

单词 同归於尽

See also:


working withv

External sources (not reviewed)

Because the release of our fifth survey findings has drawn discussions
among the media and
[...] community members on how to categorizedifferent answer options, POP then introduced [...]
two more questions
using fixed years as answer labels.
(F) 本公司将向兑换股东配发及发行兑换股份,或向其支付其 根据上文本公司细则第 6(C)条第 5(C)段有权取得的款项(视 情况而定),并促使情况行兑换股份的股 票股东交回的股票内包括的任何未予兑换可换股 优先股的新股票,惟在任何情况下不得迟於相关兑换日期 後 7 日。
(F) The Company shall allot and issue the Conversion Shares or, as the case may be, send the amount to which he is entitled pursuant to paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) above to the Converting Shareholder and shall procure that certificates in respectof the Conversion Shares, together with a new certificate for any unconverted Convertible Preference Shares comprised in the Certificate(s) surrendered by the Converting Shareholder, are issued as soon as practicable and in any event not later than 7 days after the relevant Conversion Date.
所收取雇员 服务之公平价值乃参考於授出日期之公平价值进行计量於归间确认为增加於 附属企业之投资,并於权益计入相应之数额。
The fair value of employee services received, measured by reference to the grant date fair value, is recognised over the vestingperiod as an increase to investment in subsidiary undertakings, with a corresponding credit to equity.
You confirm that, as of the date of today, if you or the government department of HKSAR in which you are working have/has no official dealings with the Bank and you undertake to inform the Bank promptly in writing if you or the government department in which you are working willlater become involved [...]
in any official dealings with the Bank.
资产及负债部於同,以反映在当地税务司法管辖区引致的税项资产及负债之影响不可由其他税务司法管辖区所引致的税项资产及负债抵 销。
Asset and liability
[...] positions inthesame category reflect [...]
the impact of tax assets and liabilities arising in local tax
jurisdictions that cannot be offset against tax assets and liabilities arising in other tax jurisdictions.
流 动 风 险 可 能公 允 价 值 售 出 金 融 资 产;或 者无 法 偿 还 其,或 者到 期 的 债 务;或 者 源 於 无 法 产 生 预 期 的 现 金 流 量。
Liquidity risks may arise from financial assets which can not be sold as soon as possible at fair value, the other party is unable to pay its contractual obligations, from early matured debt obligations, or the unexpected insufficient cash flow .
歷史 建筑有其独特性,而每个私人业主的诉求和意愿一的方案反而不利 我们制订最适合的经济诱因以换取业主保育其歷史建筑。
Sinceeach historic building is unique and the demand and wish of each private owner are notthesame,adopting a [...]
standardised proposal
will not be conducive to the formulation of the most appropriate economic incentive in exchange for the conservation of the historic building concerned.
164 董事会可不时并於任何时间,藉授权书委任任何经其直接或间接提名的公 司、商号、个人或人数不等之团体,作为本公司的一名或多於一名受权人, 而委任的目的,所授予的权力、权限及酌情决定权(以不超过根据本章程细归於或可由董事行使者为限),以及委任的期限和规限的条件,均须按董 事会认为合适者而定;任何此等授权书,均可载有董事认为适合用以保障及 方便与任何此等受权人进行交易的人,以及可授权任何此等受权人归於所有或任何权力、权限及酌情决定权转授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the
Company for such
[...] purposes and withsuch powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Boardmay think fit, and may also authorise any suchattorney tosub-delegate [...]
all or any of
the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
例如,在厘定课室及教学实验室空间时采用不同的学生学分小时函數,在计算教学及 研究实验室空间时把,并有不同的空间基准,以及图书馆的实际馆藏量,均间 [...]
办公室和室内运动空间基准,则回应了院校对「3+3+4」学制、学生全人发展需要及院校国际化等方面的 关注及诉求。
For example, role
[...] differentiation is implicit in the proxy of student credit hours [...]
for classrooms and teaching laboratories,
in the use of cognate category groupings for teaching and research laboratories, and physical bound volume equivalents for libraries. The new study space category, revamped open laboratories formula, and updated standards for office and indoor sports facilities respond to concerns for “3+3+4”, whole person development, and internationalization.
於投票 表决时,有权投多於一票的股东毋须有票數於同向。
On a poll a member entitled to more than one vote is
[...] under no obligation to cast all his votes inthe same way.
奇美电子亦同於同大努力(不论以直接订单进行或本 公司的其他业务前景或其他情况)促使本公司的所收购资产营运产生的该等产品完成 [...]
CMOalso agreed to use its best efforts, whether [...]
by directing orders or other business prospects to the Company or otherwise,
to cause the operation of the Acquired Assets by the Company to generate completed sales of such products above the agreed threshold and an agreed level of net profit from the sale of such products during the same period.
(b) 股额持有人可以股份转换为股额前须遵照之方式及 规则,将股额或其中部份转让,惟董事会可不时厘定其认为适当之可转让 股额最低数额,并限制或禁止转让低数额之零碎股额,惟该最低 数额不得超出该等股份转换为股额前之面值。
(b) The holders of stock may transferthesame or any part thereof inthe same manner, and subject to the same regulations as and subject to which the Shares from which the stock arose might prior to conversion have [...]
been transferred or as near thereto as
circumstances admit, but the Board may from time to time, if it thinks fit, fix the minimum amount of stock transferable and restrict or prohibit the transfer of fractions of that minimum, but so that such minimum shall not exceed the nominal amount of the Shares from which the stock arose.
Quite simply, it's a state-of-the-art traveller's paradise, designed with you in mind. Our hub offers a wide range of services and benefits -- all aimed at making your [...]
arrival, departure
and connections as smooth, convenient and pleasurable as possible.
These sustainable transportation advancements have also spurred further exchange of knowledge between countries and cities of every part of the globe but, above all, have awoken both the city and citizen’s sense of belonging.
为了於分割财务报表更准确地呈列应收账款,应收账款乃按产 品分类划分,当中若干产品分集团於归,由於有未清偿付款、一般信贷票 据及尚未分类至产品分类的其他应收账款结余,因此尚有未分配结余。
To have a more precise presentation of accounts receivable in the carve out financial statements, the receivables were split by product category,
with certain product
[...] categories being dedicated to the differentBusiness Groups after which [...]
there were remaining unallocated
balances, due to partial payments, general credit notes and other debtor balances not yet assigned to product categories.
倘董事会未有於 接获要求後 21 日内正式召开须於其後 21
[...] 天内召开的大会,提出要求的人 士或当中持有彼等投票权过半的任何人士可自行以与董事会召开大方式相近)召开大会,惟如此召开的大会不可要求 当日起三个月後召开,而提出要求的人士因董事会未能完成有关要求而涉 及的所有合理开支,将由本公司向彼等作出补偿。
If the Board does not within 21 days from the date of deposit of the requisition proceed duly to convene the meeting to be held within a further 21 days, the requisitionist(s) themselves or any of them representing more than one-half of the total voting
rights of all of
[...] them, may convene the general meeting in thesame manner, as nearly as possible, as that in which meetings may be convened [...]
by the Board provided
that any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of deposit of the requisition, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to them by the Company.
为免生疑,倘超过一名受委代表获认可结算所(或其代 名人)委任,则每名受委代表决时均可各投一票,且毋须以票数。
For the avoidance of doubt, where more than one proxy is appointed by a recognised clearing house (or its nominee(s)), each such
proxy shall have one vote
[...] on a show of hands and is under no obligation to cast all his votesin the samewayon a poll.
Comparedto similar surveys conducted after the handover, people’s satisfaction rate with CY Leung’s first Policy Address is lower than all those registered [...]
for Tsang’s six
addresses, while it is still higher than all those registered for Tung's third to eighth addresses.
After 5 years, public mood has
pacified, POP has therefore
[...] gradually reduced the number of survey items to two, namely, "people's ethnic identity before and after the handover" and "people's evaluation of the policy of the central government on Hong Kong after the handover".
倘本公司根据收购建议 条款最少吸纳及支付最低所需单位,本公业层合理努力收购,而 TransAlta Power 业层合理努力协助本公司在可行情况下尽快收购 余下 TransAlta Power 单位,并无论如何於吸纳日期後六个月内以强制性收购、安排、 [...]
3 重组、合并、重整股本或其他一项或多项收购交易之方式进行。
If the Company takes up and pays for at least the Minimum Required Units pursuant to the
terms of the Offer,
[...] the Company has agreedto use allcommercially reasonable efforts to acquire, and TransAlta Powerhas agreedto use allcommercially [...]
reasonable efforts
to assist the Company in acquiring, the balance of the TransAlta Power Units as soon as practicable and in any event within a period of 6 months following the Take-up Date by way of compulsory acquisition, arrangement, reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization or other type of acquisition transaction or transactions.
一切合理查询後,确认据彼等深知通函所 载资料在各重大方面均属准确完备,并无误导或欺诈成份,本通函并无遗漏其他事项, 以致本通函或其任何陈述有所误导。
The Directors, havingmade all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in this circular is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this circular misleading.
人、分销商、批发商及零售商,在运送和贮 存发酵食品时,免食品暴露在高温和强光下;以先入先出的原则处理存货;以 及向可靠的供应商采购发酵食材。
For shippers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, they should minimise heatand light exposure during transportation [...]
and storage
of fermented food products, keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle and obtain fermented food ingredients from reliable suppliers.




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