单词 | 名气 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 名气 noun —reputation n
这种标准有助于识别教科文组织免费和付费的作品和期刊,而且依 其 名气 也 应让出版界所有人 士了解并给以尊重。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These criteria, which contribute to the identification of UNESCO’s books and periodicals, both [...] paying and free of charge, and to its [...] reputation, should be known to and respected [...]by all those involved in publications. unesdoc.unesco.org |
太平洋小岛屿发展中国家寻求迈出 第一步,任命一名气候安 全问题特别代表,以查明并 评估当前和预期气候变化不利影响对国际和平与安 [...] 全的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a first step, the Pacific SIDS seek the appointment of a special [...] representative on climate security to identify [...]and assess threats to international [...]peace and security resulting from the current and projected adverse impacts of climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一申诉人因其写作在阿拉伯世界颇 有名 气,其 作品主要为带有政治和批评色彩的诗歌。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first [...] complainant has made a name for himself in the [...]Arab world for his writings, mainly poetry with political and critical undertones. daccess-ods.un.org |
米科诺斯岛是希腊基克拉迪群岛中 名气 最 响 、人气最旺的一座岛,每年吸引近百万的游客前来度假。 msccruises.com.cn | Mykonos is the most famous and popular [...] of the Greek Cyclades Islands, welcoming nearly one million holidaymakers every year. msccruises.com.hk |
鉴于研究所具有这一方面的知识和经验,在提供培训 和其它形式的能力培养方面已小有 名气。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Given its expertise and knowledge base, UIE has slowly [...] made itself known in terms of [...]providing training and other forms of capacity-building. unesdoc.unesco.org |
科技市场研究机构IDC研究经理拉玛斯(Ramon Llamas)说,中兴的名气仍然 相当小,但它正在进步。 zte.com.cn | ZTE's popularity is still rather small," said Ramon Llamas, research manager at technology market researcher IDC, "but it is making progress. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
随着她的名气在全 球日益增长,夏奇拉于2001年受邀在首次西语版MTV不插电演唱会 上表演,并因那次演出获得了她第一个格莱美最佳拉丁流行专辑奖。 unicef.org | As her popularity grew worldwide, Shakira was invited to appear on the first Spanish language edition of MTV’s Unplugged in 2001 and won her first Grammy for Best Latin Pop Album based on that performance. unicef.org |
他们认为正是由于百草枯的“名气” 和 “成 功”才会使其成为“反农药组织的目标”。 worldinfo.org | They claim paraquat is so “well known” and so “remarkable” that it has become a “target of anti pesticide” groups. worldinfo.org |
(j) 2011 国际森林年电影节:联合国森林论坛秘书处同一些 有 名气 的 环 境电 影节合作,将推动放映着重宣传国际森林年主题“森林为民”的电影。 daccess-ods.un.org | (j) The International Year of Forests, 2011 Film Festival: Working with well-established environmental film festivals, the United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat will promote film screenings focused on the International Year theme of “Forests for People”. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,秘书长应任命一名气候和 安全问题特别代 表,以分析气候变化对安全的预期影响,以便安理会 [...] 和会员国能更好地了解今后会怎么样。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, the Secretary-General should appoint a special [...] representative on climate and security [...]to analyse the projected security impacts of [...]climate change, so that the Council and Member States can better understand what lies ahead. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个有着悠久历史的酒坊在1976年著名的“巴黎审判”后开始有 了 名气 — — 当时,九位法国裁判在一场有最好的波尔多红葡萄酒和勃艮第白葡萄参与的竞赛上,须评选出表现最出色的赤霞珠和霞多丽。 antinori.it | This historic house became famous after 1976, the year of the so-called “Judgment of Paris”, when, a blind tasting, nine French judges tasted the finest California Cabernet and Chardonnay in a contest with labels representing the best red Bordeaux and white Burgundy. antinori.it |
这意味着年轻、没名气的作 者和表演者获得出版发行合同 的机会就会减少,意味着消费者能选择的新音乐也会减少。 wipo.int | This means that young, unknown authors and performers will have less chance of obtaining a publishing and distribution contract. wipo.int |
它的鹅卵石街道,特色物业,温馨的氛围,真正的法国生活风情,与法国刻意兴建的度假村形成对比,已颇 有 名气。 leapfrog-properties.com | Its cobbled streets, character properties, warm [...] atmosphere and real French living is quite a contrast to the purpose built resorts that France has now [...] become quite famous for. leapfrog-properties.com |
这方面走在最前沿的是日产,该公司 名气 较 小的骐达(Tiida)品牌汽车占其在华销售额的比例快速上升。 youngchinabiz.com | Nissan is the most advanced on that front, as it now gets a fast-growing portion of its China sales from its less familiar Tiida brand of cars. youngchinabiz.com |
在太学,郑玄丰富了他的知识,成为一个小 有 名气 的 学 者。 chinesestoryonline.com | With Di Mi's recommendation, Zheng Xuan was allowed to study in the government school, where he enriched his knowledge and became a scholar of some note. chinesestoryonline.com |
由此他的名气传遍 了欧洲:西班牙菲利普五世肖像(凡尔赛),波兰国王奥古斯特三世肖像(德累斯顿)……由于订单过多,他不得不把某些部分委托他的合作者完成:因此在他为勃艮第公爵绘制的肖像(凡尔赛)中,背景中的战争场面是约瑟夫·帕罗塞尔(Joseph Parrocel)完成的。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | His reputation also grew in Europe: portraits of Philippe V of Spain (Versailles), of the king of Poland Augustus III (Dresden), etc. Overloaded with commissions, he had to pass on the painting of certain parts to his collaborators: for example, Joseph Parrocel painted the background battle scene of his portrait of the duc de Bourgogne (Versailles). en.chateauversailles.fr |
潜在合作伙伴因为看重您的网络 和您在本领域的良好声誉(他们或许是通过您发表的颇 有名气的基础研究论文而知道您的),而邀请您加入 他们的研究,为他们助一臂之力。 biggerbrains.com | Because of your networks and good reputation in this area, possibly through high profile publication of your basic fundamental research, the potential partner approaches you to assist them with their research. biggerbrains.com |
作为服务式办公室的行业领导者,德事商务中心提供最高规格、度身定制的服务式办公室设施、虚拟办公室服务、会议设施、视频会议设施,以至选择多样化的商务禮賓服务,所选地段均属每个城市中央商业区 有 名气 的 甲 级写字楼,致力对接在小区、区域以至国际层面上的跨国企业、中小型企业以至新办企业的不同需要,推出灵活多变的工作空间解决方案。 executivecentre.com.cn | At the cutting edge of the serviced office industry, The Executive Centre provides the highest quality of on-demand serviced offices, virtual offices, meeting facilities, video conferencing and a [...] broad range of business concierge [...] services in the most prestigious Grade A office buildings [...]in the central business districts [...]of every city in which it operates, with a dedication to serving the business interests of multinational corporations, small and medium enterprises, and start-ups locally, regionally and internationally with the most flexible and dynamic workplace solutions. executivecentre.com.hk |
实际上,如此名气的优越地理位置是建立在其交响乐团、歌剧和芭蕾舞团等活动上。 luxe-immo.com | Indeed, the [...] reputation of this prestigious location is built [...]on its symphony orchestra, opera and ballet companies, theatre [...]and avant-garde facilities like the Grimaldi Forum. luxe-immo.com |
随着韩剧“IRIS”的热播,作为拍摄外景地的田泽湖 的 名气 也 随 之高涨。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | It is also famous as a filming location for “Iris”, a Korean drama series. en.tohokukanko.jp |
Myrcia泡泡刺”在亚马逊的起源,享有 名气 的 植物胰岛素,用于治疗糖尿病的降血糖和胆固醇。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Myrcia sphaerocarpa" In Amazonian [...] origin, enjoys the fame of Plant Insulin, [...]used in the treatment of diabetes by lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. en.arteblog.net |
潘安是晋朝名气最大 的美男了,他完全符合上述五个标准。 chinesestoryonline.com | Pan An was the most famous handsome man in Jin Dynasty who met all the above criteria. chinesestoryonline.com |
这种灯泡式的UV点光源,基本是进口,日本居多,比较 有 名气 的 如 USHIO,NAIS,HOYA,HAMAMATSU等,他们设备非常耐用,但使用成本却是非常高昂,灯泡寿命只有2000小时,需要几千块钱一个,光纤是易损件,一般价格在一万左右一条,还有滤光片,反光瓦等等,购机成本也是非常贵。 irayshine.com | This light bulb type UV point source, is basically imports, Japan are [...] relatively well-known, such as USHIO, [...]NAIS, HOYA, HAMAMATSU, their equipment is [...]very durable, but the cost is very high, the lamp life of only 2000 hours, need thousands of yuan one, fiber is wearing parts, general price in ten thousand or so a, and filter, reflecting tile and so on, the purchase cost is very expensive. irayshine.com |
她也被认为是德国最有名气的军 舰之一。 trumpeter-china.com | She is considered [...] one of the most famous German warships. trumpeter-china.com |
在这方面,安理会应请秘书长任命一 名气 候 与 安全对策问题特别代表并配以 适当支助,负责每六个月就气候变化当前和预测的不利影响对国际和平与安全造 成的威胁向安全理事会提出报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the Council should request the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative for Climate and Security Response, with appropriate support, to report to the Security Council every six months on threats to international peace and security resulting from the current and projected adverse impacts of climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
到达未来,伊甸园已经失去了她的 名气 变 得如此之差,甚至Chuzzlewit的只有晚餐,大鼠,跑了! [...] 她是不快乐的,但精神用她的魔法打开一个窗口,工作人员告诉她,这是真正的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Arriving into the future, [...] Eden has lost her fame and becomes so [...]poor, even Chuzzlewit’s only dinner, a rat, runs away! seekcartoon.com |
比阿尔杜安-芒萨尔名气更盛 的罗伯特·德·科特甚至名扬海外:他是法国高雅审美趣味的代表,因此德意志王族和西班牙君主们纷纷召他前往,为他们建造马德里或波恩的维尔茨堡(Würzburg)、波波斯多夫宫(Poppelsdorf)、施莱海姆宫(Schleissheim)、莱蒂罗宫(Buen Retiro)等宅邸。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | Rather more so than Hardouin-Mansart, the reputation of Robert de Cotte travelled abroad: German princes and Spanish monarchs turned to him for their residences in Würzburg, Poppelsdorf, Schleissheim, the Buen Retiro in Madrid and in Bonn. en.chateauversailles.fr |
如泰勒唱片(Tellè Records)、 小镇(Smalltown)、超级音响(Supersound)快速青年(Racing Junior)、黑气球唱片(Black Balloon [...] Records)、月之雾(Moonfog)、迪巴特唱片(dBut Records)、 节奏服务(Beatservice)、北欧唱片(Rune Grammofon)和给我信任(Trust [...] Me)等唱片品牌已证明是充满活力的新型乐队的重要供应商而开始在国内外建 立 名气。 norway.org.cn | Labels such as Tellè Records, Smalltown Supersound, Racing Junior, Black Balloon Records, Moonfog, dBut Records, Beatservice, Rune Grammofon and Trust Me [...] have proved to be important suppliers of new and energetic bands [...] that have made a name for themselves at [...]home and abroad. norway.cn |