

单词 吉普

普吉 ()

Phuket (city in Thailand)



Gipuzkoa or Guipúzcoa, one of the seven Basque provinces in north Spain

吉普赛 adj

gypsy adj

吉普车 n

jeeps pl

See also:


lucky adj

surname Ji
giga- (meaning billion or 10^9)


general adj
universal adj



everywhere adv

External sources (not reviewed)

警察将他强行带上一吉普车, 蒙住他的双 眼,把他带往某个不明的地方,在路上对其进行殴打。
The policemen
[...] forced him into a jeep, blindfolded him [...]
and took him to some unidentified place, beating him up on the way there.
27 号一般性建议采取必要的措施,促进容忍,克服偏见和消极成见,以避免吉普赛族成员的各种形式的歧视。
The Committee also recommends that, in light of its general recommendation No. 27, the State party take the necessary measures to promote tolerance and overcome
prejudice and negative stereotypes, in order to avoid any form of discrimination
[...] against members of the Gypsy community.
委员会还建议缔约国遵守属吉普赛 族的人的自我认同原则。
The Committee also recommends that the State party respect the principle of self-identification for persons belonging to the Egyptian community.
委员会注 意到,缔约国努力使罗姆儿童融入一般教育体系,然而,委员会感到关切的是吉普赛人 和克里米亚鞑靼人的儿童在获得教育、保健和其他社会服务方面持续遭 遇障碍。
While noting efforts to integrate Roma children into the general educational system, the Committee is concerned at persisting obstacles for Roma and Crimean Tatar children to gain access to education, health care and other social services.
承辦人員同時建議,雖然駕駛員皆習慣使 吉普 遜 航圖 飛行,但仍應參考飛航指南中之資訊,因飛航指南為民 [...]
The CAA officials further suggested
that although it is common for cockpit crew
[...] to utilize the Jeppesen approach plate [...]
as the primary source to conduct instrument
approaches, it is imperative that cockpit crew still refer to Taipei AIP since it is the official document published by the government.
在整个国家法律框架内,恢复良好的居住条件,有利于整个社会,包括有益 于最易遭虐待和剥削风险的罗姆人、辛提人 吉普 赛 人 社区。
Within the national legal framework, restoring good living conditions is in the interest of the society as a whole, including Roma, Sinti and Travellers communities, being among the most exposed to the risk of abuse and exploitation.
武装人员对 Dar’a 镇 Syriatel 中心雇员 Riyad Ali al-Safadi
[...] 实施抢劫,逃前拿走 18 000 叙利亚镑和公司的铃吉普车。
Four armed men robbed Riyad Ali al-Safadi,
an employee at the Syriatel Centre in Dar‘a, taking 18,000 Syrian pounds and a
[...] company-owned Suzuki Jeep before escaping.
(c) 加紧努力,确保所有少数群体儿童接受教育的权利,把重点放 吉普 赛人 和克里米亚鞑靼人的儿童,包括实施普遍的包容性教育方案和中学教育。
(c) To intensify efforts to ensure the right to education for all children belonging to minorities, focusing on Roma and Crimean Tatar children, including by introducing inclusive education schemes in general and secondary education.
10 时 当以色列敌方三辆梅卡瓦坦克和三辆悍吉 普车组 成的巡逻队检查安装在被占领的黎巴 [...]
嫩领土内 Abbasiyah Gate 阵地的相机期间, 其中一辆坦克将炮口对着黎巴嫩领土达 30 秒。
1000 While an Israeli enemy patrol comprising three Merkava tanks
[...] and three Hummer jeeps inspected the [...]
camera that is positioned at the Abbasiyah
Gate inside occupied Lebanese territory, one of the tanks directed its cannon towards Lebanese territory for 30 seconds.
四驱车的流行起源于二战后常被称为 吉普 车 ”的通用(GP)军用车,但这些属于必须手动启用和关闭的分时系统,因而多年来吸引力有限。
The original popularity of four-wheel drive started after WWII with the
GP (General Purpose) military vehicle
[...] commonly called a “Jeep,” but those were [...]
part-time systems which had to be turned
on and off manually, limiting the appeal for many years.
2008 年的审议以来,威尔士取得
[...] 了一系列成就,如将《儿童权利公约》纳入威尔士法律和制定第一个战略性国家 政策,这项政策将确吉普赛流 动社群能享有平等机会。
Since the 2008 review, there had been a number of successes in Wales, such as embedding the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) into Welsh law and
development of its first strategic national policy to ensure equality of
[...] opportunity for the Gypsy Traveller community.
据报一些山区县也 发现武装团体活动,包括科当和 吉普 , 在 那里,Kirant Janabadi 工人党继续 以乡村政府秘书和学校教师为主要对象进行恐吓勒索活动。
Armed group activity was also reported in some hill districts, including Khotang and Bhojpur, where the Kirant Janabadi Workers Party continued intimidation and extortion activities, targeting primarily village-level government secretaries and schoolteachers.
自从重大敌对行动结束以来,巴 勒斯坦武装分子发动了不负责任和不可接受的袭击, 对以色列发射了 15 枚火箭弹和 12
[...] 枚迫击炮弹,对藩 篱以色列一侧的以色列国防吉普车 引 爆一枚爆炸 装置。
Since the end of major hostilities, in attacks that are as irresponsible as they are unacceptable, Palestinian militants have fired 15 rockets and 12 mortars
towards Israel and detonated an explosive device against an Israel
[...] Defense Forces (IDF) jeep on the Israeli [...]
side of the fence.
这热闹的活动,为游客提供一个令人兴奋的介绍匈牙利的葡萄酒产区的葡萄酒品尝,一个晚上一起吃晚饭100名成员由世界著名 吉普 赛 乐 团的音乐。
This lively event provides visitors with an exciting introduction to Hungary's wine
regions during an evening of wine-tasting and supper with music provided by the
[...] world-famous 100-Member Gypsy Orchestra.
7 号一般性意见(1997年) ,确保保护最弱势和边缘化个人和群 体,因为这类活动对他们的影响可能会比较大。委员会还鼓励缔约国审议 2005 年《( 北爱尔兰)
[...] 私设营地法令》的各项规定,并为罗姆 人/ 吉普赛人和爱尔兰游民 提供适当的住宿安排。
It also encourages the State party to review the provisions of the Unauthorised Encampments
(Northern Ireland) Order 2005 and to provide for suitable accommodation
[...] arrangements for Roma/Gypsies and Irish Travellers.
這個系列呈現出香奈兒品牌與系列的歷史背景;白色歐根紗彼得潘領與黑色天鵝絨傘狀裙,當成對科萊特女士的禮讚,令人回想起1900年代前十年的光景;低腰窄臀的利落線條,加上手工縫製亮片的點綴,呈現出1920年代的氛圍;一襲襲泡泡糖粉紅色、鮮黃色的華美套裝,令人聯想到六十年代的大膽用色;寬鬆袋形褲與公主袖襯衫,搭配領巾、鉚釘腰帶,以及香奈兒極少推出的低胸V字領後挖背至腰 吉普 賽 長 袍,是取材自七十年代的設計風格;閃耀珍珠光澤的絲襪,則是向華麗搖滾的八十年代致敬。
It is a way of expressing the historical nature of the House and the collection, recalling the first decade of the 1900s with style, a Peter Pan collar in white organza and a flared black velvet dress as a tribute to Colette; the 1920s is reflected with low-waists, narrow hips, clear lines, the love of lamé; the 60s with resolutely pop chromatic boldness, like a bubblegum pink color on a stunning suit, canary yellow;
the 70s, full pants
[...] and puffed shirts with ascots, studded belts, low-slashed V-neck chic gypsy gandouras, [...]
bare backs cut down to
the kidneys, extremely rare at Chanel; and the beginning of the glam-rock 80s is represented with glitter and pearlized pantyhose.
本系統適用於轎車,越野車吉普車 的 輪胎使用,最大可量測壓力為 74 psi (表壓力)。
Your TPMS product is intended for use with passenger cars and light trucks with a maximum tire pressure rating of 74 psi.
阿亚拉一座楼下有各线路公交车站 吉普 尼 ( 小巴士)站。
All bus and Jeepney (small bus) stop in front of Ayala Tower One.
在理事会以及北南对话支助委员会的大力领导下,该协会和其他非政 府组织共同参加了维护全球、尤其是欧 吉普 赛 人们权利的活动, 从而创造与 非欧洲地中海国家之间互相尊重,互相帮助的关系,尤其是马格里布与近东国家 之间的关系,包括建立与北非国家亲睦项目。
Alongside other NGOs, it has participated in a campaign to protect the rights of the Roma population throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, under the patronage of the Council. The Association has also participated in the Support Committee to the North-South Dialogue with a view to building bonds of trust and mutual assistance with non-European Mediterranean countries, particularly in the Maghreb and the Middle East, including projects to establish closer ties with North African countries.
我们细心为您准备的岸上游套餐包含了全天、半天甚至是几个小时的短途游览项目,这些项目可以带您领略美景、感受非常规的项目(如乘马车游玩首都)、使您能够参与到各种运动项目中(如徒步挪威冰川和参观英格兰壮丽的庄园)或者参加令人激动不已的冒险项目(乘坐 4 轮 吉普 的 狩猎之旅、潜水、或者在游牧人村庄露天度过一晚)
Our carefully-planned excursion packages offer a range of full or half day visits as well as short trips that will show you the sights, take you further afield (for example by coach to a capital city), enable you to join an activity, (from hiking Norway’s glaciers to visiting
England’s stately homes) or the thrill of an
[...] adventure (4 x4 jeep safari, diving, [...]
a night under the stars in a Bedouin village etc).
Captain Morgan是由專人駕駛吉普車旅 行團,遊覽島上多個著名的景點,團費包括午饍。
The Captain Morgan, a
[...] chauffeur-driven Jeep safari, includes [...]
lunch and takes in the island's most interesting destinations.
委员会感到关切的是,罗姆人/ 吉普赛人 和爱尔兰游民面临着适当停留地短 缺的问题,且有报告称,由于颁布了购买罗姆社区用于组织2012 [...]
年伦敦奥林匹 克运动会的强制购买令,大批罗姆人被逐出了他们的社区。
The Committee is concerned about the shortage of adequate stopping
[...] sites for Roma/Gypsies and Irish Travellers, [...]
and reports concerning
evictions of groups of Roma from their sites due to the compulsory purchase order of those sites for the organization of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
美国部落风肚皮舞(Tribal Belly
[...] [...] Dance)兼容了多种风格和因素,像土耳其舞、埃及舞、北非舞蹈、波斯舞以及其他一些中东国家的舞蹈甚至融合了西班牙、印度 吉普 赛 、 印地安等舞蹈元素,都可以在部落风肚皮舞中找到它们的影子,在一个定义较宽鬆的框架下,让舞者能自由发挥他们自身的创造力去造创属於他们自己的舞蹈内容、舞蹈服装及打扮。
U.S. Tribal style belly dance (Tribal Belly Dance) is compatible with a variety of styles and factors, such as the Turkish dance, Egyptian dance, North Africa, dance, Persian dance, as well as a number of other Middle
Eastern countries and even blend of dance,
[...] Spain, India, Gypsy, Hindi An other [...]
dance elements, can be in the tribal belly
dance in the wind shadow find them in a more lenient definition of the framework, so that dancers can be free to develop their own creativity to build a dance record of their own content, dance clothing and dress.
我們的名稱也與安全同義,因為所有的女性皆能在YWCA找到一個家:如同台灣YWCA接納女性移民,如同羅馬(或 "吉普賽" 女性)受到阿爾巴尼亞YWCA的歡迎,如同印度YWCA接納帶有HIV陽性反應的女性,如同帶有殘疾的埃及女性,如同被販運的女性係由白俄羅斯的YWCA所接受,如同獅子山國的YWCA歡迎女兵回歸社區。
Our name is also synonymous with safety because all women can find a home at the YWCA: as
migrant women welcomed by the YWCA here in
[...] Taiwan, as Roma (or "gypsy" women welcomed by [...]
the YWCA of Albania, as HIV positive women
welcomed by the YWCA of India, as women with disabilities in Egypt, as trafficked women welcomed home by the YWCA of Belarus, as girl soldiers welcomed back to their communities by the YWCA of Sierra Leone.
由於駕駛員皆使 2 用吉普遜航圖作為導航及進場之參考,鮮少使用飛航指 南,故報告者建議將金門機場無線電通信失效處理程序 列印吉普遜航 圖中,以方便駕駛員使用。
The contributor suggested that the
[...] special Loss of Communication procedures be amended into the Jeppesen Chart since the majority of the cockpit crew utilize the Jeppesen Chart as their primary means to navigate during approaches.
相反,他让我组织了一吉普车自 驾游,到印度最东边的地方转转,看一看他曾经工作过的茶园,并骑着大象在卡齐兰加(Kaziranga)国家公园里游逛,寻找犀牛和老虎,随后继续前行,进入锡金的山区。
Bandhavagarh National Park Shahdol Madhya Pradesh Bandipur National Park Mysore Karnataka Bannarghata National Park Bangalore Karnataka Borivili National Park Mumbai Maharashtra Corbett National Park Garhwal Uttar Pradesh ... Gir National Park Junagarh Gujarat Guindy National Park Madras Tamil Nadu Hazaribagh National Park Hazaribagh Bihar Kanha National Park Mzandla & Balaghat Madhya Pradesh Kaziranga National Park Jorhat Assam ...
岸上游的内容包含了艺术和建筑的发现之旅、考古和冒险、购物及观光、乘 吉普 车 的 狩猎之旅、沙漠跋涉、冰川徒步、骆驼骑行、参观艺术工作室、植物公园、纪念碑、博物馆或是画廊、当地村庄和知名地标,这些都是不容错过的!更多细节请咨询我们专业的岸上游团队。
As well as guided tours and city visits we have a huge
array of exciting activities such as diving,
[...] snorkelling, 4x4 jeep safaris, desert [...]
treks, glacier hikes, camel rides, visits
to artist ateliers and botanical gardens, foundations, museums and galleries, local villages and global landmarks.
普吉岛 JW 万豪度假酒店及水疗中心位普吉岛 机场以北 15 公里处,坐拥郁郁葱葱的热带度假胜地,四周绝美风景令人心醉神迷,完美服务与体贴设施更是平添奢华享受。
Just 15 kilometers North of Phuket airport, set in a tropical paradise, JW Marriott Phuket introduces [...]
you to a realm of
indescribable beauty, flawless service and thoughtful touches.
要了解最新资金情况的进 一步详情,请查阅亚太统计所所长向
[...] 2009 年 11 月 16 - 17 日在泰普 吉岛举 行的理事会第五届会议提交的报告中的第 [...]
For further details of the latest funding position see the Report of the director of
SIAP to the Governing Council Fifth Session, 16-17
[...] November 2009, Phuket, Thailand, reference [...]
举行了数次专家会议,进一步持续体现了各项关键进程,例如提名 (2010 年 2 月,瑞士怡廷根,
[...] “系列提名”; 2010 年 4 月,泰普吉岛,“上游程序”, 定期报告(阿拉伯国家和非洲)、遗址管理以及可持续发展(2010 [...]
年 3 月,巴西帕拉蒂)。
Several expert meetings enriched the ongoing reflection on key processes such as nominations
(Ittingen, Switzerland, February 2010, on serial
[...] nominations; and Phuket, Thailand, April [...]
2010, on “upstream processes”), periodic
reporting (in Arab States and Africa), site management and sustainable development (Paraty, Brazil, March 2010).




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