

单词 后处理

后处理 noun ()

aftertreatment n



nuclear fuel reprocessing

See also:

处理 (...) v

process v
treat v
address v
action v
deal (sth.) v
approach v
field v
do v
tackle v
manage v
dispose v
cope v
touch v

处理 n

process n
handling n
settlement n
usage n

理后 v

treated effluent v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 亡现象外,灾害对该领域的影响包括生计资产损失,例如船、网具、网箱、养殖 池塘和亲鱼、捕后处理和加 工设施以及上岸点。
In addition to the tragic loss of life, the effects of disasters on the sector can include the loss of livelihood assets
such as boats, gear, cages, aquaculture ponds
[...] and broodstock, postharvest and processing [...]
facilities, and landing sites.
仅就德黑兰研究堆、钼碘氙设施和 原子能机构获准接触的其他设施而言,原子能机构能够确认伊朗没有正在进行中后处理相关活动。
It is only with respect to TRR, the MIX Facility and the other facilities to
which the Agency has access that the Agency can confirm that
[...] there are no ongoing reprocessing related activities [...]
in Iran.
[...] 种(例如从捕捞中上层鱼转到头足类),从在当地销售转为出口 市场,当地的捕后处理产业 遭受影响(西非渔业政策网)。
In Senegal, as fishermen change gear and the focus of their effort in response to changing profit opportunities in their fishery (e.g. shifting from harvesting pelagic fish to cephalopods) and
switch from selling into local to export
[...] markets, the local post-harvest sector can suffer [...]
(Network on Fishery Policies in West Africa).
当不能就其他敏感问题达成协议时,调解人还应帮助冲突各方和其他利 益攸关方在协定中纳入选择或机制,以便 后处理 这 些 问题。
When agreement cannot be reached on other sensitive issues, the mediator should also help the conflict parties
and other stakeholders build into the agreement options or mechanisms for these
[...] issues to be addressed at a later time.
法国采用的是封闭循环,在最大程度上实 现了铀的重复利用,使废物减少到最低程度,并乐 意将后处理设施交由其他国家处置。
Her country employed a closed cycle that recycled a maximum amount of uranium and minimized waste, and would be happy to put its reprocessing facilities at the disposal of other States.
目前来看,速度和性能还不错,初步的打算是将速度放在 后处理 优 化
Now, good speed and performance , the initial intention is to
[...] speed on the final disposition of the optimization.
虽然从CD/1299 号中所载禁产条约的广泛目的来看,大型后处理或浓 缩设施及能够产生大量材料的那些设施将是禁产条约谈判中的主要考 虑,但实验室规模的设施也值得考虑。
While it followed from the broad purpose of an FMCT under CD/1299 that large reprocessing or enrichment [...]
facilities producing large
volumes of material would be a key consideration during FMCT negotiations, the issue of laboratory-scale experimental facilities warranted consideration.
增强的视频品质特点:AMD的6900系列Radeon™高清显卡具有统一视频解码器3(UVD3),一个专用的视频播放加速器,可以帮助用户获得最有效地™三维高清视频,在线视频和蓝光,同时享受范围,如先进 后处理 和 缩 放,动态对比度增强,色彩校正和更多的视频质量的提高。
Enhanced video quality features: AMD Radeon™ HD 6900 series graphics cards feature Unified Video Decoder 3 (UVD3), a dedicated video playback accelerator that helps users get the most out of HD video, online video and
Blu-ray™ 3D, while enjoying a
[...] range of video quality improvements such as advanced post-processing and scaling, [...]
dynamic contrast enhancement, color correction and more.
[...] 柿,而且还有西瓜、草莓、香蕉和各种蔬菜)以及各种谷物的收 后处理 ; 用 户类型 (即,大农户和小农户、高新技术和低技术生产者);所采用替代品的主要类型;以及影 [...]
The desk study undertaken considered in general terms: a historical overview of MB phase-out in Africa and the progress made to date; the main MB consuming sectors in the region – tobacco seedlings, cut flowers, horticulture (particularly tomatoes, but also melons,
strawberries, bananas and a variety of
[...] vegetables) and postharvest treatment of grains; [...]
the types of users (i.e. both large
and small farmers, high and low tech producers); the main kinds of alternatives adopted; and factors influencing the sustainability of such alternatives (economic, political, regulatory, technical).
契合"绿色科技,和谐未来"的车展主题,博世展出了自适应巡航控制系统(ACC)、第九代ABS³®等致力于提高驾驶安全与舒适性的创新技术,以及清洁柴油技术的最新本土化成果——经济型高压共轨系统CRS1-16及商用车尾 后处理 系 统 Denoxtronic 6。
Echoing the theme "Green Technology • Harmonious Future" from the motor show, Bosch is displaying the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), the ABS/ESP® Generation 9 and other innovations that enhance driving safety and comfort, and presenting its latest localized
technologies including the
[...] economical Common Rail System CRS1-16 and the exhaust gas after-treatment system - Denoxtronic 6.
[...] 出的明确要求,最主要的是暂停一切与浓缩有关的活 动后处理活动 以及与重水有关的活动。
The Director General’s latest report illustrates Iran’s continued disregard for the Council’s clear
demands, most notably that it suspend all
[...] enrichmentrelated and reprocessing activities and [...]
heavy-water related activities.
加拿大继续同其他想 法相同的国家在各种国际论坛积极合作,制定新的措施,以进一步加强不扩散制 度,特别是针对转让与生产可用于核武器的特殊裂变材料相关的浓缩 后处理技 术,并在遇到不遵守核不扩散承诺情况时停止核合作。
Canada continues to cooperate actively with other like-minded States in a variety of international forums to develop new measures aimed at further strengthening the non-proliferation regime, particularly with regard to the transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technologies associated with the production of special fissionable material suitable for nuclear weapons purposes, and the suspension of nuclear cooperation in cases of non-compliance with nuclear non-proliferation commitments.
[...] 器国家的实例,该国克服了技术困难,对一个在设计和建造时未考虑核查问题后处理厂使用了保障措施。
One participant cited the example of a non-nuclear-weapon state which had
overcome technical difficulties and applied
[...] safeguards on a reprocessing plant that had [...]
been designed and built without verification in mind.
现已查明哪些化学品需要采用特别处理程序,此刻正 等候澳大利亚政府官员确认后处理 的 安 排。
Chemicals requiring specialist disposal procedures were identified and
Government officials are awaiting confirmation from Australian Government officials
[...] about arrangements for final disposal.
[...] 领袖都说,此举表示布什总统没有认真打算在不久的未来就波多黎各的政治地位 采取行动,而主张建州的新进步党则予以欢迎,认为这项宣告表示在哥伦比亚特 区华盛顿的美国政府有意在波多黎各和美国 2004 年 11 月大后处理这个问题。
Leaders of both the pro-Commonwealth PPD and the pro-independence PIP have said that the move did not indicate any serious intention on the part of President Bush to take action on the political status of Puerto Rico in the near future, while the pro-statehood PNP welcomed the announcement as a sign
that Washington, D.C.,
[...] was interested in dealing with the issue after the Puerto Rico and United States elections in November 2004.
它 们 安 装 有 超 高 压 可 变 燃 油 喷 射 系 统、 超 高 效 冷 却 废 气 再 循 环 (EGR)装置、涡轮增压器精确控制装置、
[...] 新型大功率 EMS 发动机管理系统以及 集成式排后处理系统(采用带有内部 燃烧室的微粒过滤器)。
They feature ultra high pressure variable fuel injection systems, super efficient cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), precise control of the turbochargers, powerful new EMS
engine management systems and an
[...] integrated exhaust aftertreatment system that features [...]
a particulate filter with internal burner.
[...] 就可以建立合资企业在古巴开发生产这些产品,并开展储存、提炼、采 后处理 和零 售等物流活动,这将有助于取代进口、振兴粮食部门和创作新的就业来源, [...]
Without the embargo restrictions, it would be possible to establish joint ventures in order to develop the production of many of these items in Cuba, as well as
activities related to warehousing
[...] logistics, processing, post-harvest processing and [...]
distribution, which in turn would help
to replace imports, revive the food industry and generate new sources of employment, among other benefits.
音频与视频编解码器、编码器、解码器 后处理 编 码器及其它模块可以加快开发速度,并有助于对处理器进行评估。
Audio and video codecs,
[...] encoders, decoders, post processing code and other modules can speed development and help evaluate processors.
按照非洲农业企业和农产品加工业发展倡议,粮农组织和工发组织帮助布基 纳法索、科摩罗、刚果民主共和国、加纳、利比里亚、马达加斯加、尼日利亚、
[...] 键制约因素,这些因素制约了这些国家通过农产品加工、收 后处理 、 供应链管 理和促进贸易来增加农业生产价值的能力;与各利益攸关方和国际金融机构密切 [...]
Under the African Agribusiness and Agro-Industries Development Initiative, FAO and UNIDO helped Burkina Faso, the Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, the Sudan and the United Republic of Tanzania assess the key constraints faced by the agro-industry sector that limit the ability of countries to add value to
agricultural production through
[...] agroprocessing, post-harvest handling, supply chain management [...]
and trade promotion; develop
and validate concrete programme interventions to promote agro-industry development in close collaboration and consultation with stakeholders and international financial institutions; and mobilize resources from AfDB, the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and other bilateral and multilateral donors.
后,处理现有 和新出现的不履行核不扩散承诺 的案例至关重要。
Finally, dealing with existing and [...]
new cases of non-compliance with nuclear non-proliferation commitments is key.
我们鼓励各方在后处理类似 情况时采取这种谨 慎、慎重的做法,以避免使用武力。
We encourage such prudence and circumspection
[...] by all sides in handling similar situations [...]
in the future to avert the use of force.
在清洁柴油技术领域,博世展出了为中国市场量身定制的经济型高压共轨系统CRS1-16和商用车尾 后处理 系 统 Denoxtronic 6.5等本土化创新成果,为即将实施的国四排放标准做好了全面准备。
In terms of clean diesel technologies, Bosch has been well prepared for the China IV emission
regulation to be
[...] implemented in the near future and presents its [...]
latest localization achievements, the economic common rail system CRS1-16 and the exhaust
gas after-treatment solution for commercial vehicle - Denoxtronic 6.5.
该 决定除其他外重申了有关规定:禁运武器和有关材料、可能有助于浓缩 后处理 或重 水相关活动或研发核武器运载系统的某些货物和技术、几乎所有其他两用货 物和技术和可能用于国内镇压的装备;控制某些其他敏感货物和技术的出口和服 [...]
The decision, inter alia, reiterated the terms of the embargo on
arms and related
[...] materiel, certain goods and technology which could contribute to enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related [...]
activities, or to
the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, and on nearly all other dual-use goods and technology, and equipment which might be used for internal repression, introduced controls on export of certain other sensitive goods and technology and provision of certain services and investments, and expanded travel ban lists.
ADSP-2126x与ADSP-2136x处理器以及SHARC Melody与SHARC
[...] Melody 32平台,提供改进的性能、面向音频应用的外设以及新的存储器配置,可以支持业界最新的音频与环绕立体声解码器以 后处理 算 法(出厂前写入片内ROM,随处理器一同提供)。
The third-generation of SHARC processors, which includes SHARC ADSP-2126x and ADSP-2136x processors and the SHARC Melody, and Melody 32 platforms, offer increased performance, audio-centric peripherals, and new memory configurations that can support the latest industry-standard
audio and
[...] surround-sound decoders and post-processing algorithms (which come with the processors on a factory [...]
programmed ROM).
后处理或在 加工过程中要求高精度和大量测量时,高处理量将会缩短传统式笔形探头的寿命,而此种情况下,这种紧凑的测量仪器就是极其理想的选择。
The compact gauges
[...] are ideal for post process or in [...]
process applications requiring high precision and high volume measurements,
where the high throughput would shorten the life of conventional pencil probes.
[...] 9 700 个小农户(其中 26% 是妇女)以及 58 个仓库操作员:承包、质量规格、收 后处理 、 团 体市场推广和 商业化、农业生产技术和农业信贷。
WFP and its partners also trained 9,700 smallholder farmers, 26 per cent of whom were women, and 58
warehouse operators in
[...] contracting, quality specifications, post-harvest handling, group marketing [...]
and commercialization,
agricultural production techniques and agricultural finance.
因此,存储是放射性废物管理重要的一步,尽管预计存储时间会有很大的不 同(如短效半衰期放射性核素会迅速衰减,因此,几个月后,就基本上消失殆尽;
[...] 有些同位素需要储存约三个世纪的时间;半衰期为 24 000 年的钚可通后处理 技术事先去除)。
Thus, storage is an essential step in the management of radioactive waste, although the targeted duration of storage will vary hugely (e.g., radionuclides with short half-lives will decay away rapidly, so after a few months there will be essentially none left; a number of isotopes require storage for about
three centuries; plutonium with a half-life of 24,000 years can be removed
[...] beforehand by using reprocessing technologies).
7788 型通过噪声系统用于记录这一点的噪声级别,并立即报告给裁判 ——
[...] 这是该系统的一个明显好处,因为汽车吞吐量很高,同时没有时间进 后处理。
Type 7788 Pass-by Noise system was used to record the noise level at this point and immediately report it to the
adjudicators - a clear benefit of the system since the throughput of vehicles was high and
[...] there was no time for post-processing.




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