

单词 名言

名言 noun ()

maxim n



words of wisdom
wise saying


right and proper
(modified from Confucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight
authoritative and fair


words without weight
unworthy of the title (or name), or reputation
unjustified and undeserving of such description
no valid reason as justification
identity or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail

External sources (not reviewed)

板面顶部与中间是一名言(ha dith),出自先知穆罕默德。
The top and middle panels contain a saying (hadith) attributed to the Prophet Muhammad.
在帝国主义今日又将盘踞世界之时,此言 真是至名言。
Today, that sentence is just as relevant in the face of attempts to reimpose a new imperial rule on the world.
正如同美国最高法院法官路易 斯·布兰代斯(Louis Brandeis)的那名言:“ 一缕阳光是最好的消毒剂。
As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously noted: “A little sunlight is the best disinfectant.
There was a famous saying by American [...]
President Ford shortly after he took office: "I do not want a honeymoon with you.
然 後 , 他 撫 心 自 問 , 並沒有 意圖避稅, 接 又 說 了 一名 言 : “ 我 是公務與 家 事 完 全 分開處理,所以買 車 和 調整汽車首次登記稅 這 兩 件 本來相當有關的事 情(他認為兩 件事是相關的 ) , 在 我 腦 海 中 卻 完完全全沒有連結在一起?
Then after much soulsearching, he is of the view that he did not evade the tax deliberately. Then he made the following much quoted remark to this effect: "I have kept my official and family matters entirely separate from each other and that is why the two events of buying a car and adjusting the motor vehicles first registration tax which should have been related (he is of the view that the two are related), failed to be associated at all in my mind.
美國已 故總統林肯有一名言:“ 你能在所有的時候欺騙某些人,你也能在某些時 候欺騙所有人,但你不可能在所有的時候欺騙所有的人。
A maxim of a late President of the United States, Abraham LINCOLN, is that "you can deceive some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time".
我開始演講的時候,引述了邱吉爾 名言 , 說我們建造自己的房舍,之後卻由房舍塑造我們。
I started this lecture with Winston Churchill's observation that we shape our buildings, and that thereafter they shape us.
Ḥanina,坚持为Rahmer(比较魏斯在“赌注,塔木德经”,一131,注3),也不能,他可能要等到他引述由Jerome米大示,确定了比较符合的作者 名言 塔 木德和米德拉士。
Ḥanina, as Rahmer insists (compare Weiss, in "Bet-Talmud," i. 131, note 3); nor can he possibly be identified until
his Midrashim, quoted by Jerome, have been
[...] compared with the known sayings of the [...]
authors of the Talmud and the Midrash.
他已经这么理解表达在审讯(马克14:62),平反和探视的两个主题,尤其是他回答大祭司的问题,其中增加的一 名言 : “ 从现在开始”(路加福音22:69)或“来世”(太26:64)是采取的是一个真实的答复的一部分。
His sayings which have been so understood express the twin themes of
vindication and visitation, notably his
[...] reply to the high priest's question at his [...]
trial (Mark 14:62), where the added phrase
"from now on" (Luke 22:69) or "hereafter" (Matt. 26:64) is taken to be an authentic part of the reply.
在一个项目中,网络艺术家Rafaël Rozendaal受名言启发,制作了一系列名为“快乐星期一”的GIF动态图,每周一推出。
In a project for AND, Rafaël Rozendaal created a series called Happy Mondays–a new GIF that debuted each Monday to kick off the work week, inspired by a famous quote.
我并没有失败,我只是发现了10,000种不管用的方法” -托马斯·爱迪生曾说过的一名言, 这 句 名言 恰 好 与四位经验丰富主讲人于世纪大学所主讲的‘向成功企业家们学习讲座会(Learn [...]
from Successful Entrepreneurs
I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” – a quote made famous by Thomas Edison
– is also an idea commonly shared by
[...] the four experienced speakers who presented at SEGi [...]
University’s ‘Learn from Successful Entrepreneurs Talk.
在决定如何最好地开展任务时,特别代表在诺贝尔奖获得者阿马蒂亚·森 的话中发现了至名言:“ 推动我们的”,森写道,“不是人们认识到世界远未 实现完全公正――很少有人这样期待,而是我们周围存在着我们想要消除的、可 [...]
In deciding how best to pursue this task, the Special Representative found wisdom in the words of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen: “what moves us,” Sen writes, “is not the realization
that the world falls
[...] short of being completely just — which few of us expect — but that there are clearly [...]
remediable injustices
around us which we want to eliminate”.52 This perspective, which resonates well with the Special Representative’s own approach of “principled pragmatism”, leads one to inquire how to improve actual lives, Sen continues, rather than to theoretical characterizations of “perfectly just societies” or institutions, which in any case remain illusory.
之后进行了热烈的全体讨论,22 个代表团发了言,欧洲联盟的代表和南 方共同市场加智利的代表以两个区域 名言 发 了 言,另外还有 10 个非政府 组织、民间社会组织或网络代表也参加了讨论。
Ten representatives (of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and networks) also took part in the discussion.
我們就像站在熱鍋上的螞蟻」,這句話出現在一年多前,成為近期企業溝通的一 名言 , 此話出自諾基亞執行長寄給員工的信件裡,因為公司與蘋果及三星不斷追求產品快速創新,已經被壓得喘不過氣。
They were delivered by the Chief Executive of Nokia in a memo to staff as his business crumbled under the weight of rapid-fire product innovation from likes of Apple and Samsung.
为什么我们需要了解有关心理健康系统的知识呢?有 名言 说 的 好:“知识就是力量”,有 了这些知识,家庭成员才会去接触并使用这个系统,同时还可以往前再多走一步,对于我们这 个系统中的服务缺口和不完善的地方,积极地发表我们自己的看法,并要求作出相应的改善。
With knowledge, family members will be able to access and make use of the system, as well as go one step further by advocating for changes in the system where there are service gaps and limitations.
每一天的言名单都 应完成发言,不管要多少工作时间,不使任何人推迟到次日发 言。
The list of speakers for each day shall be completed and no speakers will be rolled [...]
over to the next day, notwithstanding
the implications for hours of work.
鉴于时间已晚且言名单较 长,我的发言将非常 简要,只谈两点内容。
Given the late hour and
[...] the long list of speakers, my statement [...]
will be extremely brief and limited to two points.
总务委员会还不妨提请大会注意,每一天的言名单都 应全部落实,不论需要多少工作时间,都不应将任何人推迟到次日发 言。
The General Committee may also wish to bring to the
attention of the Assembly
[...] that the list of speakers for each day shall be completed and no speakers will be transferred [...]
to the next day,
notwithstanding the implications for hours of work.
主席可在辩论过程中宣布言名单, 并可征得大会同意,宣布 言 报 名 截 止
During the course of a debate, the President may
[...] announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the Conference, declare the list closed.
但是为便于相互交流,安全理事会成员鼓励主席视讨论需要,打乱原定言名单的 顺序,随时请参加磋商的人发言。
The members of the Security Council encourage the President to facilitate interaction by inviting any
participant in the
[...] consultations to speak at any time, irrespective of the order of the prescribed speakers’ list, when the discussion [...]
requires it.
上文第 5 段所述高级别全体会议的初定言名 单 将 在排定于 2010 年 5 月举 行的一次会议上确定。
The initial list of speakers for the High-level [...]
Plenary Meeting as outlined in paragraph 5 above will be established at
a meeting to be sch eduled in the month of May 2010.
一般言,名副其 实的赔偿可以是实物复原,抑或支付补偿 金。
Generally speaking, reparation properly so called may be either restitution in kind or payment of compensation.
[...] 专家发言反对前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国在国际标准化组织的国家和语音编码 以及言名称。
An expert from the Romano-Hellenic Division, the expert from Greece, expressed his objection to the International Organization
for Standardization country and language
[...] code and language name included in the entry [...]
concerning the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Other observers were requested
[...] to register their names on the list of speakers.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股 名 冊 所 在地區 言 屬 合 理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
在两位共同主席的简短发言后,会议将开放供会场上 的会员国代表发言,发言将按照 言名 单 进 行。
After brief statements from the two co-chairs, the session will
be opened to statements delivered by representatives of Member States from the floor,
[...] who will follow a speakers’ list.
[...] 会每届会议的材料、背景资料和新闻资料袋,包括以当地语言编制的材料和资料; 及时向各个政府部门提供一般性辩论的 言名 单 ; 当高级别政府代表在大会发言 时为获取联合国摄影师拍摄的照片提供便利;在官方代表团启程赴纽约前向其提 [...]
These activities comprise media outreach; translation and dissemination of information material, backgrounders and press kits for each General Assembly session,
including in local languages; timely
[...] delivery of the list of speakers for the general debate [...]
to Government offices; facilitation
of the receipt of photographs taken by United Nations photographers when high-level Government representatives address the General Assembly; briefings about the work of the General Assembly and its documentation to members of official delegations before their departure for New York; and media support for the visits of the President of the General Assembly.
请各代表团在 登记言名单时说明代表的级别。
Delegations are asked to kindly indicate the level of representation
[...] when inscribing on the speakers list.
经与大会主席协商,非正式互动听证会期间选定 的具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织、民 间社会组织和私营部门的代表每组一人也可被列入 高级别全体会议各次全体会议的 言名 单。
Representatives of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, civil society organizations and the private sector, one from each grouping, selected during the informal interactive hearings, may also be included in the list of speakers for the plenary meetings of the High-level Plenary Meeting, in consultation with the President of the General Assembly.
接下来将在委员会发言的代表将按以下顺序:代 表太平洋小岛屿发展中国家发言的瑙鲁代表;代表东 南亚国家联盟发言的印度尼西亚代表;欧洲联盟;根
[...] 据特别安排代表加澳新发言的澳大利亚代表;以及要 求从下午言名单调 到上午名单的卡塔尔代表。
The representatives who would address the Committee next were, in the following order: the representative of Nauru, on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States; the representative of Indonesia, on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations; the European Union; the representative of Australia, on behalf of CANZ, by
special arrangement; and the representative of Qatar, who had asked to switch from the
[...] afternoon list to the morning list.




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