单词 | 合璧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 合璧 —match harmoniouslyExamples:中西合璧—harmonious combination of Chinese and Western elements [idiom.] 珠联璧合—string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination • perfect pair See also:璧—jade annulus
所以,雖然我們沒有 純粹提供中醫服務的醫院,但現時正在發展中的醫院,像東華三院所 建議的,便是一間中西醫合璧的醫院。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, although we do not have any hospitals providing purely Chinese medicine services, a hospital being developed at present, [...] like the one proposed by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, will [...] provide Chinese and Western medicines shared care services. legco.gov.hk |
只要兩個方法配合,雙劍合璧,便 可以解決在職貧窮的問題。 legco.gov.hk | By adopting a two-pronged approach including these two methods, the problem of working poverty will be solved. legco.gov.hk |
以一位華人的身 [...] 份,在一個當時仍然主要屬於外國人居住的半山區,有這座中 西 合璧 的巨 宅,本身已經是一個十分強烈的歷史信息。 legco.gov.hk | The fact that the owner being a Chinese who [...] could own such a huge mansion with [...] eastern and western characteristics at the Mid-Levels [...]where most of the residents at that [...]time were foreigners carries a strong historic message in itself. legco.gov.hk |
中西合璧的獨 特文化,輔以多采多姿的旅遊景點及令人讚歎的鄉間風光,使香港成為重要的亞洲觀光勝地。 seagate.com | The unique blend of [...] eastern and western influences, matched by diverse [...]attractions and stunning countryside, has also made [...]Hong Kong Asia's prime tourist destination. seagate.com |
現時醫管局已在數間醫院中設有中西 醫 合璧 的 病 房及 服務單位。 legco.gov.hk | At present, the HA has set up integrated Chinese and western medicine wards and service units in a few hospitals. legco.gov.hk |
似乎港同盟和自由黨這兩大黨經已表明雙 劍 合璧 、㆝㆘無敵,會否決我的建議,若我沒有機會再回應的話,那怎麼行? legco.gov.hk | It appears that the two major parties, the United Democrats and Liberal Party, are demonstrating that “merging the two swords will bring invincibility” and will vote against my proposal. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 我認為 政 府在現時以西 醫醫學 為 主 流 的醫療 體 系 中 , 應 開 設 有 關 中 醫醫學 及相關的培 訓 [...] 課程, 尤 其是護 理 、 藥劑, 以 達 致 “中西 合 璧 ” 的大 同。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, I also think that under the existing medical care system dominated by Western medicine, courses relating to Chinese medicine and other relevant courses should be offered, particularly [...] those on nursing and pharmacology, so as to achieve the aim of getting the [...] best from Western and Chinese medicinal [...]theories. legco.gov.hk |
至於中醫藥發展方面,我在不同場合中已經回應過,特別在中醫註 冊、中醫診所發展、中醫醫院和中西 合璧 醫 院 這些方面的發展路向。 legco.gov.hk | On the development of Chinese medicine, I have given my response on various occasions, particularly with respect to the way forward for registration of Chinese medicine practitioners (CMPs), [...] development of Chinese medicine clinics, Chinese medicine hospitals and hospitals [...] incorporating Chinese and Western medicines. legco.gov.hk |
進一步說, 如果我們把海港優勢與 新 機場所 展 現 的智慧和 魄 力 , 雙 劍 合 璧,充分發 揮 其 潛 力 ,則香港的經濟前 景 , 一 定 是 海 闊 天高,另有一番 天地。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, if we combine our edge in the harbour with the wisdom and vigour embodied in the new airport and utilize this potential to the full, the Hong Kong economy will have even better prospects. legco.gov.hk |
由於中醫有不 [...] 少經驗,尤其於治療某些頑疾方面,有一定的功能,所以,對於痛症、 癌症、慢性病等疾病的治療,我們以中西 醫 合璧 的 方法來進行研究。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, studies are [...] being undertaken on combined Chinese [...]and Western medicines for pain management and treatment of cancer and chronic illnesses. legco.gov.hk |
香 港 是 中 西 文 化合璧 的 城 市 。 legco.gov.hk | In terms of medicine development, we therefore have an advantage over Western countries. legco.gov.hk |
不過, 在 短 期內, 我 會特別針 對 兩 種情況 ─ 第一是末 期 癌症, 第 二 是 痛症 ─ 看看在 臨床或 住院方 面 能 否中西 合 璧 。 legco.gov.hk | However, in the short term, I will, in particular, examine whether interface between Chinese and Western medicine in respect of clinical research and hospitalization is possible for two situations — the first one is terminal cancer and the second is pain problem. legco.gov.hk |
從歷 史上看,香港亦長期是中西文化交匯的地方,歷史造就了香港成為西 方文化接觸東方文化的地方,在這裏發生碰撞及交融,然後產生了香 港這個非常獨特、中西合璧的文化。 legco.gov.hk | From a historical point of view, Hong Kong is always a place where East meets West. History has made Hong Kong a place where western civilization touches oriental culture to create impact and integration that eventually breeds its unique cross-cultural characteristics. legco.gov.hk |
在Dhoni的中西合璧晚宴上,介绍了板球的过去和现在。 csm.com | Dhoni’s [...] East meets West charitable dinner saw cricket [...]legends past and present alongside Bollywood superstars come together for the evening. csm.com |
第一,是不 是 因 [...] 為 香港是 一個國 際 城 巿 , 一定要中西 合 璧 , 拼 合中英 才 適 合 我們呢 ? legco.gov.hk | First, is it because Hong Kong is an international city that makes it necessary for us to [...] combine Chinese elements with Western elements? legco.gov.hk |
很可惜,雖然自 2000 年開始我們已肯定了中醫的地位,有了註冊中醫,但至今仍然只有 6 間醫院 設有中醫服務,令我們覺得中醫的發展不獲重視,更何況是中 西 合璧 呢? legco.gov.hk | It is a pity that although we have recognized the status of Chinese medicine practitioners since 2000 and registered Chinese medicine practitioners are now in practice, so far, there are only six hospitals providing treatment with Chinese medicine. legco.gov.hk |
項目 的規劃總建築面積達 150 萬平方米,淨用地面積約 517,471 平方米,將包括住宅、 辦公樓、零售、餐飲、娛樂、旅遊及文化等多功能設施,建成後將成爲佛山市的 新地標,創造新舊結合、中西合璧的 典 範。 shuion.com | The site has a planned net developable area of approximately 517,471 sq.m., with a GFA of approximately 1.5 million sq.m. It will include residential and office buildings, as well as retail, restaurant, entertainment, tourism and cultural facilities, destined to become a new landmark in Foshan that showcases a perfect blend of old and new, east and west. shuion.com |
當 然 , 每一個地 區 要 發 展 醫 療 體制, 尤 其在中西 合 璧 方 面 , 都要因應其 醫 療 制 度 的發展 情況而定的。 legco.gov.hk | The development of a medical system, especially one that integrates Chinese and Western medicines, in a region depends on the level of its medical development. legco.gov.hk |
但是,在國家主席胡錦濤南巡之後,便好像打通 了經脈一樣,粵港雙方迅速加強溝通,分享抗疫經驗,並且相繼控制疫情; 至於香港試用內地的中西合璧療法治療 SARS 病人,效果也相當不錯,而且 得到很多國際醫療界人士刮目相看。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong has also tried to treat SARS patients with a combination of Chinese and Western medicines, a method which was adopted by the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
在上海,游客能充分感受到西方风情与东方传 统 合璧 的 魅 力。 shangri-la.com | Once a city of nightclubs and French villas, Shanghai today is a cosmopolitan city of dazzling spectacles. shangri-la.com |
同方与欧司朗光电半导体的合作是基于后者在LED技术领域的领先地位,但这一合作伙伴关系有着更深层的中国意象——双 龙 合璧 : 欧 司朗光电半导体的“金龙”(Golden DRAGON LED) 和同方的“龙形喷泉”(dragon fountain) 的完美结合。 osram-os.net | Tong Fang turned to OSRAM Opto Semiconductors for its leading-edge LED technology, but the partnership may have a deeper, if coincidental, Chinese connection as well: two dragons, OSRAM's Golden DRAGON LED lamps and Tong Fang's “dragon fountain”, working together to show strong support for Beijing’s Olympic Games. osram-os.net |
當日㆔劍合璧也不能 破解《英皇制誥》這個金剛罩,證明本局是㆗看不㆗用,是個橡皮圖章,這是事實。 legco.gov.hk | This goes to show that the Legislative Council is not what it appears to be and that, indeed, it is a rubber stamp. legco.gov.hk |
此处闹中取静,店铺所在的三层花园洋房造型经典且有浓厚的历史感,其装修也采用了中 西 合璧 的 风格,大门依古代城门设计,整栋楼以CLOT的商标(陈冠希自创服装品牌)为主线,而且还选用了商标的吉祥红作为主色调。 vantageshanghai.com | Its design uses both [...] Chinese and Western schemes, with an ancient [...]city gate look-alike at the front entrance and an auspicious [...]red for the CLOT trademark (Edison Chen’s own clothing brand). vantageshanghai.com |
澳門美高梅總裁簡博賢先生表示:「Alan Bailey 的創意安排,喚起我們的玩樂情懷,而主廚 Chef Elie Khalife 的創新法日合璧美饌 ,則點燃起我們的味蕾。 mgmmacau.com | Mr. Grant Bowie, President of MGM MACAU said: “We are inspired by the creative concept and choreography of Alan Bailey and our taste buds ignited by Chef Elie’s innovative French-Japan haute menu. mgmmacau.com |
是次特別為 MGM MACAU Extravaganza 度身訂製的全新法日合璧美饌 ,全城期待,將於派對結束後在寶雅座正式推出 (供應期由 2011 年 1 月 22 日至 2 月 13 日),美食家們可一嚐別樹一幟的味覺體驗。 mgmmacau.com | This delectable tasting menu, specially designed by Chef Elie, will be officially launched at Aux Beaux Arts Brasserie after the MGM MACAU Extravaganza dinner party from January 22 to February 13, 2011 inclusive. mgmmacau.com |
雖 然 本港已 成 功 爭 取 興 建 第 五個迪 士 尼 樂 園 主 題 公 園 , 並 陸 續 興 建更多 的 旅遊景 點 , 但仍有很 多 工 作是必須做 的,例如 是 否可以 進一步推廣“中西 合 璧 ” 的 特 點呢? legco.gov.hk | Though Hong Kong's bid for the construction of the fifth Disney theme park has been successful and more tourist attractions are being built, there is still much to be done. legco.gov.hk |
我們知道西 方醫學很昌明,發展很發達,進展亦很快,但我們很多時候看到,只有西方 醫學是不足夠的,最理想是中醫和西醫共同發展,以中 西 合璧 的 方法治療會 更有效,特別是中醫的事後療養,即固本培元 ─ 我不知有否說錯 ─ 的療效更大。 legco.gov.hk | However, often, we can see that it is inadequate to rely on Western medicine alone. The most desirable thing is for [...] Chinese medicine and [...] Western medicine to develop hand in hand, and treatment methods combining the approaches of Western medicine and Chinese [...]medicine will be even more effective. legco.gov.hk |
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《 联 合 国 宪 章》 的基本原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会 员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪 章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、 爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、 联 合 王 国 和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 议;邀请阿拉伯国家联盟作为观察员出席咨询委员会的会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer. daccess-ods.un.org |