

单词 名画家

See also:


master (of an art or craft)
School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names
renowned expert


painting n
picture n

画画 n

paint n

External sources (not reviewed)

Well-known Cuban painters will hold [...]
exhibitions on the theme.
The artist
[...] was the famous late-Ming painter Hong Shou.
顽童的手指画受到的版 权保护,与名画家的大作相同。
In fact, works are protected by copyright
regardless of their quality. A
[...] child’s finger-painting has as much copyright protection as a famous painter’s masterpiece.
这是多么美妙啊!本书由全球畅销书作家之一撰写故事情节并由 名 插 画家 E n ki Bilal描绘极具震撼力的插画。
You’ve got one of the best-selling authors in the world to write fictional storys about your history and famous cartoonist Enki Bilal to illustrate them with striking images.
基督教坟场共有坟墓一百五十座,不少名人都在这里安息,如:莫礼逊  (Dr. Robert Morrison),他是第一本英汉字典的编辑,同时,他也是第一个把圣经译成中文的人;钱纳利,英国 名画家 , 十 八世纪居住在澳门;英国首相邱吉尔的祖先和其他海员等。
Among those buried here: Dr. Robert Morrison, who compiled the first English and Chinese dictionary and translated the Bible into Chinese; George Chinnery, an artist who lived in Macau in the 18th century; Capt.
在这里,挪威大使馆的工作人员给他们扼要介绍了大使馆珍藏的许多挪威艺术珍品,其中包括了挪威 名画家 邬 勒∙里斯勒鲁德(Ole Lislerud)的作品“解读《呐喊》”,是画家对于爱德华∙蒙克的《呐喊》进行的充满敬佩、热情和认可基础上的再次解剖和重构。
The young ambassadors met the piece “Paraphrase over Scream”, an interpretation of Edvard Munch’s famous “Scream” by Ole Lislerud with fascination, enthusiasm and recognition.
这期专刊介绍了大量挪威艺术家和艺术风格,并且刊登了数位艺术家的专访文章,包括:挪威 名 漫 画家 及 专 刊封面设计者克里斯托弗·尼尔森(Christopher Nilsen)、其作品《外出盗马》(Out stealing horses)中文版刚刚出版的挪威作家培尔·佩特松(Per Petterson)、挪威歌唱家玛丽·博伊娜(Mari Boine)、挪威名画家奥德 ·纳德卢姆(Odd Nerdrum)和流行艺术家普什瓦格纳(Pushwagner)。
The magazine introduces a broad selection of
Norwegian artists and art forms and just a few
[...] of the people interviewed in the magazine are: Christopher Nilsen, a famous cartoonist, who also made the cover art of the magazine, author Per Petterson, who just had his book “Out stealing horses” translated into Chinese, Norwegian singer Mari Boine, the famous painter Odd Nerdrum and the pop artist Pushwagner.
他是位于哥伦比亚华盛顿Imagefed获奖设计室的负责人,曾在格莱美奖上两次被 名 为 最 佳设计师,插图师 画家。
He grew up between Detroit, MI, and Wilmington, DE. Having majored in Illustration at Rhode Island School of
Design, he is
[...] currently a twice Grammy® nominated designer, illustrator, painter, [...]
and the principal of the award winning design studio, Imagefed, based in Washington DC.
我们了解欣赏名画廊、 年轻有为的艺 家 和 惊险表演的激情。
We understand a
[...] passion that appreciates renowned galleries, up-and-coming artists, [...]
and thrilling performances.
芝加哥艺术学院 博物馆里有大量名画,照 片和来自世界各地 家 具。
The Art Institute of Chicago  This museum offers an
[...] exceptional collection of paintings, drawings, photography, and furniture from around [...]
the world.
2010 年 1 月 1 日,另一名据称与青年党
[...] 和基地组织东非分部有联系的索马里人,因与袭击 名 丹 麦 漫 画家 有 关而遭到枪 击并被捕;据报该名男子曾在肯尼亚被拘留,因为警方怀疑他正在计划对美国国 [...]
On 1 January 2010, another Somali with alleged ties to Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaida East Africa was shot and
arrested in Denmark in connection with an
[...] attack on a Danish cartoonist; the same man had [...]
reportedly been detained in Kenya because
police suspected that he was planning an attack on a visiting delegation headed by the United States Secretary of State.53 105.
与会者还呼吁教科文组织在涉及阿拉伯地区人员配备,特别是高级职位方面要公正, 要符合教科文组织的有关标准和 家名 额 的 要求。
The participants also made a plea for justice in UNESCO staffing with respect to
the Arab region, especially with regard to high-level posts, in accordance with UNESCO
[...] standards and the country quotas.
17.4 各缔约方代表通过在其赞成的候选国 名 上 画 圈 进 行投 票。
17.4 The representative of each Party shall cast his/her
[...] vote by circling the names of those States for [...]
which he/she desires to vote.
文化遗产保护方面的宣传活动主要通过文化部门内部由“国家保护历史遗 迹家委员 会”、“雕塑和具有纪念意义的艺术创作成果评审委员会”、“当 名画 交易与鉴定委员会”、“ 考古学委员会”等机构组成的家委 员 会负责组织。
The promotion of the activities in the field of protection of the heritage was
implemented through the
[...] meetings of the Experts’ Councils, created within the Ministry – the National Experts Council on the protection of historical monuments, Council on the evaluation of the artistic arrays of the sculptural and monumental creation, Council on the purchase and homologation of contemporary fine arts masterpieces and the Archaeological Committee.
这方面的工作主要由文化部门内部四大专家委员会(“ 家 保 护 历史遗迹家委员 会”、“雕塑和具有纪念意义的艺术创作成果评审委员会”、“当 名画 交易 与鉴定委员会”、“考古学委员会”)负责实施。
This was implemented
[...] through the 4 Experts Councils, constituted within the Ministry – the National Experts Council on the protection of historical monuments, Council on the evaluation of the artistic arrays of the sculptural and monumental creation, Council on the purchase and homologation of contemporary fine arts masterpieces and the Archaeological [...]
它是名的城 堡建筑(第一个是从高卢 - 罗马时代);大城堡和小城堡现在房子的惊人杂志“Condé博物馆,兼收并蓄的收集, 画 , 家 具 , 宝石,陶瓷,挂毯和瓷器。
It is famous for its chateau building (the first one
[...] is from Gallo-Roman times); the Grand Château and Petit Château now house the amazing Condé Museum, an eclectic collection of paintings, furniture, gems, ceramics, tapestries and porcelain.
她是土耳其歌剧的首批歌者之一,首席女歌手 画家 , 是 享誉国际的艺术家。
She was one of the first Turkish opera singers, the prima donna of the
[...] Turkish opera, a painter, and an internationally [...]
acclaimed artist.
汉斯Prätterhoffer , (生于1943年12月11号在维也纳,奥地利) ,奥地画家是谁 参加了60个事件在欧洲和美国的25个精选的展览,是 名 的 摘要非正式艺术。
Hans Prätterhoffer, (born 11 December 1943
in Vienna, Austria),
[...] is an Austrian painter who participated on 60 events in Europe and USA with 25 featured exhibitions and is renowned for his abstract [...]
informal art.
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式),游戏和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于名的姓名和源于父名的 姓 名 , 丝 绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices
relating to hunting,
[...] fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
[...] 议以来,两个缔约国――德国和瑞士――为 家名 单 提 供了新信息或更新了信息。
Since the 10MSP, two States Parties – Germany and Switzerland – provided new or updated
[...] information for the list of experts.
委員關注到, 根據家長的定義 ,該詞將會 包括 學生的監護 人,以 及並非學生的父母或監護 人
[...] 但卻實 際 管 養 該學生的人,故 此學生可能有 超 過名家長或監護 人 ; 而部分家長 如 有 超 過一名子女在同一學校就讀 [...]
,或 會 比 其 他家長有更多票。
Members expressed concern that under the definition of parents, which would include a guardian of the pupil and a person who was not the parent or guardian of the pupil but had the actual custody of the
pupil, a pupil might have more
[...] than two parents or guardians and that some parents might have [...]
more votes than others if they
had more than one child studying in the same school.
[...] 他成员来自教育部(包括教科文组织芬兰全国 委员会)、外交部、国防部、环境部、司法 部、总参谋部、芬兰家画廊、国家 档 案 馆, 以及赫尔辛基大学图书馆。
The other members are from the Ministries of Education (including the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO), Foreign Affairs, Defence, Environment,
Justice and the General Staff,
[...] the Finnish National Gallery, the National Archives and [...]
the Helsinki University Library.
中国当代书画板块一直被认为是一个过度炒作的市场,虽然无法和古代 及近现代书画比较,本年度无一作品入围2012年中国纯艺术拍卖TOP100榜 单,但范曾、何家英、崔如琢等 画家 作 品市场的迅速发展为此板块市场掀 起了一定的波澜。
The Chinese Contemporary painting and calligraphy segment has always been considered an excessively speculative market, although there is no way it can be compared to traditional and Modern painting and calligraphy - this year it had no works
entering the 2012
[...] Chinese Fine Art Top 100 list However the rapidly developing market for works by artists such as Fan [...]
Zeng, He Jiaying and
Cui Ruzhuo set off waves in this segment.
2003 年 3 月 8
[...] 日,在总部举办了几项活动:a)意大 画家 和 摄 影家 Roshanak Bahramlou [...]
的摄 影展“阿富汗人的日常生活”;b)关于“妇女半边天”的现代艺术展,教科文组 织向利用艺术为各洲女艺术家争光的妇女致敬;c)与《巴黎竞赛》合作,就最新
科学成果和预见,举办了一次战胜惧怕,赢取防止乳腺癌的讨论会;d)举行了一 次有约旦王后陛下出席的讨论会和“揭开面纱,伊斯兰世界的女艺术家”展览 会;和 e)与电视 5 台和国际法语国家机构合作制作了世界妇女纪录片,其间,指 定法国宇航员兼艺术家 Titouan Lamazou 先生为教科文组织和平艺术家。
On 8 March 2003, several activities were held at Headquarters:
(a) a photo exhibition Intimités Afghanes
[...] by the Iranian painter and photographer [...]
Roshanak Bahramlou; (b) a contemporary
art exhibition “On this side of the sky, UNESCO salutes women in art” honouring women artists from all continents; (c) a discussion-forum Overcoming fear, winning the battle against breast cancer” was organized in collaboration with Paris Match on recent scientific breakthroughs and preventive advice; (d) a conference-discussion and an exhibit “Breaking the veils, women artists from the Islamic world” with the participation of Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan; and (e) the screening of the documentary “Portraits of Women of the World”, produced in collaboration with TV5 and l’Agence Internationale de la Francophonie, during which Mr Titouan Lamazou, French navigator and artist, was designated UNESCO Artist for Peace.
[...] 际刑警组织(为被偷盗的伊拉克文化遗产建立并且开通一个数据库,编制伊拉克文化遗产家名录) 、 国际统一私法协会 (负责规范的合作)、ICOM软件科技(负责ID身份卡,联 [...]
合国教科文组织-ICOM 息中心,针对埃及博物馆人员的培训项目以及在非洲开展的活
信 动……)、世界海关组织 (教科文-世界海关的文化财产出口证明范本)、 国际古迹遗址理 事会 (负责对国家文化地产的保存进行评估)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(负责 提供培训)。
A new presentation brochure is being prepared and partnerships are increasingly being developed with the following international organizations: INTERPOL (establishing and giving access to a database on
cultural property stolen in Iraq,
[...] compilation of a list of experts in Iraqi cultural [...]
heritage), UNIDROIT (cooperation in
standard-setting), ICOM (Object-ID record sheets, UNESCO-ICOM Information Centre, museum staff training programmes in Egypt and activities in Africa), the World Customs Organization (UNESCO-WCO project on a model cultural property export certificate), ICOMOS (evaluation of the state of conservation of immovable cultural property) and ICCROM (training).
古巴反对在联合国系统之外制定对跨国有组织 犯罪有关罪行负有责任的虚假家名 单 , 比如美利 坚合众国国务院制定的为了在政治上施压并为其没 [...]
有法律和道义基础的单边制裁做出辩护的名单,尤 其是对古巴进行的封锁。
Cuba was opposed to drawing up, outside the United Nations system,
[...] fallacious lists of countries ostensibly responsible [...]
for violations linked to transnational
organized crime, such as those produced by the Department of State of the United States of America for purposes of political pressure and to justify unilateral sanctions without any legal or moral basis, especially the embargo against Cuba.
自卡塔赫纳首脑会议以来,14 个缔约 国――阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、厄瓜多尔、伊拉克、约旦、拉脱维亚、荷兰、塞
[...] 尔维亚、瑞士、塔吉克斯坦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、突尼斯、土库曼斯坦 和乌克兰――为家名单提供了新信息或更新了信息。
Since the Cartagena Summit, 14 States Parties – Albania, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Iraq, Jordan, Latvia, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine – provided new or updated
[...] information for the list of experts.
评估的因素包括家名称、世界地区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 [...]
[...] assessed included the name of the nation, region of the world [...]
and having the following features: online publications,
online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.




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