

单词 名产

External sources (not reviewed)

如今,您可以改变嵌入的setup.exe图标和嵌入的版本源信息(比如批注,产品版本,公 名 , 产 品 名 , 说 明信息,商标和版权等)。
You can now change the embedded setup.exe icon as well as the embedded
version resource information (comments, product
[...] version, company name, product name, description, [...]
trademark, copyright etc.).
如果目前的趋势继续下去,则 2015 年产妇死亡率(每 100 000 例产有 390 名产妇死亡)的目标就无法实现。
The goal of reaching a maternal mortality rate of 390 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2015 cannot be achieved if current trends persist.
据世界卫生组织估算,每年有 55 万名妇女死于分娩——每一分钟就有名产妇死亡。
ffl The World Health Organization estimates that 550,000 women die in childbirth each year — one maternal death every minute.
注册或使用此类产品即表示,您同意Skype及其合作公司使用所收集的与该 名产 品 有关的个人资料。
If you register for or use such products, you
consent to both Skype and the partner company’s use of personal data collected in
[...] connection with the co-branded product.
每年有 536 000
[...] 万名妇女和女孩在孕期、分娩时或产后 6 周内死于并发症, 这类死亡有 99%发生在发展中国家(每 10 万例产有 450 名产妇死亡)。
Every year, 536,000 women and girls die as a result of complications during pregnancy, childbirth or the six-week period following
delivery, with 99 per cent of such deaths occurring in
[...] developing countries (450 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births).
有些Skype产品是名产品, 可能会与合作伙伴联合提供或通过该合作伙伴提供。
Some Skype products may be co-branded and offered together with or via a partner company.
当新工厂或现有工厂有新UL列名产品 种 类时,就需执行IPI。
An IPI is conducted whenever there is a new factory or a new product category is established at an existing factory.
联 合国经济和社会事务部人口司的报告“堕胎政策:全球述评”指出,尽管堕胎法 实现了自由化,但不安全堕胎助长了印度居高不下的产妇死亡率(1990 年每 100 000 名活产有 570 名产妇死亡)。
According to the report “Abortion Policies: A Global Review” by the United Nations Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, despite the liberalization of the abortion law, unsafe abortions have contributed to the high rates of maternal mortality in India (570 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990).
目前,有 143 名中层管理人员产生于初级专业 人员方案,66 名产生于开发领导能力方案,同时,有 17 名本国干事已成为国家 副主任或副驻地代表。
Currently, there are 143 middle managers who came out of the JPO Programme and 66 from LEAD, while 17 national officers have progressed to become Deputy Country Directors or Deputy Resident Representatives.
儿童基金会的报告并指出了该国人口在出生时的预期寿命大约为 47 岁, 而该国 5 岁以下婴儿死亡(每 1,000 名存活新生儿中有 200 名)以及产妇死亡率(每 10 万存活新生儿出生中有 1,100 名产妇死亡)都属于世界最高之列。
The UNICEF report also indicated an estimated life expectancy at birth of 47 years, and that under-5 mortality (200 per 1,000 live births) and maternal mortality rates (1,100 per 100,000 live births) are among the highest in the world.
SFX8-1000手推车式电缆故障定位系统是便携式轻型专业仪器,特别适合低压电力电缆或中压电缆残压较低时的故障快速、准确定位,是国际领域路灯供电、电信动力线、深井水泵供电电缆故障定位的 名产 品。
The Surgeflex 8 is a mobile, small and economical fault locating system, specially suited for the fault location in low voltage but also in medium voltage systems, for lighting system, pilot cables and for deep well pump cables.
BCGControlBar(Business Components Gallery ControlBar)专业版是MFC的一个扩展库,您可以用来构建类似于Microsoft® Office 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010、Microsoft Visual Studio(打印、用户定制工具栏、菜单等)和其他一些 名产 品 的 高级用户界面,例如:日历、网格、编辑和甘特图等。
BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") is an MFC extension library that allows you to create Microsoft® Office 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 and Microsoft® Visual Studio-like applications with full customization options (Ribbons, Customizable Toolbars, Menus and more) and a rich set of professionally-designed GUI controls such as Calendar, Grid, Editor, Gantt and many others.
今天,我们有18 处名胜收入世界产名录, 其中包括大堡礁、乌卢鲁和 [...]
Today, we have 18
[...] World Heritage listed sites, including [...]
the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru and Kakadu National Park.
联合国教科文组织的世界产名录包 括构成世界文化与自然遗产的不可替代的地区与文物。
[...] World Heritage List contains areas or objects [...]
that constitute an irreplaceable component of the world's cultural or natural heritage.
这里是挪威最富盛名的旅游胜地之一,并于2005年被列入了联合国教科文组织世界 产名 录。
The fjord is one of the main tourist attractions in Norway, and the landscape was included in UNESCOs
[...] world heritage list in 2005.
小组还 被授权确定可在哪些领域加强利比里亚和该区域各国的能力并就此提出建议,以 利于执行旅行禁令和资产冻结,协助第
[...] 1521(2003)号决议所设委员会更新公开备 查的列入委员会禁止旅行名单和冻结 产名 单 的 理由。
The Panel was also mandated to identify and make recommendations regarding areas where the capacity of Liberia and States in the region could be strengthened to facilitate implementation of the travel ban and assets freeze, and to assist the Committee established pursuant to Council resolution 1521 (2003), in
updating the publicly available reasons for listing for entries on the
[...] Travel Ban and Assets Freeze Lists of the Committee.
这项工作包括三个不同的部分:a)世界遗产中心实施 1972 年公约的活动,包括通过技
[...] 术援助提高会员国的能力,以便使《世界 产名 录 》 具有普遍性、公平性和平衡性;b)按照 [...]
2003 年公约的精神,保护和宣传非物质文化遗产,包括努力促使公约得到批准;c)在会员国
开展文化遗产的保护、修复和保存方面的能力建设,特别是重视冲突后局势下的援助和重建 工作,并确保这方面的法律保护措施得以落实。
This action comprises three distinct areas: (a) activities of the World Heritage Centre in implementation of the 1972 Convention, including capacity-building in Member States through technical assistance with a view to
achieving a universal, equitable and balanced
[...] World Heritage List; (b) safeguarding [...]
and promoting the intangible cultural heritage
in pursuance of the 2003 Convention, including efforts to encourage its ratification; (c) capacitybuilding in Member States for the protection, rehabilitation and conservation of cultural heritage, with particular emphasis on assistance and reconstruction in post-conflict situations, and ensuring the enforcement of legal protection in this regard.
所有提名都是在有关族裔的自由、事先和知情同意的情况下做出的,这是把此类元 素列入“急需保护的非物质文化 产名 录 ” 和“人类非物质文化 产 代 表 名 录 ” , 以及把方案、项目或活动列入“最佳保护做法登记册”的一个强制性要求。
The nominations were made with the free, prior and informed consent of the communities concerned, a compulsory requirement for the
inscription of such
[...] elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Representative List of the Intangible [...]
Cultural Heritage
of Humanity, and for the inclusion of programmes, projects or activities in the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices.
北京时间2007年6月28日早上8时35分左右,在新西兰基督城召开的联合国教科文组织第31届世界遗产委员会大会上,“开平碉楼与村落”申报世界文化遗产项目顺利通过表决,被正式列入《世界 产名 录 》 ,成为我国第35处世界遗产,广东省第一处世界文化遗产。
Beijing June 28, 2007 around 8:35 am, held in Christchurch, New Zealand 31st session of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee meeting, "Diaolou" World Cultural Heritage project successfully
passed the vote was formally included in the
[...] "World Heritage List", and has become [...]
the first 35 World Heritage, First Department,
Guangdong Province, the world's cultural heritage.
西部的崎岖海岸距市区仅很短的车程,那里林海茫茫、山峦起伏,几乎全部被列入世界 产名 录。
Within a short drive from our cities, the island’s rugged west
coast contains rich forests and mountains, almost all of it
[...] World Heritage-listed, while Eastern Tasmania is [...]
very different.
专家小组还将协助安全理 事会第
[...] 1521(2003)号决议所设委员会更新公开备查的按照安理会第 1854(2008) 号决议规定列入禁止旅行和冻结 产名 单 的 理由。
The Panel will also continue to assist the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) in updating the publicly available reasons
for the listing of entries on the
[...] travel ban and assets freeze lists, as directed [...]
by the Council in its resolution 1854 (2008).
每 个公民都有权向 法 院 提 出 诉 讼,以便该机构保护其身体、产、 名 誉 及 其他权利不受侵犯。
Every citizen has the right to file complaints to the court so that this institution safeguards their rights being violated in terms of physical, property, reputation, and other rights.
第二十九届世界遗产委员会会议于二零零五年七月十五日在南非德班市举行,澳门作为中国唯一申报项目-“澳门历史城区”,在当天会议上获得二十一个成员国的全体一致通过,成功列入《世界 产名 录 》,成为中国第三十一处世界遗产。
The 29th Session of the World Heritage Committee held in Durban, South Africa last July has decided to inscribe
China's bid,"The Historic Centre of Macau",
[...] on UNESCO's prestigious World Heritage [...]
List, raising the number of World Heritage Sites in China to 31.
小组重申其以前的建议,即委员会和国际 刑事警察组织(国际刑警组织)有机会进行合作,公布禁止旅行和冻结 产名 单中 所列个人的特别通告(S/2009/290,第 194 段)。
The Panel reiterates its previous recommendation that there is an opportunity for collaboration between the Committee and the International Criminal Police Organization
(INTERPOL) to issue Special
[...] Notices for individuals cited in the travel ban and assets freeze lists (S/2009/290, [...]
para. 194).
同时, 它们认为遗产中心
[...] 应在以下方面制定出更有战略性的方法:改进评选过程;加强能力建设工作,特别是在最不 发达国家;为申报《世界产名录》 的资料准备工作提供技术援助;考虑限制应列入名录的 [...]
At the same time, they considered that WHC should devise a more strategic approach in the following areas: improved selection process; strengthening capacitybuilding efforts, especially in LDCs; technical assistance for the
preparation of requests for inscription on the
[...] World Heritage List; consideration [...]
of a limitation of the number of sites worthy
of inclusion; cooperation with the private sector and partnerships with other intergovernmental organizations.
并就 如何加强各国推动执行其余制裁措施的能力提出建议,专家小组还将协助安全理 事会第
[...] 1521(2003)号决议所设委员会更新公开备查的按照安理会第 1854(2008) 号决议规定列入禁止旅行和冻结 产名 单 的 理由。
The Panel will also continue to assist the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) in updating the publicly available reasons
for the listing of entries on the
[...] travel ban and assets freeze lists, as directed [...]
by the Council in its resolution 1854 (2008).
官方记录对该提案的双边性质做出了明确的规定:“柬 埔寨国家党和泰国国家党完全同意,柏威夏古寺这一神 圣区域具有突出的普遍价值,必须尽快列入世界 产名 录”
The official record clearly states the bilateral nature of the proposal: “The State Party of Cambodia and the State Party of Thailand are in full agreement that the Sacred Site of the
Temple of Preah Vihear has Outstanding Universal Value
[...] and must be inscribed on the World Heritage List as soon as [...]
因此,柬埔寨和泰国同意,在泰国的积极支持下, 柬埔寨将于 2008 年 32 届世界遗产委员会会议上正式提 出将古寺列入世界产名录。
Accordingly, Cambodia and Thailand agree that Cambodia will propose the site for formal inscription on the World Heritage List at the 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee in 2008 with the active support of Thailand”.
南非政府关切地注意到以色列最近宣布在东耶 路撒冷扩建定居点,此外还决定宣布将西岸希布伦和 伯利恒的圣址列入国家产名录。
The South African Government has noted with concern Israel’s recent settlement announcement regarding East Jerusalem and its decision to declare the holy shrines in Hebron and Bethlehem in the West Bank as national heritage sites.
我们还赞赏驻科索沃部队 (驻科部队)致力于在我们的某些最重要圣址维持驻 留,包括在 Dević 修道院以及在 Visoki Dečani 修道 院和 Pejë/Peć 主教管区——这两个圣址仍然列在教 科文组织处于危险的世界产名录上
We also appreciate the commitment of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) to maintaining a static presence at some of our most important holy sites, including the Dević Monastery, as well as the Visoki Dečani Monastery and the Patriarchate of Pejë/Peć, which both remain on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger.




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