

单词 合理


不合理 adj

unreasonable adj

See also:


close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

為此,我們將來的規管機制, 應包含適當的相關條款,鼓勵有足夠 合理 的 電 力基建投 資。
We should therefore ensure that the future regulatory regime includes appropriate provisions to induce adequate and reasonable investment in the electricity supply infrastructure.
目前,考慮到現在的所有情況,我們認為 該限額實合理和適當。
At present, taking into account all prevailing circumstances, it is regarded as reasonable and appropriate.
(C) 一名董事向董事會發出一般通知,表明其被視為於有關通知日期後可能與任 何指定人士、商號或法團訂立的任何合約或安排中擁有權益,就任何上述合
[...] 約或安排而言,應視為充份利益申明,惟除非通知在董事會會議上發出或董 事採合理步驟 確保通知在發出後的下一次董事會會議上提出及宣讀,否則 [...]
(C) A general notice to the Directors by a Director that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person, firm or corporation after the date of such notice shall be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is
given at a meeting of the Directors or the
[...] Director takes reasonable steps to ensure [...]
that it is brought up and read at the
next meeting of the Directors after it is given.
基金經理僅此聲 明,對本第五份補篇所載資料的準確性承擔全部責任,並在作出一 合理 查 詢 後確認,盡其所知所信,並無遺漏足以 令本第五份補篇內的任何陳述具誤導成分的其他事實。
The Manager accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this Fifth Addendum and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of its knowledge and belief there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement misleading.
為確保公眾能繼 續合理價格 ,享有安全可靠的電力供應,政府在審議過程中,會考慮所有 [...]
相關因素,包括區域內天然氣資源的分布及發展、區內其他天然氣/液化天 然氣項目向香港供氣的可行性、崖城氣田的供氣情況、預計未來的電力需 求、環保要求、開支預算,以及對電費的影響。
To ensure that the public can continue to enjoy reliable and safe
[...] electricity supply at reasonable prices, the [...]
Government is examining all relevant factors
including the distribution and development of natural gas in the region, the feasibility of supplying gas to Hong Kong from other natural gas/liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in the region, the supply situation of the Yacheng gas field, the forecast of future electricity demand, environmental requirements, estimated expenditure and tariff impacts.
香港的發行人在必須遵守向公司註冊處呈交通知及報表存檔的法定責任的同 時,亦必須遵守《上市規則》的規定,以確保任 合理 預 期 會對其上市證券 的市價有重大影響的信息以及讓股東及公眾人士可評估上市發行人狀況的信 息均即時披露。
While Hong Kong issuers are required to comply with their statutory obligations to file notifications and returns with the Companies Registry, it is also important for them to observe the Listing Rule requirements to ensure that immediate disclosure is made of any information which is reasonably expected to have a material effect on market prices of listed securities and is necessary for shareholders and the public to appraise the position of the listed issuers.
(d) 該通知或文件已於整段公佈期間內公佈於該網站上,惟倘該通知或文 件的公佈時間僅為公佈期間的一部分而非整段時間,並且相關通知或 文件無法於該整段期間內公佈,是僅由於無 合理 期 望 本公司預防或 避免的情況所致,則該通知或文件應視作已於整段公佈期間內公佈。
(d) the notice or document is published on that website throughout the publication period, provided that, if the notice or document is published on that website for a part, but not all of, the publication period, the notice or document shall be treated
as being published
[...] throughout that period if the failure to publish that notice or document throughout that period is wholly attributable to circumstances which it would [...]
not be reasonable to
have expected the Company to prevent or avoid.
除其他投資限制外,只要 AGIF
附屬基金仍根據香港證券及期 貨條例獲認可,及除非香港證 券及期貨事務監察委員會另行
[...] 批准,否則董事會擬根據盧森 堡法例及規例,採取一合理 步驟,以便在經營 AGIF 附屬基 金時,或促使 AGIF 附屬基金的 [...]
營運時,遵循證監會的《單位 信託及互惠基金守則》第 7
章 及第 8.2 章的一般投資原則。
In addition to other investment restrictions, for so long as an AGIF Subfund remains authorised under the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance, and unless otherwise approved by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, it is the
intention of the board of directors
[...] of AGIF that all reasonable steps will be taken in accordance [...]
with Luxembourg law and regulations
to operate or procure the operation of the AGIF Subfund having regard to the general investment principles of Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.2 of the SFC Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
(b) 本條細則(a)段所提述的營業時間須本公司可 能於股東大會所施加合理限制 所規限,惟 每個營業日可供查閱的時間須不少於兩個小 時。
(b) The reference to business hours in paragraph (a) of this Article is subject to such reasonable restrictions as the Company in general meeting may impose, but so that not less than two hours in each business day is to be allowed for inspections.
(B) 按本條細則出售股份之方式、時間及條款(包括但不限於有關之價 格)須由董事會決定,該決定須基於銀行、經紀或董事會認為合適之其他人士應 董事會為此諮詢所提供之意見而作出,並在考慮過所有情況(包括將出售之股份 數目、不可延遲出售股份之規定)後認 合理 可 行 ;而董事會無須因依賴該等意 見所引致之後果向任何人士負責。
(B) The manner, timing and terms of any sale of shares pursuant to this Bye-law (including but not limited to the price or prices at which the same is made) shall be such as the Board determines, based upon advice from such bankers, brokers or other persons as the Board considers appropriate consulted by it for the purposes, to be reasonably practicable having regard to all the circumstances including the number of shares to be disposed of and the requirement that the disposal be made without delay; and the Board shall not be liable to any person for any of the consequences of reliance on such advice.
(B) 倘任何成員交出代表其所持股份的一張股票予以註銷,並要求本公 司按該成員可能指定的比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份的股票取代之,董事可 於其認為適當的情況下,在該成員支付董事會不時釐定有關每張股票(首張除外) 的相關金額(倘任何股本於香港的證券交易所上市,則不超過香港證券交易所不 時就此指定的金額;而倘為任何其他股本,則不超過董事會不時釐定於有關登記 冊所在地區合理的貨 幣計值的金額;或在各情況下,不超過董事會不時釐定的 其他金額)後達成該項要求。
representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, such sum as prescribed by the stock exchange in Hong Kong for such purpose from time to time, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
如你未能向資料使用者提供 他為找出你所要求查閱的個人資料 合理 地 要 求的資訊,資料使用者可拒絕依從你的要 求(見條例第20(3)(b)條)。
The data user may refuse to comply with your request if you have not supplied him with such information as he may reasonably require to locate the requested data (see section 20(3)(b) of the Ordinance).
永泰地產投資及永泰之董事願對本公告所載資料(有關私人公司集團、其各自聯繫人或與其一致 行動人士之資料除外)之準確性共同及個別承擔全部責任,並於作出一 合理 查 詢後確認,就彼 等所深知,於本公告表達之意見(私人公司集團表達之意見除外)乃經仔細周詳考慮後始行作 出,本公告概無遺漏其他事實而致使本公告之任何聲明有所誤導。
The directors of WTPIL and Wing Tai jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement (other than information relating to the Privateco Group, its respective associates and parties acting in concert with
it) and confirm,
[...] having made all reasonable inquiries, that to the best of their knowledge, opinions expressed in this announcement (other than opinions [...]
expressed by the
Privateco Group) have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts not contained in this announcement, the omission of which would make any statement in this announcement misleading.
[...] 申報;惟該通知必須於董事會會議上發出,或該董事必須採合 理步驟 ,確保該通知於發出後在下一次董事會會議上提呈及被宣 [...]
shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is
given at a meeting of the Board or the
[...] Director takes reasonable steps to secure [...]
that it is brought up and read at the
next Board meeting after it is given.
而公合理的工 資水平, 最少要相等於「家庭工資」,即至少提供足夠維持整個家庭的基本生活需要,並能提供家庭 成員充足的發展空間。
A fair and reasonable wage level should be at least equivalent to a ‘family wage’ which is at least sufficient for the basic needs of the family and the development opportunities of the family members.
根據上述條例的條款,香港海關有權就處理任何查閱資料要求而徵 合理 費用
In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
(C) 政府承認港燈及其股東由於所冒風險及投入和留存 於該企業內的資金,有權賺合理利 潤;但作為回 報,政府須獲得港燈保證,繼續對消費市民提供足 夠應付需求的服務,並須效率高和質素佳,及根據 財政及其他因素合理的最 低價格提供服務。
(C) The Government recognises that HEC and its shareholders are entitled to earn a return which is reasonable in relation to the risks involved and the capital invested in and retained in its business, and in return, the Government has to be assured that service to the consuming public continues to be adequate to meet demand, to be efficient and of high quality, and is provided at the lowest cost which is reasonable in the light of financial and other considerations.
5.13 於交收日,本行有權自投資賬戶或其他指定賬戶中支取結構性產品交易的整筆應付款項, 包括但不限於買入價、一切收費、費用、佣金、印花稅、稅項、徵費及其他所 合理 招致 的支出。
5.13 Upon the Settlement Date, we shall be entitled to debit the entire amount payable for the Structured Product Transaction (including, without limitation, the purchase price, all fees, charges, commissions, stamp duties, taxes or levies incurred and all other reasonable expenses) from the Investment Account or such other accounts.
在疏忽法中,問題是法庭是否認為在某一件案中,該兒童在那個 情況合理地預知會造成損失而 合理 地 這 樣做,並顧及他的年齡及 經驗。
In negligence the question is whether the court will hold in a particular case that the particular child in that case ought reasonably to have foreseen the likelihood of damage and acted reasonably, having regard to his age and experience.
9.2.2 假若獲款機構有意從某一供應商採購 物品或服務,便須在申請書內詳細列 明不遵照上文第 9.2.1 段所述採購程序 的原因,並提合理解釋和說明與該 供應商的關係。
9.2.2 In case the project applicant intends to procure goods or services from one supplier, it has to provide details, its relationship with the supplier concerned and justifications in the application form for not following the open procurement process set out in paragraph 9.2.1 above.
若 貴用戶希望依照適用的法律,行使任何還原工程的權利以確保互通 性, 貴用戶應首先提供書面通知 Business Objects,並允許 Business Objects 依照其判斷,提供所需資訊合理協 助,以確保「軟體」與 貴用戶其他產品之互通性,如有需要,得收取雙方彼此同意之費用。
If you wish to exercise any right to reverse engineer to ensure interoperability in accordance with applicable law, you shall first provide written notice to Business Objects and permit Business Objects, at its discretion, to make an offer to provide information and assistance reasonably required to ensure Software interoperability with your other products for a fee to be mutually agreed upon (if any).
倘透過郵遞向任何股東的登記地址或送達通知地址寄發的通知,連續三次 因未能送遞而遭退回,或倘發生任何一次上述情況後,董事會或獲董事會 授權擔任其代表的任何委員會經作出所 合理 查 詢 後,認為按上述方式向 該等股東寄發的任何其他通知將同樣因未能送遞而遭退回,則其後在該等 股東就其股份與本公司進行溝通,並以書面形式向過戶處提供新的登記地 址或於英國、海峽群島或馬恩島境內的送達通知地址前,該等股東無權收 取本公司通知。
If on three consecutive occasions notices sent through the post to any member at his registered address or his address for the service of notices have been returned undelivered, or if, after any one such occasion, the board or any committee authorised by the board on their behalf are of the opinion, after making all reasonable enquiries, that any further notices to such member would, if sent as aforesaid, likewise be returned undelivered, such member shall not thereafter be entitled to receive notices from the Company until he shall have communicated with the Company in respect of his shares and supplied in writing to the transfer office a new registered address or address within the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for the service of notices.
[...] 及日常業務過程中訂立,按一般商業條款進行,而供應框架協議的條款(包括年度上限)屬公合 理且符合本公司及其股東的整體利益。
In view of the factors above, the Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that the transactions contemplated under the Supply Framework Agreement are in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and on normal commercial terms and the terms of the Supply
Framework Agreement including the annual
[...] caps are fair and reasonable and in the interests [...]
of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
4.40 本行將根據適用於本行之任何法律、規則、規例、指引、通函、守則及現行市場習慣,採合理可行 之步驟,以確保與網路/電話銀行服務有關之系統已裝置足夠之保安設施,並於 系統運作時,對有關風險予以監控。
4.40 We will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that our systems in connection with the Internet/Phone Banking Services are installed with adequate security designs and to control and manage the risks in operating the systems, taking into account any laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars, codes of conduct and prevailing market practices which may be applicable to us from time to time.
[...] 新能源一般及日常業務過程中按正常商業條款訂立,其條款(包括建議年度上限)屬公合 理,且符合本公司及股東的整體利益。
The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) are of the view that the Supplemental AAC New Power Lease Agreement was entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of AAC New Power, on normal commercial terms and that the terms
thereof (including the proposed annual
[...] cap) are fair and reasonable and in the interests [...]
of the Company and the Shareholders
as a whole after taking into account the above factors.
我們呼籲政府及 大大眾肯定家庭的功能與價值,關顧僱員的家庭需要,同時促請政府制 合理 的 工資政策, 讓讓僱員享有「家庭工資」,即薪酬至少能維持整個家庭的基本生活,並提供家庭成員充足的 保保障和發展空間。
We would also like to urge the Government to formulate a reasonable wage policy so as to enable employees to enjoy a ‘family wage’, i.e. a remuneration which can at least support the basic livelihood of the whole family and provide for the family members sufficient protection and development opportunity.
至於何合理程度 ,會視乎每宗個案的情況而定,以便可在開放 予公眾參觀和不妨礙建築物的正常運作之間取得平衡。
The reasonableness of public access is to be considered case by case in order to strike a balance between public appreciation of the building and allowing the building to maintain its normal operation.
(h) 檢討及批准因董事行為失當而解雇或罷免有關董事所涉及的賠償安排,以 確保該等安排與合約條款一致;若未能與合約條款一致,有關賠償亦合 理適當
(h) to review and approve compensation arrangements relating to dismissal or removal of directors for misconduct to ensure that they are consistent with contractual terms and are otherwise reasonable and appropriate
(B) 倘若董事會認為溢利足合理支持 股息之派發,董事會亦可每半年 37 或於其認為合適之其他期間按固定比率派發股息。
(B) The Board may also pay half-yearly or at other suitable intervals to be settled by them any dividend which may be payable at a fixed rate if the Board is of the opinion that the profits justify the payment.
2 根據《創業板上市規則》第 17.52 條,公司必須於之前刊發的表格內所載的任何詳情不再 準確後合理切實 可行的情況下盡快向本交易所(按本交易所不時所指定的電子格式)提 交經修訂的資料報表及提交經每一位董事或代表每一位董事正式簽署的文本。
(2) Pursuant to rule 17.52 of the GEM Listing Rules, the Company must submit to the Exchange (in the electronic format specified by the Exchange from time to time) for publication on the GEM website a revised information sheet, together with a hard copy duly signed by or on behalf of each of the Directors, as soon as reasonably practicable after any particulars on the form previously published cease to be accurate.




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