单词 | 同学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 同学 —fellow studentless common: study at the same school Examples:同班同学—classmate 同济大学—Tongji University 同济医科大学—Tongji Medical College 中华学生爱国民主同盟—Patriotic Democratic Alliance of Chinese Students
刚在我之前发言的同学讲的也是这种意 见。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I am thinking here also of the pupil who took the floor [...] before me. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际学生通常喜欢和自己的同学一起在校外合租住房。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Sharing off-campus accommodation is very [...] popular with international students. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
(j) 鼓励各国政府将空间教育纳入本国学校数学、物理学、生物学、化 学和社会科学等不同学科的课程,并纳入大学课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | (j) Governments are encouraged to incorporate space [...] education into the curricula [...] of schools (in different subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and social science) and universities. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着这些学习和培训工作在各机构日趋成熟,将确定并巩固关键课程和要 素以制定共同学习框架和原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | As these learning and training efforts mature across [...] agencies, key lessons and elements will be identified and consolidated to [...] generate a common learning framework [...]and principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果别人使用他们不懂的语 言来交谈,有些同学可能 会感到孤立(孤独)。 mosaicbc.com | Some students may feel isolated (lonely) [...] if others are speaking in a language they can’t understand. mosaicbc.com |
同样在教育领域课程表和学校教材应充分体现一个国家的多样性,只有这样属于 [...] 少数群体的儿童才会真正有归属感,而多数群体的儿童才更能理解他们有着不同 族裔、宗教、语言和文化的同学,从而消除导致偏见和歧视的壁垒。 daccess-ods.un.org | Equally, in the field of education, the curricula and teaching materials of schools should reflect fully the diversity of a nation; only then would children belonging to minorities feel that they truly belonged, and children from [...] majorities would understand much more [...] about their classmates with different ethnicities, [...]religions, languages and cultures, [...]helping to break down the barriers that lead to prejudices and discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
宗教间对话是文化间对话的组成部分,应当发挥各个 不 同学 科 的 作用,因而要求教科 文组织所有部门的支持与合作,同时不能忽略有关非政府专业组织和从事有关具体研究的大 学的巨大贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a component of intercultural dialogue, interreligious dialogue draws on various disciplines and thus on the support and cooperation of all UNESCO’s sectors, and on the substantial contribution of specialized non-governmental organizations and universities conducting specific research. unesdoc.unesco.org |
就在她被发现并嘲笑她的同学,另 外两个雌缺乏可爱,Scootaloo,亲爱的美女,站起来,为苹果布鲁姆,保证她仍然有巨大的潜力在她的生活中,其余的社交聚会常客,很快采取更多的在苹果布鲁姆和她的新朋友比钻石头饰和银勺的兴趣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Just as she is discovered and [...] teased by her classmates, two other fillies [...]who lack cutie marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, [...]stand up for Apple Bloom, assuring that she still has lots of potential in her life; the rest of the partygoers soon take more interest in Apple Bloom and her new friends than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. seekcartoon.com |
很快,他们的同学和邻 居都开始关注他们的比赛。 specialolympics.org | Soon, their classmates and neighborhood [...] began to follow their games. specialolympics.org |
北京耀中环球政治教师Gareth [...] Evans是参与课程设计的老师之一,谈到了在IB课程中设立环球政治这门课的必要性:“这门课对北京耀中和IB课程 的 同学 来 说 很重要,因为它让学生了解政治活动对本地、本国、国际以及环球四个层次的影响。 ycis-bj.com | YCIS Beijing Global Politics teacher Gareth Evans, who was part of the curriculum development team for this project, spoke of the necessity for such a programme within the IB programme, “This kind of course [...] is important for the IBDP and [...] YCIS Beijing students because it allows students to develop [...]an understanding of the local, [...]national, international and global dimensions of the political activities that affect us all. ycis-bj.com |
(b) 在其工作中包括不同学科的专家和不同立场的社会部门,以期调节各 [...] 种观点,确保其结论具有充分的权威性 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Include experts [...] in various disciplines and sectors [...]of society with various standpoints into its work with a view to [...]reconciliation of perspectives and to ensure sufficient authority for its conclusions daccess-ods.un.org |
导师和大学员工的专业、学术氛围的浓厚 、 同学 的 友 善以及提供给研究学生的各种一流的设备共同打造了一个极佳的学习环境,”他说。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The professionalism of the supervisors and staff, the conducive academic atmosphere, very kind postgraduate friends, and the good facilities and flexibility for research students made it a very positive learning environment,” he said. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
新法律特别条款专 [...] 门关注与特定领域有关的无障碍环境和非歧视问题――保险 合 同 、 学 校 和高等教 育机构、整个道路和基础设施,以及紧急服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Special provisions of the new legislation are devoted to accessibility and [...] nondiscrimination related to specific [...] areas – insurance contracts, schools and higher [...]educational institutions, roads and infrastructure [...]in general and emergency services. daccess-ods.un.org |
北京耀中中学部的科学老师Padmini Sirimanne 博士引人入胜地向同学阐述 了史蒂芬·柯维(Stephen Covey)众所周知的著作《高效能人士的七个习惯》。 ycis-bj.com | An engaging presentation by YCIS Beijing Secondary Science teacher Dr. Padmini Sirimanne provided students with Stephen Covey’s well-known “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. ycis-bj.com |
正在北京大学学习的来自奥斯陆大学的学生代表Tobias [...] Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan [...] Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两 位 同学 用 挪 威语以相声的形式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得了满堂喝彩。 norway.org.cn | Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan [...] Willgohs presented the organization, and [...] finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr [...]Liu Sicong and Ms Yong Chunhong, impressed [...]the audience with their mastery of Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance about learning Norwegian. norway.cn |
GIS 和地理空间分析还能够帮助学生发展数据分析和操作的基本技能,例 如将不同格式的数据导出至电子表格和 向 同学 介 绍 数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | GIS and geospatial analysis can also assist students in developing essential skills in data [...] analysis and manipulation such as [...] exporting data in different formats to spreadsheets and presenting data to classmates. daccess-ods.un.org |
该模式的主要特点是将有共同兴趣的人员汇聚在一起, 共 同学 习, 相互支持,并在全球范围获取当地知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main objective of this model is to bring [...] together people who share common interests [...] for collective learning, mutual support [...]and global access to local knowledge. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展战略的另一个体制问题 [...] 是必须制订审议现有发展战略的机制,可选办法包括内部和外部专家审议、国际 同行或共同学习进 程以及常设官方机构的审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another institutional aspect of national sustainable development strategies is the need to find mechanisms for reviewing existing strategies, such as [...] internal and external expert reviews, [...] international peer or shared learning processes [...]and reviews by established official institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
老师希望知道班上有哪些同 学,也希望能跟要离开的学生道别。 mosaicbc.com | Teachers like to know who is in the class and they also like to say goodbye! mosaicbc.com |
因 此,我们欢迎今天上午通过的第 1998(2011)号决议, 欢迎扩大将攻击学校或医院的当事方以及攻 击 同学 校或医院相关的受保护人士包括学童、病人和教育及 医疗人员的当事方列入名单的触发点。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore welcome resolution 1998 (2011), adopted this morning, and the expansion of the triggers for listing parties to attacks on schools or hospitals, as well as to attacks or threats of attack against protected persons connected to schools or hospitals, including schoolchildren, patients and education and medical personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还感到关切的是,缺乏由不 同学 科 组 成的工作 队,对在市政秘书处工作的专业人员的培训工作也欠佳。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned at [...] the lack of interdisciplinary teams and the [...]poor training of the professionals working in municipal secretariats. daccess-ods.un.org |
加 拿 大注意到特别报告员关于受教育权 利的意见,特别是被正式 选 入学 术 性 和 非学术 性学校的 儿童年 龄之低 ,建议德国考虑使儿童能在 较 大年龄时选 择 不同学校。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada noted the Special Rapporteur’s observation on the right to education, particularly the young age that children are selected for streaming into the academic and non-academic schools, and recommended that Germany consider enabling children to move between streams at a later age. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会同意一个儿童发表的意见,认为一个好的学 校是儿童受到尊重,非常活跃,得到配合,而且 与 同学 、 教 师和家长积极联系的 地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee associates itself with the opinion expressed by a [...] child that a good [...] school is a school where children get respect, activity, cooperation, and relations with peers, teachers and [...]parents. daccess-ods.un.org |
如今,该项目为博士生、硕士生以及从事博士后研究的学生提供 了在各种学术机构(这些学术机构的使命 不 同 , 学 生 群 体多元 化,对教师的期望值也各异)观察和体验教师职责的机会。 fgereport.org | Today PFF programs provide doctoral students, as well as some master’s and postdoctoral students, with opportunities to observe and experience faculty responsibilities at a [...] variety of academic institutions with varying [...] missions, diverse student bodies, and different expectations [...]for faculty. fgereport.org |
在现实中,Si-Ya-U的原型人物不是别人,正是中国革命诗人、毛泽东的高 中 同学 萧 三 (1896-1983)。 shanghaibiennale.org | In reality, Si-Ya-U is no one other than revolutionary poet and Mao [...] Zedong’s high school classmate Emi Siao (Xiāo [...]Sān, also called Emi Xiao, 1896—1983). shanghaibiennale.org |
在我们的学习班中,尤其在一个是男 同学 , 另 一个是经验更少的 女 同学 时 , 这种情况特别明显。 infoq.com | This was especially noticeable in our environment (though not always true) when one member was a male and the other was a less experienced female. infoq.com |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室以科学为基础 制定了专门的儿童药物使用病症治疗(心理和药理治疗)方案,以及针对各个 级别和各种场所、不同学科的诊断和教育服务提供者的能力建设部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC has developed scientifically based, specialized protocols for the treatment (both psychosocial and pharmacological) of drug use disorders among children, as well as a capacitybuilding component which will target clinical and educational service providers from various disciplines working at various levels and in various settings. daccess-ods.un.org |
最为成功的是维护本地校区计算机实验室PC的工作,因为其中的任务是彼此独立的,可以由多个小组在 不 同学 校 同 步 进 行,而且任务的要求清楚,几乎所有学生都力所能及。 infoq.com | The most successful engagement involved maintaining PCs in the computer labs of the local school district because the tasks were discrete, [...] could be executed in parallel by groups [...] at multiple schools simultaneously, and were both [...]well defined and within the capabilities of all apprentices. infoq.com |