

单词 名量词

See also:


word n
speech n

classical Chinese poem

External sources (not reviewed)

IQNet证书将授权客户使用IQNet专有的注册商标,该商标是全球知名的 量 代 名词。
The IQNet certificate grants to customers the use of IQNet exclusive registered mark, which is known around
[...] the world as a synonym of Quality.
VIBRAM不仅在国际的体坛盛事担任主要角色,而且在传媒界也获得不少名声,成为 量 的 代 名词。
Not only in international race does VIBRAM become more aware, but also in the media point of view, VIBRAM® has been the equivalence of Quality.
在每一分每一刻都有着完备的监控以及全面的分析,从而使得Urzante继续成为优质 量 的 代 名词。
Complete analysis and control at all times, in order to ensure
[...] that the Urzante name continues to be synonymous with a guarantee [...]
of quality.
小光圈量密度 的波动,从平 均值的标准偏离称作均方根颗粒度(rms),用漫射颗粒度这 名词 来 表 示。
The small aperture measures fluctuations in density, and the standard deviation from average is called root-mean-square (rms) granularity and is expressed in terms of diffuse granularity.
统计学定义:准确性是一个通名词, 描述对一量的估计由于系统误差而受 到影响的程度。
Accuracy Statistical definition: Accuracy is
[...] a general term which describes the degree to which an estimate of a quantity is unaffected [...]
by bias due to systematic error.
在许多情况下,国家越来越成为掠夺自然资源和破坏环境的商 业企业的名词,结果公司和国家对当地社区积累了 量 的 社会和生态债务,特 别是在南方的生态系统中。
In many cases, the State is increasingly identified with the business of looting natural resources and with environmental destruction; as a result, companies and countries have accumulated a social and ecological debt to local communities, especially in the ecosystems of the South.
哥斯达黎加认为,主席非正式文件中的上述用词有待澄清,因此在下文中进 一步阐述了哥斯达黎加对这名词的 理 解。
Further explanation of Costa Rica’s understanding of these terms is given below as Costa Rica believes that the use of these terms throughout the Chair’s non-paper requires clarification.
[...] 行更坚决的斗争,它们是剥夺权利的 名词 , 呼 吁 以通过必要的规范性文书的方式更坚决地促进经 [...]
济、社会和文化权利,呼吁坚决谴责酷刑或其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇,呼吁更积极地支持 所有人权维护者,欧洲联盟对他们不顾巨大的危险
The European Union believed that a more determined effort
must be made to fight poverty and HIV/AIDS,
[...] which were synonymous with denial [...]
of rights; the economic, social and cultural
rights must be more vigorously promoted through legislation; torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment had to be firmly condemned; and all human rights defenders, whom it hailed for working in the face of considerable risk, should be strongly supported.
换句话说, 发展中国家现在愿意来谈判可以计量的减缓行 动,或者用更精确词是“可衡量、 可 报告和可 核实”。
In other words, developing countries are now willing
[...] to negotiate ‘quantifiable’ mitigation actions, or to use the exact words “measurable, reportable [...]
and verifiable”.
60年以上的高端家具制造商,Fortress品牌在美国是 量 的 代 名词 , 所 有Fortress椅子是通过严格规范出厂的,包括英国消防法同时和ANSI(美国国家标准学会)、BIFMA(商业和机构家具制造商协会)作为批准标准。
Manufacturer of high-end furniture for over 60 years, the Fortress brand is synonymous in the States with quality, and all Fortress chairs are built to stringent specifications, including UK Fire Regulations along with ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association) approval as standard.
如果一个人的话让人听起来很费劲,那么再丰富词 汇量和再好的语法知识又有什么用呢?
Is there any point of having an extensive vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, if it is extremely difficult to understand or to be understood?
它将使本组织作为多边良好雇主组织的地位发 生大变,变成一个效率和业绩都分别成为大幅度削减和节俭 名词 的 机 构。
It has changed the Organization drastically from being a good multilateral employer to an institution in which efficacy and performance have respectively become synonymous with drastic cuts and savings.
该mishnah是希伯来文写的,但它含有的阿拉姆语和希腊语 词 的 数 量。
The Mishnah is written in Hebrew, but it contains a great
[...] number of Aramaic and Greek words.
工作组确定了政府的以下良好做法:将人权放在决策的中心,使用 词汇 尽量不要 与罪行有明显的联系;在国民发展计划中反映非正规移徙问题;根据明 确透明的标准,并在长期移徙政策的框架内使无证移徙者的身份正规化;通过立 法保护所有移徙工人的权利,不管他们的移民地位如何;确保警察对报告受到虐 待的所有移徙工人实行保护;确保移徙者能诉之于劳工和行政法院;明确将移民 管制与劳工警察、基本服务和非正规身份移徙者的司法补救等分开;与原籍国开 展对话,例如为了确保待遇的相互对等性。
The Working Group identified the following good practices for governments: placing human rights at the centre of policymaking, inter alia by ratifying the Convention, and avoiding criminalization of undocumented migrants; using terminology that minimizes its perceived association with criminality; reflecting irregular migration in national development plans; regularizing undocumented migrants on the basis of clear and transparent criteria and within the framework of a long-term migration policy; adopting legislation protecting the rights of all migrant workers, irrespective of their immigration status; ensuring that the police protect all migrant workers reporting abuse; ensuring migrants’ access to labour and administrative courts; clearly separating immigration control from labour inspections, basic services and judicial remedies for migrants in an irregular situation; and engaging in a dialogue with countries of origin, for example to ensure reciprocity of treatment.
对某些结果的陈述使用一些不具体的和难 以量的词语,例如:创新、培养能力、加强合作、公众认识、可持 [...]
Some results are stated in terms that are
[...] not specific or measurable, for example: [...]
renewal, capacity-building, increased collaboration,
public awareness, sustainability, sharing of knowledge.
考虑到提交人提供的量资料,包括 词 、 体 检报告和专家报告, 委员会认为提交人为满足受理条件,充分证实了被拘留期间所受待遇,并且他接 受的审讯提出了《公约》第七、九、十和十四条下的问题,委员会应根据案情予 [...]
Considering the amount of information provided by the author, both in terms of testimonies and [...]
medical and expertise reports,
the Committee considered that the author had sufficiently substantiated, for purposes of admissibility, that the treatment he was subjected to in detention, and the trial that he had faced raised issues under articles 7, 9, 10 and 14 of the Covenant, which should be examined by the Committee on the merits.
60 多年来,SENNHEISER 这个品牌一直是“顶级”的名词, 也 不断地引领着新的音频技术的潮流。
For more than 60 years, the brand Sennheiser is synonymous of “supremacy” that keeps leading trends of the audio technology.
正如在其他情况下,同 一个名词用于 指称的不是保留者的意图,而是保留的效果(参看准则 1.1.1),而且为了避免来 自 1969 年和 1986 年《维也纳公约》英文本中“保留”定义的任何模糊之处,委员会选择了 驱除任何疑问的措辞; 第一句指保留的效果,而第二句则载述保留者的义务和权利。
As in other contexts, the same pronoun is used to refer not to the author’s intent but to the effects of the reservation (see guideline 1.1.1) and in order to avoid any ambivalence resulting from the definition of “reservation” in the English text of the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Conventions, the Commission had chosen wording that dispels any doubts; the first clause refers to the effects of reservations, while the second covers the rights and obligations of the author of the reservation.
在这一措辞中,名词“其 ”可指声明或国家。
In this wording the pronoun “it” could [...]
refer to either the statement or the State.
集水流域是水域的另名词,也是水域 的最高部分。
Catchment is another word for watershed, [...]
and also the highest part of a watershed.
(b) 申請增加/修訂最高殘餘限量及豁免物質:為 確 保 最高殘餘量名單及獲豁免物質名單能及時更 新,我們建議容許食物業內的營運商向食環署署 長申請在擬議規例中增加新的最高殘餘限量或 修訂現有的最高殘餘限量,或增加獲豁免物質。
(b) applications for adding/revising MRLs and exempted substances: to ensure that the lists of MRLs and exempted substances are up-to-date, we now propose to allow food traders to apply to DFEH to add a new MRL or revise an existing MRL, or to add an exempted substance under the proposed Regulation.
七) 保名词“保 护”意指为保存、卫护和加强文化表现形式多样性而采取措施。
“Protection” means the adoption of measures aimed at the preservation, safeguarding and enhancement of the diversity of cultural expressions.
这一点,但是,不正确的;一个从拉丁文和希 词 大 量 ( 见 克劳斯,“Lehnwörter,”IP二十三)受聘于犹太法典都在Babli发现的tannaitic通道,并在格言,巴勒斯坦以及巴比伦亚摩兰如Rab的(见巴切尔,LCP [...]
This is, however, incorrect;
[...] for a large number of words from the Latin [...]
and Greek (see Krauss, "Lehnwörter," ip xxiii.)
are employed in the Talmud, both in the tannaitic passages found in Babli, and in the sayings of Palestinian as well as of Babylonian amoraim, such as Rab (see Bacher, lcp 32).
3.18 食環署署長會定期修訂最高殘餘 量名 單 和 獲豁免 物質名單,把有關期間獲批准的所有最高殘餘限量∕獲豁 [...]
3.18 DFEH
[...] would revise the lists of MRLs and exempted [...]
substances regularly by incorporating all MRLs/exempted substances approved during the period.
关于美国的干果和坚果,委员会临时建议干果部门的关键用途 名量减 少 34%;该缔约方原本提议比 2013 年的名量减少 10%。
With regard to United States dried fruits and nuts, the Committee’s interim recommendation was a 34 per cent decrease taken from the
dried fruit sector of
[...] that critical-use nomination; the party had originally nominated a 10 per cent decrease over the amount nominated for 2013.
所需资源增加的主要原因是:为支持刚果(金)武装量 27 350 名官兵提 供干口粮 365 天,相比之下,2009/10 年度与联刚特派团联合行动期间,分别为 25 575 名刚果(金)武装力量官兵提供 240 天和为 16 000 名官兵提供 125 天口粮; 根据与一家商业银行签订的新合同服务(2009 年 8 月开始生效),地方银行手续费 增加;列入 22 016 名军事和警察人员制服、贴花和旗帜经费,相比之下,2009/10 年度为 5 481 名军事和警察人员。
The additional requirements are attributable mainly to provisions for dry rations to support 27,350 FARDC troops for 365 days, compared with 25,575 FARDC troops for 240 days, and 16,000 troops for 125 days in 2009/10 during joint operations with MONUC; higher charges by local banks based on new contract services with a commercial bank with effect from August 2009; and the inclusion of provisions for uniforms, decals and flags for 22,016 military and police personnel, compared with 5,481 military and police personnel in 2009/10.
就适用本公 约适用的税种而言,第 3 条(2)规定,未下定义的专名词具有 国家法律(即给予 条约好处的国家)规定的含义,除非根据情况另有需要——例如,如果显然具有 单一的国际意义,而国内法与之不符。
Article 3 (2) provides that an undefined term shall have the meaning it has under the laws of the State (that is, the State granting the treaty benefits) for the purposes of the taxes to which the Convention applies, unless the context otherwise requires — if, for example, there is clearly meant to be a single international meaning with which the domestic law is inconsistent.
由于语言学家们没有提出更好的 解决办法,因此可能导致翻译方面的问题,鉴于上述原因,我们仍将使用阳名 词,但是我们在此明确该阳名词始 终 代表的是男人和女人。
Accordingly, the masculine will generally be used, on the clear understanding that all such gender references invariably apply to both men and women.
在这方面,第四项 补充协议规定,“新生量”4 000 名成员,包括联科行动 2005 年培训的 600 [...]
名 辅助警察,将在统一指挥中心的监督下,同国家警察和宪兵人员一起立即参与选 举的安全安排。
In this regard, the fourth supplementary agreement prescribes
[...] that 4,000 Forces nouvelles elements, including [...]
the 600 police auxiliaries trained by
UNOCI in 2005, will immediately be involved in the security arrangements for the elections, together with elements from the national police and gendarmerie and under the supervision of the integrated command centre.
正如以往报告所述,专家组继续利用刚果(金)武装 量 军 官的 证 词 等 收 集到 的资料,分析新整编的刚果(金)武装力量部队中的开小差现象,特别是在前爱盟 和全国保卫人民大会人员中发生的这一现象。
As indicated in previous reports, including through testimonies collected from FARDC officers, the Group continued to analyse the phenomenon of desertions from newly integrated FARDC units, in particular of former PARECO and CNDP elements.




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