

单词 同理




External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 主社会发展中的重要性的认识,并向广大公众告知媒体可能在创建 同理 解 和 对话中的积极 作用。
The radio spots raised awareness on the importance of the press freedom in the development of democratic
society and informed general public on the positive role that media can
[...] play in creating mutual understanding [...]
and dialogue.
日内瓦进度报告》记录了这次特别会议反映出的对合作和援助问题的同 理解。
The Geneva Progress
[...] Report recorded various understandings [...]
about cooperation and assistance that emerged from this special session.
号申请是由相同的提交人提交至欧洲人权法院,基于相同的事实,而且 是有关基于同理由的 不受歧视的权利。
6.3 The Committee recalls its jurisprudence that the “same matter” within the meaning of article 5, paragraph 2 (a), must be understood as relating to the same author, the same facts and the same substantive rights.9 It observes that Application no. 72552/01
was submitted to the European
[...] Court by the same author, was based on the same facts and related [...]
to the right of non-discrimination on the same grounds.
全面 和深入的评估要有国家的切实参与,这对援助的需要、目标和优先事项建立同 理解是 必不可少的,对提供评价的基线数据也是必不可少的。
Comprehensive and in-depth assessments, involving meaningful national engagement, are essential for developing a shared understanding of the needs, objectives and priorities of assistance, as well as providing baseline data for evaluations.
大会同届会议请科学和技术促进发展委员会主席结合该委员会第十五届会 议举办一次为期一天的开放性、包容和互动式会议,以便根据《信息社会突尼斯 议程》第 34 和 35 段,让所有会员国和其他利益攸关方特别是发展中国家利益攸 关方,包括私营部门、民间社会和国际组织参加,在就有关因特网的公共政策强 化合作问题上达成同理解,并且请秘书长在编写其关于决议执行情况和后续行 动的报告时列入有关该会议成果的信息(第 66/184 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly invited the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development to convene, in conjunction with the fifteenth session of the Commission, a one-day open, inclusive and interactive meeting involving all Member States and other stakeholders, particularly those from developing countries, including the private sector, civil society and international organizations, with a view to identifying a shared understanding of enhanced cooperation on public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, in accordance with paragraphs 34 and 35 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, and requests the Secretary-General to include information on the outcome of the meeting when preparing his report on the status of the implementation of and follow-up to the resolution (resolution 66/184).
不 过,对公私伙伴关系和私人融资基础设施项目这两个术语的 同理 解 是 ,它们 是大体相当的工具。
Nonetheless, a common understanding of PPPs and PFIP is that the tools are broadly equivalent.
资源提供者和资源使用者对于什么样的发明应当申请专 利,也会有同理解,这取决于他们的视角和利益。
What the access provider and the user of resources believe should be patented will also vary, depending on their perspectives and interests.
因此,围绕国家认同的辩论如果处理得 当,可以促进尤其在社会阶级、政治观点和宗教方面不同的人之间建立一个宽容 和团结的框架,因为他们共同附属于他们国家的 同理 想 和 价值观。
As such, the debates surrounding national identity may, if handled adequately, contribute to the creation of a framework of tolerance and solidarity between people who differ in terms of, inter alia, social class, political opinion and religion, given their common attachment to the shared ideals and values of their country.
数以千 计的治疗人员已经在有同理念的 多个项目的框架内接受了培训,且已作好准 [...]
Thousands of treatment staff have
already been trained in the framework of
[...] projects sharing the same philosophy and [...]
are ready to initiate the improvement of treatment services.
随着国际社会达成关于仅凭军 事手段无法给阿富汗带来和平这一 同理 解 , 并随着阿富汗在 2014 年开始掌控 自己的安全这个目标日益迫近,现在确实应该讨论一下,如何才能最好地利用现 有的各种机制来结束叛乱。
As the international community reaches a common understanding that peace will not come to Afghanistan through military means alone, and as the 2014 target date for the Afghan authorities to take control of their own security approaches, it is only right that there should be some discussion of how best to use the various mechanisms that exist to bring the insurgency to an end.
同理,每 個新的級別也意味著您需要滿足新的更高要求,例如,更高級的 [...]
Acronis 認證以及聯合業務計畫等。
Likewise, each new level [...]
comes with increased requirements, such as higher-level Acronis certifications and a joint business plan.
[...] 定,其中涉及化学性质不稳定的气体和不易燃气溶胶的新的危害分类;预防说明 更加合理化,以及进一步澄清防止这些说明 同理 解 的 一些标准。
The Committee also adopted amendments to the Globally Harmonized System that include various new or revised provisions concerning, inter alia, new hazard categories for chemically unstable gases and non-flammable aerosols; the further rationalization of
precautionary statements; and the further clarification of some of the
[...] criteria to avoid differences in their interpretation.
从这一同理解出 发,我们期待着制定明确界定 这种战略伙伴关系的愿景,也就是明确阐述希望区域 [...]
Moving from this common understanding, [...]
we look forward to a vision that clearly defines this strategic partnership, a vision
that articulates the expectations of the role of regional organizations in the maintenance of international peace and security.
通过工作会议,双方就以下问题达成了 同理 解 : 伊拉克的中 期农业需求;以及粮农组织和伊拉克政府应如何着手制定支持伊拉克农业恢复的 [...]
The workshop
[...] resulted in a joint understanding [...]
regarding the medium-term agricultural needs of Iraq and how FAO and the
Government of Iraq should proceed in developing programmes and partnerships in support of an agricultural recovery in the country.
但是,在考虑本身单身父亲的权威,说Franzelin(德traditione,论文XV)号,“是不可能不犯错或强制性,虽然虔诚和充分 理 由 同 意 , 这些人的神学的观点,不应掉以轻心,应不无非常谨慎的解释,在某种意义上这与其他父亲 同理 论 的 冲突。
But the authority of single Fathers considered in itself, says Franzelin (De traditione, thesis xv), "is not infallible or
[...] though piety and sound reason agree that the theological opinions of such individuals should not be treated lightly, and should not without great caution be interpreted in a sense [...]
clashes with the common doctrine of other Fathers.
在任何情况下,Xylem都不承担任何类型的直接、特殊、间接、后果性、惩罚性或其他损害赔偿,无论何种原因造成,包括但不限于,任何使用损失、利润损失或数据损失,无论是在基于 同理 论 、 过失或严格赔偿责任而提起的诉讼中,或其他因使用Xylem网站或Xylem网站上或通过Xylem网站获得的任何材料、信息或文档而引起或与其有关的诉讼。
In no event shall Xylem be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, punitive or other damages of any kind whatsoever resulting from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of
profits, or loss of data whether in an
[...] action under the theories of contract, negligence, [...]
or strict liability or otherwise, arising
out of or in any way connected with the use of any Xylem Site or any materials, information or documents on or accessed through any Xylem Site.
虽然这种做法在区域范围内对数目有限的法域或许行得通, 但在全球范围内可能证明无济于事,因为对于这些名称所谓何物并非所有法域 都有同理解,若要包罗万象,相当麻烦,恐非易事。
While that approach might be possible for a limited number of jurisdictions in a regional context, it might not prove to be helpful in a global context, since not all jurisdictions share a common understanding of what those labels mean and it might prove cumbersome and difficult to achieve in a comprehensive manner.
还要必须考虑到可持续发展的经济和社会支柱的理,同时还 加进一步加强三个支柱之间的联系,完 [...]
Governance aspects of the economic and [...]
social pillars of sustainable development must also be taken into account, while
also seeking better linkages between the three pillars and improved implementation of existing commitments.
难民署工 作人员的工作满意度很高,人力资源改革的目的就是实现现代化的劳动力 理, 同时巩固和加强工作人员的敬业精神。
The goal of human resources (HR) reform is to modernize workforce management, while building on and reinforcing staff dedication.
就本條章程細則而言,程序及行政事宜指 (i) 並非在股東大會議程中或本公司可 能向其成員刊發之任何補充通函所涵蓋者;及 (ii)
[...] 與主席之職責有關者,藉此維持會議有序進 行及╱或令會議事項獲適當有效理 , 同 時 讓全體成員均有合理機會表達意見。
For purposes of this Bye-law, procedural and administrative matters are those that (i) are not on the agenda of the general meeting or in any supplementary circular that may be issued by the Company to its members; and (ii) relate to the chairman’s duties to
maintain the orderly conduct of the meeting
[...] and/or allow the business of the meeting to [...]
be properly and effectively dealt with,
whilst allowing all members a reasonable opportunity to express their views.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在同情況下作出理的 會 計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
[...] 的人數、活動可能引起的公眾反應、過往 理同 類 活 動的策略和經 驗,以及行動時可能遇到的限制等,作出全方位的風險評估和考慮, [...]
以決定需要調配的人手,以及採取適當的人羣管理措施,確保這類公 眾活動能夠安全及有秩序地進行。
In handling any public order events, the police will take into account the number of participants, the public reaction possibly caused by the
event, the previous strategy and
[...] experience in handling similar events, the restrictions [...]
to be possibly encountered when
taking actions, and so on, in making comprehensive risk assessments and considerations to determine the manpower required to be deployed and taking appropriate crowd control measures to ensure that this type of public order events can be conducted in a safe and orderly manner.
理同个批 次中的混合纸张尺寸和纸张类型。
Handles mixed paper sizes and
[...] paper types in the same batch.
(l) 倘若兩 個
[...] 事務委員會的主席無法就如何理同 時涉 及 該 兩 個 事務委員會工 作 [...]
範圍的事項 取 得一致 意見,應 諮 詢內務委員 會主席,或當 主席缺席時,徵 詢副主席的意見,以決定應否 由其中一個事務委員會著手 處 理有關事項
,或該 兩 個 有關的 事務委員會應否 行聯席會議。
(l) If the chairmen of two
[...] Panels cannot agree on how an issue [...]
straddling the work of the Panels should be handled, the
chairman or, in his absence, the deputy chairman of the House Committee should be consulted on whether one of the Panels should take up the issue, or whether the Panels should hold a joint meeting.
(i) “生物伦理”首先是指系统地,多元化地、跨学科地研究并解决 应用于人类的医学、生命科学和社会科学生物技术所引发的各种伦 理问题,以及这些学科与生物圈的关系,包括有关科技发展成果的获 得和利用以及它们的应用问题;“生物 理 ” 同 时 也 指任何涉及尊 重人的生命的问题,以及与人类获得和充分利用科学技术进步成果 相关的伦理问题。
(i) in its first sense, the term “bioethics” refers to the systematic, pluralistic and interdisciplinary study and resolution of ethical issues raised by medicine, life sciences and social sciences biotechnology. as applied to human beings and their relationship with the biosphere, including issues related to the availability and accessibility of scientific and technological developments and their applications; The term also refers to any issues concerning the respect owed to human life and ethical issues linked to the availability and full accessibility to humanity as a whole of advances in science and technology.
2010年5月,洪堡威达克公司(KHD)同伟尔集团公司总部签署了一项长期协议,伟尔矿业将成为KHD的营销和销售的独家 理 , 同 时 也是洪堡威达克公司为矿业解决方案和应用提供的高压辊磨机(HPGR)的全球服务推荐提供商。
In May 2010, KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG (KHD) signed a long term agreement with The Weir Group, PLC to make Weir Minerals their exclusive marketing and sales agent, and recommended service provider worldwide for the KHD High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) for minerals solutions and applications.
欣见持发委第十七届会议在农业、农村发展、土地、干旱和荒漠化与非洲专 题上取得的成果;15 回顾持发委第十八届和十九届会议的主题,即运输、化学品、废物管理、采 矿以及可持续消费和生产十年方案框架相互关联,应该统筹 理 , 同 时 要考虑到 可持续发展的经济、社会和环境层面、相关的部门政策和贯穿各领域的问题,包 括持发委第十一届会议确定的执行手段
Welcoming the outcome of the seventeenth session of the Commission on the thematic issues of agriculture, rural development, land, drought, desertification and Africa,15 Recalling that the themes of the eighteenth and nineteenth sessions of the Commission, namely, transport, chemicals, waste management, mining and a tenyear framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patternsare interlinked and should be addressed in an integrated manner, taking into account the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, related sectoral policies and cross-cutting issues, including means of implementation, as identified at the eleventh session of the Commission
Diène 先生也提到了他认为的种族主义的三种趋势:(a) 种族暴力和歧视
[...] 的高涨,包括反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰 理同 时 上 升;(b) 民主社会中政治党派对 [...]
种 族 主义的政治工具化;(c) 种 族 主义的思想和 科学合法化。
Mr. Diène also made reference to what he saw as three trends in racism: (a) the surge in
racist violence and discrimination,
[...] including the joint increase of anti-Semitism [...]
and Islamophobia; (b) the political instrumentalization
of racism by political parties in democratic societies; and (c) the intellectual and scientific legitimization of racism.
在对机房的资源管理上,北京移动公司的基站维护人员、工程设计人员和网络规划人员主要采用纸质图纸、各种电子图纸(如CAD格式的文件、Visio格式的文件等)和文件(如Excel的表格等)等方式,这样就存在着机房资料分散无法共享、更新不及时导致信息不一致、无法充分反映机房的现状、网络资源状况以及统计周期较长无法及时、准确了解网络现状以及企业运营和维护成本较高等问题,因此北京移动公司迫切需要建设一套针对企业机房资源的管理系统,完整收集和整理机房(交换机房和基站机房)内所有设备和资源数据,以有效支持工程建设 理 , 同 时 为 维护部门进行网络维护快速、准确地提供基础资源数据。
In terms of resources management with respect to server rooms, the base station maintenance staff, engineering staff and network planners of Beijing Mobile mainly adopted modes like paper-based drawings, various electronic drawings (e.g. files in CAD format and files in Visio format) and files (e.g. Excel forms), so that there were problems such as decentralized server room documentation unavailable for sharing, inconsistent information unable to adequately reflect current condition of the server rooms and the condition of network resources as a result of failure to update timely, inability to know current network condition timely and accurately due to long statistical cycle, and high corporate operating and maintenance costs.
[...] 对有关世贸组织卫生及植物检疫的文献进行索引和 理 , 同 时 也 更易于粮农组织的食品 安全、动物和植物卫生国际门户网站获取世贸组织的信息。
The Commission noted that the system allowed for easier
[...] tracking and management of WTO SPS related documentation [...]
and that it also made it easier
for the FAO's International Portal on Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health (IPFSAPH) to access WTO information.




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