

单词 名学

学名 ()

scientific name
Latin name (of plant or animal)
(according an old system of nomenclature) on entering school
life, a formal personal name given to new students



honorary degree
academic degree Honoris Causa


criminal law, pre-Han legalist school


Doctor Honoris Causae
honorary doctorate

External sources (not reviewed)

(v) 该中心汇集了中世纪时代的名学者 , 他们都为科学和神学知识的发展贡献了力 量。
(v) The centre gathered leading medieval scholars, who contributed to the development of science and spiritual knowledge.
三年来,地球科学教育重新纳入一些国家的学校课程, 名学 习 地球科学的学生数量 翻番。
Over the three years, Earth science education has been reintroduced into the school curricula in several countries and the number of students enrolling in the Earth sciences has multiplied.
我们正在增加青年人每天接受进一步教育的机会并 增加对此的投资,共和国已实施一个名为“ 名学 生, 一台电脑”的项目。
We are increasing the opportunities for and investment in further
education for young people every day, and the Republic has
[...] implemented a project titled “A Computer for Every Student”.
她是土著法律权利和国际法的名学 者,一直积极参与联合国工作,是土著权利,尤其是土 [...]
She was a leading scholar of indigenous [...]
legal rights and international law who had been active in the United Nations as
an advocate for indigenous rights, particularly in relation to indigenous women.
Muhammad Geloo, 1985 年出生,英国国籍,自2003 年以来住在沙特阿拉伯 麦地那的大学公寓,是伊斯兰学的 一 名学 生。
Muhammad Geloo, born in 1985, of British nationality, residing in Saudi Arabia since 2003 at the University Residence in Madinah, is a student at Islamic University.
我认为我们今天已经看到了我们的努力所取得的成果:我一走进博物馆,就有一大群中国和美国儿童挥舞着旗子欢迎我;随后是聆听中国和美国学生优美的合唱,他们以充沛的感情演唱了两支歌曲,一支是英文的,另一支是中文的;之后是听取副国务卿和副部长扼要阐述已经完成的各项工作和今后的工作任务的报告;然后是特别令人高兴地听我们的 名学 生 讲 话。
I think we have already seen today the fruits of our efforts: starting as I walked into the museum with a large group of Chinese and American children waving flags and greeting me; listening to the wonderful chorus of Chinese and American students singing a powerful duo of songs, one in English, the other in Chinese; hearing the report from the under secretary and the vice minister outlining all
of the work that has been done and the work that lies ahead; and then the special treat
[...] of hearing from our two students.
当阿托克认为名学员已经 熟练掌握技巧以后,让他们回去培训其他希斯巴军成 员。
When Atok deemed the four proficient, he sent them back to teach other members of Tim Hisbah.
这个方案包括:(a) 设置建立两性平等奖,这是一 项针对中等教育、高等教育学生和研究生的科学著作和论文比赛,最近一次公开 比赛有近 5 000 名学生参加;(b) 两性平等、妇女、女权运动调查研究公报;(c) 全国调查研究中心和团体讨论会——思考两性平等与科学。
The Programme includes: (a) the Building Gender Equality Prize, a set of essays and scientific articles targeting secondary school, university and graduate school students; the latest version was read by some 5,000 students; (b) the gender, women’s and feminist studies research bulletin; and (c) the National Research Communities and Groups Meeting: Considering Gender and the Sciences.
[...] 地 158 个国家和领土的 2 855 名学生从世界海洋大学毕业,来自 [...]
116 个国家和领 土的 518 名律师从国际海事法研究所获得硕士学位。
To date, a
[...] total of 2,855 students from 158 States [...]
and territories around the world have graduated from the WMU, and 518
lawyers from some 116 States and territories have obtained their Master’s degrees from the International Maritime Law Institute.
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认,“函数参数输入”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第 名学 生 总 分。
Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and then click "fold dialog" button (that is, the right button Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function
parameters" dialog box appears again, click the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from
[...] the following Total students first.
目前,有大约 8,000 名学生在 此学习物理学、化学、信息学、数学、心理学和地球科学。
Currently, some 8,000 students there study physics, chemistry, informatics, mathematics, psychology and earth sciences.
这些成绩的取得主要是由于取消所有国立教育机构注册费的政策、实行学校 膳食计划(2010 年有 4 055 135 名学生从中受益,1998 年的受益学生为 119 512 人,增加了 3 [...]
建4037 所新的国立学校、教师人数增加 161%以及已在各级和各类教育中成功地 设计和实施的战略。
These achievements are owing primarily to the policy of abolishing registration fees at all State-run educational
establishments, the
[...] implementation of the school meals programme (from which 4,055,135 pupils benefited [...]
in 2010, up from 119,512
in 1998, for an increase of 3,293 per cent), the introduction of educational missions (Robinson I, Robinson II, Alma Mater and Sucre), the building of 4,037 new State schools, a 161 per cent increase in the number of teachers, and the strategies that have been successfully designed and implemented at all levels and modalities of education.
此外,来自拉丁 美洲和加勒比 13 个国家以及加拿大、法国、印度和美国的近 1 000 名学生共同 合作,提交一份关于在其所在学校和社区落实人权教育的建议清单。
In addition, almost 1,000 students from 13
[...] countries from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from Canada, France, India and the United States, collaborated to submit a list of recommendations [...]
for implementing
human rights education in their schools and communities.
法规规定成立国家环境理事会,该机构由高级官员组成,由环境部的行 政首长担任主席,包括负责土地、矿业资源、农业、渔业或林业、卫生、旅
[...] 游、斐济事务等各部的行政首长,土著土地托管委员会总经理,地方政府协 会主席,非政府组织的一名代表, 名学 术 界 人士,以及商业界和制造业的 两名代表。
The Act provides for the establishment of the National Environment Council, a body of senior officials chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, Ministry for the Environment, the Chief Executive Officers for the Ministries responsible for land, mineral resources, agriculture, fisheries or forests, Health, Tourism, Fijian Affairs, the General Manager of the Native Land Trust Board, the President of the Local Government Association,
a representative of non-governmental
[...] organizations, an academic, and two representatives [...]
of the business community, and manufacturing industries.
名学员认 为,他们长时间处于过度被动的状态。
Several of them feel that they are required to be too passive for too much time.
这次全球遗产会议聚集了名学者、 国际法官和从 业人员、国家代表及民间社会成员探讨前南问题国际法庭工作对国际人道主义法 [...]
和国际刑事诉讼程序的影响,以及其判例法对塑造全球司法未来和推进人权的潜 力。
The Global Legacy Conference
[...] brought together leading academics, international [...]
judges, legal practitioners, State representatives,
and members of civil society to explore the impact of the Tribunal’s work on international humanitarian law and international criminal procedure, as well as the potential of its jurisprudence to shape the future of global justice and the advancement of human rights.
该项目总共将包括 855 名学生直 接受益者,而间 接受益者包括他们的父母、罗姆人家庭、罗姆人社区、当地社区及更广泛的社会 [...]
The project
[...] shall include 855 students in total as direct [...]
beneficiaries, while indirect beneficiaries shall include their
parents, the Roma families, the Roma community and the local and wider social community.
看一下在基础教育或中等教育基础上获得职业中等教育的青年所占比例, 就可以注意到,在基础学校教育的基础上获得职业教育的学生增加了 16%(2002 年有 16 306 名学生,2004 年有 18 886 名学生), 而在中等教育基础上获得职业中 等教育的学生人数却下降了(2000 年有 11 817 名学生,2004 年却有 10 762 名学 生)。
When looking at the proportion of young people acquiring vocational secondary education on the basis of basic education or secondary education, a 16% increase of students acquiring vocational education on the basis
of basic school education can be noted
[...] (16,306 students in 2002 and 18,886 in 2004) while the number of students acquiring vocational secondary education on the basis of secondary education has dropped (11,817 students in 2000 and 10,762 in 2004).
即便经过这些努力,几个月后一间新添的教室还是被拆毁了, 15 名学生被 强行赶出,短短几分钟后墙壁就在他们眼前坍塌。
Despite these efforts, a newly added classroom was
knocked down a few months later, right
[...] before the eyes of 15 students who were forcibly [...]
moved out just minutes before the walls caved in.
在城市建立的一个工 作站一般能容纳 36 名学生, 而在农村地区建立的一个工作站只能容纳 32 名学 生。
In the urban area an installed workstation comes to 36 pupils, whilst in the rural area – 32 pupils.
2.4 与会者有社会各界和政治代表,其中包括苏丹各政党、包括妇女在内的民 间社会代表、名学术界 人士和公众人物、以及达尔富尔所有流离失所者营地的 [...]
2.4 The participants included representatives from all walks of life and political dispensation, including all the Sudanese political parties, representatives
of civil society including women, a
[...] number of distinguished academics and public figures [...]
as well as representatives of all
the internally displaced person camps in Darfur.
堪萨斯州立大学还提供国际谷物课程,该课程于2011年为来自43个国家的 6 2 8 名学 生 教授了44门课程。
KSU’s grain science department is also home to the International Grains Program which in 2011, conducted 44 courses with 628 participants from 43 countries.
目前,9名学生挤 在颜盎学校的两个小房间里,教师需要在一个教室里安排两个年级的学生。
Nine students are currently crowded [...]
in two small rooms at Yanoun’s school, requiring the teachers to house two grades in one classroom.
Maksim Etingen于2008年加入英国伦敦商业金融学院,当时我们仅有伦敦校区和其中的40名教职工,他对英国伦敦商业金融学院的发展做出了重要的贡献,推动了营销和业务开发活动,帮助英国伦敦商业金融学院发展成今天的规模– 世界知名的教育提供者之一,拥有来自150多个国家的逾 20 0 0 0 名学 员 、 5 0 0 名 教 职 工,并在英国、加拿大、新加坡等地设立多所分校。
Having joined London School of Business & Finance in 2008, at a time when the Institute only had one premise in London and 40 staff, Maksim Etingen played an important role in the growth of London School of Business & Finance, driving forward marketing and business development initiatives to get London School of Business & Finance to where
it is today – one of
[...] the world’s renowned education providers with over 20,000 students from 150 countries, [...]
500 members of staff
and multiple Institutions in the UK, Canada and Singapore.
[...] 大挑战,因为这些活动严重依赖电视会议服务,并要在纽约地点为几 名学 生提 供食宿,对这些学生来说,来联合国总部是一大亮点。
If conference facilities are not available for these events, it will be a challenge to organize them elsewhere as they are heavily dependent on
videoconference services and accommodation for
[...] hundreds of students on site in New [...]
York, for whom coming to United Nations Headquarters is a highlight.
从创办初至今的 48
[...] 年间,洛雷恩县社区学院提供经济实惠的在线高等教育,为广大的洛雷恩县地区提供服务并满足了不同的需求,现在成为俄亥俄州发展最快学院的代表,每年为超过 17,000 名学生服务。
For 48 years LCCC has served the diverse needs of the greater Lorain County region by providing affordable
access to higher education, and now represents Ohio’s fastest growing college
[...] serving more than 17,000 students each year.
许多名学者巴 比伦永久定居在巴勒斯坦,和许多著名的巴勒斯坦人在巴比伦旅居一段时间,甚至为他们的生活相当一部分。
Many prominent Babylonian scholars settled permanently [...]
in Palestine, and many eminent Palestinians sojourned in Babylon
for some time, or even for a considerable portion of their lives.
2009 年,培训中心向来自 柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共和国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国 和越南的 7 名学生提 供了在信通技术促进发展方面进行实际工作和从事 研究的机会。
In 2009, seven students, from Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, were offered practical work experience and engagement in ICTD research at APCICT.
其他与会者还有八名有关这一问题的资源联络人(包 括顾问)
[...] ,集体安全条约组织和红十字会国际委员会的代表,以及俄罗斯杜马( 议 会 )的一名代表、名学术专家和一名来自私营军事和保安公司的代表。
Also attending were eight resource persons (including consultants) on the subject, representatives from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the International Committee of the Red Cross, a member of the Russian State Duma, representatives from civil society, a
representative of the United Nations
[...] Information Centre, nine academics and a representative [...]
from a private military and security company.
[...] 90%的大学基础设施在地震中倒塌,多 米尼加总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳宣布在海地 建造一所新的大学,能够容纳 1 万名学生,并有最新 的设备和通信与信息技术。
Since 90 per cent of Haitian university infrastructure collapsed during the earthquake, the Dominican President, Leonel Fernández Reyna,
announced the construction
[...] of a new university in Haiti, with capacity for 10,000 students and with the [...]
latest equipment and
information and communications technology.




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