单词 | 吉利 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吉利—auspiciousless common: propitious Geely, Chinese car make 吉利adjective—luckyadjExamples:英吉利—England (historical loan, from English) 不吉利—ominous 英吉利海峡—English Channel See also:吉adj—luckyadj 吉—giga- (meaning billion or 10^9) surname Ji
在这一期间,该部扩大了分支机构 网络,在西岸盖勒吉利耶和约旦扎尔卡又开设了两个分支机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | During this period, the Department extended its branch office network and opened an additional two branch offices in Qalqilyain the West Bank and Zarqa in Jordan. daccess-ods.un.org |
工 程处还在西岸盖勒吉利耶开办一所小医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNRWA also runs a small hospital in Qalqilia in the West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
长长的枝蔓上开满芳香的白色小花,覆盖在英吉利海峡和大西洋沿岸的岩石和沙丘上。 clarinsusa.com | Cochlearia spreads its long stems [...] covered in small, fragrant white flowers over the shoreline rocks and sand dunes [...] of the English Channel and Atlantic Ocean. clarinsusa.com |
然而,它是从欧洲北部,法国和英国其他地区跨渠道渡轮,英吉利海峡隧道和高速列车(TGV)的链接,交通十分便利。 leapfrog-properties.com | However it is very accessible from northern Europe, the rest of France and the UK with its cross-channel ferries, channel tunnel and TGV links. leapfrog-properties.com |
2 月 5 日以色列占领部队连根拔起在盖勒吉利耶东部 Kafr Qaddum 村庄 的橄榄树并开始挖掘地基,扩大附近的“Kedumim”非法定居点。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 5 February, Israeli occupying forces uprooted olive trees in the Kafr Qaddum village, east of Qalqilya, and began digging up land to expand the nearby illegal settlement of “Kedumim”. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 在若干评价方面,与英吉利海峡隧道和青函隧道进行比照分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) A benchmarking analysis with the Channel Tunnel and the Seikan Tunnel for the various aspects of the evaluation. daccess-ods.un.org |
让我们快速了解下这一新公布的合作,吉利和沃尔沃合作开发新品牌进入中国市场,与通用汽车(NYSE: [...] GM)的策略类似,通用和上汽集团(600104)合作专门为中国市场推出新品牌宝骏。 youngchinabiz.com | Let’s look quickly at this newly announced deal, [...] which will seeGeely and Volvo team [...]up to develop a new brand for the China market, [...]following a similar strategy by General Motors (NYSE: GM), which has launched a new brand, Baojun, with Chinese partner SAIC (600104), specifically for the China market. youngchinabiz.com |
然而,2011 年 1 月底,在地方长老和邦特兰行政当局不断施加压力的 情况下,海盗突然放弃了加拉阿德的基地,停泊在那里的所有被劫船只大都被 转移到 Ceel Dhaanaan,这是一个再往南约 24 海里的渔民居住区,靠近吉利班区和霍比奥区的边界。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the end of January 2011, however, under sustained pressure from local elders and the Puntland administration, pirates suddenly abandoned their base at Garacad, and most of the hijacked vessels anchored there were relocated to Ceel Dhaanaan, a fishing settlement located some 24 nautical miles further south, close to the border of Jiriiban and Hobyo districts. daccess-ods.un.org |
至於 12 岁以下的乘客,不论是否吉利,也须支付 9.4 元,对很多在内地居 住的家庭来说,这是非常沉重的负担。 legco.gov.hk | As for passengers [...] under12, beitpropitious or not, they still [...]have to pay $9.4, which is a very heavy burden for many [...]families living on the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
吉利谈论了停火 和非暴力的必要性,不仅仅是在国家之间, 也 包 括 [...] 在 我 们 学 校 、 家 庭 和 更 广 的 社 区 内 部。 peaceoneday.org | In the film Jeremy talks about the [...] need for ceasefire and non-violence not only between countries but also in our schools, [...]our homes, and the wider community. peaceoneday.org |
吉利重新审视“和平一天”的核心价值 观,并对该组织每天的运营进行了改变(使 [...] 用 Skype 视频呼叫代替乘坐飞机去开会、使用 循环和可持续利用的办公室产品、办公室再 循环利用)。 peaceoneday.org | Their discussion prompted Jeremy to re-examine [...] Peace One Day’s core values and make changes to the day-to-day running of [...]the organisation (Skype Video calls instead of flights to meetings, recycled and sustainable office products, office recycling). peaceoneday.org |
9 月 23 日以来,以色列摧毁了盖勒吉利耶、Kafr ad-Dik 和 Tubas 地区的巴勒斯坦住宅和农庄。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 23 September, Israel has demolished Palestinian residences and farms in the regions of Qalqiliya, Kafr ad-Dik and Tubas. daccess-ods.un.org |
加莱,在法国北部加莱是一个部门的当前区域包围的北部 - 加来海峡Nord和索姆河和英吉利海峡和北海部门的组成部分。 leapfrog-properties.com | Pas-de-Calais is a department in northern France forming part of the current region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais surrounded by the departments of Nord and Somme and the EnglishChannel and the North Sea. leapfrog-properties.com |
由于当时工厂和交流的奇怪的故事了,它证明了他的发明和实行的梅赛德斯Gleitze,一个年轻的英国女人谁在1927年进行了一项壮举个人穿越英吉利海峡的手腕传递世界游泳。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Since the factory was already at that time a strange tale for communication, it validates his invention and imposed the world by passing on the wrist of Mercedes Gleitze, a young Englishwoman who in 1927 performed a feat individual crossing the English Channel swimming. en.horloger-paris.com |
在实地,以色列已放松某些封锁措施,但 1 月 17 日在纳布卢斯和盖勒吉利耶实行了宵禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the ground, Israel has eased certain closure measures, although curfews were imposed on 17 January on Nablus andQalqiliya. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 月 5 日,以色列 占领军逮捕了盖勒吉利耶市以东 Kufr Qaddoum 的至少 20 名巴勒斯坦人;4 月 4 日,西岸中部和南部地区遭夜间突袭期间,至少还有 15 名巴勒斯坦人被拘留;4 月 2 日,包括 2 名儿童在内的 10 名巴勒斯坦人被捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | At least 20 Palestinians from Kufr Qaddoum, east of the city ofQalqiliya,were arrested by the Israeli occupying forces on 5 April, at least 15 other Palestinians were detained during overnight raids in the central and southern areas of the West Bank on 4 April, and 10 Palestinians were arrested, including two children, on 2 April. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则第2.07A及2.07B条,吉利汽车控股有限公司(「本公司」)现向 [...] 阁下提供下述方案,以供选择按下列形式收取本公司日後之公司通讯(「公司通讯」),即本公司刊发或将 予刊发以供其任何证券持有人参照或采取行动的任何文件,其中包括但不限於:(a)董事会报告、其年度账目 [...]连同核数师报告副本及(如适用)其财务摘要报告;(b)中期报告及(如适用)其中期摘要报告;(c)会议通 告;(d)上市文件; (e)通函;及(f) 代表委任表格。 hmdatalink.com | Pursuant to Rules 2.07A and 2.07B of the Rules Governing the [...] Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of [...] Hong Kong Limited,Geely AutomobileHoldings [...]Limited (the “Company”) will make available [...]the following options for you to select for receipt of future corporate communications of the Company (“Corporate Communications”), which means any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of any holders of its securities, including but not limited to : (a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form, in the following manners hmdatalink.com |
目前中国的几大汽车自主品牌都依赖与全球各大知名品牌合作以帮助其度过未来一到两年国内经济低迷的时期,吉利汽车(HKEx: 175)采取了一个有趣的途径,转向正处于挣扎中的沃尔沃,计划成立新的合资企业。 youngchinabiz.com | While most of China’s top automakers are relying on partnerships with major global brands to help get them through a [...] domestic downturn expected to last for the [...] next 1-2 years,Geely (HKEx:175) is [...]taking an interesting approach by turning [...]to the struggling Volvo, with plans for a new joint venture. youngchinabiz.com |
这样的例子还有“乐”和“喜”,表示快乐;“力”代表“力气”或“力量”;“马”;以及“福”,意为“幸运”或“吉利”。 labbrand.com | Others include “le” and “xi,” or happy; “li,” meaning “strength” or “power”; “ma” or horse; and “fu,” translated [...] as “lucky”or “auspicious. labbrand.com |
英国”直到公元前6500年前后才出现,此时英吉利海峡已把英国从欧洲大陆分离开来了。 visitbritain.com | Britain’ itself did not exist [...] until around6500 BC, whenthe English [...]Channel formed separating Britain from the rest of Europe. visitbritain.com |
然后,他们留下来在金矿、木材营地中工作,还在西海岸的一些大城市中行商,从圣夫兰西斯科(三藩市)到洛斯安吉利斯(洛杉矶)到西阿特尔(西雅图),当然,他们也在纽约这样的城市定居。 embassyusa.cn | They then stayed to work in the gold mines, the lumber camps, and actually served as the merchants in some of the great cities of the West Coast, from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Seattle, and of course they settled in cities like New York. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在2012年4月,温家宝总理阁下率一个高级代表团 [...] 访问了哥德堡和斯德哥尔摩,除了参观2010年被吉 利收购的沃尔沃汽车公司之外,他还重点了解了瑞 [...]典工业。 ebuilder.com | In April 2012, H.E Premier Wen Jiabao, together with a high-level delegation, paid a visit to Gothenburg and [...] Stockholm to among other things learn about Swedish Industry, not least Volvo Cars, [...] which was acquired by Geelyin2010. ebuilder.com |
德·安吉利斯称赞手稿中的插图精美,并特别提到呈献人首字母中的肖像,认为描绘的是卢西亚努斯的模拟像,从而推断可能是拉斐尔 (Raphael)。 wdl.org | De Angelispraised the elegance of the illuminations, with particular reference to the portrait in the dedicatory initial, believed to depict an effigy of Lucianus, and suggested that it could be attributed to Raphael. wdl.org |
这个活跃国际的钟表品牌,继于新加坡、香港和澳门等亚洲地区开设专卖店后,最近更于北京西城区的地标─金融街购物中心开设新店,并由亨吉利集团营运,成为中国首间Bell&Ross柏莱士专卖店。 vantageshanghai.com | Having established its Asian retail stores in Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau, Bell & Ross opened another new boutique at the Seasons Place Shopping Mall – landmark of Beijing‘s Xicheng District, which is the first Bell & Ross Boutique in the Greater China, and operated by the listed retail group Harmony World Watch Company. vantageshanghai.com |
费用适用于以下国家:安道尔、奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、英吉利海峡群岛、克罗地亚, 塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、直布罗陀海峡、希腊、格恩西岛, 格陵兰岛、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、马恩岛、以色列、意大利、泽西岛 , 拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯、圣马力诺、斯洛伐克、斯罗文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、梵蒂冈 moneybookers.com | Fees apply for the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Channel Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City. moneybookers.com |
Microsoft(微软)在将其Bing搜索软件引入中国市场的时候不得不三思而行,因为在中文中,最常用的读音为“bing”的字词便是“病”,意为“疾病”、“缺陷”和“病毒”——这对于电脑产品来说可算不太吉利。 labbrand.com | Microsoft had to think twice about bringing its Bing search engine here because in Chinese, the most common [...] definitions of the character pronounced “bing” are “disease,” “defect” and [...] “virus” —ratherinauspicious fora computer product. labbrand.com |
课程从鲍里斯•格洛伊斯(Boris Groys)、玛莎•罗斯勒(Martha Rosler)和利亚姆•吉利克(Liam Gillick)主持的三个系列研讨会、训练营和电影/视频放映会开始,考察不断发展的文化实践。 shanghaibiennale.org | The program began with three series of seminars, workshops and film/video screenings conducted by Boris Groys, Martha Rosler and LiamGillick that examined progressive cultural practices. shanghaibiennale.org |