

单词 同谋

同谋 ()

an accomplice
a partner in crime
a conspirator
conspire with sb



lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together
go separate ways [idiom.]

See also:


plan n


seek v


External sources (not reviewed)

因此,他 是卫队危害人类罪同谋,无 资格接受难民保护。
He therefore was complicit in the crimes [...]
against humanity committed by the Guards and excluded from refugee protection.
同谋和下 级士 兵或警察在内的行为人往往会提供此类命令和所执行计划的证据。
Perpetrators, including both co-conspirators and lower-level [...]
soldiers or police, will often provide evidence concerning
such orders and plans that were followed.
(d) 大量贩运人口者及同谋逍遥 法外,贩运活动受害人的权利遭到剥 夺,无法伸张正义
(d) The high level of impunity enjoyed by traffickers and their accomplices and the denial of rights and justice to victims of trafficking
这些案件 包括,一起案件是一名受雇为安保干事的官员被控违反东道国(也是该官员的国
[...] 籍国)颁发的火器储存证书,不当储存自己的私人火器;第二起案件是当事官员 被控欺诈同谋、贪 污和盗用资金;第三起案件是当事官员被控虚报房租补贴; [...]
员)被控购买并出口钻石;第五起案件是当事官员被控虚报抚养津贴和取得申请 签证的便利。
Those cases included one in which an official employed as a security officer had allegedly stored his private firearm improperly in breach of the firearm storage certificate issued by the host country, which was also the official’s State of
nationality; the second involved
[...] allegations of fraud, conspiracy and embezzlement [...]
and conversion of funds by the official
concerned; the third involved allegedly fraudulent claims for rental subsidy by the concerned official; the fourth case related to the alleged purchase and export of diamonds by the concerned official (a United Nations volunteer deemed an official of the Organization under the relevant host country agreement); and the fifth case involved allegedly fraudulent claims for dependency entitlements and facilitation of visa applications by the concerned official.
因此,本章 侧重于各种秘密拘留场所及其被拘留者,同时列举其他国家 同谋 活 动
The present chapter therefore focuses
on various secret detention sites and those held there, and also
[...] highlights examples of the complicity of other States.
这些被告被指称在攻击中扮演的角色如下:Badreddine 是攻击的总指挥;Ayyash 协
[...] 调负责实施实际攻击的暗杀小组;Oneissi 和 Sabra 除同谋外还制作和发送了 谎称负责的视频材料,力图栽赃他人,以保护共谋者逃避司法制裁。
The roles that the accused are alleged to have played in the attack are as follows: Badreddine served as the overall controller of the attack; Ayyash coordinated the assassination team that was responsible for the physical
perpetration of the attack; and Oneissi
[...] and Sabra, in addition to being conspirators, prepared [...]
and delivered the false claim
of responsibility video, which sought to blame the wrong people, in order to shield the conspirators from justice.
2005 年
[...] 10 月,一个西雅图地区同谋 Donald Shull 承认合谋违反《出口管理法》 [...]
罪行,并于 2006 年 2 月被判处两年缓刑和 10 000 美元罚款。
In October 2005, a
[...] Seattle-area co-conspirator, Donald Shull, [...]
pleaded guilty to conspiracy to violate the Export Administration
Act and was sentenced in February 2006 to two years of probation and a $10,000 fine.
(a) 明确地重申:绝对禁止施用酷刑并公开谴责酷刑的做法,尤其禁止警
[...] 察和监狱管理人员这样做,附带明确警告:凡是犯下这种行为的人、或与 同谋 或参 与施用酷刑的个人,将为这类行为承担法律责任,并且受到刑事起诉和适当 [...]
(a) Unambiguously reaffirm the absolute prohibition of torture and publicly condemn practices of torture, especially by the police and prison personnel, accompanied by a clear
warning that anyone committing such acts,
[...] or otherwise complicit or participating [...]
in torture will be held personally responsible
before the law for such acts and will be subject to criminal prosecution and appropriate penalties
委员会敦促缔约国立即采取有效措施,调查、起诉和惩治所有酷刑行为,包 括明确重申坚决禁止酷刑,并公开谴责酷刑做法,尤其是警方、典狱官和埃 塞俄比亚国防军的此类做法,同时明确警告,凡是犯下这种行为的人,或与同谋或参 与实施酷刑的个人,将为此类行为承担法律责任,并且受到刑事 起诉和适当处罚。
The Committee urges the State party to take immediate and effective measures to investigate, prosecute and punish all acts of torture and to ensure that torture is not used by law enforcement personnel, including by unambiguously reaffirming the absolute prohibition of torture and publicly condemning practices of torture, especially by the police, prison officers and members of the
Ethiopian National Defense
[...] Force (ENDF), accompanied by a clear warning that anyone committing such acts or otherwise complicit or participating [...]
in torture will be
held personally responsible before the law for such acts and will be subject to criminal prosecution and appropriate penalties.
(c) 实施任何此类行为未遂,以及同谋 划 或参与任何此类行为
(c) The attempt to commit any of
[...] these acts and complicity or participation [...]
in any of these acts
在这方面,缔约国应提供资料,说明为处理所有可能干预司 法的问题而采取的措施,除其他外,包括对所有的干预、包括通过贿赂的任何指
[...] 控进行迅速、彻底、独立和公正的调查,并起诉和惩罚肇事者,包括可能 同谋 的司法人员。
In this regard, the State party should provide information on the measures taken to address all forms of possible interference with judicial independence by, inter alia, ensuring that prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigations are conducted into any allegations of interference,
including by way of corruption, and prosecuting and punishing perpetrators, including
[...] judicial officers, who may be complicit.
看看BBC的视频吧,看起来她是这场骗局中漂亮 同谋。
Watch the BBC video and it seems that
[...] she is pretty complicit in the scam.
他希望会员国继续以建设性的和积极的态度同谋求某 种结果,这种结果应当有助于为促进中东 公正和持久和平所做的不懈努力。
He hoped that Member States would continue to work together in a constructive and positive spirit towards an outcome that would support the ongoing efforts to foster a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
包括来自中国的外国投资者需要更加警惕,避免成为致使受影响的当地居民陷入贫 困同谋者。
Foreign investors, including from China, need to take extra precautions to
[...] avoid becoming complicit in the impoverishment [...]
of affected people.
能力,使国家能够在不诉诸武装暴力的情况下和平解 决国内争端;逐步建立预警和快速反应机制,其中可 包括联合国部队的预防性部署;按照《宪章》第八章 加强联合国与区域组织的合作——非洲联盟本着同谋求和平的精神为这种合作提供了最佳条件;调集 充足的财政资源按部就班落实预防性措施;以及加强 有系统的措施降低国际体系中的暴力程度。
Such a strategy should be based on the following main points: State capacity-building aimed at enabling countries to settle their internal disputes peacefully, without resort to armed violence; the establishment of staggered early warning and rapid response mechanisms that could include the preventive deployment of United Nations forces; the strengthening of cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations pursuant to Chapter VIII of the Charter — the African Union provides optimal conditions for such cooperation in the spirit of partnership for peace; the mobilization of adequate financial resources for the implementation of structural and operational preventive measures; and the strengthening of systemic measures to reduce the level of violence in the international system.
(f) 与区域政治组织同谋求实 现这些目标。
(f) These objectives are pursued with regional political organizations.
参与方必须就同谋求的全球可持续发展目标达 成一致,还必须坚信合作将使所有参与方净获利,并符合今世后代的利益。
Players will need to agree on the common [...]
global sustainable development goals to be pursued and will need to be convinced
that cooperation will provide net benefits for all — benefits serving present and future generations.
报告还认为,确保联合国 利用其体制能力在国际税务合作方面发挥应有作用,这将是经济及社会理事会对
[...] 增强国内资源调动以促进发展作出的重要贡献,同时因应增进税务合作的迫切需 求,以期同谋求到 2015 年实现千年发展目标。
It also expressed the view that ensuring that the United Nations plays its proper role in international tax cooperation in terms of its institutional capacity would be a significant contribution by the Economic and Social Council to enhancing domestic resource mobilization for development, while responding to an urgent need for
greater cooperation on tax matters in the common pursuit of the achievement of the
[...] Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
议会外各反对派团体的领导人断然否认 刚果民主共和国问题专家组在其2011年12月最后报
[...] 告(S/2011/738,附文)中提出的关于他 同谋 企图 发动一次新叛乱的指控。
Heads of extra-parliamentary opposition groups have firmly denied accusations by the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo in its
final report in December 2011 (S/2011/738, enclosure)
[...] that they were complicit in attempts to [...]
galvanize a new insurgency.
(a) 在2010
[...] 年期间,没有调查或起诉贩运人口罪行,或者对贩运人口的罪 犯进行定罪或惩治。据报告,一些人贩子受益于与阿尔及利亚警察某些成员同 谋
(a) There has been no investigation or prosecution for trafficking offences, or conviction or punishment of trafficking offenders
during the year 2010 and that some traffickers reportedly
[...] benefit from the complicity of some members the [...]
Algerian police
杰斐逊堡曾经是一个军事设施和监狱,曾关押过杀害亚伯拉罕·林肯总统 同谋 犯。
Fort Jefferson was a military installation and prison that
[...] once housed the conspirators convicted of [...]
killing President Abraham Lincoln.
2005 年 8 月 4
[...] 日,一名南非商人卡尔尼因承同谋 和 违 反出口管制罪行被判处 3 年徒 [...]
刑,起因是他非法向巴基斯坦和印度出口产自美国的因防止核扩散原因受到管制 的商品。
On 4 August 2005, Karni, a South African businessman, was sentenced to
three years’ imprisonment as part of his
[...] guilty plea to conspiracy and export [...]
violations arising out of his unlawful exports
to Pakistan and India of United Statesorigin goods controlled for nuclear non-proliferation reasons.
通过2005年4月7日的第1595(2005)号决议设立了国际独立调查委员会,目的是协助黎巴嫩当局调查2005年2月14日黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克•哈里里和其他22人在贝鲁特遇刺的各个方面,包括帮助确认犯罪者、支持者、组织者 同谋 者。
By resolution resolution 1595 (2005) of 7 April 2005, the Security Council established the International Independent Investigation Commission (IIIC) to assist the Lebanese authorities in their investigation of all aspects of the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafiq Hariri, along with 22
others in Beirut on 14 February 2005, including helping to
[...] identify the perpetrators, sponsors, organizers and accomplices.
同谋带着 他们的第三张录音室唱片《Noise From The Future》,披星戴月从宇宙中走来,当那些老合成器发出的声响和行星碰撞发出的声响交织在一起时,发生了强烈的化学反应,这是目前为止最让乐队兴奋的唱片。
Pet Conspiracy has been busy coming up with a new out-of-this-universe sound for their third record ‘Noise From The Future’.
2008年,宠同谋在欧 洲崭露头角,并在欧洲最酷的俱乐部表演,并由此获得了众多国际观众的热情和喜爱,欧洲各大媒体Arte [...]
TV,BBC还有International Compilations等争相报道。
Since 2008, Pet Conspiracy paved their [...]
way to Europe where they grabbed international audience attention performing in some
of the coolest European clubs and made their appearance in Arte TV, BBC and International compilations.
这些法规禁止竞争者在价 格、地盘、市场份额及客户方面达成正式或非正式的串通、协议、计划、协定 同谋行 动
The rules and laws of fair competition forbid any written or unwritten understandings, agreements, plans, arrangements, or schemes among competitors involving price, territory, market share, and/or customers.
今后也要对顾客以及所有的利益相关者,如标 语“努力生产大家喜爱的产品”,全公司成为一个整 体同谋求产 品质量以及服务的提高,致力于顾客 满意度的提高。
Going forward, Lintec will continue striving to raise customer satisfaction through united company-wide efforts to improve product quality and service.




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