

单词 合著者

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

企业必须要能够理解客户的愿望,并相应地开发产品与服务,这样才能在长期竞争中脱颖而出, 合著者 托 马斯•拉姆什说道。
Companies have to be able to understand their customers' wishes and shape their products
and services accordingly if they want to stand out from the competition in the
[...] long term," says co-author Thomas Ramge.
他还是F4公司法与商法(马来西亚)考试《ACCA研究文本》(该书由ACCA官方出版社BPP Learning Media Ltd出版)合著者兼编辑。
He is also the co-author and editor of ACCA Study Text for
Paper F4 in Corporate and Business Law (Malaysian) published by BPP Learning Media Ltd,
[...] UK an official publisher for ACCA.
周末或者休息头痛发生在你日常生活间断的时间,纽约头痛中心创建人及主任,同时是《有关偏头痛 ---- 医生不会告诉》合著者亚历山大说。
Weekend or "let-down" headaches can happen when you take a break from your routine, says Alexander Mauskop, MD,
founder and director of the New York
[...] Headache Center and co-author of What Your Doctor [...]
May Not Tell You About Migraines.
The co- author of annual corporate [...]
publication for airlines.
若读者参照本指南中提供的信息而采取或未采 取某些行动,由此给您带来的任何损失,太平
[...] 绅士韦伯集团公司、波兰信息和外商投资局以 及本指南的合著者均不 负任何损失的赔偿责 任。
JP Weber Group companies, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency and the coauthors in person reserve that they cannot be held responsible
or liable for any damages
[...] (or losses) that may arise with regards [...]
to action taken or not taken in accordance with the information presented in this guide.
[...] Cernos,是斯洛维尼亚杰出运动员(例如去年滑雪世界杯滑雪追逐赛银牌得主Sasa Faric)的健身教练、多项运动项目的主办人及协办人、运动书籍 合著者 及 许 多运动文章的作者。
My name is Tadej Cernos, fitness trainer of some of the top Slovenian athletes (for example Sasa Faric – SKI Cross, second in World Cup last year),
the organiser and co-organiser of different sport
[...] projects, co-author of books and author of many articles [...]
about sport.
博士论文《国际法汇编》(查理大学,布拉格,1984 年)和以斯洛伐克文或捷 克文撰写的关于汇编国际法的形式、国际法院、和平解决欧洲内部国际争端、
[...] 设立国际刑事法院、危害人类和平及安全治罪法草案等一系列文章的作者; 《欧共体法律研究文件集》合著者 ( 19 91 年)。
(Charles University, Prague, 1984) and of a series of articles in Slovak or Czech on forms of codification of international law, the International Court of Justice, the peaceful resolution of international disputes in Europe, the establishment of the
International Criminal Court, the Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security
[...] of Mankind; co-author of a collection of
根 据这些研讨会的情况,与蒙特利尔大学和拉瓦尔大学 合著者 编 制 了一份报告(题为“研究 撒哈拉南部非洲入学决定因素的家庭调查报告”),现正在修改中。
On the basis of seminars in Central and West Africa to assist countries in the analysis of education-related household survey data, a report (entitled L’Apport des enquêtes auprès des ménages dans l’étude des déterminants de la scolarisation en Afrique subsaharienne) has been prepared with co-authors from the Université de Montréal and Laval University and is under review.
方案开发商:夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省 Umhlanga 地区鲁茨戒毒所;设计师:对成瘾、 抑郁和压力患者和家庭的康复治疗模块进行评估、治疗规划和交付的 Jullu 软件 方案(2008 年);南非医学杂志上“在南非治疗阿片剂指南” 合著者 ( 2 0 08 年); 中央药物管理局驻南非西开普省代表(2007-2011 年);南非中央药物管理局成员 (2006-2011 年);南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学纳尔逊·曼德拉医学院兼职讲师(2005 年至今)。
(2008); Central Drug Authority representative to the Western Cape, South Africa (2007-2011); member of the Central Drug Authority of South Africa (2006-2011); part-time lecturer, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (2005-present).
近期出版的書籍如《人才:培養下一代領導》(1998),《隱藏的價值:偉大公司如何運用普通人達到非凡的成就》 [BKL Ag 00]
[...] 都側重於“從公司內部培養領導”,如今查蘭 合著者 們 的 這部作品更有力的支援了這個觀點。
Recent books such as High Flyers: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders (1998) and Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary
People [BKL Ag 00] have weighed in on the side of "growing your own," and
[...] now Charan and his coauthors add their support.
60年前人们就知道这种电池的存在,它对于正常的听力至关重要,但没有人尝试用这种电池来给有用的电子器件供电,”论 合著者 之 一、MEEI耳科外科医生Konstantina [...]
We have known for 60 years that this battery exists and that it’s really important for normal hearing, but nobody has attempted
to use this battery to power useful
[...] electronics,” said study coauthor Konstantina Stankovic, [...]
an otologic surgeon at MEEI.
如果您参与的研究合作涉及较多人,您 或许会变成六合著论文中的第四 者。
If you undertake a research collaboration involving more people, then you may
[...] become the fourth author on a six author paper.
无论是哪种情况,您都可能 是两合著论文的第一者或第 二作者(如果您的学生是第一 作者)。
Either way, you may be the first author on a two author paper or the second author of a two author paper if your student is the first author.
这需要创者、著作权 和相关权利拥有者以及相关的机构在制定共同标准 及兼容性和资源共享的过程中开合 作。
The cooperation of creators, holders of copyright and related rights, and relevant institutions in setting common standards and compatibilities, and resource sharing, will facilitate this.
随后,Chang女士获得了北京大学的青年卫生经济 者 奖 学金,并移居北 合著 由 世界银行集团委托进行的《中国城市服务及治理研究卫生报告》。
Ms. Chang was then awarded with Peking University's Young
Health Economist
[...] Scholarship and moved to Beijing to co-author the World Bank Group commissioned [...]
"China Urban Service and
Governance Study Health Report.
只有 3%的 论文是南南撰者合著,而 40%是北北合著。
Only about 3 per cent of the papers had
[...] South-South co-authors, whereas 40 per cent [...]
were North-North co-authored.
設計用上質感細膩柔軟的白色棉質素材,加入精巧的酒紅色眼鏡圖案,左上方印上「Obscura Winter
[...] 2012」字樣,右下方則印上SILLY THING標誌,四正方型的剪裁設計,可隨心摺疊成袋巾 合著 裝 使 用,希望 者 們 喜 歡。
The handkerchief come in a classic eyeglass pattern in an
elegant Bordeaux color; with the words
[...] “Obscura Winter 2012” stamped on the upper left corner, [...]
and “SILLY THING” logo on the right bottom.
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于 著 人 民 、暴力受 者 和 以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in
[...] the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence [...]
and past abuses, and the institutional
promotion of human rights in the country.
会员国和国际组织应促使权利持有者确 著 作 权 保护和相关权利保护的各种限制和例 外规定的受益者能够真正受益,只要如世界知识产权组织《著作权条约》(WCT)和世界 知识产权组织的《表演和录音制品条约》(WPPT)所规定的那样,使用这种限制和例外规 定的特殊情况不违反作品的正常使用,也不构成对权利持 者合 法 权益的无理侵害。
Member States and international organizations should encourage rights-holders to make sure that the
beneficiaries of limitations and
[...] exceptions to copyright and related rights protection may thereby benefit, provided that such limitations and exceptions are applied in certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rights-holders as provided for in the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).
会员国应与有关各方应密合作, 修订本国的版权法,并使其适用于网络空间,同时 充分注意国际版权和相关权利的公约中规定的确保 者 、 著 作 权 和相关权利拥有者与公众之 间公正与公平的权益。
Member States should undertake, in close cooperation with all interested parties, the updating of national copyright legislation and its
[...] adaptation to cyberspace, taking full account of the fair balance between the interests of authors, copyright and related rights-holders, and of the public embodied in international copyright [...]
and related rights conventions.
第四次全球创意领导人年度峰会汇集了各国国家元首和 政府首脑、诺贝尔奖获者、著名艺术家、首席执行官和有影响力的国际思想领 袖,其中包括特德·特纳先生,他通过向 合 国 作 出的承诺、奉献和慷慨解囊, 为推进当前最重要的人道主义事业作出了极大贡献。
The fourth annual Global Creative Leadership Summit brought together Heads of State and Government, Nobel Prize recipients, acclaimed artists, chief executive officers and influential international thoughtleaders — among them Ted Turner, who has done much to advance today’s most important humanitarian causes through his commitment, dedication and generosity to the United Nations.
国家数据库的合,包 括下面几种方式:现代文献和古籍记录在中央索引库中在线 编目描述;印刷型和手稿型乐谱记录通过数据录入软件由图书馆在本地制作,然后 批上载到中央系统著者(个人名称)的规范记录从 SBN 索引导入一个特殊的数据 3 库由中央系统功能更新。
Integration of existing national databases, differently created: Modern and Antique publications had been described with online cataloguing in the central
Index; Printed and 3 Manuscript
[...] Music records had been produced by libraries locally with a data entry software, and uploaded via batch in a central system; authority records of authors (personal names) were derived from SBN Index to a specific data base and updated with central functions.
如果您与其他五位者合著 了一 篇论文,即使您负责完成了大部分工作,您也很难合理、准 确地声称,您完成了大部分研究工作。
It is difficult to claim accurately and legitimately that the bulk of the research in a publication is yours if you are in the middle of six authors, even if you were responsible for most of the work.
就实现千年发展目标基金的 文化和发展合计划 而言,基本目标是增强 著 和 非 洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们的物质和非物质文化遗产, 包括富有创造性的文化创业举措。
The MDG-F joint
[...] programme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant [...]
populations for
cultural revitalization, cultural management and cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
这些群体包括处于特殊境地的妇女、儿童、强迫 或非自愿失踪的受害者、残疾人、老年人和流离失 者 、 移 徙 者 、 难 民和 著人 民,以及以人身安全尤其易受侵害为特点的少数群体。
These include women in particular situations, children, victims of enforced or involuntary disappearance, disabled,
elderly and displaced
[...] persons, migrants, refugees and indigenous peoples, and minorities stereotyped [...]
with endangering national security.
联合国教科文组织在文化领域的公约与《 合 国 土 著 人 民权利宣言》以及与土著人民 交往政策相关信息之间的关联度已通过内部磋商以及与联合国原住民常设论坛及更广泛的研 [...]
The links between the UNESCO Conventions in the field of
Culture and the United Nations Declaration on
[...] the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and information [...]
on policies for engaging with
indigenous peoples has been consolidated through in-house consultations, collaboration with the UNPFII and the wider research community.
报告着重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁: 合 国 系 统、会 员国和著人民组织承认著妇女 和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施, 与土著人民一道,确保土著妇女和女孩享有充分的保护和保障,免受一切形式的 暴力和歧视;合国系 统支持旨在帮助和保护 著 妇 女 和女孩的努力和倡议;土 著社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土著妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,查明和剔除现有的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土著机 构和各级继续致力于维护土著妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the expert group meeting which, among other things, called upon: the
United Nations system,
[...] Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; [...]
and indigenous communities
to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through ways that include the recognition and dismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, the elimination of discriminatory policies and a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
大会第五十九届会议邀请各国政府通过与民间社会和其他相关的利益有者合作及 采取举措,推动公众更好地了解和更广泛地参与十年;请秘书长邀请教 [...]
科文组织总干事编写关于十年执行情况的中期审查报告,提交大会第六十五届会 议(第 59/237 号决议)。
At its fifty-ninth session, the General Assembly invited Governments to promote public awareness of and wider participation in the Decade through cooperation
with and initiatives engaging civil
[...] society and other relevant stakeholders, and requested [...]
the Secretary-General to invite
the Director-General of UNESCO to prepare and submit a midterm review of the implementation of the Decade to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 59/237).
经社会指出了就艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支持开展区域合作和共 享相关知识和良好做法的重要性,呼吁秘书处与艾滋病署及其赞 者合 作, 以支持各政府定期审查在履行关于防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病的国际和区域承 诺方面取得的区域进展。
It called upon the secretariat to work, in collaboration with UNAIDS and its co-sponsors, to support governments in conducting periodic reviews of regional progress in fulfilling the international and regional commitments to address HIV and AIDS.
教科文组织统计研究所继续加大工作力度,在国际及国家层面采用多项举措提高数据 质量,这其中包括:同各国统计工 者合 作 制 订“数据计划”,便于开展国际报告工作;落实 数据质量监督框架;开办区域及国家统计工作者培训班;以及定期审查并改进调查工具和指 标框架。
UIS continues to reinforce efforts to improve data quality at the international and national levels, through different initiatives including: the preparation of “data plans” with national statisticians to facilitate international reporting; the implementation of a data quality monitoring framework; regional and national training workshops for statisticians; and the regular review and refinement of survey instruments and indicator frameworks.




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