

单词 同分异构



isomer (chemistry)

See also:



异构 n

isomerization n


isomeric (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

该分子有两同分 异构体,但它们具有非常相似的特性。
The molecule had two isomers, but they had very similar properties.
如导言所述,一般理解是,公约附表所给出的物质名称包括这些物质 同分 异构体。
As indicated in the Introduction it is understood that the names of the substances, as given in the Tables of the Convention, cover all isomeric forms of the substances.
为此,应当指出,当在第二部分列出某一特 同分异构 体 时 ,例如作为麻黄碱同义词的 l-麻 黄碱,不应将此理解为只有 l 形麻黄碱受到管制。
Consequently, it should be noted that where a specific isomer is listed in Part Two, for example l-ephedrine as a synonym for ephedrine, this should not be understood to mean that only the l-form of ephedrine is controlled.
该解决方同时还支持异构数据 库架构、支 分 布 式与集中式甚或融合式的坐席形式。
The solution
[...] also supports heterogeneous database architectures in distributed, centralized [...]
or convergent call centers.
因此,要想 通过蒸馏的方式而既经济又高效分 离 乙苯 (EB) 和三个二甲异构体是非常困难的, 在某些情况下甚至是行不通的。
The boiling points of PX and EB are about 2ºC apart, and the boiling points of PX and metaxylene (MX) are less than 1ºC apart.
这是一种色谱分析技术,采用特殊的色谱柱以 同 组 分 的 体积 差 异分 离 天 然与合成聚合物、生物聚合物、蛋白质。
This is a chromatographic technique that employs specialized columns to separate natural and synthetic polymers, biopolymers, proteins on the basis of size.
b. 如分子含有一个以上的手征中心,所有非对映立 异构 体 及 其外消旋对偶均受到管 制,除非麻醉药品委员会的某项决定具体规定了例外
b. If the molecule contains more than one chiral centre, all the diastereoisomers and their racemic [...]
pairs are controlled,
unless specifically excepted by a decision of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
如果专 利主张同质异构体与 新药申请中所描述 的活性分相同 ,则要求新药申请人用指定 的声明来保证其拥有相关数据,来证明含有同质异 构体的药品与新药申请中所含的 药品有着一样的功能。
In the case of patents that claim a polymorph that is the
[...] same as the active ingredient described in the NDA, the NDA applicant is required to certify in a prescribed declaration that it has test data which demonstrates that a drug product containing the polymorph will perform the same as the drug product [...]
described in the NDA (Greenblum, 2003, p. 86).
我们认识到需要继续解决外债涉及到的所有相关问题,包括通过联合国来解 决,我们将考虑在债权人和债务人的普遍参与下,以现有框架和原则为基础,探 索完善主权债务重组机制办法的方式,确保债务人 同分 担 同 等 责 任,并让布雷 顿森林构在其中发挥重要作用。
We acknowledge the need to continue to address all relevant issues regarding external debt problems, including through the United Nations, and we will consider ways to explore enhanced approaches of sovereign debt restructuring mechanisms based on existing frameworks and principles, with broad creditors’ and debtors’
participation and ensuring
[...] comparable burden-sharing among creditors, with an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions.
[...] 方案工作人员,以及经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)和世界银行的两性平等问题 专家(进行了 14 次这种访谈),并查寻资料,以比较他们的两性平等主流化政策、构和活动与秘书处的有异同。
OIOS conducted interviews with gender specialists and programme staff in the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and with gender specialists in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank (14 such interviews were conducted), and
sought data to compare their gender
[...] mainstreaming policies, structures and activities against those of the Secretariat.
去年,我在关于妇女参与建设和平的报告(A/65/354-S/2010/466)中,向安全理 事会提供分配给 冲突后局势中妇女赋权和性别平等资金水准的数据,指出这个 水准是资源总额的5.7左右,并请会员国和区域 构同 我 一 起努力,以实现至少 达到联合国管理的用于支助建设和平的资金总额的15%。
Last year, in my report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (A/65/354-S/2010/466), I provided data to the
Security Council on
[...] levels of funding allocated to women’s empowerment and gender equality in postconflict contexts, noting that the overall level was 5.7 per cent, and asked Member States and regional bodies to work with me on [...]
achieving a minimum
level of 15 per cent for all United Nations-managed funds in support of peacebuilding.
[...] 哈龙库,表示,现已决定作为替代使用剩余的资金与国家臭氧 构分 包 合 同 , 实 施它们自 己的措施。
Regarding the updated reports requested for submission to the present Meeting, a representative of UNDP, referring to the regional halon bank for West and Central Africa,
said that it had been decided to use
[...] remaining funds to sub-contract national ozone [...]
units to implement their own measures.
大多数平台都能够发送HTTP请求,因此可用于构建Event Store客户端,也可成异构环境的一 分。
Most platforms have the capability of sending
HTTP requests and can therefore be used for building Event Store clients
[...] and also be part of a heterogeneous environment.
通过推出NX-3000系列设备,Nutanix拥有了一个高可配置的平台,使承载大计算负载和大存储负载的节点可以共存 同 一 个 异构 集 群 中。
With the NX-3000 series, Nutanix has delivered a
highly configurable platform in which compute-heavy and storage-heavy nodes can
[...] coexist in a single heterogeneous cluster.
分子异分析和 系统重建结果也表明,各地理单元之间不存在共享的单倍型,YN (云南地理单元) 与XL (相岭地理单元) 和QL (邛崃地理单元) 之间存在着显著的遗传分化,FST分别为0336和0351 (P<0001), 其余地理种群之间分化不明显(P>005),单倍型缺乏比较明显的地理分布格局,各地理单元中的单倍型相互散布在 同 的 分 布 群 中。
The AMOVA and phylogenetic tree analysis demonstrated that no haplotype was shared among geographic regions, no geographic clustering was observed, there was distinctive geographic phylogeography between YN and XL, QL ( F ST was 0336 and 0351, respectively, P <0001), but no obvious subdivision among other regions ( P >005).
在未执行的 7 项建议中,审计委员会尤其表示关切的是
[...] 2009 年提出的一项建议,即难民署应 进行详尽的银行对账并解决与分类 账 之间的所有 异(同 上 ,第 17 和 49 段)。
Of the 7 recommendations that had not been implemented, the Board expressed particular concern with respect to the recommendation made in 2009 that UNHCR
conduct exhaustive bank reconciliations and reconcile
[...] all differences with the general ledger (ibid., paras. 17 and 49).
采用了基于结构、主机或阵列的写 分 功 能 ,以支 异构 ( EMC 和非 EMC)存储阵列。
Uses fabric, host,
[...] or array-based write splitting for heterogeneous (EMC and [...]
non-EMC) storage arrays.
核心单位供资已取代以往各构分摊 的 做法,为的是让各国能够根据自己的选择更灵 活同各机构一道工作,与此同时为各机构经验极其丰富的核心工作人员带来稳定性。
Core unit funding had replaced the former agency-share approach to provide countries with more flexibility to [...]
work with the agencies of their choice,
while providing stability to the agencies’ highly experienced core staff.
非常灵活的许可系统,允许浮动许可,这可通过网络和所有用户之间共享 同 时 允许 UNIX 和 Windows 用户异构系统环境。
The very flexible licensing scheme allows floating licenses which can be shared
throughout a network and among
[...] all users, while permitting a heterogeneous system environment with both [...]
UNIX and Windows users.
这些国家同构成位 于欧亚 大陆和阿拉伯地质板块之间横贯大陆的地震带,地理条件 分 恶 劣;同时它们还被列 为干旱和半干旱地区,因此易受许多自然灾害的影响。
The four countries share the terrible burden of
location being within
[...] the transcontinental earthquake belt between the Eurasian and Arabian tectonic plates; and are also classified as arid and semi-arid [...]
areas and hence
are vulnerable to many natural hazards.
而美国专利商标局 所采取的支持专利的方法,导致很多专利局 采用相对较松的标准来确定专利申请的新 颖性和发明性。尤其是在药品领域,这些专
[...] 利局经常会给药品配方74 、某些已知产品的 组合75 、光异构体76 、同质异构体77 、某 已 知物质的盐78 以及生产工艺的变化授予专 利。
The pro-patent approach promoted by the US PTO has led many patent offices to apply very loose criteria to establish novelty and inventive steps, particularly in the pharmaceutical
field where patents are granted in
[...] some cases with regard to, inter alia, pharmaceutical formulations74 [...]
, combinations of knownproducts75
,opticalisomers76 ,polymorphs77, salts of known substances78 and variants of manufacturing processes.
提交人否认缔约国所说她不同政府 机 构分 担 、 合作和交往的说法, 她指出,只要是在组织上和形式上有别于行政部门的机构,包括人权委员会、国 [...]
The author denies the claim that she has
failed to participate, cooperate and
[...] engage with government agencies and submits that she [...]
does so to the extent that they
are at least organizationally and formally distinct from the executive branch, including the Commission on Human Rights, the pertinent committees of its Congress and the courts.
许多捐助机构都同司法 部改 造局合作以力图改善问题中的某个环节,如将有关囚 犯的数据输入电脑从而方便各个部门和各地 构分享 信 息;加强对高风险囚犯的监管;加强监狱情报搜 集;加强对参与恐怖活动的囚犯在释放后的跟踪调 查;加强对监狱行政人员的培训并提高他们在执法系 统中的地位。
Many donors are working on different aspects of the problem in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice’s Department of Corrections: computerising basic data on prisoners so that information can be easily shared across institutions and geographic areas; [...]
improving monitoring
of high-risk detainees; improving prison-based intelligence gathering; improving post-release monitoring of prisoners involved in terrorism; improving training of prison administrators and raising their status in the law enforcement system more generally.
氟环唑在Chiralcel OD-H手性色谱柱(填充CDMPC手性固定相)上采用反相色谱模式,以甲醇-水(体积比为80∶20)为流动相,获得了最佳的拆分,其两对对 异构 体 的 分 离 度Rs分别为1.64和6.50。
It can be baseline separated on a Chiralcel OD-H column packed with CDMPC chiral stationary phase when methanol-water (80∶20, v/v) was used as the mobile phase, the resolutions of the two pairs of enantiomers were 1.64 and 6.50, respectively.
这一进程中所遇到的主要挑战在于如何保持教科文组织作为一个专门 构 的 特异 性和能力,这个专门机构拥有复杂的政府间委员会,在促进国际公约、规范性和确立 [...]
标准的方案以作为解决在该组织管辖权领域内主要的全球问题表率中各自具有自己的 政治和技术议程。
The major challenge encountered in this process has been
how to maintain UNESCO’s
[...] specificity, hence strength, as a specialized agency with its complex [...]
composites of intergovernmental
committees with its own political and technical agendas in the promotion of international conventions, normative and standard-setting programmes to serve as exemplars in addressing major global issues in the fields of competence of the Organization.
关于更详细的解释,开发计划署回复说,碳氢化合 物,主要是庚烷、辛烷及同素异构 体较 KC-6 挥发度更低、干燥时间更 [...]
As for more detailed explanations, UNDP
replied that hydrocarbons, mostly heptane,
[...] octane and their isomers have lower volatility [...]
and longer dry times, a lower flash
point, a lower threshold of explosion and higher flammability then KC-6.
危机组织通过电子邮件和印刷版的形式广泛向外交人 员、研究人员和国际构分发研究报告和简报,与同时, 这些报告和简报也通过官方网站 www.crisisgroup.org提供给广泛大众。危机组织与决策 [...]
者、影响决策的媒体等密切合作,发布对危机的分析 ,对政府政策制定提供支持。
Crisis Group’s reports and briefing
[...] papers are distributed widely by email and made available simultaneously on the website, [...]
Crisis Group works closely with governments and those who influence them, including the media, to highlight its crisis analyses and to generate support for its policy prescriptions.
同公司的资金支付情况难以比较,这为投资者以及其他的 利益相关者,例如行业监管构,分 析 一 家公司的 资金支付信息设置了障碍。
Such difficulty in comparing different companies’ payments would be an impediment for investors and other stakeholders, such as industry watchdog groups, when analysing a company’s payment [...]
Ring,FDDI和无限网络-理解数据路径和常见网络协议,例如:NetBEUI和TCP/IP-发掘TCP/IP服务-了解今天依然在使用的老式网络协议,例如:IPX/SPX,AppleTalk,Apple Open
[...] Transport和IPv6-检查一个本地区网络的基础 构-分 辨 不 同 的 通 过公共载体服务来连接网络的方法-了解不同的远程网络方法-了解并实现网络安全相关方面-实施灾难恢复策略-描述并使用高级数据存储技术-了解并实行网络疑难排解过程-描述现今使用的网络操作系统基础。
In this course, you will examine basic networking and identify different networking models, describe the basics of data movement, physical media, and network connectivity devices, use the OSI model and understand Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and wireless networks, understand data routing and common network protocols such as NetBEUI and TCP/IP, discover TCP/IP services, understand older network protocols still used today, such as IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, Apple Open Transport, and IPv6,
examine the infrastructure of a local
[...] area network, distinguish the different methods used to [...]
connect networks together through
the public carrier services, understand the different methods of remote networking, understand and implement relevant aspects of network security, apply disaster recovery principles, describe and employ advanced data storage techniques, understand and implement network troubleshooting procedures, and describe the basics of the network operating systems in use today.
由于同巿场、关税联盟及经济联盟增多,这个伸缩性更有必 要,上述由联合反对或联合解释性声明构成的先例,很有可能在保留方面发生, 因为这些机构与其成员国往往分享管辖权;要求后者与它们所属的 构分 开 采取 行动是很勉强的。
This flexibility is all the more necessary in that, with the proliferation of common markets and of customs and economic unions, the precedents constituted by the
joint objections and
[...] interpretative declarations referred to above will in all probability recur with respect to reservations, given that such institutions often share competence with their member States, and it would be highly artificial to require the latter to act separately from the institution to which they belong.




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