

单词 同意书

See also:

同意 v

agree that v
accept v
share v
agree with v
subscribe v

External sources (not reviewed)

如果 劳动监察员确定此项工作不禁止未成年人做,工作条件也符合法律要求,劳动监 察员就可以签发雇用未成年人 同意书。
If the labour inspector ascertains that the work is not prohibited for a minor and that the working
conditions are in accordance with the legal requirements, the labour
[...] inspector may issue a consent to employ the minor.
加里福利亚州的旧金山高级法院法案号CGC-10-497729裁决修 同意书 于 20 11年3月14号进入法庭,增加了对加州中所有时尚配件的额外的邻苯二甲酸酯的要求。
The amended consent judgment of San Francisco [...]
Superior Court of California Case No. CGC-10-497729 entered into court on
Mar 14th, 2011, putting additional phthalate requirements to all fashion accessories in California.
同意书面文件中将不包含这一规定(但越南认为 指导方案第六条间接指明东盟有权利这么做),目前中 [...]
Vietnam agreed not to include [...]
this provision in paper (though it said that Article 6 of the Implementation Guidelines is
a veiled reference to ASEAN’s ability to meet), and China currently allows the meetings to continue in practice.
在法律预见的情况下同意书将以 书面形式签署。
In the cases provided for by
[...] law, informed consent shall be granted [...]
in writing.
2006 年 5 月 30 日,已经有 50 个国家交存了它们的批准书、接书 或 同意书。
At 30 May 2006, 50 States had
[...] deposited their instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval.
(5) 凡第(1)款所述的国家或组织,在递交本议定书的批准书、接 书 或 同意书, 或者本议定书的加入书时,可以声明在本议定书对其生效之日以前根据本议定书进行 国际注册取得的保护不得向其延伸。
(5) Any State or organization referred to in paragraph (1) may, when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, this Protocol, declare that the protection resulting from any international registration effected under this Protocol before the date of entry into force of this Protocol with respect to it cannot be extended to it.
理事会注意到,包含所要求的各项规定的新的标准赠 同意书 已于 2007 年发给项目赠款的所有受益人。
The Board noted that a new standard grant [...]
agreement containing all requested provisions was sent to all beneficiaries of project grants in 2007.
(4) (a) 本议定书于递交四份批准书、接书 、 同意书 或 加 入书三个月后生效,条 件是至少其中一份书件由一《马德里协定》(斯德哥尔摩)成员国递交,并且至少其 中有另一份由一非《马德里协定》(斯德哥尔摩)成员国或第(1)款(b)段提及的组织之 一递交。
(4) (a) This Protocol shall enter into force three months after four instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession have been deposited, provided that at least one of those instruments has been deposited by a country party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement and at least one other of those instruments has been deposited by a State not party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement or by any of the organizations referred to in paragraph (1)(b).
有效送达下述文件:(i) 该股 东拟在股东大会上提出决议案的意向通知;及(ii)
获提名之候选人签署表示愿意接受委 任的通知,连同(A) 下文「获股东提名候选人须提交的资料」标题下所载按《香港联合 交易所有限公司证券上市规则》(「上市规则」)第13.51(2)
[...] 条规定须披露的候选人资 料以及其他资料,及(B) 候选人同意公布其个人资料同意书。
Accordingly, if a shareholder of the Company (“Shareholder”) wishes to nominate a person to stand for election as a director of the Company (“Director(s)”), the following documents must be validly sent to the Company’s principal place of business in Hong Kong or the office of its Hong Kong branch share registrar (note 1), namely (i) his/her notice of intention to propose a resolution at the general meeting; and (ii) a notice executed by the nominated candidate of the candidate’s willingness to be appointed together with (A) that candidate’s information as required to be disclosed under Rule 13.51(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) and such other information, as set out in the below heading “Required information of the
candidate(s) nominated by Shareholders”, and (B) the
[...] candidate’s written consent to the publication of [...]
his/her personal data.
在签订新按揭契据日期前最少14个工作天,申请人须将已签妥转 同意书 、 证 明书和确认书传真至置业资助贷款小组,以进行资料审核。
At least 14 working days prior to the execution date of the
new mortgage, applicant should send by fax
[...] the completed Consent Letter, Certification [...]
Letter, and Confirmation Letter to the HALU for vetting.
通过etracker技术收集的数据不用于个人用户,只有在他们提供具 同意书 和 不 包含化名真实用户个人信息的情况下,才能用于个人用户。
The data collected with etracker technology is
not used to personally
[...] identify website users, unless they give their specific consent, and not combined [...]
with personal data
about the bearer of the pseudonym.
华德士通常会要求您出具个人签字 同意书 , 以使我们能够从第三方获取您的个人信息(除您已通过其他方式同意外)。但若未经您的事先同意,华德士会在从第三方收集到您的个人信息后,尽快采取合理措施通知您,从而确保您及时了解华德士收集您个人信息的目的。
Robert Walters will normally require you to
[...] provide signed consent to enable us to [...]
obtain personal data from third parties
(unless you have indicated your consent in some other way) but, if Robert Walters does not have your prior consent, it will take reasonable steps to inform you as soon as possible that it has collected personal data from a third party and ensure you are aware of the purposes for which Robert Walters has collected your personal data.
伟易达要求所有电讯产品和电子学习产品的供应商签署供应商企业社会责 同意书 , 当 中列明所须遵守的企业社会责任相关条件。
All suppliers to our TEL and ELP operations are required to sign a supplier CSR agreement, specifying CSR related conditions they must abide by.
凡第(1)款规定的国家或组织已 签署本议定书的,可递交本议定书批准书、接 书 或 同意书 或 者,未签署本议定书 的,可以递交本议定书的加入书。
Any such State or organization may, if it has signed this Protocol, deposit an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Protocol or, if it has not signed this Protocol, deposit an instrument of accession to this Protocol.
空间通信组织的前任通知行政机关向国际电联提交了自己的新规则版本,其中 称,必须收到最初任命的和新任命的通知行政机关 书 面 同意书。
The earlier notifying Administration of Intersputnik presented to ITU its version of the new rule, saying that it was necessary to receive written agreement from both the initial and the newly appointed notifying Administration.
5 月 3 日,柬埔寨签署了接受观察员 同意书。
On 3 May, Cambodia signed a letter of acceptance to deploy observers.
阁 下 同 意 向 上 述 所 有 雇 员 及 其 他 人 士 索 取 合 适 及 妥 为 签 署同 意 书 , 并 于 本 行 要 求 时 提 供 有同 意 书 的 副 本 。
You agree that you will
[...] obtain such consent by getting all such employees and other persons to sign an appropriate consent in writing and, upon request, to provide to us copies of all such consents.
[...] 按《上市规则》第13.51(2)条规定须披露的候选人资料;(iv)候选人同意公布其个人资料 同意书 ; (v )及其他按上市规则或组织章程适时须予披露的资料。
If a shareholder wishes to nominate a person to stand for election as a director (the "Proposal"), the following documents must be validly served on the Secretary of the Company at the head office of the Company or at the Registration Office, namely (i) notice of intention signed by the shareholder concerned to propose a resolution to elect a person as a director (the "Nominated Candidate") at the general meeting; (ii) notice in writing signed by the Nominated Candidate of his/her willingness to be elected; (iii) the Nominated Candidate's information as required to be disclosed under rule 13.51(2) of
the Listing Rules; (iv) the Nominated
[...] Candidate's written consent to the publication [...]
of his/her personal data; and (v) such
other information as required by the Listing Rules and the articles of association of the Company from time to time
此外,郑教授也呼吁病人必须对本身病情有所认识,增进自身的医学知识以及了解治疗过程的前因后果后,才签 同意书。
In her summary, Prof Tay stressed how critical it was for patients to have a full
understanding of their own medical conditions as well as possible outcomes of the treatment
[...] before signing on a consent form.
委员会还在其关于制定标准书(如同意书)中阐 述的各项原则的报告中,更广泛探讨了遗传隐私权和不歧视问 题。
The Committee has also explored the issues of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in the framework of broader reflection in its reports on various principles elaborated in the standard-setting instruments, such as its report on consent.
承包生产服务的供应商亦须签 同意书 , 在某些情况下更须签署行为守则。
The CMS operation also uses supplier agreements, or in some cases requires suppliers to sign codes of conduct.
Applicant should sign the duplicate
[...] copy of the consent letter, then forward the duplicate copy of the consent letter to the new [...]
bank for signature and
arrange the execution of the new mortgage
同意书 手术同意书 手术同意书 手术同意书
Meniscal tears that fail to heal require later day resective surgery.
61/148 号和第63/243 号决议,大会在上述决议中敦促 缔约国加快它们对《公约》关于委员会供资的修正案的国内批准程序,并迅速将 它们对修正案同意书面通知秘书长。
In this connection, the Committee cites General Assembly resolutions 61/148 and 63/243, in which the Assembly strongly urged States parties to accelerate their domestic ratification procedures with regard to the amendment to the Convention concerning the financing of the Committee and to notify the Secretary-General expeditiously in writing of their agreement to the amendment.
保密信息/商业秘密 在劳动合同中对雇员课以保密义务是防止商业秘
[...] 密和保密信息被雇员泄露的最佳手段,例如可以 要求雇员对保密信息和商业秘密进行保密,除非 雇主给出事前书同意书同意公开 信息。
The best way to keep trade secrets and confidential information from being divulged by employees is to impose confidentiality obligations upon the employees in employment contracts; for example, employees may be required to keep confidential information
and trade secrets confidential, unless the employer has
[...] given prior written consent for the information [...]
to be disclosed.
若工作人员决定在正式系统中提起诉讼,办公室将评估是否能够提供协助,若能够提供协助,办公室将按照相关工作人员签署 同意书 所 列条款在整个过程中提供法律咨询和(或)代理。
If a staff member chooses to proceed with a case in the formal system, OSLA will assess whether it can be of assistance and, if so,
will provide legal advice and/or representation throughout the process under the
[...] terms set out in the OSLA consent form
(当未成年人单独旅行时)由双方家长或法定监护人出具的,或者(当未成年人跟随单方家长或监护人旅行时)由不同行的另一方家长或者监护人出具的出 同意书 的 公 证书.在中国境外办理时由境外相关政府机构办理该公证.
Minors travelling alone or with one parent: notary certificate of permission to travel from either parents or legal guardian (when minor is travelling alone) or the parent or legal guardian not travelling (if minor is travelling with one parent) and when not in China, attested by the relevant authorities in the country of residence.
COPPA, 是儿童在线隐私和保护条例的缩写, 生效于1998年的美国法律.
[...] 这项法律要求任何有可能收集年龄小于13周岁的未成年人信息的网站必须持有其监护人 同意书, 或者 其他形式的合法依据才能收集其身份信息.
COPPA, or the Child Online Privacy and Protection Act of 1998, is a law in the United States requiring websites which can potentially collect information
from minors under the age of 13 to have
[...] written parental consent or some other method [...]
of legal guardian acknowledgment, allowing
the collection of personally identifiable information from a minor under the age of 13.
监督厅建议人权高专办要求赠款领取人 签署 一份旨 在保障基金利益 的全 面同 意书,其 中 列 明 义务:与项目评价工 作合作; 提交报告; 保 持 证 明 资金如 何使用的书面材料;以及在欺诈、使用不当或管理不当的情况下退还赠款。
OIOS recommended that OHCHR require grantees to sign a comprehensive agreement that safeguards the interests of the Fund and includes the obligation to cooperate with project evaluations; submit reports; maintain documentation as to how the grant was spent; and refund in cases of fraud, misuse or mismanagement.
请总干事在 20 个国家递交了对《公约》《第二议定书》的接受书、加 书 、同 意或批准书后立即召集《海牙公约》缔约国第六次会议;但是须注意,如果收到 至少五分之一的《公约》缔约国的书面会议请求总干事就能更早地召集此次会 议。
INVITE the Director-General to
convene a sixth meeting of
[...] the High Contracting Parties to the Hague Convention, as soon as twenty States have deposited instruments of acceptance, [...]
accession, approval
or ratification to the Second Protocol; noting. however, that the Director-General could convene a meeting sooner should he recei1.ea request to do so from at least one-fifth of the States Parties to the Convention.




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