

单词 同情

同情 noun ()

compassion n
sympathies pl
empathy n
pity n
feeling n

同情 verb

pity v


同情者 n

sympathizers n
sympathizer n

有同情心 adj

caring adj



External sources (not reviewed)

另一代表团说,应该为主席制定如何处理 同情 况 的 导则,因为 同 的 事 情 需要 在科学建议的基础上不同程度的协调一致。
Another delegation said that guidelines should be
given to chairs on how
[...] to deal with different situations because it seemed to them that different matters required [...]
a different degree of consensus also depending
on the availability of scientific advice.
我們衷心感謝所有支持今次善舉的人士,更向所有在地震中罹難及受傷的人士寄以 深切同情。
We are grateful to all who supported this initiative and our deepest sympathy goes out to all the people whose lives have been affected by the disaster.
前者強調的是從上而下,以層級傳播的方式鼓動組織成員 同情 者 參 與;後者所強調的是橫向傳播,很多動員工作不是透過核心組織完成。
The former stresses top-down communication and influence,
[...] which go through different layers of an organization to mobilize its members and sympathizers; the latter [...]
stresses horizontal
communication, which rarely stems from the core.
現將直接僱用與利用服務公司兩個 同情 況的稅務負擔作出比較(請參閱附件 [...]
A 的詳細說明)。
It compares the tax liabilities in the direct employment and
[...] service company situations (please see [...]
detailed illustration at Annex A).
[...] 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在同情況下 作出合理的會計估計。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that
[...] are reasonable in the circumstances.
索马里人民是人类社会不可分割的一部分,他们 相信国际社会不会听任他们流血,他们还相信,全世 界都在关注他们,尤其是在最近召开伦敦会议之后, 55
[...] 个国家的代表出席了这次会议,会议取得了积极的 成果,体现出对索马里人民真正 同情 之 心
I hope that I am not being overly optimistic in saying that the Somali people, who are an integral part of human society, believe that the international community will not leave them bleeding and that the eyes of the world are upon them, in particular following the recent London Conference, which was
attended by representatives of 55 countries, with a positive outcome that
[...] showed genuine sympathy with the Somali people.
虽然涉及保留的提出者作为条约的当事方的地位这一规则是明确 的,但在实际适用方面有各种同情 况 :一些多边条约的保存人,例如联合国秘 书长,的确认为提出保留的国家在它明确表示接受条约约束的日期已成为缔约 国,而不必等到一缔约方接受保留或正如《维也纳公约》第 20 条第 5 款所规定 的 12 个月到期。
While the rule regarding the status of the author of a reservation as contracting party to the treaty was clear, its practical application had been inconsistent: some depositaries of multilateral treaties, such as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, indeed considered that a reserving State had already become a party on the date on which it had expressed its consent to be bound by the treaty, without waiting for an acceptance by one contracting party or for the expiration of the period of 12 months set by article 20, paragraph 5, of the Vienna Conventions.
在开展较系统的抽样调 查之前,先进行了试点调查,以测试调查是否适用于各种同情况。
Prior to the implementation of more
systematic sample surveys, pilot surveys were undertaken to test their utility in
[...] a variety of very different situations.
为所有那些受此流行病影响和感染艾滋病的人们创造 同情 宽 松 并在精神上获得支持 的氛围,这是与教育部以及学校内外共同积极参与的结果。
Responsive and supportive environments for all those affected and infected by the pandemic are resulting from an increasing involvement of Ministries of Education and from linkages between in-school and out-of-school environments.
該條 例在同情況下 均有提述"訂明醫院",例 如 第 22條訂明,任何在訂 明醫院受僱的人士獲授權為執行其專業或行使其職能的需要,或 [...]
There are references to
[...] "prescribed hospitals" in different contexts under DDO, for [...]
example section 22 which provides that
a person who is employed at a prescribed hospital is authorized, so far as may be necessary for the practice or exercise of his profession, function or employment, and in his capacity as such, to be in possession of and to supply a dangerous drug.
22.2 沒有限制任何於第 22.1 條的披露,閣下茲不可撤銷地授權敦沛和任何其他聯屬公司,在有關監管機構要 求以協助其調查或查詢或司法管轄權之法院要求或為公眾利益或為敦沛或閣下的利益或閣下作出明示或 暗同情的情況下 ,有權在無須通知閣下及獲 同 意 的 情 況 下 ,向任何人披露有關帳戶資料、報告、記 錄或屬於有關帳戶的文件和其他合適資料,且敦沛可適當地製造一份有關閣下和閣下帳戶的電腦記錄或 其他文件。
22.2 Without limiting the disclosure to anything provided in Clause 22.1, you hereby irrevocably authorizes Tanrich and any other Affiliate, without further notice and consent from you, to disclose to any person information, reports, records or documents pertaining to the Account together with such other information as may be required or Tanrich may deem appropriate and to produce computerized record or other document relating to you and the Account if that disclosure is required by the relevant regulators for the purpose of assisting them with any investigation or enquiry they are undertaking or by a court of competent jurisdiction or if the disclosure is in the public interest or in Tanrich's or your interest or is made with your expressed or implied consent.
执 行委员会也对巴基斯坦政府由于不幸事件而丧失其臭氧机构的设施表 同情 , 并 希望体制 建设项目的这个新阶段将帮助巴基斯坦的全国臭氧机构重建其档案材料,从而支持其工作。
The Executive Committee also wishes to convey to the Government of
[...] Pakistan its sympathy for the loss [...]
of its Ozone Office due to unfortunate events,
and is hopeful that this new IS project phase will support the NOU of Pakistan in helping rebuild its files.
(e) 继续补充各种监测活动,为此需要更加系统地研究苯丙胺类兴奋剂问 题,包括对苯丙胺类兴奋剂供求关系在 同情 况 下错综复杂的相互作用进行更 详细的分析,并需要开展研究以确定苯丙胺类兴奋剂的流行率和使用风险并提 供研究结果。
(e) Continue to complement monitoring activities by conducting more systematic research into the problem of
amphetamine-type stimulants,
[...] including more detailed examinations of the complex interplay between the demand for and the supply of amphetamine-type stimulants in different contexts, and by conducting [...]
and making available
the results of studies to establish the prevalence and identify the risks of the use of amphetamine-type stimulants.
同情叙利 亚武装团体和恐怖分子的人应当 把这些人收留到他们自己的国家,为其提供他们所 [...]
想要的东西,即在实现民主和要求改革的口号下, 携带武器以及破坏社会结构和国家结构的自由。
Those who sympathize with the armed [...]
groups and the terrorists in Syria should host them in their own countries and provide
them with what they want, namely, the freedom to carry weapons and destroy the social fabric and the structures of the State under the slogans of realizing democracy and calling for reforms.
[...] 巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人来说 同情 是 远远不 够的,他们也无法理解国际社会为何仍无法阻止侵 [...]
Compassion was no longer enough for the [...]
Palestinian people and other Arabs living under the inglorious Israeli occupation,
nor could they understand the international community’s continued inability to prevent violations of their essential and inalienable rights.
亨利·爱德华·帕特里奇在他1873年的日记中写道:"我们在57或58年埋葬了我们忠实的老‘Mauma’Mollie —
[...] 她几乎照料过家里的所有儿童;是我母亲的朋友和忠实仆人;在她的小屋里,我们经常吃炒腊肉及灰烤饼等家常饭,我们在这里始终都能得到欢迎 同情 , 我 们就像对第二母亲一样爱她。
Henry Edward Partridge recorded in his diary in 1873: “We buried either in 57 or 58 our faithful old ‘Mauma’ Mollie – her who had nursed nearly all of the children of the family; been a friend as well as faithful servant to my Mother; in whose cabin we had often eaten the
homely meal of fried bacon & ash cake and where we always had
[...] welcome and sympathy and whom we [...]
loved as a second mother.
但是在任何情况下,社区集体同意或社区领导或其它主管部门的同意都不能取代 个人的情同意。
In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.
它还建议缔约国就农业投资问题开展全国性辩论,并在 与外国公司签订任何合同之前征求有关各人的自由和 情同 意。
It also recommends that the State party carry out a national debate on investment in
agriculture and seek,
[...] prior to any contracts with foreign companies, the free and informed consent of the persons [...]
在欧洲和中亚网络,有一些活动旨在预防非法贸易,如:吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯 坦和中国在 2005
[...] 年举行的三边会谈;与世界海关组织的区域情报联络处建立合作关系; 通过鼓励欧洲和中亚网络各国参与,支持亚洲及太平洋区域办事处的补天行动倡议和自愿 事先情同意; 在区域情报联络处情报部门和国家级臭氧干事之间建立合作关系;将《执 法人员指南》翻译成俄语;验证摩尔多瓦的制冷剂鉴定仪;吉尔吉斯斯坦开发软件系统, [...]
In the ECA network, several activities aim to prevent illegal trade, e.g. a trilateral meeting with Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and China in 2005, establishment of cooperation with the regional intelligence organization (RILO) of the World Customs Organization (WCO), support of ROAP initiatives Sky Hole
Patching and voluntary
[...] Prior Informed Consent by encouraging ECA network countries to participate, establishment of cooperation between RILO Intelligence and [...]
ozone officers at national
level, translation of Guide for Enforcement Officers into Russian, certification of refrigerant identifiers in Moldova, development of a software system to exchange data between customs administrations by Kyrgyzstan.
(1) 借助电子通信进行交易的当事人通过明确和适当的 情同 意 — —此种情同意是在交易之时或争议产生之后、于交易之外表示,约定与该交易 有关的争议提交本《规则》所规定的网上争议解决的,适用本《规 则》。
(1) The Rules shall apply where the parties to a transaction conducted by use of electronic communications have agreed, through clear and adequate informed consent — either at the time of the transaction or after a dispute has arisen, and separately from the transaction — that disputes in relation to that transaction shall be submitted to online dispute resolution under the Rules.
(j) 呼吁立即执行各项计划保护土著和非洲裔哥伦比亚人社区,同时采取 协调一致的措施有效确保对所有影响土著人民和非洲裔哥伦比亚人的生活、文化 和领土的问题开展自由、事先情同 意 的 咨询,并鼓励哥伦比亚政府制定和落实 进一步的政策。
Afro-Colombian communities, as well as concerted measures to effectively ensure free, prior and informed consultation on all matters that affect their life, culture and territories, and encourages the Government to develop and implement further policies.
本工作文件的投稿部门鼓励各国,特别是利比亚邻国和本区域国家,加强与 利比亚有关当局的情况交流,并 情同 小 组、反恐怖主义执行局、国际民航组织、 联利支助团和国际伙伴进行情况交流,分享关于源于利比亚的武器弹药(包括便 携式防空系统)的地点、销售、储存或扩散的资料,并与利比亚当局、联利支助 团和适当的国际及区域伙伴密切协作,对它们与利比亚之间共同边界的有力的边 界安保管理制度加以协调和复原。
Contributors to this working document would like to encourage States, particularly Libya’s neighbours and those of the region, to strengthen information exchange with the relevant Libyan authorities, as well as with the Panel, the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, ICAO, UNSMIL and international partners, as appropriate, on the location, the sale, the stockpiling or the proliferation of arms and ammunitions emanating from Libya, including man-portable air defence systems, and to collaborate closely with the Libyan authorities, UNSMIL and appropriate international and regional partners in the coordination and the rehabilitation of a strong border security and management regime along their common borders with Libya.
[...] 告并不构成对全球土著人民的经济和社会状况,土著人民面对的环境问题,或自 由、事先和情同意的 概念和实践的全球性分析,但提供的资料说明了这些问题 [...]
While the report does not constitute a global analysis of the economic and social situation of indigenous peoples around the world, of the environmental issues confronting them, or
of the concept and practices of free, prior
[...] and informed consent, it provides [...]
information on the consideration and implementation
of those at the international and national levels.
论坛在审议该项目时,面前有“土著人民和 森林问题国际专家组会议报告”(E/C.19/2011/5),“各国就处理土著问题常设论 坛各项建议的情况提供的资料”(E/C.19/2011/8),“主题为‘跟踪评估促进土著 人权利情况的指标、机制和数据’的国际技术专家会议的报告”
(E/C.19/2011/11),“研究土著人民与公司问题以审查有关公司和土著人民的现 行机制和政策并确定良好做法”(E/C.19/2011/12)和“联合国土著问题常设论坛
[...] 秘书处编写的分析报告:经济和社会发展,环境及自由、事先和 情同 意” (E/C.19/2011/13)。
For its consideration of the item, the Forum had before it the documents entitled “Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on Indigenous Peoples and Forests” (E/C.19/2011/5), “Information from States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” (E/C.19/2011/8), “Report of the international technical expert meeting on the theme ‘Keeping track: indicators, mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights’” (E/C.19/2011/11), “Study on indigenous peoples and corporations to examine existing mechanisms and policies related to corporations and indigenous peoples and to identify good practices” (E/C.19/2011/12) and “Analysis prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues: economic and social development, the environment and free,
[...] prior and informed consent” (E/C.19/2011/13).
在 本任期期间,专家组打算情同人道 主义机构和地方当局密切协商,根据第 1857(2008)号决议第 4(f)段,重新研究这个问题。
During the current mandate, the Group intends to revisit this question, in close consultation with humanitarian agencies and local authorities, as appropriate, and pursuant to paragraph 4 (f) of resolution 1857 (2008).
特别是,由于 《生物多样性公约》支持国家对其自然资源的主权原则,所以那些对利用遗传资源感兴趣
[...] 的行业必须保证它们的勘探行为建立在事先 情同 意 和 利益分享协议的基础上。
In particular, since the CBD asserts the principle that nations have sovereignty over their natural resources, those industries that are interested in making use of genetic resources need to
ensure that prospecting activities take place on the basis of
[...] prior informed consent, and agreements [...]
on benefit sharing.
[...] 究理事会没有遵守《生物多样性公约》的法规,法规要求征得所有厉害关系者的事先情同意,包括原始发现人和使用人。
They claimed that their traditional knowledge had been stolen, and CSIR had failed to comply with the rules of the
Convention on Biodiversity, which requires the
[...] prior informed consent of all stakeholders, [...]
including the original discoverers and users.
联合国各机构(人口基金、妇女署、开发署、儿基会和人权高专办 喀麦隆区域办事处)、政府官员及土著人民之间的对话,帮助确定了关于土著人 民的第 5-2011
[...] 号法律实施工作面临的挑战,以及实现土著人民充分有效地参与 和在决策进程中自由、事先、情同 意 的 可能战略。
The dialogue among United Nations agencies (UNFPA, UN-Women, UNDP, UNICEF and the OHCHR regional office in Cameroon), Government officials and indigenous peoples contributed to identifying challenges in the implementation of Law No. 5-2011 on indigenous peoples and possible strategies for achieving the full and
effective participation of indigenous peoples as well as their free,
[...] prior and informed consent in decision-making [...]




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