进 行。
Mexico’s Federal Oceans Act provides that the works and exploitation carried out in the islands, deep seabed and subsoil of the exclusive economic zone, as well as in natural protected areas and national territorial waters of Mexico, can only be conducted with the authorization, permission or concession of the relevant authorities for each of these marine areas, pursuant to the rules, norms and policies of the Federal Oceans Act and its Regulations, and to the environmental laws in effect in Mexico.
(a) 复杂的危险品可能含有多种物质,因此,必须对危险品中的所有物质 均完成这一程后方可进行分类。
(a) Complex articles may contain multiple substances and this procedure should be completed for all substances within the article to be classified.
[...] 定而在多哈进行的谈判情况、达尔富尔政治进程在为达尔富尔带来和平方面的作 用、该政治进程的有利环境以及我对 后方 向 的 意见和建议。
The present report provides an overview of the background to the Darfur political process, the status of the negotiations taking place in Doha towards an inclusive and comprehensive peace agreement, the role of the Darfur political process in
bringing peace to Darfur, the enabling environment for the process and my observations and
[...] recommendations on the way forward.
[...] 利影响;在所有涉及气候变化的场合开展国际合作和尊重人权;打造加强人权界 和气候变化界之间的合作;人权和气候变化: 后方 向 ;以及闭幕会议。
The seminar was comprised of six sessions: the introductory session to frame the issue; adverse impacts of climate change on the full enjoyment of human rights, international cooperation and respect for human rights in all climate change-related situations; forging stronger cooperation between the
human rights and climate change communities; human rights and
[...] climate change: the way forward; and the [...]
closing session.
安全检查只会在所有展位搭建工作及电 力安装项目完后方可进行。
Inspection can only be performed when construction works at the exhibition booth and installation of all electrical items are completed.
如有任何组织或个人利用本软件以任何方式为公众服务并同时满足其自身特定目的而分发、复制和传播本 软件产品,均须得到版权人书面授权同 后方 可 进 行,否则视为侵权。
But you should not charge or requesting donations for any such
[...] copies however made and from distributing [...]
the software and/or documentation with
other products without the author's written permission.
任何级别的种薯出库前须达到库房检查块茎质量要求,重新挑选或降到与库房检查结果相对应的 质量指标的种薯级别,达不到最低一级别种薯质量指标的,须重新挑选至合 后方 可 发 货。
If reselected seed potato or seed potato reduced to the quality grade corresponding to the warehouse inspection results fails to reach the seed potato quality index of the lowest grade, it is necessary to reselect the seed potato before delivery until reaching the standard.
苏丹政府和苏人解将请求联合国安全理事会核准阿卜耶伊领事安全部队的 部署和任务,但有一项理解,即本《协定》第 27 段提及的任务必须在征得苏丹 政府、苏人解和埃塞俄比亚政府的同 后方 可 改 变。
The Government of the Sudan and SPLM will request the United Nations Security Council to approve the deployment and mandate of ISFA, with the understanding that the mandate referred to in paragraph 27 of this Agreement shall not be changed without the agreement of the Government of the Sudan, SPLM and the Government of Ethiopia.
CWM7系列环绕声道扬声器应位于聆听位置的左 右两侧后方。
Surround channel CWM7 Series speakers should
[...] be located just behind and either side [...]
of the listening position.
[...] 履行此项职责时,仲裁庭应同指定机构协 后方 能 确 定任何交存款或补充 交存款的数额,指定机构可就此项交存款或补充交存款的数额向仲裁庭提 [...]
If an appointing authority has been agreed upon or designated, and when a party so requests and the appointing authority consents to perform the function, the arbitral tribunal shall fix
the amounts of any deposits or supplementary
[...] deposits only after consultation with [...]
the appointing authority, which may make
any comments to the arbitral tribunal which it deems appropriate concerning the amount of such deposits and supplementary deposits.
人体器官和组织的摘取或移植,须基于捐赠者和接收者自由作出该事实以 及在双方作出清晰的书面同后,方 可 进 行。
The removal or transplant of human organs and
tissues may be performed only pursuant to the freely given and clearly
[...] written consent of both the donor and [...]
the recipient.
开采业必须尊重土著人民的权利,承认他们只能在根据国际人权标准与土著 人民认真达成协后,方可进 入土著领土。
Extractive industries must respect the rights of indigenous peoples and recognize that they may enter indigenous peoples’ territories only following an agreement reached through good-faith negotiations based on international human rights standards.
Promissory notes provide Member States with the opportunity to efficiently manage their cash outlay as a form of deferred payment since the notes are encashed only as agreed.
各国强调防止、打击和消除跨越国界的小武器和轻武器非法贸易问题值得进 一步分析,包括确定在《行动纲领》范围内应对这一挑战的 后方 向。
States emphasized that preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons across borders merits further analysis, including determining ways forward in addressing this challenge, within the Programme of Action process.
在台口前方和舞台后方使用了PAR 64(银色铝合金外壳,质地很好)聚光灯,台口前方使用宽光束的进口光源,均匀布光,作为面光;舞台 后方 使 用 中等光束的光源,向台前方投射光束,作为逆光,舞台顶部再设置一道顶光,这样,舞台的基本光足以均匀照亮舞台,通过添加色纸,分组编程,走灯等变化不同的色彩氛围,以配合歌舞表演的不同需要。
Proscenium stage
[...] in front of and behind the use of a PAR 64 (silver aluminum enclosure, good texture) spotlight, in front of the mouth to use table of imports of a wide beam light source, uniform distribution of light, as a surface light; the rear of the stage using medium [...]
beam light, front projection
beam to the station, as a backlight, and then set up a stage at the top of the top light, so that the stage light enough to evenly illuminate the basic stage, by adding color paper, group programming, taking different color lights, climate change, to meet cabaret different needs.
(d) 如拟就儿基会承认的债务支付未事先保留的款项,应在获得核签人 核后方可支付,但无须拟订细则 112.18 规定的任何保留文件。
(d) Proposed disbursements against liabilities acknowledged by UNICEF which had not been previously reserved shall require authorization by approving officers before payment can be made, but shall not require any reservation document under this Rule 112.18 to be established.




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