

单词 名字

名字 ()

name (of a person or thing)



command name


good name

给...起名字 v

call v

External sources (not reviewed)

有两个代表团同意将亚太农机中心 名字 改 为 “可持续 农业机械化中心”。
Two delegations agreed
[...] to change the name of UNAPCAEM to [...]
―Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization‖ (CSAM).
承授人因行使購股權而獲配發股份後,須待 名字 載入 本公司股東名冊,登記為有關股份的持有人,該等股份 方會附有投票權。
A Share allotted upon the exercise of an option shall not carry voting rights until the completion of the registration of the grantee on the register of members of the Company as the holder thereof.
然后重复 这一程序直到所名字都从 盒子中抽出为止,以此确 定邀请与会者挑选会议和选择发言时段的次序。
This procedure will be
[...] repeated until all names have been drawn [...]
from the box, thus establishing the order in which participants
will be invited to choose their meetings and select their speaking slots.
市民事前大概只有模糊的印象,不一定能說出組織及其負責人 名字 , 只 依稀知道民主派參與其事。
Before the demonstration, citizens probably only had some vague ideas regarding such questions, such as the involvement of the democrats.
登记应包含被拘留者的身份;拘留的日期、时间和地 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留
[...] 者收押时的健康状况;以及任何变更情况;审讯的时间和地点与所有审讯人员名字;以及释放或转移到另一拘留所的日期和时间。
Registration should contain the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time of admission to the detention facility and the state of health of the detainee upon admission and any
changes thereto, the time and place of
[...] interrogations, with the names of all interrogators [...]
present, as well as the date and time
of release or transfer to another detention facility.
名字以中 文的拼音拼写就是广西的南宁。
Name in Chinese pinyin spelling [...]
is Guangxi 's Nanning .
但是并不是所有重要的预算外项目信息(负责人 名字 ,对 C/5 预期成果的预计贡献,绩效 [...]
指标,项目与正常计划的工作计划间的关系)都被导入了数据库,至今还有超过三分之一的 数据需要更新。
However, not all substantive extrabudgetary project
[...] data (managers’ names, expected contribution(s) [...]
to the expected C/5 result(s), performance
indicators, project’s links to regular-programme work plans) have to date been fully recorded in the base: at the time of writing, more than one third of these data is still to be updated.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦名字被秘 书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 [...]
席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议发言时段的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See,
in its capacity as observer State, or
[...] Palestine, in its capacity as observer, [...]
has been drawn by the representative of the
Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
只要非政府组织向乍得代表团提供具 名字 , 乍得将立即采取行 动,确保人权维护者、新闻记者和整个民间社会不受干扰地开展工作。
Should non-governmental
[...] organizations have specific names to provide the Chad [...]
delegation with, action would be taken immediately
to ensure that human rights defenders, journalists and the civil society at large could work without interference.
巴勒斯坦权力 机构将煽动做法制度化,把恐怖分子变成榜样的最近事例包括:用一个主要 恐怖分子 Yehieh Ayash 的名字命名拉马拉的一条街道;用 Dalal Mughrabi 的名字命名 Ramallah 的一个广场、一些学校、社区和青年中心、体育赛事 和诸多附属设施,此人曾经领导实施了臭名昭著的杀害 37 名以色列平民的 恐怖袭击事件。
Recent examples of how the Palestinian Authority has institutionalized incitement by turning terrorists into role models include the recent naming of a Ramallah street after arch-terrorist Yehieh Ayash, and the naming of a Ramallah square, a number of schools, community and youth centres, sports tournaments and numerous additional facilities after Dalal Mughrabi, who led an infamous terrorist attack that killed 37 Israeli civilians.
另外,报告应特别列出少数意见的代表 名字 , 而 不仅仅是对决定持保留意见的代表团, [...]
Additionally, the view was
[...] expressed that names of delegations [...]
having minority views should be specified, not only when
reservations were made on decisions, but also when they were made on any specific aspect of the discussion, so that the report could better inform Commission members who were not present at the session.
(4) 質詢獲得答覆後,任何議員均可在立法會主席叫喚名 字時提 出補充質詢,以求澄清該答覆;但立法會主席如認為補充質詢 提出與原有質詢或原有答覆無關的事宜,或抵觸本議事規則第22條 (質 詢性質)或第25條 (質詢內容),則須拒絕准許該補充質詢獲得答覆。
(4) After an answer has been given to a question supplementary questions may be put by any Member when called upon by the President for the purpose of elucidating that answer, but the President shall refuse to allow a supplementary question to be answered, if in his opinion it introduces matter which is not related to the original question or answer or which infringes any of the provisions of Rule 22 (Nature of Questions) or Rule 25 (Contents of Questions).
使字节码最大程度地优化,使用简短且无意义 名字 来 重 命 名 类 、 字 段 和 方法 。
Maximize the byte-code optimization , the use of short and meaningless name to rename the classes , fields and methods. eclipse has already Proguard integrated together.
克莱门特的当代,俄,大概也是在亚历山大出生约185人,可能已经在他母亲的犹太血统的一面,如果一个人可以判断的,虽然他的父亲是Leonides提到,他母亲 名字 是 通过在事实上沉默。
Clement's contemporary, Origen, probably also born in Alexandria about 185, may possibly have been on his mother's side of Jewish descent, if one
may judge from the fact that while his father is mentioned as
[...] Leonides, the name of his mother [...]
is passed over in silence.
[...] 裁委员会的现行程序提供更多的平衡,而现行程序要求作出一致决定才能删除某名字;因 此如果在目前的情况下提出提议的话,即使一份名单并未得到制裁委 [...]
However, as with time limitations, a change to majority voting would provide more balance to the existing Committee
procedures that require a unanimous
[...] decision to remove a name, so that a listing [...]
may remain even though it would not be
acceptable to the full Committee if proposed under current circumstances.
主席发言结束后,各缔约方批准了委员会提交的各项决定草案,以供高级 别会议进一步审议和通过,同时达成一项谅解,即任何显示处于不遵约状况的
[...] 缔约方若在相关决定通过前向秘书处提交了必要的资料和数据,则将把这些缔 约方名字从决定中删除。
Following that presentation, the parties approved the draft decisions submitted by the Committee for further consideration and adoption during the high-level segment on the understanding that if, in the meantime, any party with outstanding non-compliance situation reported to the Secretariat the required
information and data before the adoption of the
[...] relevant decision, the names of those parties [...]
would be removed from the decisions.
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对另一些冲高的警句,教导,问题和答案数以百计,以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们对名利的作者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们 名字 一 起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。
Many of these scholars are credited with only a few sentences or with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds of aphorisms, teachings, questions, and answers; and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim, received an abundant compensation
for their renunciation of the fame of authorship when tradition
[...] preserved their names together with [...]
their various expositions,
and thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion.
他们还坚称,因为父亲过去的作为,他们 名字 在 阿 富汗上了黑 名单,这一点他们身为瑞典难民的母亲已经对此进行了详尽的解释。
They also maintain
[...] that their names are blacklisted in Afghanistan [...]
because of their father’s past activities, as explained
thoroughly by their mother who is a refugee in Sweden.
在专家组在对关于活跃在刚果(金)东部武装团体筹资问题的任务规定做出的 严格解释中,专家组将刚果领土内的布隆迪反叛分子称为民解力量,但在其 2011 年最后报告脚注 46
[...] 中说明“布隆迪各反对派领导人还在谈判用什 名字 来 称 呼其 战斗人员。
In a strict interpretation of the Group’s mandate regarding the financing of armed groups active in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Group referred to the Burundian rebels present on Congolese soil as FNL, but acknowledged in footnote 46 of its
final report of 2011 that “negotiations among Burundian opposition
[...] leaders about a name for their combatants [...]
are ongoing.
带锐齿的阔大叶片以及名字中的 “Holly”(冬青)一词,时常让人误以为高山刺芹是冬青属植物,事实上,高山刺芹与胡萝卜同属无害的伞形科植物。
The plant's large,
[...] spiky-edged leaves and name place it in the [...]
holly family but in reality Eryngium alpinum is a harmless
apiaceae (umbelliferae) from the same family as the carrot.
通过张贴“图像”,您授权:(a) 您的私人社区的所有成员(针对该私人社区成员可得到的每张“图像”而言);及/或 (b)
[...] [...] 公众(针对除私人社区外,“服务”上的任何地方存在的每张“图像”而言)以本“使用条款”允许的方式、在与使用任何“服务”相关的方面使用您的图像,(包括但不限于制造包含此类“图像”的照片和礼物),以及包括但不限于以下非专有的、世界范围内的、无版税的许可:以拷贝、传播、传送、公开展示、公开运行、复制、编辑、翻译及重新格式化您的“图像”,而不将您 名字 附 于 此类“图像”上,以及将此类权利转授予该“服务”的任何供应商。
By Posting Images, you are granting (a) to all members of your private community (for each such Images available to members of such private community), and/or (b) to the general public (for each such Images available anywhere on the Services, other than a private community), permission to use your Images in connection with the use, as permitted by these Terms of Use, of any of the Services, (including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, making prints and gift items which include such Images), and including, without limitation, a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free license to: copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce,
edit, translate and reformat your Images
[...] without having your name attached to such [...]
Images, and the right to sublicense such
rights to any supplier of the Services.
下表列出各章节名字和在 审查期间收到的关于各 章的评论意见条数。
The table below sets out the chapter headings and the number of comments received on each during the review period.
股份分配後名字列入股東名冊作為股東的每位人士,均有權在毋須付 款的情況下收取一張代表任何一種類別的所有股份的股票,或於獲發首張股票後,就 [...]
每張股票支付董事會不時決定的合理現金開支後,獲發若干張代表一股或以上該類股 份的股票。
Every person whose name is entered, upon [...]
an allotment of shares, as a Member in the Register shall be entitled, without
payment, to receive one certificate for all such shares of any one class or several certificates each for one or more of such shares of such class upon payment for every certificate after the first of such reasonable out-of-pocket expenses as the Board from time to time determines.
(2) 當某一股份在股東名冊中出現兩個或以上登記持有 名字 時 ,在涉 及送遞通知書及在不抵觸本細則下,任何與本公司有關的事項時(除了該股份的轉 讓外),名字在股 東名冊上首先出現的人士將被視為該股份的唯一持有人。
(2) Where a share stands in the names of two or more persons, the person first named in the Register shall as regards service of notices and, subject to the provisions of [...]
these Articles, all or any other matters
connected with the Company, except the transfer of the shares, be deemed the sole holder thereof.
這不單對選民 造成沉重負擔,而且可能因㆘列兩種情況而產生怪誕結果:即所謂「胡亂投票」(譬如有 6
[...] 個議席時,㆒個懶於思考的選民可能乾脆只揀選首 6 個名字,並 依照這個次序排列)及「廢 票」(若這制度規定選民須按照議席的數目將候選㆟排成次序)。
This not only puts an unbearable burden on the voters, but also can produce bizarre results caused by the so-called “donkey votes” (for example, in the case of
six vacancies, the lazy voter might simply pick
[...] the first six names and rank all them [...]
in that order) and “void ballots” (if
the system compels rank-ordering candidates for all vacancies).
從SEVVA提供的精緻甜食引伸,餅店內多款蛋糕造型均充滿藝術美感,亦各自配有獨特 名字 : 例 如以「Butterfly Kisses」作名稱,蛋糕內有多層雪芳蛋糕及鮮果,表面則綴以手製糖霜蝴蝶裝飾;「Madame [...]
of a Geisha」是一款充滿紅豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴手指餅乾的嚐味小品;「Sunshine」則為檸檬罌粟籽雪芳蛋糕配酸甜的柑橘類凝乳,感覺清新。
An extension of its offering at Sevva,
the cakes are mini art pieces of their
[...] own and each named individually, such as [...]
Butterfly Kisses (layers of chiffon cake
with fresh fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate, with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), Sunshine (lemon and poppy seed chiffon cake with sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake with orange cream).
(a) 请《巴黎公约》所有合作伙伴订立有时限的国家或组织目标,其中包 括:将缉毒量提高一倍;将流入阿富汗的前体数量减半;按照安全理事会 2006 年 12 月 22 日第 1735 (2006)号决议和 2008 年 6 月 30 日第 1822 (2008)号决议的 要求,列出以任何手段,包括但不限于使用非法种植及生产和贩运源自阿富汗 的麻醉药品所得收益,参与资助或协助基地组织、乌萨马·本·拉丹和塔利班以及 与它们有关联的个人、集团、企业和实体所实施的行动或活动的个人或实体名字;将阿片剂需求量减半。
(a) Inviting all Paris Pact partners to establish time-bound national or organizational goals that include: increasing drug seizures by a factor of two; cutting by half the amount of precursors flowing into Afghanistan; listing the names of individuals and entities participating in the financing or support of acts or activities carried out by Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden and the Taliban, as well as other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them, as described in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 1617 (2005) of 29 July 2005, by any means, including but not limited to using proceeds derived from illicit cultivation and production of and trafficking in narcotic drugs originating in Afghanistan, and their precursors, as requested by the Council in its resolutions 1735 (2006) of 22 December 2006 and 1822 (2008) of 30 June 2008; and cutting demand for opiates by half.
由於威廉是全美 亞太裔耆老中心長者環境就業
[...] 計劃的參加者而不是聯邦政府 環境保護局的職員﹐他名字 不會在獎項內﹐但他的監督主 任要確認他是獲獎隊伍內重要 [...]
的一份子﹐而全美亞太裔耆老 中心亦認同他的成就。
Because William is a NAPCA SEE Enrollee and not a Federal EPA employee,
[...] he will not be named on the award but [...]
his monitor wanted to be sure that he received
the recognition for being an integral part of the winning team, and we at NAPCA wanted to recognize his achievement as well.
[...] 意并购买了土地,如果她是在夫妻共同财产制下结婚,她对该财产的所有权和控 制权也几乎不复存在,因为土地不能以她 名字 进 行 登记,而要登记在她丈夫的 名下。
Even where a woman is ultimately able to secure her husband’s consent and the land is purchased, if she is married in community of property her ownership and control over
the property is virtually removed as the land cannot be
[...] registered in her name but is registered in her husband’s name.




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