单词 | 同音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 同音 —homophoneless common: unison Examples:同音字 n—homophone n 同音字—homophonic characters 同音词—homophonic words
使用音訊步驟選項面板或音訊檢視混合專案中的 不 同音 訊 軌。 site.theimportsworld.com | Blend the different audio tracks in your project by using the Audio Step Options Panel or Audio View. site.theimportsworld.com |
字的选择很重要:“太紫”就是它的一 个 同音 异 形 词。 labbrand.com | (Characters are [...] important: the same sound written differently could mean “too purple. labbrand.com |
这款腕表的设计灵感来自于水的外观,其名字“O”也是源自于法语中“水”的发音 (eau为法语中水的意思,与O同音)。 iontime.ch | The timepiece is inspired by the shape of water, which is also reflected in the name “O” (eau = french for water). iontime.ch |
燈光模式/投影機模式都備有不同音 樂 ( 全6首),燈光模式:勃拉姆斯的兒歌、白鳥的湖、沉睡森林的美女。 combi.com.hk | Lighting mode: Brahms Children Song, Lake of Swan, Beauty in the sleeping Forest. combi.com.hk |
19 英寸/2RU接口包括一台或两台双向无线电台(用户提供),控制无线电台的逻辑处 理器,DSP预置功能及可调节不同音源 电 平的电路。 riedel.net | The 19”/2RU interface includes one or two two-way radios (user provided), [...] processor logic to control the radios, DSPPresets as well as circuitry to adjust the [...] levels of the various audio sources. riedel.net |
我以同音字來 回 應他:在香港,黃議員和他的戰友可以在議會內外肆無忌“憚 [...] ”地表達 意見和採取行動。 legco.gov.hk | Allow me to make a pun out [...] of that: In Hong Kong, Mr WONG and his comrades can "run without condition" in expressing their [...]views and taking actions in this Chamber. legco.gov.hk |
古典、爵士樂、搖滾樂或戲劇、動作、科幻音樂會)數碼音效控制(也稱為 DSC)提供適合不同音樂風 格和電影環境的各種音效設定。 philips.com.hk | (Classic, Jazz, Rock or Drama, [...] Action, Sci-Fi Concert) Digital Sound Control [...] (or DSC) offers different sound settings [...]tailored for specific musical styles and movie environment. philips.co.uk |
Us3的主导者是以伦敦为基地的制作人Geoff Wilkinson,他和一个由不同音乐家 组成的持久变化的集体,一起创造出这个拥有先锋爵士/嘻哈混合产物的乐队。 yugongyishan.com | The mastermind behind Us3, London based producer Geoff [...] Wilkinson and a perpetually changing collective of [...] up and coming musicians make up this [...]ever pioneering jazz/hip-hop hybrid. yugongyishan.com |
現時,AURALBOOK®已推出20個版本,涵蓋 不 同音 樂 考試及級別,已有超過60,000次下載,用戶遍及香港、英國、澳洲及加拿大。 hkstp.org | Currently, there are over 20 versions of AURALBOOK® [...] available, covering different grades of the music examinations, [...]which have recorded over 60,000 [...]downloads from Hong Kong, Australia, UK and Canada. hkstp.org |
美国国会图书馆馆藏的 [...] Chasanoff/Elozua 《奇异恩典》集包括 3000 多部由不同音乐家 创作的风格各异的已出版录制的圣歌,其中风格包括大型爵士乐队、蓝调、古典、乡村、轻音乐、电子、民俗、福音、爵士乐、歌剧、说唱、摇滚、节奏蓝调、灵魂以及各种民族风格。 wdl.org | The Chasanoff/Elozua "Amazing Grace" Collection at the Library of Congress is comprised of more than [...] 3,000 published recorded performances [...] of the hymn by different musicians in styles that [...]include big band, blues, classical, [...]country, easy listening, electronic, folk, gospel, jazz, operatic, rap, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, and various ethnic styles. wdl.org |
不幸的是,从过去几周的迷笛和草莓音乐节中,这些品 牌 同音 乐 节 有机结合并融入的意图都没有成功实现。 spla-t.com | It is unfortunate that the [...] brand initiatives that we’ve seen over the last few weekends at Midi and Strawberry [...]all failed to create [...]any kind of real engagement but is it really so difficult? spla-t.com |
如果你有多於一部 AirPort Express [...] 連接到揚聲器,你可以在所有揚聲器上,播放在你的 Mac 或 PC 上 iTunes 挑選的相同音樂。 mammals.org | If you have more than one AirPort Express [...] connected to speakers, you can play the same music from iTunes on your Mac or PC on all [...] your speakers at the same time. mammals.org |
差別就是,彈鋼琴可以用不同的擊鍵力度獲得 不 同音 色 的 聲音,而彈電子琴則可以聽到各種各樣樂器的聲音。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The difference is that with the piano you can enjoy the difference in [...] the quality of sound according to how [...]you touch the key and that with the Electone you can enjoy various tones. tomleemusic.com.hk |
这种方法采用中国传统习语的同时,将其中的一两个字改变 成 同音 异 义 词。 labbrand.com | In this methodology, they adopt traditional Chinese idioms whilst changing one or two words [...] that have the same pronunciations but different meanings. labbrand.com |
2011年六月,史茵茵(Ying-ying)、余佳倫(A-len 阿涼)以及程明(Mountain)三位在不同音 樂 領域各有所長的音樂人,組成了一個好聽又好玩的音樂團體,發現彼此之間,有著一種一加二大於三的神奇魔力。 taipeifringe.org | The YAM Project is a pop-jazz group that features Golden Melody Award nominated vocalist Ying-ying Shih, singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist A-len Yue and guitarist Mountain Cheng who's well-versed in the genres of blues, jazz and rock. eng.taipeifringe.org |
所以如道家一样,宸正的取名用当家人的身体之姓作为企业第一字:“宸”与“陈 ” 同音 “ CH EN:10画,十心十意,偏旁部首画“3”画乃数中最稳之数,“宸”又为北极星所在,北极星是最靠近正北的方位,千百年来地球上的人们靠它的星光来导航。 315cz.com | So as the Taoist, Chen was named by the body 's name as the enterprise first word: " Chen " and "Chen " homophonic " CHEN:10 painting, ten hearts ten meaning, radical painting " 3 " is the most stable number drawing number, " Chen " and for the Polaris, the North Star is the most close to North range, for thousands of years, people on the earth by it the stars for navigation. 315cz.com |
作为身居香港、辐射全球音乐领域的重要人物,Peter Scherr将世界各地不同音乐领 域的领跑者带入亚洲和中国,以创意音乐(creative music)为主体概念,透过演出,录音促进本土音乐世界化的专业培训环境的形成,带动中国乃至东南亚地区原创音乐的融合和发展。 yugongyishan.com | One of his long-term goals is the establishment of a common practice of creative music in China, drawing on the talent of the most interesting improvisers from around the world. yugongyishan.com |
使用性分析與介面評估報告第二彈來囉!百佳泰這次特別將使用性測試的輪廓聚焦在音樂類型之Mobile Application,完整地呈現出不同音樂類 型Mobile Application的使用行為、使用情境、滿意程度以及競爭分析。 allion.com | This time Allion particularly selects the same type (music and audio) Mobile Application as the test target to keep the test focus and make competitive analysis. allion.com |
telecoil 可以阻隔环境背景噪音,同时提 高电话的音质,为助听器佩戴者带来更清晰、更干净的电话通话,没有恼人的背景噪音。 jabra.cn | The telecoil cancels out surrounding [...] background sound while heightening the sound quality from [...]the telephone, giving hearing [...]aid users clearer, crisper phone conversations free from interfering background noise. jabra.com |
在通话时将麦克风设置为静音 同时轻 按“-”和“+”音量控制按钮可将麦克风设置为静音或取消静音。 jabra.cn | MUTE MICROPHONE WHEN ON A CALL Tap the - and + volume control button simultaneously to mute and [...] un-mute. jabra.com |
SP6II 的 6-1/2 英寸(165 毫米)钛膜低频低音扬声器能释放出异乎寻常的 低 音 , 同 时 , 旋转安装的钛膜高音扬声器可产生清晰的高频输出。 jbl.com | The SP6II’s 6-1/2-inch (165-millimeter) titanium-laminate woofer delivers exceptional bass, while a swivel-mounted, titanium-laminate tweeter produces clear high-frequency output. jbl.com |
藍芽提供低帶寬的無 [...] 線連接功能,在約10米的距離內支援資料(非同步)及 話 音 ( 同 步 ) 通訊,總帶寬可達1 Mb/sec18。 infosec.gov.hk | It provides a low bandwidth wireless connection supporting a [...] range of about 10 meters, for both data [...] (asynchronous) and voice (synchronous) [...]communications with a total bandwidth of 1 Mb/sec18. infosec.gov.hk |
如果你某一隻耳朵的聽力有障礙,你可啟動單聲道音訊功能,將左右聲道的 聲 音同 時 輸出到兩邊 EarPods,讓兩邊耳朵都可聽到兩條聲道的聲音。 mammals.org | If your hearing is limited in one ear, turn on Mono Audio to route audio into both EarPods and hear both channels in either ear. mammals.org |
尽管特派团作出了努力,但是国际社会在安全部门改革方面的协调有限, 从而降低了该国境内国际社会用一个 声 音同 政 府 说话的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite Mission efforts, there was limited coordination within the international community on security [...] sector reform, reducing the ability of the in-country international community to speak [...] to the Government with one voice. daccess-ods.un.org |
表达妇女和女童的声音同时确保她们积极参与各个层次的社会发展,特别是决策,在这 [...] 方面社区媒体特别切实有效。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Community media was particularly [...] effective in giving voice to women and girls [...]while ensuring their active participation [...]at all levels of the development of society, especially decision-making. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这给后期公司做自动声音同步造成了方 便。 motion.kodak.com | This allows the [...] post house to synchronize the sound automatically. motion.kodak.com |
当压力适当,使胸部产生至少1.5英寸的运动量时,设备会发出表示“按压良好”的 声 音 , 同 时 会 伴有相应的LED视觉提示。 analog.com | The device audibly states "good compression" when the pressure is correctly generating at least 1.5" of movement and has a corresponding LED for a visual cue. analog.com |
他致力于成为铺路搭桥者,让世界上最贫穷和最脆弱的民众发出 声 音 , 同 时 也 努力加强联合国本身。 un.org | He has sought to be a [...] bridge-builder, to give voice to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, and to strengthen the Organization itself. un.org |
并且在放映时保证声音同步也 需要技术,否则会经常失误。 motion.kodak.com | Maintaining synchronization required skill [...] during projection and often failed. motion.kodak.com |
常玉作品不論是油畫、水彩或版畫多以馬為主題,可以肯定他對馬有一定的愛好,他本身經常到動物園觀察動物,愛妻的英文名字亦暱稱作「Ma」( 諧 音同 馬 ) ,可見他對馬是情有獨鍾。 ravenelart.com | A high percentage of Sanyu's work – whether in oils, watercolors, or woodblock prints – has horses as its subject matter, reflecting his passion for the animal. He often visited the zoo to admire [...] the animals, and his pet name for his [...] wife was "Ma" (which sounds the same as the word for [...]"horse" in Mandarin Chinese). ravenelart.com |