

单词 合掌



put one's palms together (in obeisance)
clasp hands

See also:

palm of the hand
sole of the foot
hold in one's hand

External sources (not reviewed)

工業界一直強調,香港要持續發展,便要跟內地 合 , 掌 握 國 家發展的 步伐和方向。
The industrial sector has all along emphasized that, for sustainable development, Hong Kong must complement the Mainland in grasping the pace and direction of national development.
这使得附加条款有了一种调节的性质,不 合掌 管 公 共基金的教科文组织的 管理原则:会计合同应先于法律合同,以便控制工程的总成本
they give the riders the function of regularization, which does
[...] not conform to the management principles [...]
of an Organization handling public funds:
the accounting commitment should have been made before the legal commitment, in order, among other things, to ensure that the total cost of the project could be contained
全面、及时和合掌握有 关教师、学校和学生的 数据与信息可以帮助我们深入了解众多的政策性问题。
Complete, timely and comprehensive data and information about teachers, schools and pupils can provide insights into a range of policy concerns.
課程訓練學生基本現代舞技巧訓練,著重身體的協調性、身體平衡和表達能力,透過多重舞蹈動作 合 , 掌 握 舞 台空間感覺以及個人及團體表演技巧,從而引發學生的創意與自信心。
The course focuses on the basic Modern Dance technique training for students; especially emphasizes body coordination, physical dance combinations of weight transfer and balance, ability to express different qualities of movement; comprehends spatial sense of the difference in between individual and collaborative work; sequentially stimulates students' creativity and self-confidence.
我不清楚葉鍚安 會採取甚麼立場”,李教授回應說,他不可能向莫禮時教授提出將教 院與中大合併後,讓莫禮時教授 掌合 併 後 香港的師資培訓中心這樣 的建議。
I am not sure what position Simon Ip will take”, Professor Li said he could not have made an offer to Professor Morris as the leader of the centre of teacher education in Hong Kong by merging HKIEd with CUHK.
与中央和地方政府对口机 构的密合作也确保了重要掌有权和各方的认可。
Close cooperation with central and local government counterparts has ensured vital ownership and endorsement.
本 集 團 現 為 中 國 大 陸APA(高 端 自 動 化)製 造 商 之 中 加 盟INTEL ICA(嵌 入 式 通 訊 聯 盟)的 唯 一 成 員,同 時 也 與 中 國 科 學 院 計 算 技 術 研 究 所 就 嵌 入 式 技 術 應 用 達 成 戰合 作,掌 握 芯 片 發 展 最 新 技 術,並 成 為 中 國APA(高 端 自 動 化)行 業 國 家 標 準 的 主 要 制 定 者,整 體 競 爭 優 勢 日 趨 明 顯。
As the sole member of INTEL ICA among APA manufacturers in Mainland China, and having established a strategic cooperative relationship with the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on application of embedded technology, the Group has good command of the latest development in the chip technology and dominance in deciding the formulation of standards for the Chinese APA industry, reflecting more clearly its overall competitive strength.
我们接受改组的关键条件一贯是,欧洲联盟作出 明确和具有约束力的承诺,而这项承诺须得到安全理 事会确认,即充分遵守第
[...] 1244(1999)号决议,完全保 持中立,并将其在科索沃的存在置于 合 国 的 掌 控之 下。
What has always been a crucial condition for our acceptance of reconfiguration was a clear and binding commitment by the European Union, confirmed by the Security Council, to be fully status-neutral and to
completely anchor its presence in Kosovo under the authority of
[...] the United Nations, with full respect for [...]
resolution 1244 (1999).
[...] 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结应适用于被委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) 参与合谋下令、掌控或 以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利 比亚民众国境内的人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 [...]
或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。
In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals and entities designated by
the Committee (a) involved in or
[...] complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, [...]
the commission of serious human
rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities, or (b) acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a).
得和合理使 用处医务官 Richard Laing 讲到享有健康权,说衡量享有这项权利的办法之一,是分 析获得药
[...] 品的情况,他说,为了改 善基本药品的提供 和价合理,掌握药品价格 、 供 应 情况、是否 合理和价格 [...]
Richard Laing, a medical officer at Policy, Access and Rational Use, Medicine Policy and Standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) made reference to the right to health and stated that one way to measure the enjoyment of this right was
through the analysis of access to
[...] medicines. He noted that, in order to improve the availability [...]
and affordability of essential
medicines, it is necessary to have reliable evidence on medicine prices, availability, affordability and price components.
[...] 的收集、报告、核实、交换和分析以及相关信息;鱼量评估和科学研究;能力建 设及监测、控制和监督培训合规和 执行 掌 握 技 术和设备。
The Agreement also provides that such assistance shall be directed towards collection, reporting, verification, exchange and analysis of fisheries data and related information; stock
assessment and scientific research;
[...] capacitybuilding and training in monitoring, control, surveillance, [...]
compliance and enforcement;
and access to technology and equipment.
人口信息网是提供整个合国系统掌 握 的人口资料和数据 的门户。
The Network is a portal to the population information and data available throughout the United Nations system.
此外,安理会还决定,资产冻结和旅行禁令应适用于委员 会指认的参与合谋下令、掌控或 以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利比亚民众国境内的 人施行重大侵犯人权行为的个人和实体。
Further, the Council decided that the asset freeze and travel ban should apply to the individuals and entities designated by the Committee involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya.
Jabra 金牌合作伙伴金合作伙伴掌握了透彻的 Jabra 产品知识,可提供全面的客户服务和支持,如果您需要持续的产品支持和协助,那么它十分适合。
Jabra Gold PartneR A Gold Partner has a thorough knowledge of Jabra products and can provide comprehensive customer service and support, which is ideal if you want on-going product support and assistance.
的确,我国代表团认为,非洲联盟必须在 合国 支掌握必 要的手段,以更清楚地了解紧张状况的 先兆,与联合国特别是安全理事会密切合作采取必要 的步骤。
Indeed, my delegation is of the view that the African Union, with the support of the United Nations, must acquire the means to be more aware of the precursor signs of tension and to take the necessary steps in close cooperation with the United Nations, and the Security Council in particular.
掌握 《联合国宪章》机构、政策和决策结构,环境规划署政策和全球环境问题方面的广泛知 识。
Extensive knowledge of the UN charter bodies, policy and decision-making structure, UNEP policy and global environment issues.
正如秘书长在最近关于有害健康和环境的产品的报告(A/63/76-E/2008/54) 中所指出的那样,1982 年最初规定的《综合清单》达到了目的,尽可能广泛地传 播了合国系统已掌握的 关于此类产品的信息。
As noted in the most recent report of the Secretary-General on products harmful to health and the environment (A/63/76-E/2008/54), the Consolidated List, as originally mandated in 1982, had served its purpose of disseminating as widely as possible information available within the United Nations system on such products.
附加摄影机(B 机)摄影,是增加的摄影掌机,他有时需要 合 摄 影 掌 机 ,从不同的角度 拍摄一些复杂的动作镜头、特技镜头,或第二台摄影机覆盖的其它场景。
An Additional Camera (or B Camera) is an extra Camera Operator who is sometimes needed for filming complicated action sequences, stunts from a different angle, or additional scene coverage with a second camera.
该代表概述了拟议方案的目的,强调“一体行动”的重 要性,并指出,经与政府密切协调,方案编制更具有连贯性,政府也欣然拥有对合国援助的掌管权
Outlining the aims of the proposed programme, the representative underlined the importance of Delivering as One, noting that it had brought increased coherence in programming, in close coordination with the Government, which gladly claimed ownership over United Nations assistance.
合国士兵而 言掌握英 语技能不仅可以使他们与特派团中的其他士 兵有效合作共事,而可以使他们与非政府组织和人道主 义特派团、平民、记者和国际媒体沟通。
UN soldiers need English skills to be able to work with other soldiers on the mission, but also for communicating with NGOs and humanitarian missions, civilian populations, journalists and international media.
(a) 参与合谋下令、掌控或 以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利比亚民众国境内的 人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下令或进行违反国际法 [...]
(a) Involved in or
[...] complicit in ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, [...]
the commission of serious human rights abuses
against persons in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities; or
考虑到这一点,2001年,联合国安全理事会请秘书长“向安理会通报 合 国 系统 内 掌 握 的 有关严重违反国际法案件的资料和分析”和关于“由种族、宗教和领土争端”及其他有关问题引起的“潜在冲突局势”的资料和分析。
With this in mind, in 2001 the UN Security Council invited the Secretary-General “to refer to the Council information and analyses within the United Nations system on cases of serious violations of international law” and on “potential conflict situations” arising from “ethnic, religious and territorial disputes” and other related issues.
由於其中某些新的禁制涉及考慮某營業行為是 否導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,而倘若該消費 者沒有接觸該營業行為,該消費者不會作出該項交易決定,因此擬議第 13D條訂明,在斷定某營業行為對一般消費者的影響時,須考慮到有 關的一般消費者的重要特徵,包括該消費者 掌 握 的 資料、該消費 者的觀察力和謹慎程度均達合理水 平。
As some of the new prohibitions involve a consideration of whether a commercial practice causes or is likely to cause an average consumer to make a transactional decision that the consumer would not have made otherwise, the proposed section 13D provides that in determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer, account must be taken of the material characteristics of such an average consumer, including that the consumer is reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect.
所以,77 国集团和中国期待着看到一个建设性和积极的筹备进程,这一进 程将创造必要的条件,使结果文件能够明确提及确立新的发展范式和方针的需 要。这种范式和方针把调动政治意愿和和所需资金以便采用新的、恢复平衡的全 球发展途径的必要性,以及改革全球经济治理的问题置于中心位置;同时向发展 中国家提供奉行本掌控、符合国情 的发展政策以便最大限度地为人人带来繁荣 和福利所需的恰当的政策空间;并且加强发展中国家的生产能力,以便充分、切 实地参与全球经济体系。
The Group of 77 and China therefore looks forward to a constructive and positive preparatory process which builds the comfort level necessary for the outcome document to have an explicit reference to the need for new development paradigm and approach which, among others, places at its heart the need to mobilize political will and attending financial resources for a renewed and rebalanced global approach to development, as well as the issue of the reform of the global economic governance; affording developing countries the adequate policy space necessary to pursue nationally-owned and specifically tailored development policies to maximize prosperity and welfare for all; and strengthening the productive capacities of developing countries to fully and meaningfully engage in the global economic system.
警 務 人 員 一掌 握 證 據,合 理 的 理 據 懐 疑 某 人 已 觸 犯 某 項 罪 行,即 必 頇 在 向 此 人 提 出 與 該 項 罪 行 有 關 的 任 何 問 題 或 進 一 步 的 問 題 之 前 , 警 誡 此 人 或 致 使 此 人 受 到 警 誡 。
As soon as a police officer has evidence which would afford reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person has committed an offence, he shall caution that person or cause him to be cautioned before putting to him any questions, or further questions relating to that offence.
系统是全网故障监控平台和运维流程统一管理平台,具有强大的告警处理能力、能对整个网络进行全面、实时、准 掌 握 及 综 合 展 现,支持快速准确的工单派发处理流程,加快业务提供的速度,通过统一接入平台与权限控制,减少系统巡检排查时间,强化管理,并为用户提供灵活的报表定制。
The system which is not only a fault monitoring platform for the whole networks and a uniform management platform for operation and maintenance process, has a strong alarm handling capability, can give full, real-time and accurate control and comprehensive display of the whole network, can support fast and accurate work order distribution process, accelerate the services to be provided, and can reduce system routine checking time and enhance management through a uniform access to the platform and access control, and can provide flexible report customization for customers as well.
[...] 励私营部门、特别是矿业公司为当地劳动力建立项目并迎接相关挑战,尤其是制 定培训方案使几内亚青掌握符合就 业 市场需要的技能和资格,其间考虑到次区 [...]
Develop a vision of medium- and long-term employment that takes into account the direct and indirect opportunities offered by the mining sector; and commit the private sector, in particular mining companies, to putting in place projects for
local manpower and tackling the associated
[...] challenges, notably by creating training [...]
programmes to arm young Guineans with the
requisite skills and qualifications to meet the needs of the labour market, while also taking into account the challenges and opportunities offered by subregional economic integration
而且因为只有高保真音频直接传送到你的耳朵,工程师总是在“ 甜蜜点 “确保他们所听到的曲目,因为他 掌 握 生 产, 合 或 -真 实,准确。
And since only high-fidelity audio is delivered directly into your ears, the engineers are always in the “sweet spot,” ensuring that they are hearing the tracks as they were produced, mixed or mastered – authentic and precise.
(a) 根據法 例 及 既 定的指導 原
[...] 則,警務處會保留 下 述 人 士 的指紋掌紋記錄:干犯 某些罪行而 被定罪或拘捕的人、在警司警 [...]
誡 計 劃 下 受 警 誡 的 少 年及根據《入境條例》發出的遣 送 離 境 令 所指的人。
(a) In accordance with the law and established
guiding principles, the HKPF will retain the
[...] fingerprint and palmprint records of [...]
persons convicted of or arrested for certain
offences, juveniles cautioned under the Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme, and persons who are subject of removal orders under the Immigration Ordinance.




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