

单词 同屋

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External sources (not reviewed)

土木工程拓展署會同屋宇 署,在發出任何爆破許可證前,檢討並核准這些措施。
The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), in collaboration of the Buildings Department, review and approve these measures before issuing any blasting permits.
至今,该国尚未能够找到办法 解同一屋檐下 两所学校的问题或以族裔隔离儿童的问题。
So far, the country has not been able to
find a solution to the problem of two
[...] schools under the same roof or the issue of [...]
segregation of children by ethnicity.
家庭住戶 包含居同一屋簷下,共同分享 食物與開支的人,無論他/她們有沒有關係。
Domestic households are made up of
[...] people living under the same roof, whether related or not, [...]
and sharing food and expenses.
在研究屋宇署檢討報告的過程中,兩位專家已全面 研究屋宇署的相關內部手冊和指引、 同屋 宇 署 人員實地視察 兩宗與失修樓宇有關的個案,並會見了屋宇署的前線人員、擬 [...]
備屋宇署檢討報告的工作小組、屋宇署的高層管理人員以及香 港建築師學會、香港工程師學會和香港測量師學會的代表。
In examining BD’s Report, the two independent experts carried out a comprehensive review of the relevant internal
manuals and guidelines of the BD,
[...] joined BD staff in the conduction of on-site inspections [...]
for two cases relating to dilapidated
buildings, and had meetings with BD’s frontline staff, the working group that prepared BD’s Report, senior management of the BD, as well as representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
[...] 11.6%的做法,政府是由 1997 年開始計算,因為理論上,從 1997 年開始,同屋邨開 始在不同階段加租,所以,由 1997 年開始,到了 2005 年檢討租金時,將這兩個年份的公屋居民的收入作一比較,發現公屋居 [...]
11.6%,所以便減租 11.6%。
For example, on the rent reduction of 11.6%, the Government used 1997 as a starting point in its calculation. It
is because in theory,
[...] the rents of the housing estates were increased in different stages starting [...]
from 1997 and so, 1997
is used as a starting point, and in the 2005 rent review, when comparing the income of public rental housing (PRH) tenants in these two years, it is found that the income of PRH tenants dropped 11.6% and a rent reduction of 11.6% is therefore proposed.
本人同意房屋署署 長對該等虛假的陳述或申請,有最後決定權。
I accept that the decision of
[...] the Director of Housing shall be final [...]
as to whether any such statement or application is false.
[...] 生,因为他们比邻而居,有时候还生活 同 一 个 屋檐 下 ,丝毫不会因为宗教的原因对他人抱有敌意。
It cannot be otherwise, since they live together in the same neighbourhoods, and
[...] sometimes in the same houses, without the slightest [...]
of hostility towards each another on the basis of religion.
在紐西蘭打工渡假的生涯裡,大家都會住 同 一 個 屋 簷 下、 在 同 個 地方工作、結伴到同一個地方玩。
During the working holidays, you will need to stay
[...] together in a group, work in a same place, travel together.
作为世界公民同一座 共有屋的管 理人,所有都应该为拯救人类承担责 任,立即采取能够为今世后代保护世界的可持续生 [...]
As citizens of the world and
[...] custodians of the same common house, all should shoulder [...]
the responsibility of saving mankind
by urgently embracing a sustainable way of life that would preserve the world for present and future generations.
这就像是您最喜欢的艺术家同一间 屋 子 里您独家倾情表演。
It's as though your favourite artists are
[...] performing in the same room, just for you.
Hans 認為擁有個人風格的住家,更能吸引親友來訪、做到賓主盡歡,因為有個性的家不僅能引發訪客的好奇心 同 時 還 能展 屋 主 的 個人品味。
Hans believes that a personal home is more inviting and pleasant to visit,
because it ignites curiosity among
[...] visitors, while at the same time showcasing the personal [...]
taste of the individuals dwelling there.
6 岁的 Abdullah 也受了重伤,被困同一座房屋内, 被他已死的堂兄弟和叔 叔们围绕着。
Six-year-old Abdullah, also badly injured, was
[...] trapped inside the same house, surrounded by [...]
his dead cousins and uncles.
與波士頓全市相比,華埠住戶的搬遷率看來略低;2000 年華埠有 62%的人口(五歲 及五歲以上)仍住在其 1995 年所住同一棟屋(或住宅單位),而波士頓全市的比率則 為 48%;這種情形不常見,因為通常租住者比房屋擁有者較頻搬遷,這可能因為居民依 [...] [...]
Maybe there is more attachment to the neighborhood and less mobility in subsidized housing.
中国北京(2011年3月9日) —
[...] 西屋电气公司与 Emerson(纽约证券交易所股票代码: EMR)旗下的艾默生过程管理公司签订总价约1700万美元的供应 同 , Em erson 为西屋电气公司在中国新建的四座 AP1000™ 核反应堆提供 Ovation™ 专业控制技术。
AUSTIN, Texas (March 9, 2011) – Westinghouse Electric Company has awarded Emerson Process
Management, an Emerson (NYSE:
[...] EMR) business, contracts to supply its Ovation™ expert control technology at four new Westinghouse AP1000™ nuclear [...]
reactors in China.
由於對合約僱員的需 求及人數是隨屋宇署的不同服務 需求而變動的,我們未能提供 2011-12 [...]
年度的 資料。
As the need for and number of NCSC staff
fluctuate with changing service needs of the
[...] Buildings Department (BD), we are unable to provide [...]
information for 2011-12.
[...] 公里、宽180 米的工厂里,世界最先进的机器人在装配由气垫悬停升降机升起的车厢,这就无需使 屋 顶 悬 挂吊架 同 时 还能节约工厂空间。
Inside a factory 180m wide and 1.6km long, world-best robotics assemble train
carriages elevated on air-cushioned hover lifts,
[...] reducing the need for roof-hanging cranes and freeing up workshop space.
這種情況未來很可能發生,經濟環境或許不會改善,銀行或許仍然不受歡迎,現有體系在供應端備受壓力;需求端則較為微妙,報告內列舉年輕人擁有的選項,包括多代同住、高額房租、 同 輩 一起 購 屋 ( 彷 彿回到大學時期),在此處境之下,群眾集資房貸似乎並非全無可能。
The demand side may be more subtle, coming down to what young people prefer out of the options
outlined in the report: multi-generational living, expensive
[...] renting or buying with peers in a rolling re-run [...]
of student days.
2010 年对《刑 法》作出修正,增加了一个新的加重因素――犯罪者针对第一序列或第二序列亲 属、针对配偶或前配偶、针对与其组成或曾经组成事实家庭者或针对与 同 处一 个屋檐下 的人犯下的涉及暴力或暴力威胁的罪行。
In 2010 the Criminal Law was amended whereby an new aggravated circumstance was introduced – crime involving violence or threats of violence and committed against a person with whom the perpetrator is related in the first or second level of kinship or against a spouse or a former spouse, or against a person with whom the perpetrator has or had de facto family or against a person with whom the perpetrator has common household.
Maxime Simoens在搜索其獨立創意及夢想創造自己的時 屋 的 同 時 ,M axime Simoens創造了自己風格的女裝﹕他以創新的眼光,把平面設計融合到他設計的建築。
In search for creative independence and the desire to create
[...] his own fashion house, Maxime Simoens [...]
set out to create his own universe in women’s
wear, with an innovative vision, blending graphic design into the architecture of his creations.
根 據 《 市 區 重 建 局 條 例 》 第 23(1) 條 的
[...] 規 定 , 市 區 重 建 局同 香 港 房 屋 協 會 , 公 布 開 展 H05-026 [...]
石 水 渠 街 / 慶 雲 街 / 景 星 街 項 目 ( 該 項 目 ) 。
Pursuant to section 23(1) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO), it is hereby notified that the
Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in
[...] association with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) [...]
will commence the implementation of
Project H05-026 Stone Nullah Lane / Hing Wan Street / King Sing Street (the Project).
住户 的数量很关键,当地对屋密度的偏 同 样 非 常关键。
The number of households is
[...] key, as is the local preference for housing density.
展覽不但陳列與樓宇自動化系統及管理、建築物料及科技、空調、加熱及通風系統與服務設備,以及室內空氣質素系統有關的最新科技發展 同 時 更 為區 屋 宇 及 建築業界人士提供一個主要的市場中心。
The show offers a comprehensive showcase of the latest developments in technologies associated with modern Building Automation & Management, Building Materials & Construction Technology, HVAC & R Systems and Services Equipment, Indoor Air Quality Systems, and serving as a major market hub for players in the building & construction industry in the region.
屋 中 使 用 同 样 质 量 和 纹 理 的 材 料 能 够 确 保 连 [...]
续性及一种和谐的 平 衡 。
Using materials of the same quality and texture [...]
used on the home ensures continuity and a harmonious balance.
還有一點,或者不太明顯,但卻值得強調,就是1個公屋家庭取得置居貸款,足使3個家庭同時受惠:賣方一般為換樓人士,售出單位,當然受惠;買方晉身為業主,自然亦受惠;取得貸款的租戶須退回現居的租住單位,輪候冊上便有一個家庭可獲早日 屋 , 同 樣 受 惠。
One other perhaps less obvious point to emphasize is that those taken out by PRH tenants effectively benefit three families: the seller of the flat benefits from the sale and generally speaking trades up; the tenant who buys from him or her benefits by becoming an owner; and, because the tenant is obliged to release his existing rental flat, a family on the waiting list also benefits from earlier allocation.
公民只有在下列情况下才可从公共住房或国家住房建设基金建设的 屋中 迁同时得 到其他公用设施配套齐全的居住空间:(1) 公民所居住的房屋依照 规划将拆除;(2) 公民所居住的房屋(居住空间)属危旧房屋;(3) 公民所居住的房 屋(居住空间)必须翻修改造成非居住用建筑。
Citizens are evacuated from their establishments in public or state housing funds and are subsequently offered another living space with utilities if: (1) the house where the living space is, is planned for demolishment; (2) the house (living space) is in danger of ruination; (3) the house (living space) must be refurbished into a non-living building.
2002 年 6 月 6 日通过的第 1107 号《民法》规定了住房部门的一般原则, 涉及对有很多套公寓或公寓式单元房的建筑公共部分的所有权、毗邻权、 屋租 赁合同、服务的提供以及与住房部门有关的其他事项。
The Civil Code, No. 1107 from 06.06.2002, which sets the general principles for the housing sector, as would be property over the
common parts of the
[...] building with many flats or with apartments, the neighbourhood rights, rent and lease contracts, delivery of services [...]
and others that extend to the housing sector.
我要谈的第三点是,要强调两位庭长在其报告中 就执行判决问题——即找到和鼓励更多国家接收被
[...] 定罪人服刑,以及仍有三名获开释者在阿鲁沙一座安 全屋内居住,同时正在努力找到收留他们的国家这 一具体情况——所提出的其它重要问题。
My third point is to highlight other important matters presented by the Presidents in their reports concerning the enforcement of sentences — that is, identifying and encouraging further countries willing to host convicted persons to serve their sentences and the particular situation
of the three acquitted persons still
[...] remaining at a safe house in Arusha while efforts [...]
are under way to find host countries to receive them.




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