单词 | 同态 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 同态 —homomorphism (math.)See also:态 n—attitude n
总干事还对报告中提出的好几个评价意见持 赞 同态 度 , 特别是关于认为《基金没有实 现它的任何一个目标,没有达到预期的临界质量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Director-General shares several of the considerations mentioned in this report, notably that “IFPC has not met any of those goals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
双方以前就 [...] 出现过冲突,原因通常是族裔分歧、对前政权的不 同态度以及对走私路线控制权的争夺。 daccess-ods.un.org | There has been a history of conflict between [...] the two sides, usually ascribed to [...] ethnic differences, attitudes toward the previous [...]regime and rivalry for control of smuggling routes. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员及其前任参与的这项 程序有助于深入了解《公民及政治权利国际公约》 第 19 条与第 20 [...] 条之间的联系,他询问特别报告员 该如何积极地参与这一程序,并确保听取他的意见, 从而反映他对这一问题的不同态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | That process, in which the Special Rapporteur and his predecessor had participated, fostered a better understanding of the links between articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, he asked the Special Rapporteur how he could actively [...] participate in that process and ensure that his voice was heard in [...] order to reflect his differentiated approach on that matter. daccess-ods.un.org |
又忆及 1999 年 6 月在布达佩斯举行的世界科学大会通过的《科学议程--行动框 架》第 29 和第 33 段的内容,以及 2002 年 6 月发表的国际水文计划(IHP)政府 间理事会的最后报告第 91 段所表示的、并于 [...] 2003 年 6 月得到国际水文计划主席 团核可的赞同态度, 3. unesdoc.unesco.org | Further recalling paragraphs 29 and 33 of the Science Agenda – Framework for Action adopted by the World Conference on Science in Budapest in June 1999, as well as the favourable opinion expressed in paragraph 91 of the Final Report of the Intergovernmental [...] Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) published in June [...] 2002 and endorsed by the IHP Bureau [...]in June 2003 unesdoc.unesco.org |
所谓原子组的默认定义是具有相同氧 化 态同 种 元素的所有原子。 crystalimpact.de | An atom group is by default defined by all atoms of a certain [...] element which have the same oxidation state. crystalimpact.de |
但是,人们一直不清楚,气候是否还能够使一个群落中不同的物种间的这些种群 动 态同 步 化。 chinese.eurekalert.org | But, it has been unclear whether climate could also synchronize [...] such population dynamics among different species in [...]a community. chinese.eurekalert.org |
从 值属性读取的值将与这两个值进行比较,从而决定显示哪个 状 态 , 同 样, 更改开关会写入适当值。 redlion.net | The value read from the Value property will be compared [...] to these two values to decide which state to display, and changing [...] the switch will similarly write the appropriate value. redlion.net |
该职位的任职 [...] 者将参加会议,草拟谈话要点和会议记录,处理来往信函,了解法治领域最新趋 势和动态(同上,第 38 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbent of the position would participate in meetings, draft talking points and minutes, process incoming and [...] outgoing correspondence and keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in the [...] area of rule of law (ibid., para. 38). daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多发展中国家,迅速工业化和城市化 留下了资源使用挑战和不可持续的消费 形 态同 时 存 在的印记。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rapid industrialization and urbanization in many developing countries leave a mark, with unresolved challenges on the use of resources and unsustainable patterns of consumption. daccess-ods.un.org |
为期5个星期的推广活动,从11月19日至12月23日,交易3,000欧元(或等值美元),让您的Skrill变为V IP 状 态, 同时赚取额外的积分。 fxopenasia.com | During the 5 weeks promotion, from Monday November 19th until Sunday December 23rd, [...] transact just €3,000 (or [...] equivalent in USD) to get your Skrill VIP status, along with all the [...]extra loyalty points you’ve earned. fxopenasia.com |
通过使用新设计的封装引擎、可共同使用的带预分离 动 态同 步 输 入磨察式广告输入器和旋转式广告输入器、高效输入模块和增强的信封封口模块,使MPS高效生产系列增加18%处理速度的同时可以增加10%的可靠性,总的来说增加了28%的处理能力。 pitneybowes.com.cn | Driven by the newly designed mailstream engine, interchangeable friction and rotary feeders, high productivity inputs and enhanced envelope sealers, the mailstream system combines an 18 percent increase in speed with a 10 percent increase in reliability and performance for an overall 28 percent boost in achieve throughput. pitneybowes.com.cn |
人权教育与培训应以所有人参与和加强能力为目标,考虑到不同的经 济、社会和文化状态,同时促 进地方倡议,鼓励让普天同享所有人权成为大家的 [...] 共同目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human rights education and training should aim for the participation of every person and the [...] strengthening of their capabilities, [...] taking into account different economic, social [...]and cultural circumstances, while promoting [...]local initiatives in order to encourage ownership of the common goal of the fulfilment of all human rights for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
ORing主机监控支持自动采用ping 的方式确定网络中交换机的状态, 同时主机监控支持IP分类侦测功能, 所有基于IP的设备可以通过不同网段进行分别监控。 oring-networking.com.cn | On the other hand, ORing Host monitor could automatically ping and check the health statuses of connections among all IP-based devices in local area network. oring-networking.com |
又敦促 又敦促 又敦促 又敦促核武器国家,作为临时措施,立即解除其核武器的戒备和待发状 态,并采取其他具体措施,进一步降低其核武器系统的备战 状 态 , 同 时 强 调部署 的减少和备战状态的降低不能替代以不可逆转的方式削减和全面消除核武器 daccess-ods.un.org | the nuclear-weapon States, as an interim measure, to de-alert and deactivate immediately their nuclear weapons and to take other concrete measures to reduce further the operational status of their nuclear-weapon systems, while stressing that reductions in deployments and in operational status cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in, and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons daccess-ods.un.org |
进⾏重要记录(结婚仪式和海外旅⾏等)的摄影时,推荐事先进⾏测 试摄影并确认照相机的状态,同时携带数码照相机使⽤说明书和备⽤ 电池。 ricoh.com | Before taking any important pictures (such as at weddings, on trips abroad, etc.), test the camera to check operation and ensure proper functioning. ricoh.com |
最后,硬盘构建商要开发更加复杂的方法,来管理不对齐 状 态 , 同 时 还要避免对性能产生负面的影响。 seagate.com | Ultimately, hard drive manufacturers will develop more sophisticated methods to manage unaligned conditions while avoiding negative performance impacts. seagate.com |
特派团 2009/10 年财政期间的主要优先事项是:继续着重维持稳定和安全的 [...] 环境,为此支持建立和落实协调一致的国家安全结构,包括统筹实施《国家安全 [...] 战略》和《利比里亚减贫战略》,为利比里亚国家警察开展培训和体制能力建设, 并确保其进入全面运作状态,同时为 利比里亚武装部队的机构调整提供务实培训 [...] 和指导支助,包括与联利特派团一起开展连级联合整编培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main priority of the Mission for the 2010/11 financial period will be a continued focus on the maintenance of a stable and secure environment through support for the development and implementation of a coordinated national security architecture, including implementation of the national security strategy in line with the Liberian poverty reduction strategy, the training and institutional capacitybuilding of the Liberian [...] National Police, to ensure their fully [...] fledged operational status, and practical training [...]and mentoring support for restructuring [...]the Armed Forces of Liberia, which will include joint integrated training with UNMIL at the company level. daccess-ods.un.org |
CA ARCserve 的高可用性和复制解决方案帮助您的企业保持全天候运行 状 态 ; 同 时 最大程度地减少代价昂贵的服务器宕机,并满足您公司的日益苛刻的 SLA。 arcserve.com | CA ARCserve’s high availability and replication solutions help ensure your business stays up and running 24x7; minimizing costly server downtime and exceeding your company’s demanding SLAs. arcserve.com |
优卡犬粮促进了狗狗关节、皮肤和肌肉的生长,使关节强健有力,皮肤和肌肉处于健康 状 态 , 同 时 还 提供了狗狗工作中赖以生存所需要的高能量。 eukanuba.com.cn | Eukanuba develops strong joints and healthy skin and muscles, while providing high energy levels, which are vital to the work our dogs are doing. eukanuba.co.uk |
这样的双重标准 和单边行动不符合《联合国宪章》以及国际法的宗旨 和原则,助长了极端主义意识形态, 同 时 破 坏了打击 国际恐怖主义斗争的合法性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such double standards and unilateral actions ran counter to the Charter of the United Nations and the purposes and principles of international law, and reinforced extremist ideologies, while undermining the legitimacy of the struggle against international terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
当安装好新的色带时,系统可以自动检测到改变,在压纸杆合上后清除 警告状态,同时将寿命值重置为100%。 printronix.com | If a new ribbon is loaded, the system automatically detects the change, clears the condition when the platen is closed, and restarts the life at 100%. printronix.cn |
它把 JSF 需求生命周期扩展为可以在 Single Page [...] Interface 环境中运行,它使客户端与服务器端 状 态同 步 , 并使数据绑定变得更方便。 evget.com | It extends the JSF request lifecycle to work in a Single Page Interface [...] environment, it synchronizes client-server [...]state and facilitates data binding. evget.com |
深感关切的是,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府在人权理事会2010年3月通 过对其普遍定期审议的结果报告2 时拒绝对那些建议曾得到它的支持作出 表 态, 同时, 对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府迄今尚未采取行动执行报告中所载建议感 到遗憾 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing its serious concern at the refusal of the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to articulate, by the time of the adoption by the Human Rights Council of the outcome report of its universal periodic review2 in March 2010, which recommendations enjoyed its support, and regretting the lack of action taken by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to date to implement the recommendations contained in that report daccess-ods.un.org |
他们保持着开放的攻击风格,而他们的锋线 状 态同 样 出 色。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | They played in very open style [...] and their front line kept in good form. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
后部采用引人注目却实用的对开尾门代替了仓门式后门,突出了MINI CLUBMAN 的阔达体态, 同时也 使车门入口扩大,能轻松放入大型物体。 minichina.com.cn | The eye-catching and practical Splitdoor 'replaces' the tailgate at the rear, emphasises the broad look of the MINI CLUBMAN, and also opens wide to allow bulky objects to be loaded with ease. minichina.com.cn |
系统集成了专有的频闪技术、强大的数据采集和分析软件,可以在单一平台上, 11Hz至2.4 MHz频率下,提供器件的静态和动态同 步 测 量。 bruker.com | A proprietary stroboscopic illuminator allows the capture of real-time measurement data of a sample as it cycles through its range of motion, at operating frequencies from 11 hertz to 2.4 megahertz. bruker.com |
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由于自动的视图状态同步功 能,所有选中的项在视图切换时都将被保存,使用户能够方便的使用选择功能。 evget.com | Thanks to the [...] automatic view state synchronization feature, all [...]selected items will be persisted during view switching, [...]enables user to easily work on selection. evget.com |
zabbix server可以单独监视远程服务器的服务 状 态 ; 同 时 也 可以与zabbix agent配合,可以轮询zabbix [...] agent主动接收监视数据(trapping方式),同时还可被动接收zabbix agent发送的数据(trapping方式)。 javakaiyuan.com | zabbix server can be used alone to [...] monitor the service status of the remote server [...]; but also with zabbix agent with , you [...]can roundExercise zabbix agent to receive active surveillance data (trapping mode) , but can also passively receiving zabbix agent to send data (trapping mode) . javakaiyuan.com |
安理会成员欣见最近的政治事态,同 时 强 调需要敦促尚未参与吉布提和平进 程的反对派团体与新总统合作,并加强地面的安全状况,使联合国能在实地派驻 人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The members of the Council welcomed the recent political developments, while stressing the need to urge opposition groups which have not participated in the Djibouti peace process to cooperate with the new president, and to improve the security situation on the ground to allow the United Nations to have a presence there. daccess-ods.un.org |