

单词 合拍



click together
lit. on the beat, together now (idiom); Start dancing!
chime in easily
fig. things fit together at one go

See also:

take (a photo)
beat (music)
racket (sports)
shoot (a film)

External sources (not reviewed)

政治社会制度和媒体结构为人民利益服务,与当 前的形合拍。
The political social system and media structure served the people’s interests best and were suitable for the situation.
在特別合拍攝的 其他照片( 例如記錄空難或山泥 傾瀉或其他自然災害的肇事現場的照片) 則只供內 部參考。
Other photographs taken on special assignments, such as those recording of the scenes of an aviation crash accident or landslide or other natural disaster, were for internal reference only.
本模式最合拍攝太 陽的紅色的生動逼真的圖片。
This allows you to take vivid pictures of the red color of the sun.
这部与 BBC 和 Passion Pictures 合拍的获 奖影片已通过国际广播、 电影节和特别展映为全世界数百万人所观 看。
This award-winning film, produced in association with the BBC and Passion Pictures, has been seen by millions of people worldwide via international broadcasts, film festivals and special screenings.
Baume & Mercier设计室为自身设定的坚定目标是创造与时 合拍 的 创新手表,并使其成为永恒的经典。
The Baume & Mercier design studio has set itself the firm objective to create innovative watches that remain in step with the times and impose themselves as timeless classics.
當我們規 劃每天發生什麼的時候,需要牢記我們的憧憬和長遠計劃,以使日常瑣事與遠大憧合拍。
As we plan what happens in the everyday we need to keep our vision and long term plans in our heads so that the everyday is in step with the broader vision.
请选择合拍摄条 件并适合个人喜好的模式。
Select the mode that
[...] satisfies the shooting conditions and [...]
suits your preferences.
自 CEPA 於 2004 年生效以來 , 電 影 業 受
[...] 惠 的 項目除了港 產 片合 拍片的 進 口 和 發行外,業界還獲准以合 [...]
資 形式在 內地提供 錄 音和錄 像 製 品 的 分 銷 服 務,以 及 以 獨 資 形式在 內地改
建及新 建 戲 院 並 經 營 放映業務。
Since CEPA came into effect in 2004, the local film
[...] industry has not only benefited from [...]
the arrangements on the import and distribution
of Hong Kong productions and Hong Kong-Mainland co-productions, but has also been allowed to provide, in the form of joint venture, sound and video recording product distribution services in the Mainland, and to operate film screening business on a wholly-owned basis by renovating or constructing cinema theatres.
视频材料聚焦教科文组织于 2009 年制作的非洲通史和地区史,旨在凸显这一工作对促进不同文化间对话的 巨大贡献。其视频在“2010 国际文化和睦年”之际于不同合拍 摄 完 成。
The video spot on the UNESCO General and Regional Histories produced in 2009 to highlight its significant contribution to dialogue among cultures was screened on different occasions during the 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
擁有舞臺和銀幕表演才華,Robert的首次銀幕演出是在好萊塢重拍的經典影片《萬世巨星》中扮演12門徒之一,之後他立刻拍了第二部電影-好萊塢和西班 合拍 的 科 幻片《殺出蟲圍》。
Having talents for both stage and screen, Robert made his first appearance on film with the Hollywood re-make production of the award winning JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR as one of the 12 Apostles.
这类行动包括题为合拍”的 电台广播节目、一 个题为“停止犯罪”的电视广播节目和一个“抵制毒品教育方案”,这是一个互 动性学校教育方案。
Such ventures include radio programmes such as “On de Beat”; a television programme called “Crime Stop”; and a Drugs Awareness Resistance Education Programme (DARE) which is in the nature of an interactive school programme.
在我们拜访时,他骄傲地让我们看他们两 合拍 的 照 片。
During our visit he proudly showed us photographs of the two of them together.
透過28毫米超廣角鏡頭,P1410能在畫面中捕捉更多精彩,特別 合拍 攝 全 景風景與大團體照等時刻。
Capture more in one frame through the 28mm
wide–angle lens. This is perfect for capturing a range of moments and events – from
[...] panoramic landscapes to large group shots.
可以選擇連拍速度以合拍攝條 件或被攝物體。
The frame rate/frequency can be selected to match the recording conditions or subjects.
作为产业链中重要一环的上海国际电影节依托中国电影产业快速发展和电影产业全球化的趋势,2011年同样取得飞速的成长,第14届上海国际电影节有来自102个国家和地区1519部长片,9875部短片报名;其中精选的中外优秀影片放映吸引了30万观众;100多个国家和地区2015名注册买家及5436位业界人士进场交易;中国电影项目创投 合拍 片 洽 谈有来自17个国家和地区209个项目报名,33个项目达成合作意向;100位国内外顶尖业界精英在11场重量级论坛上发表真知灼见、碰撞智慧;来自世界各地近478家主流媒体2008名记者参与报道盛况。
As one of the most important links in the industry chain,
the Shanghai International Film Festival
[...] continued to grow in 2011, featuring [...]
films from China’s fast developing film industry,
not to mention the global film industry. 1,519 feature films and 9,875 shorts from 102 countries and regions applied for the 14th Shanghai International Film Festival.
外置TTL闪光灯(GF-1)在间隔拍摄、动态范围拍摄以及间隔 合拍 摄 模式下无法使用。
External TTL flash(GF-1)cannot be used in interval shooting, dynamic range shooting, and interval composite shooting.
这对摄影合拍摄了 周末与朋友一起发动汽车远远行的精神。
The photography duo captures the spirit behind jumping in a car with a few friends and getting away for the weekend.
可以选择多种高级拍摄模式,包括能突出表现美味可口食物的“烹饪”和“糖果”模式、 合拍 摄 拍 卖 物件的“拍卖”模式、能充分体现相机防水性能的“海滩”和“雪景”模式,以及“聚会”、“手持夜景”、“微型化”、“玩具相机”和“柔焦”等滤镜效果。
A wide selection of premium shot modes is available, including “Cooking” and “Sweets” for delicious looking shots of food, an “Auction” mode for shots of objects being sold at auction, “Beach” and “Snow” modes that utilize the camera’s water resistance, "Party", "Hand-held night scene", and “Miniaturize”, “Toy camera”, and “Soft focus” filter effects.
2011年8月18日星期五消息,中澳正 合拍 片 《 幸福卡片》将成为在中国获得最大规模放映的澳大利亚影片。
On Friday 18 August 2011, it was announced that official Australia and China co-produced film “33 POSTCARDS” is about to enjoy the largest theatrical release of any Australian film in China.
安裝了轉接器及Leica的Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 ASPH鏡頭,雖然G1的Auto Focus及Auto Exposure無法起動,但是經由這個 合拍 攝 出來的照片所帶來的驚喜,小小缺失絕對不足掛齒。
With the adaptor and Leica Summilux-M 50mm f/1.4 ASPH lens in place (although the G1 Auto Focus and Auto Exposure fail to initiate), the resulting image brings much surprise.
长镜头支撑件减少了利用长镜头拍摄时产生的振动,同时提供了适合所有相机/镜头 合拍 摄 的 稳固平台。
The Long Lens Support reduces the vibrations
[...] generated while shooting with long [...]
lenses and gives a rigid, stable platform for
filming with any camera/lens combination.
基於這次在中國發行電影之成功,雙方將繼續 下一套電影的合作,也同時吸引了多間國際製片公司與本集團洽談立體電影製作 合拍、 發行及其他業務。
The success of distribution of this film in the PRC results in continuous cooperation of another film between the parties, and attracting several international companies approaching the Group for production of 3D films, co-production, distribution and other business.
刚刚履新的澳大利亚驻华大使孙芳安对这一消息表达了喜悦之情:“作为第二部中澳正式 合拍 片 就 能在中国获得如此广泛的放映,这是澳大利亚电影业所取得的一个重大的荣誉和成绩。
It’s a great honour and a credit to the Australian screen industry
[...] that this film, only the second official [...]
Australia-China co-production, will be
so extensively distributed across China”, Ms Adamson said.
這幅「Rosie」畫像為我們在全球籌集了大量的善款,而畫像的原作則於2002年的Wiesbaden拍賣會出售,自此以後,「Rosie」的複製品多次在全球的不同 合拍 賣 ,為我們的黑熊籌集了大量的善款。
Artist Michael Carey in USA: Mike very generously drew the lovely picture of "Rosie" that has raised lots of money all over the world - the original was auctioned at the
Wiesbaden auction in 2002 and since then 'her'
[...] print has been auctioned at events around [...]
the world, raising wonderful amounts of money for all the bears.
国际合作:在瑞士的支持下举办《公约》40 周年的活动;与国际刑警组织(2010 年 2 月联合举办有关非法贩运的会议,充实被盗作品数据库,引起对财产清单的关注)、国际博 物馆理事会(拟定海地和柬埔寨的红色名录,日内瓦
[...] Barbier-Mueller 博物馆向坦桑尼亚联合 共和国归还 Makonde 面具)与毒品和犯罪问题办事合作 ; 加强与国 拍 卖 公 司的关系; 加强与学术机构合作(日内瓦艺术法律中心、墨西哥统一法中心、米兰大学和巴黎大 学)。
Fortieth anniversary of the Convention with the support of Switzerland; cooperation with INTERPOL (joint meeting on trafficking in February 2010, contribution to the Stolen Works of Art Database, raising awareness of inventories), with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) (preparation of the ICOM Red Lists for Haiti and Cambodia, restitution of the Makonde Mask by the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva, to the United Republic of Tanzania) and
with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
[...] (UNODC) strengthening relations with international auction houses; strengthening cooperation with academic [...]
institutions (the Geneva Art-Law Centre, the Mexican Centre of Uniform Law and the Universities of Milan and Paris).
在商議過程中,法案委員會要求 政府當局考慮一位委員的建 議,將由英文字母“LC”組成的登記號碼(條 例 草案規定 保留給 行政管 理 委員會)推出作公拍賣或 在自訂車牌號碼計劃下供 公 眾 申請;而由英 文字母“LEGCO”組成的相若 車牌號碼合,則予保留以供 編 配予行政 管 理委員會擁 有的車輛。
In the course of deliberation, the Administration has been asked to consider a member's suggestion that registration marks consisting of the letters "LC" which are reserved for the Commission under
the Bill should be released for public auction or for application under the PVRMs Scheme; while similar combinations consisting of the letters "LEGCO" can be reserved for assignment to vehicles owned by the Commission instead.
[...] 第 32I(2)條,政策局局長可藉規例訂明頻譜使用費的水平或釐定 頻譜使用費的方法,該方法可以拍 賣 或 投標或政策局局長認合適的任何方法。
Under section 32I(2) of Cap. 106, the Secretary may by regulation prescribe the level of spectrum utilization fees or the method for
determining the spectrum
[...] utilization fees, which may be by auction or tender or such method as the [...]
Secretary thinks fit.
出版了归还文化财产问题纲要的英语和法语版本 拍 摄了 一部打击非法贩运文化财产的电影和多部宣传片,组织了多次专门培训。
Particular efforts have been made to publish the compendium on issues relating to the return of cultural objects in English and French, produce an awareness-raising film and short videos on trafficking and hold specialized training courses.
(i) 本公司可按董事會認合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial
[...] assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.




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