

单词 合金


铝合金 n

aluminum n

镁合金 n

magnesium alloy n

合金钢 n

alloy steel n

External sources (not reviewed)

在使用卡套管切割器或卡套管锯切导向器之后、世伟洛克去毛 刺工具能去除钢、不锈钢和合金卡 套 管端的毛刺。
After use of the tube cutter or tube sawing guide, Swagelok deburring tools deburr stainless
[...] steel, steel, and hard alloy tube ends.
这套设备适合生产经过淬火或非淬火处理过的螺纹钢筋,直 径 8 - 32 mm ,以及圆棒,低碳,中碳,合金钢 种
The system is suitable for processing quenched and
nonquenched ribbed bars with dia. 8 to 32 mm as well as plain round bars in low and
[...] medium carbon and low-alloy steel grades.
用途包括不锈 钢、铸铁、有色金属以及最耐高温 合金。
Applications include stainless steels, cast irons,
[...] non-ferrous metals, and most high temperature alloys.
零售商亦須在供應地點的顯 眼位置展示訂明格式的告示,告知顧客關於天然翡翠、鑽石、 金、 黃金合金、白金或白金合金的定義,以及供應商須就該等商品發出詳 細發票或收據的責任。
The retailers are also required to display prominently at the point of supply prescribed notices informing customers respectively of the definitions of natural fei cui, diamond, gold, gold alloy, platinum or platinum alloy and the supplier's obligation to issue a detailed invoice or receipt.
相關修訂包 括修改若干描述黃金及白金的用詞的中文名稱,以免產生誤會,並規 定零售商須在發票及收據內就以黃金或 金合金 或 白金製成的製品向 購買人提供更多資料。
The amendments include revising the Chinese equivalents of certain terms describing gold and platinum to avoid misunderstanding and requiring retailers to provide to purchasers further particulars regarding the articles of gold or gold alloy or platinum in the invoices or receipts.
當車身翻倒時,採用鋼鐵與合金混 合 物 製 造的A柱,兩枝固定式防翻滾保護桿 (roll-over bar) 會保護乘客艙。
In the event of the vehicle overturning, A-pillars made out of a mix of steel and aluminum and two roll-over bars protect the passenger compartment.
a. 镍或镍含量大于 40%(重量百分比)的合金; b. 镍含量大于 25%(重量百分比)和铬含量大于 20%(重量百分比)的合金; c. 含氟聚合物(氟含量大于 35%的聚合或弹性聚合材料); d. 玻璃或搪玻璃(包括陶化或釉化涂层); e. 石墨或碳素石墨; f. 钽或合金; g. 钛或合金; h. 锆或合金;或 i. 铌或合金。
a. nickel or alloys with more than 40% nickel by weight; b. alloys with more than 25% nickel and 20% chromium by weight; c. fluoropolymers (polymeric or elastomeric materials with more than 35% fluorine by weight); d. glass or glass-lined (including vitrified or enamelled coating); e. graphite or carbon-graphite; f. tantalum or tantalum alloys; g. titanium or titanium alloys; h. [...]
zirconium or zirconium alloys; or i. niobium (columbium) or niobium alloys.
合 金 融 工 具 之 權 益 部 分 在 初 步 確 認 後 不 予 [...]
重 新 計 量,惟 於 轉 換 或 到 期 時 除 外。
The equity
[...] component of a compound financial instrument [...]
is not re-measured subsequent to initial recognition except on conversion or expiry.
本 集 團 將 根 據 租 賃 開 始 之 時 已 存 在 的 資 料,重 新 評 估 於 採 納 有 關 修 訂 當 日 尚 未 屆 滿 的 租 賃 的 土 地 分 類,且 倘 若合 金 融 租 賃 的 標 準,可 確 認 經 過 新 分 類 的 租 賃 為 金 融 租 賃,且 具 追 溯 效 力。
The Group will reassess the classification of land elements of unexpired leases at the date it adopts the amendment on the basis of information existing at the inception of the lease and recognise a lease newly classified as a finance lease retrospectively if the criteria of a finance lease is met.
聚丙烯和 PVDF:只有铝质、导电聚丙烯、哈合金和不锈钢泵才有接地螺丝。
Polypropylene and PVDF: Only aluminum, conductive polypropylene, hastelloy, and stainless steel pumps have a ground screw.
設於油門前合金位置的前置低音喇叭系統 (Frontbass),與低音揚聲器加強共振效果,令車內氣氛猶如置身於出色的演奏廳。
The likewise unique Frontbass system intelligently uses the free spaces in the aluminum structures in front of the footwell as resonance spaces for the bass loudspeakers.
为了适应市场需求,今后应进一步解决以下问题:(1)推广应用新型高强度、高耐磨性的压 合金 , 研 究 可着色的压 合金 以 及用于有特殊安全性要求的铸件等方面的新型压 合金 ; ( 2 )开 发性能稳定、成分易于控制的压铸 合金 ; ( 3 )简 化 合金 成 分 ,减 合金 牌 号 ,为实现绿色化生产提供基础;(4)进一步完善压铸新工艺(真空压铸、充氧压铸、半固态压铸、挤压铸造等);(5)提高对市场的快速反应能力,推行并行工程(CE)和快速原型制造技术(RPM);(6)开展CAD/CAM/CAE系统的研究与开发;(7)开发和应用更多的压铸 合金 汽 车 零部件。
In order to meet the market demand, we should further solving the following questions: (1) the promotion application type high
strength, high wear
[...] resistance of die-casting alloy die-casting, study can be shaded alloy, and for a special safety requirements of castings aspects of new die-casting alloy, (2) developing stable performance, easy to control the die casting aluminum alloy composition, (3) simplifying alloying, reduce alloy nameplate, provides the basis for realizing green production, (4) further perfect die-casting new technologies (vacuum die-casting, oxygen-rich die-casting, semi-solid casting, extrusion); foundry etc. (5) improve the ability of fast reaction to market, promote the concurrent engineering (CE) and rapid prototyping manufacturing technology (RPM); (6) in CAD/CAM/CAE system research and development; (7) development and application more die casting aluminum alloy parts of the car.
有關業務位於法國Dunkirk及挪威Mo I Rana,目前產能為每年分別生 產 150,000噸及110,000噸錳合金。
The operations, located in Dunkirk, France and Mo I Rana, Norway,
currently have the capacity to produce 150,000 tonnes and
[...] 110,000 tonnes of manganese ferroalloys per annum respectively.
在中国,我们的主要服务为检验鉴定、测试分析及技术服务。产品范围包括能源矿产品(煤、焦炭、生物燃料等)、钢铁原材料(铁矿、锰矿、铬矿、 合金 等 ) 、有色金属(铜、铝、铅、锌等)、钢材和海事、工业矿产品(水泥、石材、镁砂、盐、萤石、重晶石等)、化肥及固体化工品、农药及除草剂、地质勘探样品、机械采样系统等。
In China, our team mainly provides the services of inspection, testing and technical consultation for a wide range of field such as:
coal and coke, iron ore, manganese ore,
[...] chromites, ferro-alloy, copper, aluminum, [...]
lead, zinc, steel products and marine
services, cement, stone, magnesia, salt, fluorspar, barite, fertilizer and dry chemicals, pesticide and herbicide, geochemical exploration samples, mechanical sampling system, etc.
用于合金、耐高温合金、铬镍铁 合金 和 耐 蚀耐高温镍 合金。
Use for titanium, high temperature alloys, inconel, and hastalloy.
插座选用特殊的合金材质 ,重量因而大大减轻。
Couplings made from high performance
[...] treated aluminium alloy for light weight.
管制的目的不應因出口聲稱是製成品但其實是原料或半製成品形式的 非表列形金屬和合金而作廢。
The object of the control should not be defeated by the export of non-listed forms alleged to be finished products but representing in reality crude forms or semi-fabricated forms.
做最糟的设定,以典型的 SAC 合金来用 作回流,其所能设定的回流顶温必须不低于 235 摄氏度,仅仅只能提供 18 摄氏度 的所谓温差,这也确是一个免强可以让 SAC 形成可靠焊接点的最低温差,但是,在很大的 程度上,对那些热敏感零件仍然会造成可能性的破坏,从而使整个组装在信赖度方面也只能 达到最低水平。
To illustrate, for the worst scenario, only 18 degree Celsius “differential” temperature above the melting point of a typical SAC alloy subject to a peak reflow temperature of 235 degree Celsius, which certainly a minimum setting that can be attained for a proper joint to form and to a large extent, still subject to a borderline case of reliability performance should a highly heat sensitive component be involved.
因缺乏最終流通市場,Glencore並未對產品如氧化鋁及合 金商品 進行風險值測算,因此種測算方法並未考慮此類市場的特質,或本集團潛在的風險並不適合此種測算方法,故採用了其他工具去監 [...]
測 此 類 產 品 的 風 險。
Due to the lack of a liquid terminal market, Glencore does not include a VaR
calculation for products such as
[...] alumina or certain ferro alloy commodities as it [...]
does not consider the nature of these markets,
nor the Group’s underlying exposures to these products to be suited to this type of analysis.
本 集 團 發 行 之合 金 融 工 具 包 括 可 按 持 有 人 選 擇 轉 換 為 股 [...]
本 之 可 換 股 債 券,而 將 予 發 行 之 股 份 數 目 不 會 因 其 公 平 值 變 動 而 有 所 更 改。
Compound financial instruments issued by the Group [...]
comprise convertible bonds that can be converted to share capital at
the option of the holder, and the number of shares to be issued does not vary with changes in their fair value.
教 科文组织在这个领域中同样制订了一些联合项目,尤其是与妇发 金合 作 ,在马格里布的大 众传媒中提升妇女的形象。
UNESCO has also conducted joint programmes in this area, in
[...] particular with UNIFEM, in order to [...]
improve the image of women in the North African media.
此外,与联合国系统开发计划署和联合国人口 金合 作 , 办事处还在 瓦加杜古举办了第一次非洲青年论坛,从而起草了一个五年行动计划。
In addition, in partnership with United Nations system agencies,
[...] including UNDP and UNFPA, the Office organized [...]
the first African Youth Forum in Ouagadougou,
which led to the preparation of a five-year plan of action.
此外,还实施了 44 个与“基础研究金”合作的 研究课题、5 个与俄罗斯 科学人道主义金会合作的项目。
Besides these 44 common research projects with the Fundamental Research Fund and 5 projects with the scientific humanitarian Fund from Russia have been implemented.
为了评估《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》的实施进展情况, 亚太经社会与联合国人口金合作,于 2009 年9月16日和17日在 曼谷举办了“人发会议 [...]
15 周年亚太区域高级别论坛:加快执行《人 发会议》和实现《千年发展目标》的进度”。
In order to assess progress in the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development,
ESCAP, in cooperation with the United
[...] Nations Population Fund, organized the Asia-Pacific [...]
High-level Forum on ICPD at 15:
Accelerating Progress towards the ICPD and Millennium Development Goals, held in Bangkok on 16 and 17 September 2009.
人口司与联合国人口基金(人口 金)合 作 , 负责就普及生殖健康的三项指标 提出报告,这三项指标列于追踪实现千年发展目标进展情况的订正框架,它们是: 避孕普及率(指标 [...]
5.3)、青少年生育率(指标 5.4)和未得到满足的计划生育需求 (指标 5.6)。
The Population
[...] Division, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is [...]
responsible for reporting
on three indicators of universal access to reproductive health that are part of the revised framework for tracking progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, namely, contraceptive prevalence (indicator 5.3), the adolescent birth rate (indicator 5.4) and the unmet need for family planning (indicator 5.6).
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价
目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程,
[...] 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及 合 国 机 构、方案 和金的 2 6 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 [...]
为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from
Member States, the Secretariat,
[...] the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ [...]
programme, a compulsory
orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
粮食署是方案问题高级别委员会及其关于粮食安全的联合危机倡议的牵头 机构,在人道主义行动及监测和分析工作方面与联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组 织)和国际农业发展基金(农发金)合 作。
WFP is lead agency in the High-Level Committee on Programmes and its joint crisis initiatives on food security, and works with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) and the
[...] International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on humanitarian [...]
action and monitoring and analysis.
它还 参加了机构间工作组年度会议,会议地点分别是澳大利亚墨尔本(2006 年)、内罗 毕(2007 年)和开罗(2008
年);(b) 玛丽·斯托普斯国际组织与人口基金和世界
[...] 卫生组织合作,包括通过生殖保健用品联盟,改善生殖保健用品的供应和质量; (c) 与人口金合作, 实施培训,提供服务,进行技术支持和宣传活动,造福了 [...]
It also participated in the annual IAWG meetings held in Melbourne, Australia (2006), Nairobi (2007) and Cairo (2008); (b) MSI worked with UNFPA and WHO, including through the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, to improve access to and
quality of reproductive health supplies; (c)
[...] partnership with UNFPA for the implementation [...]
of training, service delivery, technical
support and advocacy activities in a wide range of countries, mostly in Asia and Latin America.
[...] 如莫桑比克促进志愿服务法的国家对话;在柬埔寨举行的第二届青年志愿服务世 界首脑会议;与人口金合作在 乌兹别克斯坦举办的青年志愿服务讲习班;为巴 [...]
UNV was active at important events such as the national dialogue promoting volunteerism law in Mozambique; Second World Summit on Youth Volunteerism in Colombia; youth
volunteerism workshops in Uzbekistan in
[...] collaboration with UNFPA; regional networking [...]
consultations on volunteerism for Barbados
and the Eastern Caribbean States; Second Arab Civil Society Forum in Egypt; and National Forum on Volunteerism and the Cambodian Millennium Development Goals.




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