

单词 名将

External sources (not reviewed)

在“签名的设置”页面最上方显示的 名 , 将 显 示在“E-mail 的创建”页面的“签名”中。
The first signature listed on the Signature settings screen is displayed at the Signature entry on the Compose E-mail screen.
(鉴于 尚未查明所有受害人的身份,他们的 名将 列 入 以后信函的附件中)。
(As all the victims have not yet been
[...] identified, their names will be included in an annex to a future letter.
因为监测名将被用 于导出数据文件名的一部分,所以名称不接受特殊字符,以防 文件名无效。
Since the
[...] monitoring point name will be used as part [...]
of the filename for exporting data, the name does not accept special
characters that would lead to an invalid filename.
使成员增至 27 名,将是委 员会工作的重要里程碑, 简化程序应排除增加资源或年会会期这一需要。
An expansion of the
[...] membership to 27 members would be an important [...]
milestone in the Committee’s work and streamlining of
procedures should obviate the need for an increase in resources or in the duration of the annual sessions.
(b) 关于争议法庭及其书记官处,鉴于上文第 42 至 44 段所述原因,秘 书 长
[...] 建议大会为该法庭再任命三名专职法官(日内瓦、内罗毕和纽约各 名 ) , 将 纽约 书记官处的一个 P-2法律干事员额改叙为 P-3,并设立六个新员额(3 [...]
个 P-3、2 个一般事务和 1 个一般事务(当地雇员))来协助新增专职法官的工作,自 2012 年 1月1日起生效。
(b) With respect to the Dispute Tribunal and its Registries, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 42-44 above, the Secretary-General recommends that the Assembly appoint three additional
full-time judges (one each in Geneva,
[...] Nairobi and New York) to the Tribunal, reclassify one [...]
P-2 Legal Officer post in the Registry
in New York as a P-3 post and establish six new posts (3 P-3, 2 General Service (Other level) and 1 General Service (Local level)) to support the additional full-time judges, effective 1 January 2012.
在这一日期之后收到的名将作为 本文件增 编印发。
Nominations received after this date [...]
will be issued in addenda to the present document.
如果下名将从预 定清单中分派到授权的候选人所在政 党、政治联盟或选举联盟已获得了所在选区的所有应得授权,或者,如果在候选 人参加竞选的实名制选举团中,授权已被分派,那么,县选举局将围绕预定清单 中的下一名候选人开展分派工作,直至所有授权分派完毕。
If the next candidate, who is to be assigned a mandate from the preordained list belongs to an electoral competitor which exhausted the due number of mandates in that constituency or if in the uninominal college in which he stood as a candidate a mandate was already assigned, the county electoral bureau will proceed further to the next candidate on the preordained list until the assignment of all the mandates.
在加强保护文献遗产方面,教科文组织收到了 28 个会员国提出的 40 项文献遗产提 名,申请列入世界记忆登记册; 名将 由 ( 2003 年 8 月)在波兰格旦斯克举行的国际咨询委 员会第 6 次会议审查。
With respect to enhancing safeguarding of documentary heritage, UNESCO has received 40 nominations of documentary heritage collections from 28 Member States for inscription in the Memory of the World Register; these will be examined by the International Advisory Committee at its sixth meeting in Gdansk, Poland (August 2003).
1991 年,美利坚合众国单方面决定,指定既非《停战协定》一方、也非“联 合国军司令部”成员的南朝鲜名“ 将 军 ” 担任联合国军司令部高级成员,参加 军事停战委员会,并推卸这一成员位置赋予的责任,因此造成军事停战委员会完 全瘫痪。
In 1991, the United States made the unilateral decision to designate an army “general” of south Korea, which is neither party to the Armistice Agreement nor a member of the “United Nations Command”, as the senior member of the “United Nations Command” side to “MAC” and eluded its responsibility from that seat, thus completely paralysing MAC.
Raymond Manalo
[...] 在其证词中所陈述的那样,并正如菲律宾最高 法院认为事实成立那样,包括名将 军 在 内的高级军官参与了对他的秘密拘留。
co-detainees.386 As Raymond Manalo narrated in his testimony, and as the
Supreme Court of the Philippines found to be
[...] established, high-ranking military officers, [...]
including a general, were involved in his secret detention.
发言名将在普 遍定期审议工作组会议开始前一周的星期一上午 10 点开始, [...]
并持续四天,到星期四下午 6 时截止。
The list of speakers will open at [...]
10 a.m. on the Monday of the week preceding the beginning of the session of the Working
Group on the Universal Periodic Review and remain open for a period of four days.
关于古巴提出的有关 2006 年 11 月 Beit Hanoun 事件的问题,以色列说, 在名将军 级 调 查员领导下对事件进行了深入调 查,并经军 法 检察长 的 复 审,表 明 伤 害 不是故 意 的,而 是由严 重的故 障 造 成。
On the question from Cuba regarding the incident in Beit Hanoun in November 2006, Israel said the events were the subject of an extensive investigation led by an investigator with the rank of General and reviewed by the Military Advocate-General, and revealed that the damage was not intentional and was caused by a severe malfunction.
然后您的名将被加入抽奖名单,并有机会赢取一套 (1) TaylorMade [...]
高尔夫球具(零售价约为 3,500 加元)。
Your name will then be entered into [...]
a draw for a chance to win one (1) set of TaylorMade golf clubs (approximate retail value $3,500 CAD).
例如, 如果您定义的前缀是
[...] receipts 和文件夹名是 2007,所扫描文档的文名 将具备 下列格式:receipts_20070117_092219.tif 并且会放入名为 [...]
2007 的文件夹。
For example, if you define a prefix of receipts
[...] and a folder name of 2007, the scanned document file name will [...]
have the format: receipts_20070117_092219.tif
and will be placed in a folder called 2007.
绝不能以反 恐名将无辜 平民的生命置于危险的境地。
There is no justification for putting the lives of innocent civilians
[...] at risk in the name of countering terrorism.
视频:2011 年 9 月 20 日 – 联合国儿童基金会通讯员克里斯.奈尔斯报道网 名将 塞 雷 娜.威廉姆斯担任联合国儿童基金会新一任亲善大使。
VIDEO: 20 September 2011 - UNICEF correspondent Chris Niles reports on the recent appointment of tennis ace Serena Williams as UNICEF's latest Goodwill Ambassador.
除会员国外,高级别全体会议的全体会议发言 名将于 2010 年 8 月 2 日星 期一截止。
Other than for
[...] Member States, the list of speakers for the plenary meetings of the High-level Plenary Meeting will be closed [...]
on Monday, 2 August 2010.
需要明确指出的是,世界建筑100强 名将 H A S SE LL列为第31位,是基于HASSELL雇用的有“赚取费用”资格的建筑师数量而定,这一数字并不包括我们的景观建筑师、室内设计师、城市设计师和规划师。
For the record, the WA100 ranking of HASSELL at [...]
31 is based on the number of qualified "fee-earning architects" that HASSELL
employs, a number that excludes our landscape architects, interior designers, urban designers and planners.
The selected signature is displayed at the bottom of text body.
占领国以色列必须对所有这些针对巴勒斯坦人民的战争罪 行、国家恐怖主义行为和有系统的侵犯人权的行为负责,必须将犯罪人绳之以法 (由于尚未查明全部受害者,因此他们的 名将 载 列 在未来信函的附件中)。
For all of these war crimes, State terrorism and systematic human rights violations committed against the Palestinian people, Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable and the perpetrators must be brought to
justice (as all the victims have not yet been
[...] identified, their names will be included in an annex to a future letter).
如果有人使用以上链接进入我们的网站并创建了新账户,您的用 名将 从 这 一地址与该新账户永久关联。
When people enter our website using
the link above and create a new
[...] account, your login name from that address [...]
will become permanently associated with that new account.
因此,在第六届会议上,会议主席和一名副主席将由亚洲太平洋国家名;将会请 非洲国家提名一名副主席和报告员;将会请其他区域国家为各自区 域提名两名副主席。
Thus, at the sixth session, the President of the
Conference and one
[...] Vice-President would be nominated by Asia-Pacific States; African States would be asked to nominate one Vice-President [...]
and the Rapporteur;
and States of other regions would be asked to nominate two Vice-Presidents each.
通过解码的线索,球迷们有机会赢得由Jay – Z的签署了该网页。 200多名将颁发奖品,包括一个大奖 – 旅行看到的除夕音乐会,Jay – Z和酷玩。
By decoding the clues, fans win an opportunity to have that page signed by JAY-Z. More than 200 prizes will be awarded, including one grand prize – a trip to see JAY-Z and Coldplay in concert on New Year’s Eve.
秘 书长编制了被提名的 24 人名单,并通过 SPLOS/239 和 SPLOS/240 号文件将名 单连同被提名人简历送交所有缔约国。
The Secretary-General had prepared a
list of the 24 persons
[...] nominated and submitted the list, together with the curricula vitae of the nominees, to all States parties by documents SPLOS/239 and 240.
将名为《 促进和平文化的遗产》的宣传手册发给了所有非政府组织合作伙 伴。
An awareness-raising brochure entitled “Heritage for a Culture of Peace” was sent out to all the NGO partners.
The name change to AirTouch [...]
was chosen to reflect the Company's planned expanded scope of activities beyond the reach of
hardwire communication infrastructure, traditional consumer electronics hardware play but into services and applications delivered over such devices, and free the people in the emerging countries from the physical limits to access services and applications so ubiquitously available in our advanced societies.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况将 10 000 名巴勒 斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
在欧盟驻科法治团的协调下将 11 名证人移交给了贝尔格莱德的塞尔维亚 战争罪检察官办公室,以便为 [...]
Qyshkë/Ćuška 大屠杀案作证,其中九名嫌犯在塞 尔维亚被捕。
EULEX coordinated the transfer of 11 witnesses [...]
to the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution Office in Belgrade to testify in the
Qyshkë/Ćuška massacre case, in which nine suspects were arrested in Serbia.
[...] “联合国欧洲经济委员会干和干制农产品专业处”为这类产品制定商品标准的工作,因 此支将名称改 为“联合国”标准,使联合国欧洲经济委员会标准全球化。
The Observer also acknowledged the work of the UNECE Specialized Section on Dry and Dried Produce in the development of commodity standards
for this type of products therefore supported globalization of UNECE standards
[...] by changing the title to "UN" standards.




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