单词 | 同音字 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 同音字noun—homophonen同音字—homophonic charactersSee also:同音—homophone unison 字音—phonetic value of a character
字的选择很重要:“太紫”就是它的一个同音异形词。 labbrand.com | (Characters are important: the same soundwrittendifferently couldmean “too purple. labbrand.com |
这款腕表的设计灵感来自于水的外观,其名字“O”也是源自于法语中“水”的发音 (eau为法语中水的意思,与O同音)。 iontime.ch | The timepiece is inspired by the shape of water, which is also reflected in the name “O”(eau = french for water). iontime.ch |
这种方法采用中国传统习语的同时,将其中的一两个字改变成同音异义词。 labbrand.com | In this methodology, they adopt traditional Chinese idioms whilst changing one or two words [...] that have the samepronunciations butdifferentmeanings. labbrand.com |
表达妇女和女童的声音同时确保她们积极参与各个层次的社会发展,特别是决策,在这 [...] 方面社区媒体特别切实有效。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Community media was particularly [...] effective in giving voice towomenand girls [...]while ensuring their active participation [...]at all levels of the development of society, especially decision-making. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在音乐和通话之间无缝切换 Jabra PLAY 可方便您轻松控制音乐和通话,并保证二者都具有高性能的数字音质,支持无线串流,听筒设计可隔离外部噪音。 jabra.cn | Switch between music and calls - seamlessly [...] Jabra PLAY gives you easy [...] controlof music andcalls, all with high performance digitalsound quality, [...]wireless streaming [...]and earphones designed to isolate the noise from outside. jabra.com |
借助“卫星数字音频无线电服务”(SDARS),汽车收音机听众可以在卫星覆盖范围内的任何地方收听同一无线电台,只有当卫星信号被建筑物、树叶和隧道等遮挡时才会临时中断。 analog.com | The Satellite Digital AudioRadioServices (SDARS) enabled mobile caraudio listeners to tune into the same radio station anywhere within the [...] satellite’s coverage map, [...]limited only by intermittent blockage of satellite signal due to buildings, foliage, and tunnels. analog.com |
因此,它包括现场的或者是录制的音乐演出、音乐创 作、音乐录制、数字音乐(包括下载和上传活动)和乐器。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As such, it includes live and recorded musical performances, music composition, music recordings, digital music including music downloads and uploads, and musical instruments. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管特派团作出了努力,但是国际社会在安全部门改革方面的协调有限, 从而降低了该国境内国际社会用一个声音同政府说话的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite Mission efforts, there was limited coordination within the international community on security [...] sector reform, reducing the ability of the in-country international community to speak [...] to theGovernmentwithone voice. daccess-ods.un.org |
常玉作品不论是油画、水彩或版画多以马为主题,可以肯定他对马有一定的爱好,他本身经常到动物园观察动物,爱妻的英文名字亦昵称作「Ma」(谐音同马),可见他对马是情有独锺。 ravenelart.com | A high percentage of Sanyu's work – whether in oils, watercolors, or woodblock prints – has horses as its subject matter, reflecting his passion for the animal. He often visited the zoo to admire [...] the animals, and his pet name for [...] his wife was"Ma" (which soundsthe sameasthe word for "horse" [...]in Mandarin Chinese). ravenelart.com |
R-1000不仅用于多轨录音,同时可以与V-Mixing系统或其它使用MADI的数字控制台实现48轨播放。 rolandsystemsgroup.com.cn | The R-1000 not only [...] records multi-channel audiobut can also play back 48 channels in combination with a V-Mixing System or other digital consoles using MADI. rolandsystemsgroup.com |
没有建筑工程师和办事处财务 主管的签字同意,就无法确定列为非消耗性财产并在财务报表中列为工程处资产 的在建工程相关成本(完整性和准确性)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without the sign-off of the constructing engineer and the field finance officer, the relevant costs (completeness, accuracy) of the construction work in progress that is released to non-expendable property and is reflected in the assets of the Agency in the financial statements would be in doubt. daccess-ods.un.org |
机舱管理和乘客地址系统还提供全套内置的数字音频解决方案,乘客和机组人员可使用该方案的乘客地址、机内电话和PRAM(预录广播和音乐)功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | The CMS also provides a complete [...] embedded digital audio solution offering Passenger Address, Interphone and PRAM (Pre-Recorded Announcements andMusic)capabilities [...]to the CSeries aircraft [...]passengers, cabin and flight crew. tipschina.gov.cn |
telecoil 可以阻隔环境背景噪音,同时提高电话的音质,为助听器佩戴者带来更清晰、更干净的电话通话,没有恼人的背景噪音。 jabra.cn | The telecoil cancels out surrounding [...] backgroundsound whileheightening the sound quality from [...]the telephone, giving hearing [...]aid users clearer, crisper phone conversations free from interfering background noise. jabra.com |
这给后期公司做自动声音同步造成了方 便。 motion.kodak.com | This allows the [...] post house tosynchronize the soundautomatically. motion.kodak.com |
所以如道家一样,宸正的取名用当家人的身体之姓作为企业第一字:“宸”与“陈”同音“CHEN:10画,十心十意,偏旁部首画“3”画乃数中最稳之数,“宸”又为北极星所在,北极星是最靠近正北的方位,千百年来地球上的人们靠它的星光来导航。 315cz.com | So as the Taoist, Chen was named by [...] the body 's nameas theenterprise first word: " Chen " and "Chen"homophonic " CHEN:10 [...]painting, ten hearts [...]ten meaning, radical painting " 3 " is the most stable number drawing number, " Chen " and for the Polaris, the North Star is the most close to North range, for thousands of years, people on the earth by it the stars for navigation. 315cz.com |
在通话时将麦克风设置为静音 同时轻按“-”和“+”音量控制按钮可将麦克风设置为静音或取消静音。 jabra.cn | MUTEMICROPHONE WHEN ON A CALL Tap the - and + volume control button simultaneously to mute and [...] un-mute. jabra.com |
此外,Adams [...] 先生曾创办了四家公司并担任首席执行官,其中三家公司分属于无线网络、数字音乐及IPTV 领域,另一个则是直接在印度尼西亚进行投资的风险投资基金。 equinix.cn | In addition, Mr. Adams has founded and [...] been CEO of four companies in wireless [...] networking, digital music, IPTV, and a venture [...]capital fund for direct investment in Indonesia. equinix.ch |
但现在,一种数字音乐的新分销方法越来越流行,这就是通过Internet传输文件,然后将文件存储在家庭计算机上。 analog.com | But today, a new method of [...] distributingdigital music has become increasingly [...]popular – transmission of files via the Internet, [...]followed by storage on home computers. analog.com |
敦促所有国家、专门机构和非政府组织继续 和增加对工程处捐款,以缓解持续拮据的财政状况, 尤其是工程处的经常预算赤字,同时注意到,当地目 前的人道主义状况造成特别是紧急服务支出增加,从 而导致资金短缺加剧;并且支持工程处进行宝贵而必 要的工作,帮助所有业务地区的巴勒斯坦难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Urges all States, specialized agencies and nongovernmental organizations to continue and to increase their contributions to the Agency so as to ease the ongoing financial constraints, especially with respect [...] to the Agency’s [...] regular budget deficit, noting that financial shortfalls have beenexacerbated by the current humanitarian situation on the ground [...]that has resulted in [...]rising expenditures, in particular with regard to emergency services, and to support the Agency’s valuable and necessary work in assisting the Palestine refugees in all fields of operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组将 2012 年 1 月被关押者的名字同2011年 5 月到达里弗吉州 Youbor 但 没有被利比里亚国家警察抓获的人的名字进行了比较。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel compared the names of the January 2012 detainees with those who had arrived in Youbor, River Gee County, in May 2011, and who were not apprehended by the LNP. daccess-ods.un.org |
民意研究计划主任锺庭耀解释:「调查显示,虽然现阶段巿民对区议会选举的关注和认知程度,与2003年同期录得的数字同样偏低,但选民的初步投票意欲,就超过前两届的数字,显示公民意识有所提高。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, explained, "Our survey shows that although people's current knowledge and concern of the [...] forthcoming District Council election is low, as it [...] was aroundthesame timein 2003, [...]voters' propensity to vote at this stage is [...]higher than the last two elections. hkupop.hku.hk |
最新调查显示,特首曾荫权及其管治班子的民望每况愈下,不少官员的民望数字同步跌至任内新低,接近危险边缘,情况令人忧虑。 hkupop.hku.hk | Our latest survey shows that the popularity of CE [...] Donald Tsang and his governing team continue to drop, as many officials registered their [...] historical low popularity figures. hkupop.hku.hk |
数据字段两端必须使 用相同字符,但该字符不会随数据一起打印。 printronix.cn | The same character must be used at [...] both ends of the data field but will not be printed with the data. printronix.cn |
确保公平的法律环境的首要任务就是能取得“中间力量” 的 有 效 配 合 ,这 包 括 像 广 告 商 、网 络 服 务 提 供 商 、搜 索 引 擎 及 支 付 提 供 商 等 公 司 和 行 [...] 业 ,它 们 对 合 法 的数字 音乐市场 的 形 成 举足轻重。 ifpi.org | the top priority in securing a fair legal environment is to have the effective cooperation of “intermediaries” – companies and industries such as advertisers, internet service providers, search [...] engines and payment providers whose activities have a decisive influence in [...] shaping a legitimate digital musicbusiness. ifpi.org |
凡与各知识领域有关的学习型玩具均适合他们使用:颜色、认字母和声音、字母书写、认数字、数数、数量与数字对应、形状、比较、方向(前后、上下、里 外等概念)和空间或生物等科学思维。 cpsc.gov | Learning toys that pertain to various domains of knowledge are [...] appropriate: colors, [...] letter andsound recognition, letter writing, number identification, counting, matching quantitiesto numerals, shapes, comparison, [...]directionality [...](concepts such as back/front, over/under, and in/on) and scientific thought such as space or biology. cpsc.gov |