

单词 吉人自有天相

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External sources (not reviewed)

尽管人均收高( 按阿特拉斯法计算,2006 年人均国民收入为 1 060 美元),使该国位列低等级内的中等收入国家,2002年以来面临贫困扩大化的问题,涉及等级和位置:42%费用不足 2 美元。
Despite a relativelyhighper capita income (gross national income per capita, Atlas method, of $1,060 in 2006) that places it among the lower middle income countries, Djiboutihas, since2002, been hit by widespread poverty affecting all social categories and all parts of the country: 42 per cent of its inhabitants live on lessthan $2 aday.
同时,很高兴能在今天这到这里,天有多高级别代表来到日 内瓦在会议上发言,又恰逢《禁止杀雷公约》生效十二周年。
It is also a great pleasure to be here on this auspiciousday,aday when so many high-level representatives have travelled to Geneva to address the [...]
Conference, and a day which coincidentally
is the twelfth anniversary of the entry into force of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
自相的是,以色列仍然拒绝承认第 181(II) 号决议赋予巴勒斯法性,以便让他们像以色 列国那样,在一块巴勒斯坦的区域建立巴勒斯坦国, 认为如立这样的国家,那只会是同以色 列谈判的结果,即,基于以色列的同意及其自己的条 件,而不是作为第 181(II)号决议规定的一项权利。
It is paradoxical thatIsrael continues to reject the legitimacy bestowed by resolution 181 (II) on the Palestinians to establish the State of Palestine in an area of Palestine, like the State of Israel, considering that such a State, [...]
if it is ever to be
established, would only be the outcome of negotiations with Israel — that is, based on Israel’s consent and on its own conditions, and not as a right enshrined in resolution 181 (II).
他宣 称,曾为效力法在阿富汗境内生活,而他若被迫返 回,他会遭逮捕和判刑,因此,他生命担忧。
He claimed that those who worked for Najibullahcannot live in Afghanistan today, and if he was forced to return, he would be arrested and sentenced, and therefore he feared for his life.
斯坦特征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山区地形源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 水)。
InTajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable managementof naturalresources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and humanrights and [...]
regional stability),
and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
如果经典CHIFFRE ROUGE A03是今年时尚的织物表带类型北约提供,CHIFFRE胭脂T01模式绗缝,但不仅是时尚!这是动画芯Orny丹两瑞士钟表制造商开发们还欠万宝龙的蜕变。
If the classic Chiffre Rouge A03 is offered this year trendy fabric strap type NATO, the Chiffre Rouge T01 has a dial pattern quilted but not only be stylish!
论坛应鼓励 开发署向其报告在吉大港山区开展的工作情况; (c) 建议联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)在 Baghaihat 和 Sajek 联盟的其他 地方、Baghaichari 县、Rangamati 区以及吉大港山区的其方开展教育 和保健活动,以特别满足境内流离失所的土需求1997协 定》签署至今,他们仍然恢复,其基本需要也一直没有得到解决。
Recommend that the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) conduct activities on education and
health care in
[...] Baghaihat and other places in Sajek union, Baghaichari subdistrict, Rangamati district, and otherrelevant places in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in order to address, in particular, the needs of internally [...]
displaced indigenous
peoples who remain unrehabilitated and their basic needs unaddressed from the time of the signing of the Accord in 1997 to the present.
结果强烈感觉, 即大量自相同程序的信息资源并未得用。
As a result, there is a strong sense
that the wealth
[...] of information that is being generatedby the relatively disparate procedures isnot being effectively capitalized upon.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些有相据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the
Register if: (a) the
[...] claimant is a naturalor legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt inappropriate cases and [...]
bearing in mind the
varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
169.3 授权任表所有有权享有权利的股东与本公司订立协议,规定 分别向彼等配发彼等根据该资本化有权享有的入帐列作缴足的任何其 他股份、债权证或其他证券,或(倘情况需要)本公司代表彼等将决 议须予资本化的股东的利润用於缴付彼等现有股份中余下未 缴付的股款或其任何部分,且根据该授权订立的任何协议应对有相东有效并具有约束力。
169.3 to authorise
[...] any personto enter on behalfof all members entitled thereto into an agreement with the Company providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares, debentures or other securities to which they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or, as the case may require, for the payment up by the Company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares, and any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members.
1994年起成为《公民及政治权 利国际公约》的缔约国1997年起成为《消除一 切形式种族歧视国际公约》的缔约国;其《宪法》确人人权利和平等机会,规定了对国际人权 条约条款直接适用,还规定执行《德班宣言》中建议 的特别措施,以确保不同社会群体的平等机会。
Kyrgyzstanhad been a party to the International Covenant on Civil and PoliticalRights since1994 and to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination since 1997; its Constitution ensured equal rights and equal opportunities for all, established [...]
the direct applicability
of the provisions of international human rights treaties and provided for the special measures recommended in the Durban Declaration to ensure equal opportunities for different social groups.
域,通过邀请自吉斯斯坦的联合行动计划 II(教科文组织作为其中一 方)关于立足人权的方针的顾问,教科文组织支持对国家工作队成员开足人权的方 针的培训。
In the area ofhuman rights,UNESCO supported training of UNCT members in human rightsbased approach(HRBA)by bringing over the HRBA adviser from the Action 2 joint project in Kyrgyzstan in which UNESCO is a party.
宪法》保障每有自动、斯共和国境内选择逗留和居 住地点、在国外获得保护和优待的权利,公民自由出国和回国的权利。
The Constitution
[...] guarantees the right to freedom ofmovement, to choice of place of residence in the territory ofKyrgyzstan and [...]
to protection and support
abroad; everyone is at liberty to leave the country and to return without hindrance.
第二天,庭长发布了一项命令,要求黎巴嫩当局:(a) 确保被拘留者与律师进私密沟通的权利得到全面落实,及(b) 终止被拘留者的隔离制度,确保他提出申请后天相通两小时。
The following day, the President issued an order requesting the Lebanese authorities to: (a)
ensure that the right of
[...] the detained to freely and privately communicate with their counsel was fully implemented; and (b) terminate the regime of segregation of the detained persons and ensure thatthey were allowed to communicate with one another upon request for aperiod of twohours per day.
坦坚定奉行那些历久不变的法律原则,如适当程序、 法律提供平等保护、司法独立以人人
Today,Kyrgyzstan is deeply committed to enduring legal principles such as due process, equal protection under the law, judicial independence and justice for all.
经 计 及 (i)上 文「该 收 购
事 项 之 理 由」一 节 所 述 之 进 行 该 收 购 事 项 之 理
[...] 由;(ii)天津泰康於增资後持有之股权稍高於理论权益;(iii)天津百利将予注 入之土地及物业之估值较增资采纳之协定价溢价;及(iv)订约方将按 彼等自相资额之比例获权,故吾等认为该协议之条款属 公平合理,并符合 贵公司及股东之整体利益。
Taking into account (i) the reasons for the Acquisition as stated in the section headed ‘‘Reasons for the Acquisition’’ above; (ii) the Equity Interest Tianjin Tai Kang would hold after the Capital Increase being slightly higher than the Theoretical Interest; (iii) the valuation of Land and Properties to be injected by Tianjin Benefo being a slight premium to the agreed value adopted under the Capital
Increase; and (iv) the
[...] proportional equity interest inTianjin Tianduan to be obtained by the Parties beingin line with their respective contribution, [...]
we are of the view
that the terms of the Agreement are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
董事会可委任任何人士代表被有权在资本化发行中获分派的人士与本 公司订立有关以令有关事宜生效属必要或适宜之任何协议,而有关委任(及根据有关 委任而作出之任何协议)具有效力且对有相宜具约束力纳将予配 发及派发予彼等份、债券或其他证券後可为其提供合约,以完成其就此资本 化数额提出的申索。
The Board may appoint any person to sign on behalf of the persons entitled to share in a capitalisation issue any agreement with the Company necessary or desirable to give effect thereto and such appointment (and any agreement made pursuant to such appointment) shall be effective and binding upon all concerned, and the contract may provide for the acceptance by such persons of the shares, debentures or other securities to be allotted and distributed to them respectively in satisfaction of their claims in respect of the sum so capitalised.
我们重申我们承诺消除饥饿和确保今天和人人有’, 并重申应保证联合织有所需资源,以扩大和加强其粮食援助,适当 时通过利用当地或区域采购,支持为解决饥饿和营养不良而设立的安全网方 案。
We reaffirm our commitment to eliminating hunger and to
[...] securing food for all, today and tomorrow, andreiteratethatrelevant United Nations organizations [...]
should be
assured the resources needed to expand and enhance their food assistance, and support safety net programmes designed to address hunger and malnutrition, when appropriate, through the use of local or regional purchase.
[...] 织和哈萨克斯坦政府进行的关于在接受国(哈萨克斯坦)移徙劳动力的协商将促进移 徙劳动力保护(自吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)。
Support to inclusive regional migration policies and research collaboration with OSCE and the Government of Kazakhstan on labour migrants in
receiving countries (Kazakhstan) will
[...] contribute to the human rights andprotection of labour [...]
migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
该国 政府还指出,“在针对尼泊尔军队的指控本身就是未加证实自相的情况 下,在证明人有前不予晋升的做法违背了自然公正原则。
The Government further stated that when “the allegation against the
NA itself is unproven
[...] and contradictory, it would be against the principleof natural justice to withhold [...]
the promotion of a person until proven guilty.
我们认为,一个完全陷入混乱、个能作的政府的索马里是极其危险的面的代 价更是如此;与,借和平进程实现索 马里和平与稳定以及投资于过渡联邦机构,其代价则 要低得多。
We believe thatthe cost
[...] of investing in the attainment of peace and stability in Somalia throughthe Djibouti peace process and the transitional federal institutions far outweighs the danger [...]
of having
a Somalia in total chaos and lacking a functioning government — not to mention the human costs, which can never be recouped.
设立政府吉卜赛人事务理事会,目的是推动落实吉卜赛人的人权,同其他 族遭受歧视、社会排斥和贫困。47 该理事会的宗旨是帮 助吉卜赛人融入社会,保的机会。
The Government Council for Roma Community Affairs has been established to encourage the implementation of human rights by Roma Community who are more vulnerable to discrimination,
social exclusion and
[...] poverty in comparison to otherethnic groups.47 The purpose of the Council is to help the integration of the Roma Community into the society and to ensure their equal opportunities.
考虑到国家主权平等,不干预 和不干涉国家内政和国际贸其他原则,种对古巴的经 济、商业和金融措施继续对古生活条件和人权造成不利影响,并妨碍古 巴政府实现国际议定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标的努力。
Taking into account, among other principles, the sovereign equality of States,
non-intervention and
[...] non-interference in their internal affairs andfreedom of international trade, Tajikistan believes that such economic, commercial and financial [...]
measures against
Cuba continue to adversely affect the living conditions and human rights of the Cuban people and hamper the efforts of the Government of Cuba to achieve internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
5 月 25 日和 26 日, 拉特科·姆拉迪奇和伯纳德·芒逮捕, 这的象征意义,显示了有关国家政府合作打 击有罪不罚现象的决心。
The arrests on25 and 26 May of Bernard Munyagishari and Ratko Mladić, respectively, have great symbolic value and show the determination of Governments to cooperate in the fight against impunity in their respectiveStates.
这些资源将用于支付基本集结区和临 时/流动集结区的短期土地租用费,以接收前战斗人员及其家属,还将用于特派 团管理各方案的文职人员办公场所水电费;租赁卡车把仍在戈马的前战 斗人员运送回籍国;前战斗人员及其家属7品和水以及医疗 援助、服务和用品;以本国语文制作有关解除武装、复员和遣返问题的小册子/ 传单,以及短期雇佣本国口译员/宣传员(同上,第 [...]
136 段)。
The resources would provide for the short-term rental of land for basic and temporary/mobile assembly areas to receive the ex-combatants and their dependants, as well as office space for the Mission’s civilian personnel administering the programmes and related utilities; the leasing of trucks for the
transportation of the
[...] remaining ex-combatants in Goma to their countries of origin; food and water for seven daysper person;medical assistance, services and supplies for the ex-combatants and [...]
their dependants; the
production of pamphlets/leaflets in relevant national languages on disarmament, demobilization and repatriation issues; and the short-term hiring of national interpreters/sensitizers (ibid., para. 136).
据认为,在关于上述会议室文件所载的资料方面,无线电空间站的名义位 置(国际电联称之为“空间网络”)与卫星实际位置的对比结果显示有相部分的空间网络在这些位置上因此完全无法运作,如果中止未 使用的无线电空间站或者删除相关提议,那么地球静止轨道过度拥挤的情况将 [...]
The view was expressed that, with regard to the information contained in the above-mentioned conference room paper, a comparison of the nominal positions of radio space stations, known as “space networks” in the terminology of ITU, with actual
positions of
[...] satellites had shown that a certain percentage of space networkshad nospacecraft at those positions [...]
and thus were not
able to operate at all, and that if the unused radio space stations were suspended or the relevant proposals deleted, the overcrowding in the geostationary orbit would be lessened, which would benefit all users of that orbit.
因为任道,摩托罗拉将出售XOOM一个1GHz的双核处理器,10.1英寸(25.65厘米)宽屏显示屏,1280×800高清分辨率,支持高清视频无论在设备和一个配备HDMI的显示; 5 -万像素后方面临天相清视频拍摄和200万像素的前置摄像头用于视频面临的,以及一个内置的陀螺仪,气压计,电子罗盘,加速度计照明。
As anyone knows, Motorola XOOM will be sold with a 1GHz dual-core processor; a 10.1-inch (25.65 cm) widescreen HD display with 1280×800 resolution to support HD video both on-device and on an HDMI-equipped display; a 5-megapixel rear-facing camerafor HD video capture and 2-megapixel front-facing camera forvideo chats; and a built-in gyroscope, barometer, e-compass, accelerometerandadaptive lighting.




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