

单词 吊慰

See also:

hang up
hang a person
a string of 100 cash (arch.)
condole with


External sources (not reviewed)

我們實在只須付出區區之數,便可向那些在交通 意外㆗飽受創傷,特別是那些屬低收入家庭的㆟士提供莫大 慰 藉。
It is really quite a small contribution to make to help comfort those suffering from the trauma of traffic accidents, especially those from low-income families.
监管制度除提出警告吊销运 输许可证外还可对违规车辆课以罚 款。
The control system may include fines together with warning notices and suspension of transport permits.
令人慰的是 ,经过很长一段时间缺席之后,阿尔及利亚政府开始与工作 组开展对话和合作。
It is gratifying that after a long period of lack of engagement the Government of Algeria continues to be involved in a process of dialogue and cooperation with the Working Group.
如果您已禁用语音提示与控制功能,您可以手动将 Jabra
[...] SUPREME 设为配对模式,方法是在吊臂翻 转到打开位置的同时按住接听/结束按钮。
If you have disabled Voice Guidance and Control you can
put Jabra SUPREME in pairing mode manually by holding the Answer/end button while
[...] flipping the boom arm to On position.
但是,通 过NT6600 DCG
[...] 的第 2 主轴同步控制的中心架可省吊车或 人力的协助,大幅减少调整时 间。
By using synchronized control of Spindle 2 and steady rest with the NT6600
[...] DCG, help of cranes or people will [...]
not be needed which will lead to shortening preparation time.
法案委員會在 商議過程中曾研究多項事宜,包括 吊 車 系統的融資、設計、建造、 營運及保養批出專營權,以及解決政府與專營者之間的糾紛的機制; 專營者持續未能符合法定規定及嚴重違反工程項目協議時的罰款;授 予權力,讓專營者可訂立附例及就干犯該條例草案訂立的附例而提出 檢控吊車系統的運作及安全標準(包括風速突然改變 吊 車 系 統運作 的影響1 );吊車系統對環境的影響;以吊車 系 統對公共運輸營辦商的 影響。
In the course of deliberation, the Bills Committee had examined, inter alia, issues including the franchise for the financing, design,
construction, operation and
[...] maintenance of the Cable Car System and the mechanism for resolving disputes between the Government and the franchisee, financial penalties on the franchisee in the event of persistent failure to comply with the statutory requirements and substantial breaches of the Project Agreement, power conferred on the franchisee to make bylaws and prosecute offences under the bylaws made under the Bill, operation and safety standards of the Cable Car System (including the impact of sudden change of wind speed on the operation of the Cable Car System1 ), environmental implications of the Cable Car System, and impacts of the Cable Car System on [...]
public transport operators.
最后,我谨代表吉布提政府和人民,向受害家庭 以及菲律宾政府和人民表示由衷的悲哀和深切慰 问,暴雨和严重水灾给他们的生活造成了巨大灾难和 空前破坏,并摧毁了他们的基础设施。
Government and the people of Djibouti, to express our heartfelt sorrow and profound condolences to the bereaved families and to the Government and the people of the Philippines for the torrential rains and heavy flooding that caused havoc and unprecedented disruption of lives and destroyed infrastructure.
执行委员会审议了朝鲜民主主义人民共和国请求延长体制建设项目的报告,并 慰 地 注 意 到,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国除氟氯烃外已完全淘汰所有行业应用中的所有消耗臭氧层物质的消 费和生产。
The Executive Committee reviewed the report presented with the institutional strengthening renewal requests for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and noted with appreciation that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has completely phased out the consumption and production of all ODSs except HCFCs, in all sector applications.
任 何人
[...] 除非得到人員的書面特准,否則不得 吊 車 系 統區內出售、 為出售 而展示或要約出 [...]
售任 何貨 品、貨物或服務,而《公眾 衞生 及市 政條 例》(第 132 章)第 86、86A、86C 及 86D 條適用於本條所訂的罪行,猶如 該罪行是該條例第
83 條所指的小販罪行一樣。
No person shall, unless authorized in writing by an official, sell or
expose or offer for sale any goods, wares or
[...] services in the Cable Car System area, [...]
and sections 86, 86A, 86C and 86D of the
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) shall apply to an offence under this section as if such offence were a hawker offence within the meaning of section 83 of that Ordinance.




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